AOR AR8600 User Guide

Section 13-3
13-3 Short cut text entry, keypad with ïðñò keys
Text may also be entered using a combination of the keypad and ï ð ñ ò keys.
While in a text input menu, for flashing “FUNC” legend then refer to the following table. Look for the required character in the table then PUSH the key shown to the horizontal-left
followed by the ï ð ñ ò key shown above the required character (do not push both keys together). The first key push will produce a character on the screen which will be replaced with the required character when the second key is pushed, the cursor with then move one place to the right.
displayed and the cursor will move one position to the right. The flash, if it is not required further for it to be removed from the LCD.
case letter is required (CASE SHIFT) ñ, the desired “e” character will be displayed and the cursor will move one position to the right. The
required further for it to be removed from the LCD.
To select the letter “N” until the
, the number “4” will be displayed, ï, the desired “N” character will be
To select the letter “e” until the
, the number “5” will be displayed, to instruct the CPU that a lower
FUNC” is displayed.
FUNC” legend will continue to
FUNC” is displayed.
FUNC” legend will continue to flash, if it is not
Section 14, 14-1, 14-2
(14) Configuration menu
The configuration (CONFIG) menu is used to set fundamental operating parameters and other variables which do not appear in any other menu heading.
BEEP Confirmation & error tone LAMP LCD & keypad illumination CONTRAST LCD contrast adjustment AUTO PWR-OFF Auto inactivity power off REMOTE BPS RS232 baud rate RMT-ID Computer control address FREQ DISP Frequency readout on/off WRITE PROT Global write protect OPENING MESSAGE Change the power-up message
The AR8600 emits confirmation ‘beeps’ while the keypad is used. A ‘HIGH’ pitched beep indicates correct operation while a ‘LOW’ pitched beep indicates that an error or unexpected entry has taken place. The volume of the beep is independent of the main volume control and can be separately defined. It is recommended that the beep facility be enabled, especially in the early days while gaining familiarity of the receiver.
Beep is setup in the CONFIG menu. To access the config menu . The first item in the config menu is “BEEP”, the default is beep on with a volume level of 09. Use the
main dial or ï ð keys to vary beep level between the range of OFF and 01 to 09 with 09 being the loudest. The key may be used as a short cut to 05.
to accept the data and return to a standard display. Alternatively
to abort entry or ò to move to the next item on the config menu (LAMP).
The AR8600 is equipped with high intensity green LEDs to illuminate the LCD and keypad when operating in areas of low level lighting.
While the AR8600 is switched on and connected to an external power source such as a power supply, the lamp will be default PERMANENTLY ON. The lamp will go out when the AR8600 is
switched off. The lamp may be configured in three ways:
This setting is default setting when operating from an external power supply. The lamp will CONTinuously illuminate the LCD and keypad. The lamp will only extinguish when the AR8600 is
Section 14-2, 14-3, 14-4
placed in standby or is switched off. If the optional BP8600 is fitted, continuous operation of the lamp will drain the internal batteries more quickly reducing lifespan between charge cycles.
The lamp will automatically illuminate when the keypad or main dial are used. The lamp will remain illuminated for a further five second after the last key push and will then switch off. This is a good compromise setting for best visibility and battery life if the optional BP8600 battery is being used.
This setting is most useful when operating from the optional BP8600 internal battery to reduce power consumption and increase battery life. The lamp remains permanently extinguished, this is useful when used in areas of high light levels.
The LAMP is setup in the CONFIG menu. To access the config menu
. ò to move the cursor to the “LAMP” selection point. Use the main dial or ï ð keys
to toggle the lamp between AUTO, CONT and OFF. The key may be used as a short cut to AUTO.
to accept the data and return to a standard display. Alternatively
to abort entry or ò to move to the next item on the config menu (CONTRAST).
The AR8600 is equipped with variable LCD contrast which is adjustable in 32 steps to provide best visibility under different viewing angles, extremes of ambient light & temperature (and between sets due to variation).
The default setting for contrast is 14. The display generally becomes too dark to read around 20 and too feint around 02, the key may be used as a short cut to 14. Best results are usually achieved
within the range of 09 - 15.
