ANALOG DEVICES UG-208 Service Manual

Evaluation Board User Guide
One Technology Way P. O . Box 9106 Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel : 781.329.4700 Fax : 781.461.3113
1 GSPS Quadrature Digital Upconverter with 14-Bit DAC Evaluation Board


1 GSPS internal clock speed (up to 400 MHz analog output) Integrated 1 GSPS 14-bit DAC 250 MHz I/Q data throughput rate Phase noise ≤ −125 dBc/Hz (400 MHz carrier @ 1 kHz offset) Excellent dynamic performance >80 dB narrow-band SFDR 8 programmable profiles for shift keying Sin(x)/(x) correction (inverse sinc filter) Reference clock multiplier Internal oscillator for a single crystal operation Software and hardware controlled power-down Integrated RAM Phase modulation capability Multichip synchronization Easy interface to Blackfin SPORT Interpolation factors from 4× to 252× Interpolation DAC mode Gain control DAC Internal divider allows references up to 2 GHz
1.8 V and 3.3 V power supplies 100-lead TQFP_EP package


AD9957 evaluation board AD9957/PCB installation software USB cable


This user guide serves as a guide to setup and use the AD9957 evaluation board. The AD9957 is a 1 GSPS quadrature digital upconverter with a 14-bit DAC.
The evaluation board software provides a graphical user interface for easy communication with the device along with many user­friendly features such as the mouse-over effect, which clarifies elements by hovering the mouse over the element.
Use this user guide in conjunction with the AD9957 data sheet.


Figure 1.
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Features .............................................................................................. 1
Package Contents .............................................................................. 1
General Description ......................................................................... 1
Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 1
Revision History ............................................................................... 2
Evaluation Board Hardware ............................................................ 3
Requirements ................................................................................ 3
Setting Up the Evaluation Board ................................................ 3
Evaluation Board Software .............................................................. 5
Installing the Software ................................................................. 5
Installing the Driver ..................................................................... 5
Launching the Program ............................................................... 5
Feature Windows .............................................................................. 7
Control ........................................................................................... 7
Profiles.............................................................................................. 10
Profiles Windows ........................................................................ 10
View Windows ............................................................................ 14
QDUC RAM Control ................................................................. 14
FIFO Control .............................................................................. 15
MultiChip Sync Control ............................................................ 15
GPIO ............................................................................................ 16
Debug Window ........................................................................... 16
Register Map (Software Buffer) Values Window ................... 17
DUT I/O ...................................................................................... 17
Modulation Vector Generator....................................................... 18
QAM ............................................................................................. 18
GMSK/EDGE .............................................................................. 19
SDPSK .......................................................................................... 19
Simulator ......................................................................................... 20
Simulator Tool ................................................................................. 21
Overview ..................................................................................... 21
Simulator Activation .................................................................. 21
Simulator Description ............................................................... 21
Single-Tone Mode Simulation .................................................. 23
QDUC Parallel Data Mode Simulation ................................... 24
QDUC BlackFin (Serial Data) Mode Simulation ................... 24
Interpolating DAC Mode Simulation ...................................... 25
Virtual Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analyzer ........................ 25
User Data File(s) ......................................................................... 25
Auxiliary Control File ................................................................ 26
Keywords ......................................................................................... 27
Debug ........................................................................................... 27
Showclip ....................................................................................... 27
Samples ........................................................................................ 27
DDSCORE ................................................................................... 27
RSET ............................................................................................. 27
DACXFR ...................................................................................... 27
FFTWINDOWTYPE ................................................................. 27
Virtual Oscillope and Spectrum Analyzer Instruments
Keywords ..................................................................................... 28
DAC Output Signal Keywords .................................................. 29


