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SDP-B Controller Board
This user guide describes the EVAL-SDP-CB1Z system
demonstration platform—Blackfin® (SDP-B) controller board
from Analog Devices, Inc. The SDP-B controller board is part
of the Analog Devices system demonstration platform (SDP).
The SDP consists of a series of controller boards, interposer
boards, and daughter boards.
SDP controller boards provide a means of communicating with
the PC from the system under evaluation. Interposer boards
route signals between two connectors. Daughter boards are a
collection of product evaluation boards and Circuits from the
Lab™ reference circuit boards. The SDP-B is used as part of the
evaluation system for many Analog Devices components and
reference circuits. The primary audience for this user guide is a
system engineer who seeks to understand how to set up the
SDP-B board and begin USB communications to the PC.
The SDP-B board is designed to be used in conjunction with
various Analog Devices component evaluation boards and
Circuits from the Lab reference circuits as part of a customer
evaluation environment. The SDP-B provides USB connectivity
through a USB 2.0 high speed connection to the computer
allowing users to evaluate components on this platform from a
PC application. The SDP-B is based on ADSP-BF527 Blackfin
processor, with the Blackfin processor peripheral communication lines available to the component daughter board through
two identical 120-pin small footprint connectors.
The SDP-B user guide provides instructions for installing the
SDP-B hardware (EVAL-SDP-CB1Z board) and software onto
your computer. The necessary installation files are provided
with the evaluation daughter board package. The Getting
Started section provides software and hardware installation
procedures, PC system requirements, and basic board information. The Hardware Description section provides information
on the E VAL-SDP-CB1Z components. The EVAL-SDP-CB1Z
schematics are provided in the Schematics section.
•Contact your Analog Devices local sales office or
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Analog Devices, Inc.
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The E VA L -SDP-CB1Z is designed to be used solely in a labor-
atory environment. The board is not intended for use as a
consumer end product or as a portion of a consumer end
product. The board is an open system design, which does not
include a shielded enclosure and therefore may cause interference to other electrical devices in close proximity. This board
should not be used in or near any medical equipment or
RF devices. Store unused boards in the protective shipping
The E VA L -SDP-CB1Z board has been certified to comply with
the essential requirements of the European EMC directive
89/36/EC amended by 93/68/EEC and therefore carries the
CE mark.
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UG-277 SDP User Guide
This section provides specific information to assist you with
using the SDP-B board as part of your evaluation system.
The following topics are covered:
• Package contents
• PC configuration
• USB installation
• Powering up/powering down the SDP
You r EVA L -SDP-CB1Z board package contains the following:
• EVAL-SDP-CB1Z board
• 1 m USB Standard-A to Mini-B cable
Contact the vendor where you purchased your SDP-B board or
contact Analog Devices if anything is missing.
For correct operation of the SDP board, your computer must
have the following minimum configuration:
• Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista®
• USB 2.0 port
Verifying Driver Installation
Before using the SDP-B board, verify the driver software has
installed properly.
Open the Windows Device Manager and verify the SDP board
appears under ADI Development Too ls as shown in Figure 1.
When removing the SDP-B board from the package, handle the
board carefully to avoid the discharge of static electricity, which
can damage some components.
Perform the following tasks to safely install the SDP-B board
onto the computer. There are two stages in the software
application installation procedure. The first stage installs the
application software. The second stage installs the .NET
Framework 3.5 and the necessary drivers.
Installing the Software
1. Run the application install provided. The first stage installs
the applications GUI and the necessary support files onto
the computer
2. Immediately following the application install, the .NET
Framework 3.5 and the driver package for the SDP board is
installed. If the .NET Framework 3.5 is already preinstalled
on the computer in question, this stage is skipped and Step
2 will consist of a driver package installation only
Connecting the SDP-B Board to the PC
Attach the SDP-B board to a USB 2.0 port on the computer via
the Standard-A to Mini-B cable provided.
Figure 1. Device Manager
The following sections describe how to safely power up and
power down the SDP-B.
Powering Up the SDP-B Board
1. Connect the SDP-B board to the daughter evaluation board
through the 120-pin mating connectors.