The CONTRAST is setup in the CONFIG menu. To access the config menu
. ò twice to move the cursor to the “CONTRAST ” selection point. Use the
main dial or ï ð keys to vary the contrast level to achieve best visibility.
to accept the data and return to a standard display. Alternatively
to abort entry or ò to move to the next item on the config menu (auto power off).
14-4 CONFIG Auto power off
An auto power off facility is available to switch the AR8600 off automatically after a programmable period of squelch inactivity, this prevents the batteries from becoming flat when monitoring a completely inactive frequency.
&Note: Be careful how you use auto power off as it might catch you out one day
(if a short auto-power-off period has been set), auto power off setting is not cancelled with power off / on… if the AR8600 appears to switch itself off for no reason, check to make sure that you haven’t enabled auto power off (there is no associated LCD legend).
Section 14-4, 14-5, 14-6
AUTO POWER OFF is setup in the CONFIG menu. To access the config menu .
ò three times to move the cursor to the
AUTO PWR-OFF” selection point. Use the main dial or ï ð keys to vary the time between 0.5 hours to 9.5 hours in 0.5 hr
increments, the key may be used as a short cut to OFF.
When the AR8600 squelch closes, the CPU will wait the length of time programmed in auto-power-off before automatically switching the AR8600 off. If the squelch opens again before auto switch off time has elapsed, the radio will not power down and the counter will be reset (i.e. an open squelch defeats auto power off).
to accept the data and return to a standard display. Alternatively
to abort entry or ò to move to the next item on the config menu (REMOTE BPS).
The REMOTE BPS menu is used to configure the RS232 computer control settings as it is important that they exactly match those of an associated computer connection or another AR8600 (connected via a male 9-pin to male 9-pin straight lead).
The REMOTE BPS parameters are setup in the CONFIG menu. To access the config menu .
ò four times to move the cursor to the “REMOTE BPS
selection point. Use the main dial or ï ð keys to vary the RS232 baud rate between 4800bps, 9600bps and 19200bps. The
key may be used as a short cut to the default of
ò to move the cursor to the “RMT-ID” selection point. Use the main dial or ï ð keys change
the AR8600 RS232 IDENTIFICATION ADDRESS when multiple units are connected to the same port. It is possible to connect up to 99 units at once, each radio being assigned a different address. The
value is adjustable between 00 and 99, the default is 00. The key may be used as a short cut
&Important note: It is extremely important to set the RMT-ID to 00 for normal operation
of the RS232 connection and clone of data between radios.
to accept the data and return to a standard display. Alternatively
to abort entry or ò to move to the next item on the config menu (FREQ DISP).
It is possible to instruct the AR8600 NOT to display frequencies while in memory read, search and scan modes (should you wish for prying eyes not to see specifically what you are listening to). Liberal use of ‘text comments’ is recommended if you disable frequency display (turned it off) unless you choose to have really anonymous operation!
Section 14-6, 14-7, 14-8
&Note: Frequency display will be provided in VFO
and VFO search and VFO scan even with the frequency display disabled.
The FREQUENCY DISPLAY parameters are setup in the CONFIG menu. To access the config menu
. ò eight times to move the cursor to the
FREQ DISP” selection point. Use the main dial or ï ð keys to toggle between ON and OFF. The
key may be used as a short cut to ON (which is default).
to accept the data and return to a standard display. Alternatively
to abort entry or ò to move to the next item on the config menu (WRITE PROT).
14-7 CONFIG GLOBAL write protect
It is possible to globally write protect the entire AR8600 data storage, this prevents memory entry, search bank programming, loading of data via the option socket, loading of data from the optional EM8200 etc. Use this feature carefully.
Should you wish to leave your AR8600 safe in the knowledge that no-one will ‘mess it up’ (well maybe!)… toggle global write protect on.
The global “WRITE PROTECT” status is setup in the CONFIG menu. To access the config menu
. ò seven times to move the cursor to the “WRITE PROT” selection point. Use the main dial or ï ð keys or key to toggle between ON and OFF (the default is off).
to accept the data and return to a standard display. Alternatively to abort entry or ò to move to the next item on the config menu (OPENING MESSAGE).
14-8 CONFIG Opening message
It is possible to display a welcome message while the AR8600 is powering up and collating its ‘boot-up’ information. There are three options for opening message:
NORM Normal message is displayed at switch-on: WELCOME TO THE NEW WORLD OF AR8600.
