LA320 Active Loop Aerial
The LA320 ultra-compact active loop aerial has been specifically designed to provide reception when located in-doors.
Coverage is from medium wave to the shortwave bands 1.6 - 15 MHz with optional elements available for 0.2 - 0.54 MHz
and 0.54 - 1.6 MHz. It is recommended that either a whip aerial or short length of wire be connected directly to your receiver
for monitoring frequencies above 15 MHz.
The aerial elements may be rotated in order to achieve maximum receive signal strength while minimising (nulling out) the
effects of unwanted interfering local terrestrial signals. The vari-cap tuning featured in the LA320 also adds valuable
selectivity to your receiver’s front-end stages.
The directional characteristics when listening to distant sky-wave signals will not be as pronounced as local ground-wave
propagation, however you can easily assess the optimum direction when the background noise level is minimal.
Using the LA320 Active Loop Aerial
Remove the battery compartment lid located on the bottom of the cabinet. Install one 006P 9V battery (supplied), press
firmly into the snap-on connector then close the battery compartment lid.
Connect the BNC-BNC coaxial lead (supplied) between the LA320 and your receiver’s aerial input. If your receiver is fitted
with a connector other than BNC, an appropriate adaptor must be used.
Insert one receiving element into the top panel jack socket of the LA320 cabinet. Either the 320S (1.6 - 5.0 MHz) or 320H
(5.0 - 15 MHz) element may be used.
The front panel of the LA320 has one rotary tuning control, fully anti-clockwise rotation switches the Active Loop Aerial
On/Off. A front panel LED indicates when the unit is switched On.
Turn the switch clockwise until the LED is illuminated. Continue to rotate the control clockwise then anti-clockwise until the
receiver’s signal strength meter (S-meter) deflects to maximum and the incoming signal sounds clearest. If your receiver does
not have an S-meter simply adjust for maximum received signal. Rotate the Loop Element until the signal is strongest and any
interfering signal is nulled.
It is advisable to locate the LA320 close to a window in order to achieve the best possible reception.
Always switch the LA320 Off when not in use. The performance on the Upper frequency bands is reduced when the battery
becomes exhausted. Replace the battery should you note poor performance on the Upper frequency bands.
LA320 Base unit
320S Element 1.6 - 5.00 MHz
320H Element 5.0 - 15.0 MHz
BNC-BNC Coaxial patch lead
Battery 006P 9V dry battery
320L Element 0.2 - 0.54 MHz
320M Element 0.54 - 1.6 MHz
AOR Ltd.,
2-6-4 Misuji, Taito-Ku,
Tokyo 111. Japan.
Tel: 03-3865-1681