11/10—Rev. 0 to Rev. A
Document Title Changed from EVAL-AD9957 to
UG-208 ................................................................................. Universal
Changes to Device Clock Oscillator Options Section ................. 3
Deleted Ordering Guide ................................................................ 32
7/09—Revision 0: Initial Version
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To use the evaluation board and run the software, the requirements listed in Tabl e 1 must be met.
Table 1. EVAL-AD9957 Requirements
Item Requirement
Operating System Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP Processor Pentium® I or better Memory 128 MB or better Ports One USB port Clocking
Power Supplies
Signal generator capable of generating sinusoidal waves of at least 0 dBm power, up to at least 10 MHz
Capability to generate at least two independent dc voltages (1.8 V/3.3 V)
Appropriate measurement device, such as a spectrum analyzer or a high bandwidth oscilloscope
USB 1.1/2.0 cable, and SMA-to-x cables (x = SMA or BNC, depending on the connector of the device interfacing with the board)


DC Power Supply

The AD9957 evaluation board has two power supply connectors (four pins each): TB1 and TB2. TB1 powers the USB interface circuitry, the digital I/O interface, and the digital core. TB2 powers the DAC and the clock input circuitry.
Tabl e 2 shows the necessary connections and the appropriate biasing voltage for TB1 and TB2.
Table 2. Connections and Biasing Voltage
Connector Pin No. Label Voltage (V)
TB1 1 VCC 3.3 TB1 2 GND 0 TB1 3 DVDD_IO 3.3 TB1 4 DVDD 1.8 TB2 1, 3 GND 0 TB2 2 DAC_VDD 3.3 TB2 4 CLK_VDD 1.8

Device Clock Oscillator Options

The AD9957 architecture provides the user with three options when providing an input signal to the part. The first option allows the user to provide a high frequency input signal, connected to J1. The second option allows the user to connect the part using a lower input reference frequency, enabling the clock multiplier, connected through J1. The third option allows the user to connect a crystal resonator on the backside of the board.
Note that the AD9957 evaluation board does not populate the PLL loop filter components. Therefore, to use the internal PLL of the AD9957, the user must solder down these components or the PLL will not be stable. The AD9957 data sheet has helpful formulas to calculate the appropriate values. In addition, an excel file to help choose the loop filter component values is available on the AD9957 product page. Once on the AD9957 product page, go to the Evaluation Boards & Development Kits > Evaluation Boards/Tools and click PLL Loop Filter Tool.
To enable the crystal mode, switch the jumper, W7, to the XTAL mode. Remove C51 and C52. Place 0  resistors at R4 and R11 on the backside of the board. The crystal oscillates at 25 MHz.
Refer to the AD9957 data sheet for details on the maximum input speeds and input sensitivities of these two inputs.

Device Communication Requirements

Two interface standards are available on the evaluation board:
USB 1.1/2.0
A header row (U5 and U9), which places the part under
the control of an external controller (such as a microprocessor, FPGA, or DSP).
Analog Devices provides a GUI for the PC but does not provide control software for external controllers.
Use the jumper settings listed in Table 3 to enable different modes of communication.
Table 3. Jumper Settings for Communication Modes
Mode Settings
PC Control, USB Port
External Control
Set Jumper W1 and Jumper W2 to enable. Set Jumper W4 to EN. Place a jumper on W5, W6, and W3.
Set Jumper W1 and Jumper W2 to disable. Set Jumper W4 to DIS. Remove the jumper on W5, W6, and W3.
Jumper W1, Jumper W2, and Jumper W4 enable the USB circuitry to control the AD9957. Jumper W3 controls the EEPROM and is used in starting up the USB circuitry. Jumper W5 and Jumper W6 control the signals SDO and SDIO to and from the AD9957.
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Figure 2. Evaluation Board Layout

Manual I/O Control Headers

Header connectors (U5, U6, and U9) provide the communication interface for the AD9957 when the part is under the command of an external controller (see Table 3 for the correct jumper settings).

Multidevice Synchronous Control

J2, J5, J6, and J7 connections are used to set up the AD9957 for multidevice synchronous operation.
DAC Output
The J4 connection is the filtered output of the DAC and J3 represents the unfiltered (default) DAC output. To enable the filtered path, R19 on the PCB must be installed.

Clock Mode Select

Clock mode select controls whether the reference clock source is a 20 MHz to 30 MHz crystal or an external signal generator. A 25 MHz crystal is provided on underside of the AD9957 evaluation board.