Blank screen at switch-on.
Four lines of 12 characters may be entered for display at switch-on. Initially they are configured for you to enter OWNERS name and PHONE NUMBER but all lines may be over-written.
Section 14-8, 15, 15-1
The “OPENING MESSAGE” is setup in the CONFIG menu. To access the config menu .
ò eight times to move the cursor to the “OPENING MESSAGE” selection point. Use the main dial or
ï ð keys to toggle between NORM / QUICK / USER. The key may used as a short cut to NORM (which is
the default).
to accept the data and return to a standard display or to abort entry.
Alternatively if you have selected the text input menu for the opening menu.
You may change all four lines of text in the usual manner. Please refer to for further information regarding text input.
to accept the data and return to a standard display or to abort entry.
When the AR8600 is switched off and back on again, the new opening message will be displayed.
section 12-1
and wish to change the text comment ò to access
of this manual
(15) Band scope
The AR8600 is equipped with a flexible band scope function which is capable of graphically displaying band activity. The maximum frequency span width is 10 MHz, you may zoom in on activity to a span width of 100 kHz. Centre frequency is displayed and a marker may be manipulated to ascertain the frequency of activity using the graphical display. One trace may be saved to memory for recall at a later time and may be overwritten at will. The trace may also be saved and loaded from the optional EM8200 external memory slot card.
&Note: Priority operation is disabled when the band scope is in operation. Audio is muted.
The optional RU8200 is inoperative when the band scope is in operation.
It is suggested that the band scope facility is ‘experimented with’ on a constantly active band such as VHF Band-II broadcast.
15-1 Starting the band scope
To start the band scope . The frequency span width will be set to 10 MHz with the last frequency displayed in 2VFO, search, scan or memory read mode being used as the centre
frequency. AUDIO IS MUTED.
Section 15-1, 15-2, 15-3
The centre frequency is displayed in the top left of the LCD, one pixel will be missing from the centre of the graphical base line indicating centre frequency position.
A progress cursor which comprises of a single pixel on the graphical base line travels from left to right updating the band scope display… this confirms that the band scope is IN OPERATION (especially useful when a trace is simply being updated or no signals have been located).
The frequency span width is displayed in the upper right corner of the LCD, at default this is 10 MHz. The frequency marker legend “MKR” is displayed on the second line of the LCD, the marker is also
represented graphically by an upturned triangle (initially placed above-centre of the graphical trace). When first activated, the centre and marker frequencies are the same (but may be altered).
The graphical trace is built-up from left to right. If no transmissions are encountered the display will simply form a horizontal line around two pixels in height. When activity is located, vertical lines are produced on the LCD, the stronger the signal the higher the line.
&Important: To monitor the transmission of the marker frequency and hold the
key. The progress of the scope is halted when the key is held. Squelch
setting has no effect on the band scope trace.
15-2 Exit from band scope
To exit the band scope or or .
15-3 Setting frequency span width (waveform enlargement)
The frequency span width may be adjusted between the limits of 10 MHz (default) to 100 kHz using the ñ ò keys. The span widths available are:
10 MHz 35s for full trace approx. 5 MHz 20s for full trace approx. 2 MHz 10s for full trace approx. 1 MHz 6s for full trace approx. 500 kHz 3s for full trace approx. 200 kHz 6s for full trace approx. 100 kHz. 3s for full trace approx.
Resolution is 10 kHz with a 12 kHz IF filter selected (NFM or AM) so that one pixel represents 140 kHz at maximum signal strength
Resolution is 2 kHz with a 3 kHz filter (USB, LSB, CW)
Section 15-3, 15-4, 15-5, 15-6, 15-7
When the frequency span width is altered, the trace restarts. to refresh the trace from the start.
15-4 Moving the marker
To move the marker position use the ï ð keys, the channel step will be dependant upon the span width resolution. To monitor the marker frequency and hold the key. The progress
of the scope is halted when the key is held.
15-5 Marker to strongest signal (peak search)
To simplify operation, it is possible to ‘jump the marker’ to the strongest signal of the current graphical trace (peak search). and hold the key until the “ «” legend is displayed indicating
that the marker is set to the strongest graphical signal. and hold the key to monitor the selected frequency. The ï ð keys may be used to hop between the strongest few transmissions.
to disable peak search, the “«” will be removed from the LCD.