2. Power the daughter board.
3. Connect the USB port on the computer to the SDP-B
Powering Down the SDP-B Board
1. Power down the daughter evaluation board.
2. Disconnect the USB port on the computer from the SDP-B
3. Disconnect the SDP-B board from the daughter evaluation
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SDP User Guide UG-277
This section describes the hardware design of the EVA L-SDP-
CB1Z board.
The following topics are covered:
• LEDs—This section describes the SDP on-board LEDs.
• Connector Details—This section details the pin
assignments on the 120-pin connectors.
•Power—This section lists power requirements of the SDP
and identifies connector power inputs and output pins.
guidelines on how to design daughter boards for use with
the SDP.
•Mechanical specifications—This section provides
dimensional information.
There are two LEDs located on the SDP-B board (see Figure 2).
The green power LED indicates that the SDP-B board is
powered. This is not an indication of USB connectivity between
the SDP-B and the PC.
The orange status LED is an LED used as a diagnostic tool for
evaluation application developers. When there are two or more
identical SDP controller board and daughter board combinations connected to the PC simultaneously, the status LED
flashes during the connect routine to help the user identify
which board they will communicate with.
The SDP-B board contains three Hirose FX8-120P-SV1(91),
120-pin header connectors. Connector A and Connector B share
identical pinouts and through these connectors, the peripheral
communication interfaces of ADSP-BF527 Blackfin processor are
exposed. The exposed peripherals are
• Asynchronous parallel
• Timers
Figure 2. SDP-B Board LEDs
In addition, included on the connector specification are input
and output power pins, ground pins, and pins reserved for
future use. For further details on the peripheral interfaces,
including timing diagrams, see the ADSP-BF52x Blackfin Processor Hardware Reference.
Connector C exposes the entire Blackfin memory space, but is
not used as part of the SDP platform.
Connector Pin Assignments
The connector pin assignments for Connector A and
Connector B have been defined independently of the any
internal pin sharing that occurs on the Blackfin processor.
Table 1 lists the connector pins and identifies the functionality
assigned to each connector pin for Connector A and
Connector B on the SDP-B board.
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Pin No.
Pin Name
Parallel Data Bus Bit 13.
Parallel Data Bus Bit 5.
Connect to ground plane of board.
Parallel Address Bus Bit 3.
Serial Interrupt. Used to trigger a nonperiodic serial event.
Table 1. 120-Pin Connector Pin Assignments
1 VIN Power to SDP Board. Requires 200 mA at 5 V.
2 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
3 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
4 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
5 USB_VBUS Connected directly to the USB +5 V supply.
6 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
7 PAR_D23 Parallel Data Bus Bit 23. (No connect.)1
8 PAR_D21 Parallel Data Bus Bit 21. (No connect.)1
9 PAR_D19 Parallel Data Bus Bit 19. (No connect.)1
10 PAR_D17 Parallel Data Bus Bit 17. (No connect.)1
11 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
12 PAR_D14 Parallel Data Bus Bit 14.
14 PAR_D11 Parallel Data Bus Bit 11.
15 PAR_D9 Parallel Data Bus Bit 9.
16 PAR_D7 Parallel Data Bus Bit 7.
17 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
19 PAR_D3 Parallel Data Bus Bit 3.
20 PAR_D1 Parallel Data Bus Bit 1.
Asynchronous Parallel Read Strobe.
Asynchronous Parallel Chip Select.
25 PAR_A1 Parallel Address Bus Bit 1.
26 PAR_FS3 Synchronous (PPI) Parallel Frame Sync 3.
27 PAR_FS1 Synchronous (PPI) Parallel Frame Sync 1.
28 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
29 SPORT_TDV0 SPI Data Line 3. (No connect.)1
30 SPORT_TDV1 SPI Data Line 2. (No connect.)1
31 SPORT_DR1 SPORT Data Receive 1. Secondary SPORT data into processor.
32 SPORT_DT1 SPORT Data Transmit 1. Secondary SPORT data from processor.
33 SPI_D2 SPORT Data Line. (No connect.)1
34 SPI_D3 SPORT Data Line. (No connect.)1
36 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
40 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
41 SDA_1 I2C Data 1.
42 SCL_1 I2C Data 1.2
43 GPIO0 General-Purpose Input/Output.
44 GPIO2 General-Purpose Input/Output.
45 GPIO4 General-Purpose Input/Output.
46 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
47 GPIO6 General-Purpose Input/Output.2
48 TMR_A Timer A Flag Pin. Use as first timer, if required.
49 TMR_C Timer C Flag Pin.1 (No connect.)
50 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
SPI Chip Select B. Use this to control a second device on the SPI bus.