Reference Clock Input
The reference clock input is the input for the external reference clock signal.
Power Supply Connections
These two connectors, TB1 and TB2, provide all the necessary supply voltages needed by the AD9957 and the evaluation board (see Tabl e 2).

USB Port

When the part is under PC control (default mode), the evaluation board communicates with the AD9957 via the USB port.
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Use the following steps to install the AD9957 evaluation software:
1. Log into your PC system with administrative privileges.
2. Uninstall any previous versions of the AD9957 evaluation
software from your PC system.
3. Insert the AD9957 evaluation software CD. Do not connect
the AD9957 evaluation board to the computer until the AD9957 evaluation software has been installed.
4. Open the Readme.txt file located in the Software folder
before proceeding with the installation of the AD9957 evaluation software.
5. Run the setup.exe file located in the Software folder and
follow the on-screen installation instructions.


Once the software has been installed onto your PC, interface the AD9957 evaluation software to the AD9957 evaluation board via the USB port (see Figure 2).
In order for the evaluation board and software to communicate properly, drivers must be loaded onto your PC system. Use the instructions in the following sections to install these drivers on your PC system.

Windows 98/ME/2000 Users

1. Power up the AD9957 evaluation board (see Tab le 2).
2. Connect the evaluation board to the computer using a
USB cable via the USB port; the VBUS LED (CR1 on the AD9957 evaluation board) illuminates.
3. When the USB cable is connected, the Found New
Hardware window appears.
4. Click Finish in the Found New Hardware Wizard when
the install is complete.
After the window has disappeared, the USB status LED (CR2 on the AD9957 evaluation board) flashes, which indicates that the evaluation board is connected properly.

Windows XP Users

1. Power up the AD9957 evaluation board (see Tab le 2).
2. Connect the evaluation board to the computer using a USB
cable via the USB port. Then, the VBUS LED (CR1 on the AD9957 evaluation board) illuminates.
3. When the USB cable is connected, the Found New Hardware
Wizard appears. Click Next to continue. The AD9957 Firmware Loader appears.
4. Click Continue Anyway when the Hardware Installation
warning window appears.
5. Click Finish in the Found New Hardware Wizard when
the install is complete.
6. Click Next when the next Found New Hardware Wizard
7. Click Continue Anyway when the Hardware Installation
warning window appears.
8. Click Finish in the Found New Hardware Wizard when
the install is complete.
Once this screen has disappeared, the USB status LED (CR2 on AD9957 evaluation board) should be flashing, indicating that the evaluation board is properly connected. If the LED does not flash, verify that all power and USB connections are properly connected.

Installing the Simulator

1. Run Setup.exe in the software MLRT73 installer directory
on the CD.
2. Follow the on screen instructions for installing the simulator.
3. The simulator can be accessed from the AD9957 evaluation
board software. See the Simulator Activation section for further information.


Follow these steps to load the AD9957 evaluation software:
1. Before starting the software, make sure that the AD9957
evaluation board is powered up, connected to the computer, and that the USB status LED is flashing.
2. Click the Start button.
3. Select Programs > AD9957 Eval Software folder, >
AD9957 Eval Software to load the software.
A status message appears. See the Status Messages upon Loading Software section for more information.

Status Messages upon Loading Software

Once the AD9957 evaluation software has been loaded, a green splash screen appears. The status box within the splash screen gives the status of the AD9957 evaluation software. Green writing in the status box indicates that the software has loaded (see Figure 3). The status box disappears following a successful load.
A splash screen with red writing in the status box indicates that the software did not load and that an error occurred. Click within this box to create a cursor. Scrolling up through the status box with the cursor indicates why the software did not load correctly.
Most status message errors are resolved by checking jumper settings, making sure that the evaluation board is powered up correctly, and inspecting the USB port and cable connections. In addition, check that the clock input source is connected and properly configured.
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Figure 3. Successful Load
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Figure 4. Chip Level Control Window


The Control window provides control of the clock input, clock multiplier, DAC gain settings, internal I/O update, and power down functions of the AD9957. The following sections describe the chip level control window portions as they appear in Figure 4.


