Arcam CD-82 Service Manual

Service Manual
Issue 1.0
DiVA CD82 Compact Disc Player (Text)
Contents List
Section Issue
Service guide
! Technical specification -
CD82 upgrad e instructions -
Main board L934
! Circuit description - ! Component overlay 5.0 ! Parts list 4.1 ! Circuit diagrams 4.1
DAC board L949
! Component overlay 3.0 ! Parts list 3.05 ! Circuit diagrams 3.0
Mechanical parts list -
Service Guide
Technical specification
CD82 Upgrade fitting instructions
CD82 Technical Specifications
Digital to Analogue conversion
DAC Dual mono 24 bit Wolfson
Laser pick-up 3 beam
Laser wavelength 780nm
Numeric aperture 0.45
Dynamic range 106dB
Signal to noise ratio (CCIR) >100dB
Harmonic distortion (0dB, 1kHz) <0.005%
Frequency response (+-0.5dB) 5Hz-20kHz
Output level (0dB) 2.3Vrms
Output impedance 50 ohm
Minimum recommended load 5k ohm
Digital output connection 75 ohm co-axial
Power consumption 35VA
Dimensions (including feet) W430 x D290 x H84mm
Weight (net) 5.5kg
Weight (packed) 7.0kg
Supplied accessories Mains lead
CR314 remote control 2 x AAA batteries
Compatible with: Alpha 7, 7SE, 8, 8SE CD players DiVA CD72, CD72 (text) CD players
Note – When converting from 8SE to CD82 you will no longer be able to decode the extra information on the few HDCD discs available, however the sound quality offered by the CD82 upgrade is significantly superior on all discs to that of the original 8SE.
Kit Contents
1x CD82 DAC module L951AY 1x Upgrade instruction sheet E836UI 1x Silver CD82 drawer front assembly E993AY 1x Black CD82 drawer front assembly E993AYB 2x PCB support locking pillars H037 5x Self tapping screws HF4V09B 1x Product registration card SH000 1x CD82 authentication label E954SL 1x Surface cleaner wipe F227
Upgrading an Alpha 7/7SE, 8/8SE to CD82 DAC
For 7/7SE follow steps 1,2,3A onwards (not 3B) For 8/8SE follow steps 1,2,3B onwards (not 3A)
1. Disconnect the mains supply from the Alpha CD player.
2. Remove the top cover by taking out the 2 screws from the top edge of the rear panel marked ! (Pozi no.1 driver required and on each side marked " (Pozi no.2 driver required).
3A. For Alpha 7/7SE to DiVA CD82 DAC upgrade only
Pull off the st i ck y pla st ic gask et b et ween t h e d i gita l ou tp ut socket and the audio output sockets to reveal the 4 audio output socket holes through which the DAC sockets will pass.
Any remnants of adhesive can be removed by rubbing it gently with your finger and rolling it off. We do not recommend the use of solvents.
Fit the 2 supplied PCB (printed circuit board) pillars to the holes in the main board on either side of the flex foil coming from the display board, these are marked # in figure 1. The big end of each PCB pillar goes into the main PCB, these push in and clip home. Take great care not to damage th e main circuit boa rd .
Remove the Alpha 7/7SE Configuration Module (the small vertically mounted PCB in the centre of the main board). It will not be needed once the new DAC board is fitted.
Note: The original n ickel-plated audio outp ut sockets are no longer connected after the upgrade and cannot be used. However the digit al output still functions.
3B. For Alpha 8/8SE to DiVA CD82 DAC upgrade only
Remove the 5 screws holding the Alpha 8/8SE board in place. Squ eeze the t op of the t wo PCB pi llars supp orting the end of the aluminium extrusion and lift the extrusion up and out of the unit. If the flex foils do not come away with the DAC board then remove them as well.
4. Take static precautions first. With the aluminium extrusion of th e CD82 DAC module uppermos t fit the flex foils from the module into the appropriate sock ets in the main board, ensuring they are pushed fully home. You may find it helps to slide the module into the uni t so that the audio output sockets fit through th e ho les in the rear pan el and angle the module slightly upwa r ds to achieve this.
5. Push the modu le down firmly on to the support pillars, ensure it is latched in place.
6. Fit the supplied screws with integral washers to the 5 points marked $ in figure 1 (T10 Torq driver required) to hold the module in place.
7. Refit the top cover and attach the CD82 authentication label to the underside of the CD player
Upgrading a CD72 to CD82
1. Disconnect the mains supply from the DiVA CD player.
2. Remove the top cover by taking out the 3 screws from the top edge of the rear panel ma r ked ! (T10 Torq driver required) and on each side marked " (T20 Torq driver required) in figure 1.
3. Pull off t he sticky plastic gasket between the digita l output socket and the audio output sockets to reveal t he 4 audio output socket holes through which the DAC board sockets will pass.