&Note: If no signal is found above the background level (or if there hasn’t been time allowed
for a trace to form), peak search will not operate and an error beep will be emitted (if beep is enabled). This facility cannot be used with a span width of 100 kHz.
15-6 Entering a new centre frequency
To enter a new centre frequency, simply tap the wanted frequency into the keypad. The legend “CENTRE FREQ” will be displayed on the top line of the LCD with entry taking place on the second line.
To complete entry in MHz format . The marker will be automatically set to the centre frequency but the frequency span width will be unchanged.
15-7 Transfer of marker frequency to VFO
There are two ways in which the marker frequency may be transferred to VFO for long term monitoring.
Transfer to 2VFO retaining VFO data
to move marker frequency to 2VFO, receive mode
and step are those of the VFO.
Transfer to single VFO with 10 kHz tuning step
Hold the key then to transfer marker frequency to single VFO,
receive will be that used in VFO mode but the tuning step will always be 10 kHz to allow sensible re-tuning in VFO mode for best reception of the transferred marker frequency
Section 15-8, 15-9, 15-10
15-8 Peak hold
The PEAK HOLD facility is used to build up an image of band activity over a period of time, the display is not totally cleared each time a trace is made, only strong signals are added.
To toggle PEAK HOLD on/off
, the “HLD” legend confirms when peak hold is active.
The ï ð keys may be used to move the marker position and key may be held to monitor activity on the marker frequency.
15-9 Saving active trace to memory
To save the current trace to internal memory (for later retrieval)
. It is suggested that the peak hold facility
be employed before saving a trace so that it provides more meaningful information.
If the optional EM8200 is used, it possible to save four further traces to external memory. Refer to for further information regarding this feature.
section 18-7-7
of this manual
15-10 Loading stored band scope traces from memory
Providing a trace has been previously stored to memory, it is possible to recall it to display using the key sequence . The legend “RCV” (in the place of “MKR”) indicates
that a stored trace is currently being displayed.
The AR8600 will no longer sweep the frequency range but the key may still be used to monitor the marker frequency. Key in a new centre frequency to return to a real time band scope.
It is possible to move the marker across the graphical trace using the ï ð keys. Waveform enlarge­ment is available by changing the frequency sweep width using the ñ ò keys.
If the optional EM8200 is used, it possible to load any one of four further traces from external memory. Refer to this manual for further information regarding this feature.
It is also possible to connect the AR8600 to an external Spectrum Display Unit, the AOR SDU5500 has been designed specifically for this purpose. Please refer to manual. The 10.7MHz i.f. output BNC socket on the rear of the AR8600 will need to be activated in a workshop prior to operation with the SDU5500.
section 1-7
section 18-7-7
of this operating
Section 16, 17, 17-1
(16) Sleep ¹
It is possible to instruct the AR8600 to automatically switch to standby after a predetermined time, this is particularly useful if you know that you may be called away from the receiver or listen to it while in bed and don’t want the batteries to become completely flat.
Use the key sequence to accesses the SLEEP menu.
Use the main dial, ï ð keys or key to toggle sleep on/off. For convenience SLEEP is default ON when this menu is
accessed so that you have simply to access and exit the menu for sleep to be activated.
Either to save the changes and exit the menu or ò to move the cursor to the sleep TIME menu. Use
the main dial to set sleep time in 1s increments or ï ð keys to increment in 10 seconds, the range is between 1 and 120 minutes,
is a short cut to 60 minutes (default).
The AR8600 will automatically switch to standby after the programmed time has elapsed.
To accept the data and activate sleep . The display will return to standard format and the circular CLOCK legend ¹ will be displayed to remind you that automatic power off will take place.
The next time that the AR8600 is powered on, the sleep facility will be automatically cancelled.
(17) Computer control
Connect the AR8600 to the serial port of a computer using an RS232 lead terminated in a 9-pin male plug, refer to
(page 8)
of this manual for connection details.
The RS232 parameters may be defined using the CONFIG menu. Baud rates (transfer speed) may be set to 4800, 9600 or 19200bps. It is also possible to set an ‘address’ to facilitate connection of up to 99 AR8600 to a single port for custom operation, the addresses may be set between the limits of 01 to 99 with 00 representing single radio operation.