SPI Chip Select C. Use this for a third device on the SPI bus.
SPI Chip Select 1.2 Used to connect to SPI boot flash, if required. Also used as chip select when Blackfin
processor is operating as SPI slave.
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SDP User Guide UG-277
No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
CLKOUT from processor.
Timer D Flag Pin.2
SPI Master In, Slave Out Data.
Parallel Interrupt. Used to trigger a nonperiodic parallel event.
Asynchronous Parallel Write Strobe.
Pin No. Pin Name Description
51 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
52 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
53 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
54 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
56 EEPROM_A0 EEPROM A0. Connect to A0 address line of the EEPROM.
58 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
59 UART_RX UART Receive Data.2
61 BMODE1 Boot Mode 1. Pull up with 10 kΩ resistor to set SDP to boot from SPI Flash. Enabled on Connector A only.
62 UART_TX UART Transmit Data2.
63 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
65 WAKE External wake up to processor board.
66 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
67 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
68 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
69 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
70 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
Active low reset signal from processor board.
Active low pin to reset controller board.
Active low sleep from processor board.
73 TMR_B Timer B Flag Pin. Use as second timer, if required.
74 GPIO7 General-Purpose Input/Output.
75 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
76 GPIO5 General-Purpose Input/Output.
77 GPIO3 General-Purpose Input/Output.
78 GPIO1 General-Purpose Input/Output.
79 SCL_0 I2C Clock 0. Daughter board EEPROM must be connected to this bus.
80 SDA_0 I2C Data 0. Daughter board EEPROM must be connected to this bus.
81 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
82 SPI_CLK SPI Clock.
84 SPI_MOSI SPI Master Out, Slave In Data.
86 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
87 SPORT_TSCLK SPORT Transmit Clock.
88 SPORT_DT0 SPORT Data Transmit 0. Primary SPORT data from processor.
89 SPORT_TFS SPORT Transmit Frame Sync.
90 SPORT_RFS SPORT Receive Frame Sync.
91 SPORT_DR0 SPORT Data Receive 0. Primary SPORT data into processor.
92 SPORT_RSCLK SPORT Receive Clock.
93 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
94 PAR_CLK Clock for Synchronous Parallel Interface (PPI).
95 PAR_FS2 Synchronous (PPI) Parallel Frame Sync 2.
96 PAR_A0 Parallel Address Bus Bit 0.
97 PAR_A2 Parallel Address Bus Bit 2.
98 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
SPI Chip Select A. Use this to control the first device on the SPI bus.
101 PAR_D0 Parallel Data Bus Bit 0.
102 PAR_D2 Parallel Data Bus Bit 2.
103 PAR_D4 Parallel Data Bus Bit 4.
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Pin No.
Pin Name
Parallel Data Bus Bit 16.1 (No connect.)1
104 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
105 PAR_D6 Parallel Data Bus Bit 6.
106 PAR_D8 Parallel Data Bus Bit 8.
107 PAR_D10 Parallel Data Bus Bit 10.
108 PAR_D12 Parallel Data Bus Bit 12.
109 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
110 PAR_D15 Parallel Data Bus Bit 15.
112 PAR_D18 Parallel Data Bus Bit 18.1 (No connect.)1
113 PAR_D20 Parallel Data Bus Bit 20.1 (No connect.)1
114 PAR_D22 Parallel Data Bus Bit 22. (No connect.)1
115 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
116 VIO (+3.3 V) +3.3 V Output. 20 mA maximum current available to power IO voltage on daughter board.
117 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
118 GND Connect to ground plane of board.
119 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
120 NC No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected. Do not ground.
Functionality not implemented on the SDP board.
Shared across both connectors.
Each interface provided by the SDP-B is available on unique pins of the SDP-B 120-pin connector. The connector pin numbering scheme
is outlined in Figure 3.
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