4. Any remnants of adhesive can be removed by rubbing it gently with your finger and rolling it off. We do not recommend the use of solvents.
5. Fit the 2 supplied PCB (printed circuit board) pillars to the holes in the main board on either side of the flex foil coming fro m the display bo ard, these are marked # in figure 1. The big en d of each PCB pillar goes into the main PCB, these push in and clip home. Take great care not to da mage the main circuit board.
6. Remove the Configuration Module (the small vertically mounted PCB in the centre of the main board). It will not be needed once the new DAC board is fitted.
7. Note: The original ni ckel-plated audio output sock ets are no longer connected after the upgrade and cannot be used. However the digital output still fu nctions.
8. Remove the following jumpers: - PL2, PL3, PL4, PL6
Fit the following jumpers: - PL5, PL7
9. Take static precautions first. With the aluminium extrusion of the CD82 DAC module uppermost fit the flex foils from the module into the appropriate sock ets in the main board, ensuring they are pushed fully home. If they are not pushed fully home, the uni t may not read discs. You may find it helps to slide the module into the unit so that the audio output sockets fit thr ough the holes in the r ear panel and angle the module slightly upwards to ac hieve this.
10. Push the module down firmly on to the support pillars, ensure it is latched in place.
11. Fit the supplied screws with integral washers to the 5 points marked $ in figure 1 (T10 Torq driver required) to hold the module in place. Refit the top cover.
12. Removing the drawer front - connect a mains supply to the unit; press load and allow the tray to fully open; remove the mains supp ly from the unit. Hold the drawer tightly with one hand and with the other pu ll the drawer front forward away from the player (pull hard). Remove any remnants of tape from the drawer front mechanism; clean the drawer mechanism front using the 'surface cleaner' wipe provided.
13. Fitting the new CD82 drawer front - connect a mains supply to the unit and allow the drawer to close automatica lly. Remove the backing from the tap e attached to the new drawer front and carefully align the drawer front with the mechanism and press gently together; reposition the drawer front if necessary and press firmly to the unit.
Upgrading a CD72 (TEXT) to CD82 (TEXT)
1. Disconnect the mains supply from the DiVA CD player.
2. Remove the top cover by taking out the 3 screws from the top edge of the rear panel marked ! (T10 Torq driver required) and on each side marked " (T20 Torq driver required) in figure 1.
3. Pull off th e sticky plastic gasket between the digital output socket and the audio output sockets to reveal th e 4 audio output socket holes through which the DAC board sockets will pass.
4. Any remnants of adhesive can be removed by rubbing it gently with your finger and rolling it off. We do not recommend the use of solvents.
5. Fit the 2 supplied PCB (print ed circuit board) pillars to the holes in the m ain board on either side of the flex foil coming fro m the display bo ard, these are marked # in figure 1. The big en d of each PCB pillar goes into the main PCB, these push in and clip home. Take great care not to damage th e main circuit boa rd .
6. Note: The original ni ckel-plated audio output sock ets are no longer connected after the upgrade and cannot be used. However the digital output still func tions.
7. Set the ma in board jumper settings as listed below: -
PL200 ON PL201 ON PL202 ON PL203 OFF PL204 ON PL205 OFF PL300 2 and 3 PL400 OFF PL401 OFF PL402 OFF
8. Take static precautions first. With the aluminium extrusion of the DAC module uppermost fit the flex foils from the module into the appropriate sockets in the main board, ensuring they are pushed fully home. If they are not pushed fully home, the unit may not read discs. You may find it helps to slide the module into the unit so that the audio outp ut sockets fit through the holes in the rear panel and angle the module slightly upwards to achieve this.
9. Push the modu le down firmly on to the support pillars, ensure it is latched in place.
10. Fit the supplied screws with integral washers to the 5 points marked $ on figure 1 (T10 Torq driver required) to secure the module in place. Refit the top cover.
11. Removing the drawer front - connect a mains supply to the unit; press load and allow the tray to fully open; remove the mains supply from the unit. Hold the drawer tightly with one hand and with the other pull the drawer front forward away from the player (pull hard). Remove any remnants of tape from the drawer front mechanism; clean the drawer mechanism front using th e 'surface cleaner' wipe provided.
12. Fitting the new CD82 drawer front - connect a mains supply to the unit and allow the drawer to close automatica lly. Remove the backing from the tape attached to the new drawer front and carefully align the drawer front with the mechanism and press gently together; reposition the drawer front if necessary and press firmly to the unit.
Figure 1
Main Board L934
Circuit description
Component overlay
Parts list
Circuit diagrams
CD72, CD82 & CD92 (text) Circuit Description
The main Motherboard/Display PCBs for the Diva CD players may be assembled as three different versions:
! DiVA CD62 (text) - With alternate components fitted
and the 92DAC upgrade connections omitted (L933AY).