When operating from external RS232, the legend ¤ will be displayed on the LCD. Please refer to
section 14-5
of this manual for information on the CONFIG menu settings.
section 1-5
17-1 How to send an RS232 command
Each command comprises of two upper case letters (header) along with options as required. All commands use ASCII code which MUST BE IN UPPER CASE (except for the ñòïð arrow keys and remote ID command (^A) which are non-printable and use the control codes of ASCII). A terminal program running on a computer should be set to: 4800, 9600 or 19200bps to match the AR8600, DATA 8-bit, STOP 2-bits, PARITY none, XFLOW on.
Section 17-1, 17-2
Please check the AOR web sites for suitable software which may be made available.
A multiple command entry is only valid where specified. Where a multiple command entry is allowed, each command MUST be separated with a space “h20” (HEX DECIMAL). Each command is completed with a [CR] or [CR] [LF]. Although there is no local echo, either [CR] or specified response should come back from the receiver after confirming the correct command. If no response has been gained after a short while, the receiver has failed to receive the command properly. Send a [CR] then re-send the command. Should problems persist, check your connections and try reducing the RS232 baud rate.
AR8600 remote indication: When the AR8600 has received a command via the RS232C port the receiver’s LCD will display the ¤ symbol. The AR8600 will appear frozen while RS232 operation is in
progress. To return operation to the radio keyboard, on the AR8600.
17-2 Brief command index (RS232)
^A Remote ID AF Automatic Frequency Control AM Bandscope analyser AP Auto power off AS Search auto store AT Attenuator AU Auto mode BM Scan bank linking BP Search bank protect BS Search bank linking CF Bandscope centre frequency CN CTCSS operation DA Dial (VFO) audio squelch DB Dial (VFO) level squelch DC Bandscope date centre frequency DD Dial (VFO) delay DP Dial (VFO) pause DS Bandscope **** DT Display frequency (on/off) EX Exit RS232 GA Select scan GD Release select scan channels GM Scan parameter selection GR Select scan recall GS Search parameter selection GV VFO status list LB LCD contrast LC Frequency & level status LM Signal meter reading LS Tone eliminator frequency
(requires optional TE8200 slot card) MA List a block of memory channels MC Monitor control (forced squelch) MD Receive mode MF Bandscope set marker frequency MP Set memory channel pass MQ Delete memory channel or bank MR Memory recall MS Scan mode MW Memory bank resizing MX Memory write NL Noise limiter OF Frequency offset OL Set and list frequency offset OM Opening message PC Protect memory channel PD Delete pass frequency PH Bandscope peak hold PP Priority channel PQ Wait time for LC2 PR List pass frequencies PW Write search pass frequency QM Quick memory
QP Power off QS Delete search bank RF Set receive frequency RX Respond with current data SA Search audio squelch SB Search level squelch SC Voice invertor frequency
(requires the optional VI8200 slot card) SD Search hold / delay time SE Set search data SH Set offset step SI Voice invertor on/off
(requires the optional VI8200 slot card) SL Lower search frequency limit SM Start select scan SP Search pause time SR Recall search parameters SS Start search ST Tuning step size SU Upper search frequency limit SW Bandscope span width TB Set text description for bank TI Set priority interval TM Memory text TS Text search TT Search bank text VA Set VFO A VB Set VFO B VF Select 1-VFO mode VL Beep volume VR Firmware version VS VFO search VT VFO auto-store VV VFO scan WM Write protect bank WP Write protect enable XA Scan audio squelch XB Scan level squelch XD Memory scan delay time XM Mode scan XP Scan pause setting UP/DOWN Tuning arrows
Section 17-3
17-3 Detailed RS232 command listing for the AR8600
^A Remote ID Hex value 0x01