! DiVA CD72 (text) - With the standard set of
components fitted (L899AY).
! DiVA CD82/92 (text) - With analogue components
and connectors omitted, for use as a host motherboard
The CD72T version may be converted for use with an upgrade
All system s are based on a Sony kit, comprising CDM14BL­5BD25 CD transport / loader / laser mechanism, micro-controller and fluorescent display.
Power Supplies
The CD72, CD82 & CD92 transformers :-
The mains transformer has three secondary windings:
1. 13.7V – 0V – 13.7V to provide ±12V(A) supplies
2. 9V-0V-32V to produce the digital, motor drive and
All of these supplies are delivered also to the optional CD82 or CD92DAC upgrade board via the DAC power connector SK203. The supplies are conventional and are linearly regulated by 3­terminal voltage regulators.
When the DAC upgrade board is used, analogue regulators IC201 and IC205 can be bypassed by rem oving JP203 and JP205, and fitting JP202 and JP204 DAC board itself. Soft-charging resistors R204 and R205 are bypassed similarly.
Relay Mute Control
This circuit drives a relay to un-mute the analogue output ~5 seconds after the unit is powered on, and quickly mutes the output when the unit is switched off. Th e cir cu it works effectively as an “AND” gate.
for the plug-in 82 or 92DAC (L934AY).
plug-in DAC board by changing on-board jumpers.
! 230/115VAC - part number L866TX ! 100VAC only - part number L851TX
(IC201 and IC205) for the audio output circuitry via regulators IC201 and IC205.
fluorescent display grid supplies:
+11V(U) Unregulated supply for relay drive and
+7V (IC200) Mechanism and motor driver
+5V(D) (IC202) General digital logic supply +5V(A) (IC203) Supply to DAC
-30V (IC204) Display grid voltage.
3. 0-5V to provide an AC supply for the display filament.
+5V(D) supply
since regulation is contained on the
If AC is present on the transformer secondary winding and the 5­second timer composed of R222 and C221 has reached the threshold voltage (Vbe of TR200 + Vbe of TR201 - Vce of TR202, or ~1.0V), the relay coil is connected to +11V (referenced to 0V_3 as required by the DAC’s internal circuitry) via TR204. When AC is removed, C231 discharges quickly through R225, the base voltage of TR204 rises and the relay coil voltage is removed, muting t he output. TR203 resets the ‘timer’ by discharging C221 quickly at turn-off.
Remote Control/PIC Micro
Remote control data is received from the IREy e on the display PCB and buffered by TR300 and TR301. The Programmable Interrupt Controller converts the RC-5 format data into the NEC format required by the Sony micro. The PIC al so control s the con fig ura tio n of the digital filter/DAC on the DAC board.
Motor Driver
The status of the drawer is indicated to the micro by two micro switches ‘INSW’ and ‘OUTSW’ on SK205. The micro controls the drawer motor via driver IC303.
Clock Buffering
The clock and data signals LRCK, ADATA and BCLK from the mechanism connector SK300 are double buffered by IC300 before being delivered to the D AC.
The power-on reset signal XRST (or RESET) is generated by R409, C410 and IC404. When the power is turned on, C410 is initially uncharged and pin 11 of IC404 is at high voltage, and thus the output is low. After a short time, C410 is charged via R409; IC404 pin 11 is then low, and the output switches high (RESET is de-asserted).
DAC & System Clock
The DAC is a Burr Brown PCM1716E, the DAC is configured for hardware control.
Digital audio is input on pins 1, 2 & 3 in standard Red Book Audio format, i.e. Word Cloc k, Bit Clock an d Data.
The system clock is based around 16. 9344 MH Z crystal X400 and transistor TR402. This produces a stable clock with low jitter. IC404A & B buffer the clock as linear buffers. IC404C & D buffer the individual mech & DAC clock lines.
The CD82 & CD92 system clock is generated on the DAC board. The clock and data signals LRCK, ADATA and BCLK from the mechanism connector SK300 are double buffered by IC300 before being delivered to the DAC. The system clock is delivered to the mech via two-position jumper PL300. The clo ck source is selected to be either from the main board (CD62/72) or from the DA C bo ar d (CD82/CD92) by the position of JP300.
When the 82 or 92DAC is fitted as an upgrade to a CD72, r emov ing JP400 disables the main board clock
Analogue Output
Left channel: IC400A and IC400B are cascaded 69kHz 2 Bessel filters. The output devices internal to both op-amps in IC400 are “pulled down” to the negative supply rail to force operation in class A (one output device is conducting at all times and crossover distortion is eliminated). IC402A is a DC servo with a very low cut off frequency, acting to impose a non-zero voltage ‘virtual earth’ at the non-inverting input of IC400B, thus eliminating the offsets caused by the pull­down resistors and DC-coupling the output.
The right channel is the same as the left channel. IC401A & B are used as the buffer and filter.
order low-pass
Microcontroller & Display Board
The system microcontroller IC100 serves the following functions:
! Control of the mechanism & decoder on the CDM14
! Control of mute, attenuation and de-emphasis for the
! Direct drive of the fluorescent display ! Remote control decoding ! Keyboard scanning ! 82/92DAC muting
The keyboard scanning works by connecting the keys to a resistor ladder on an ADC input to the micro. Pressing a key presents a unique voltage to this input, which the micro is pre-programmed to interpret accordingly.
The remote control data contains a ‘Customer Code’ that identifies this as an Arcam product. The diode network D100 to D106 configures the micro to accept this code.
Remote Bus Carrier Filter & Demodulator
Remote control commands can be delivered over wire to SK500 for multi-room applications. Incoming signals are attenuated and clipped by resistors and D500. L500 and C508 form a parallel resonant circuit at approximately 37kHz. This dem odulates the incoming signal and the output is passed to IC501A where it is ‘chopped’, low pass filtered and fed to IC501B to provide the RC5 outp ut signal.
Digital Output
The decoder on the mechanism assembly generates an SPDIF format digital output signal. This is passed to buffer IC500A. IC500B through E are used in parallel to provide a transformer less 75-ohm source impedance to a single phono socket SK501. Optical digital output via IC502 is also tapped off the digital output signal via IC500F.
L934 Main Board Parts List Issue 4.1
Designator Part Description
BR200 3BDF01M Bridge rectifier DF01M 1A 100V BR201 3BDF01M Bridge rectifier DF01M 1A 100V C100 2A210 CERD 1N0 63V 20% RA C101 2A210 CERD 1N0 63V 20% RA C102 2A210 CERD 1N0 63V 20% RA C103 2N710 ELST 100U 25V C104 2A410 CERD 100N 63V 20% RA C105 2A410 CERD 100N 63V 20% RA C106 2A410 CERD 100N 63V 20% RA C107 2A410 CERD 100N 63V 20% RA C108 2A410 CERD 100N 63V 20% RA C109 2A410 CERD 100N 63V 20% RA C110 2N610 ELST 10U 50V C129 2A310 CERD 10N 63V 20% RA C151 2A210 CERD 1N0 63V 20% RA C152 2A210 CERD 1N0 63V 20% RA C153 2A210 CERD 1N0 63V 20% RA C154 2A210 CERD 1N0 63V 20% RA C155 2A210 CERD 1N0 63V 20% RA C156 2A210 CERD 1N0 63V 20% RA C200 2K233 SUPPR CAP 3N3 250V C201 2K233 SUPPR CAP 3N3 250V C202 2K233 SUPPR CAP 3N3 250V C203 2D422 220NF CLASS X2 CAP 275VRMS C204 2A410 CERD 100N 63V 20% RA C205 2A410 CERD 100N 63V 20% RA C206 2A410 CERD 100N 63V 20% RA C207 2AB410 CERD 100N 100V -20% +80% RA C208 2AB410 CERD 100N 100V -20% +80% RA C209 2A410 CERD 100N 63V 20% RA C210 2N833 ELST 3M3 25V C211 2N810C ELST 1M0 35V C212 2N810C ELST 1M0 35V C215 2K410 PEST 100N 63V 10% C218 2N710 ELST 100U 25V C219 2N710 ELST 100U 25V C220 2N710 ELST 100U 25V C221 2N710 ELST 100U 25V C222 2N710 ELST 100U 25V C223 2N810 ELST 1M0 25V C224 2N810 ELST 1M0 25V C225 2N710B ELST 100U 100V C226 2N710B ELST 100U 100V C227 2N710B ELST 100U 100V C228 2N810A ELST 1M0 10V C229 2N810A ELST 1M0 10V C230 2N710 ELST 100U 25V C231 2N610 ELST 10U 50V C300 2A410 CERD 100N 63V 20% RA C301 2A410 CERD 100N 63V 20% RA C302 2A410 CERD 100N 63V 20% RA C303 2A410 CERD 100N 63V 20% RA C304 2A110 CERD 100P 50V -20% +80% RA C305 2N710 ELST 100U 25V C306 2N710 ELST 100U 25V C307 2A310 CERD 10N 63V 20% RA C308 2A410 CERD 100N 63V 20% RA C400 2A410 CERD 100N 63V 20% RA C410 2N710 ELST 100U 25V C414 2A410 CERD 100N 63V 20% RA C434 2A410 CERD 100N 63V 20% RA C451 2AA210 CAP 1000PF 100V NPO CERD
+ 23 hidden pages