AF AFC To set: AFn<CR>
AM Bandscope Analyser Mode
AP Auto Pwr off AP
AS Search auto-store on/off
AT Attenuator To set: ATn<CR>
AU Auto mode To set: AUn<CR>
BM Scan bank link setting
BP Search Bank Protect
BS Bank link search
Accepts a value nn in the range 01-99
=0 (off), n=1 (on) To read: AF<CR> Response is AF
Note: Not valid in WFM, USB, LSB or CW
AM<CR> starts bandscope mode AM<CR> repeated when in bandscope mode generates a report in the following format: AM PH0 CF0091000000 MF0091000000 SW1
=0.0 (off)
=0.5-9.5 (sets 0.5 - 9.5 hours to power off following last active transmission) To read: AP<CR> Responds with AP in hours or 0.0 = off)
Note: n.n must be in multiples of 0.5 hours
To set: ASn<CR>
=0 (off),
=1 (on - write frequency into bank J),
=2 (on - same as 1 but erase previous channels to create space for new entries), To read: AS<CR> Response is either n=0 (off) or n=1 (on)
Note: Stores into the search group nominated by GS
=0 (off),
=1 (on) To read: AT<CR> Response is ATn, where n=0 (off) or 1 (on)
=0 (off), n=1 (on) To read: AU<CR> Response is AUn MD
To read: BM<CR> Responds with: BM where n = character corresponding to linked bank (A - J or a - j), or - (not linked) Example: BM-BCD---------------- indicates that banks B, C & D are linked To set: BM
Where n is a character which specifies a bank which will have its link status toggled (A - J or a - j). There is no need to enter a “-” to avoid changing a bank link BM%%<CR> clears all link settings BM%%
links except those specified Examples: BM abc toggles the link status for banks a, b & c BM%% bc clears the link status for all banks except b & c
Note: As defined by GM.
To set: BP
=0 (off), n=1 (on) To read: BP<CR> Response is BN
To read: BS<CR> Responds with: BS corresponding to linked bank, or - (not linked). The search bank indicators range from A - T and a - t (40 search banks in all)
BS-BC---F-HIJ-------R--a---e--h-j----no---st Indicates that the banks shown are linked.
is the delay time
<CR> clears all
, where n = character
CF Bandscope centre frequency
CN CTCSS Requires CT8200 option
00 off 10 136.5 20 241.8 30 177.3 01 auto 11 141.3 21 250.3 31 183.5
06 94.8 16 167.9 26 79.7 36 229.1 07 100.0 17 173.8 27 82.5 37 254.1 08 103.5 18 179.9 28 85.4
09 107.2 19 186.2 29 88.5 0A 110.9 1A 192.8 2A 91.5 0B 114.8 1B 203.5 2B 97.4 0C 118.8 1C 210.7 2C 69.4 0D 123.0 1D 218.1 2D 159.8 0E 127.3 1E 225.7 2E 165.5
0F 131.8 1F 233.6 2F 171.3 To set: CNnn<CR>, where nn is a two digit value from the table
DA Dial (VFO) audio squelch
DB Dial (VFO) level squelch
DC Data centre Frequency
To set: BS Where n is a bank indicator in the range A-T or a-t BS%%<CR> clears all link settings BS%% those listed
BSABRabcmp<CR> toggles the link state for the banks shown BS%% BFT<CR> clears all links except for the banks B, F & T
Note: As defined by GS.
To read: CF<CR> Responds with CF To set: CF Set the bandscope centre frequency to the specified frequency (expressed in Hz or MHz depending on format)
Note: Maximum resolution is 10kHz for spans 10MHz - 500kHz; maximum resolution is 2kHz for spans 200kHz-100kHz. Frequencies below 2kHz are not accepted.
To read: CN<CR> Responds with CNnn nn=0 (off), nn=01 (auto),
12 146.2 22 67.0 32 189.9 13 151.4 23 71.9 33 196.6 14 156.7 24 74.4 34 199.5 15 162.2 25 77.0 35 206.5
To set: DA (where 000=audio squelch off) To read: DA<CR> Responds with DA (+ = current audio squelch level >=
To set: DB (where 000=level squelch off) To read: DB<CR> Responds with DB (+ = current level >=
To read: DC<CR> Responds with DC
Note: Valid only when bandscope is on Note: Refer to the LM command
DD Dial (VFO) delay
To set: DDnn<CR> Where nn = 00 - 99 or FF (indicating 0.0 - 99 seconds or FF=hold) To read: DD<CR> Responds with DD
<CR> clears all link settings except
<CR> or CF
=06-37 (a frequency from the following table)
=000 - 255
or DA+
=000 - 255
or DB+
+ 27 hidden pages