The LOAD button is used to send data to the AD9957 device. All LOAD buttons found in the evaluation software have the same functionality.
When new data is detected, LOAD flashes orange, indicating that you need to click LOAD to send the updates to the serial I/O buffer where they are stored until an I/O update is issued. The I/O update sends the contents of the serial I/O buffer to active registers.
I/O updates can be sent manually (Manual I/O Update) or automatically (Auto I/O Update) (see Figure 3). By default, the AD9957 evaluation software is set to Auto I/O Update. When LOAD is clicked, an I/O update signal is automatically sent to the device. If synchronization across channels is desired, use the Manual I/O Update button. To send an I/O update, uncheck the Auto I/O Update box at the top of the screen and press the I/O Update button.
The Show Warnings check box in Figure 4 can be selected to show when you have entered data that exceeds the specifi­cations of the AD9957.
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The Clock section allows you to configure the reference clock path in the AD9957.
External Clock inputs the operating frequency of the external reference clock or crystal. The maximum reference clock fre­quency of the AD9957 is 1 GHz. A red outline indicates that the value entered is out of range.
The ÷2 Divider Disable checkbox disables the input divider for the clock path. The maximum frequency of this divider is 2 GHz.
The Enable Multiplier section selects the PLL multiplication factor (12× to 127×) which is used to scale the input frequency. The default setting of this box is disabled, indicating that the reference clock multiplier circuitry is bypassed and the refer­ence clock/crystal input is piped directly to the DDS core.
CP Current selects the charge pump current output of the PLL in the reference clock multiplier circuitry. Selecting a higher current output results in the loop locking faster, but there is a trade-off. Increasing this current output also increases phase noise.
The VCO Range menu allows you to select the range of operation for the VCO on the AD9957. The AD9957 evaluation software automatically determines which range the AD9957 should operate in. However, if you to run a given frequency in a band other than the one selected by the software, a warning box prompts you to confirm this. Note that using a VCO frequency outside of its specified range may result in undesired operation, including nonfunctionality. See the AD9957 data sheet for more information regarding the different VCO bands.
The XTAL Out drop-down menu selects the output drive strength of the XTAL reference output. There are three drive strengths: low, middle, and high.
PLL Lock indicates when the PLL is in a valid lock state. If the PLL loses lock, the indicator light display lights up or turns green.
System Clock displays the operating frequency the DDS core (system). The value shown here is derived from the values entered in the External Clock and Multiplier boxes.
Refer to the AD9957 data sheet for more information regarding clock modes and operation.

AUX DAC Control

The DAC Gain Ctrl drop-down menu controls the auxiliary DAC setting to select the full-scale output current of the DAC. See the AD9957 data sheet for more information about DAC gain setting.
The DAC Iou t box displays the full-scale output current of the DAC. This number is based on a DAC_RSET resistor value of 10 kΩ.
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Operating Mode

The Operating Mode selector allows you to select between the three operating modes of the AD9957. Quadrature Modulation is the default setting. This puts the AD9957 into quadrature digital up-converter (QDUC) mode. QDUC mode takes digital baseband data and upconverts it to a specified IF output. Single tone allows you to get a single tone output from the AD9957. Single tone mode allows you to select a single output frequency. Interpolating DAC keeps baseband data at baseband but can change the sample rate of the data. See the AD9957 data sheet for more information about the different modes of operation.

Internal I/O Update

The Use Internal IO Update check box sets the I/O update pin to an output. This output generates an active high pulse when the internal I/O update occurs. The rate of the internal I/O update can be programmed through the serial port. See the AD9957 data sheet for more information.

Modulation Options

The Data Format selection allows you to select the formatting method of the input data either from Two’s C om pl em en t or Offset Binary.
The Invert TX Enable check box allows you to invert the polarity of the TxENABLE signal.
The Enable PDCLK check box allows you to control the PDCLK functionality.
The Invert PDCLK box allows you to invert the polarity of the PDCLK signal.
The PDClk = ½ Input Data Rate box allows you to set the PDCLK signal to ½ of the input data rate.
The Data Assembler Holds Last Value box allows you to choose between the data assembler, which outputs all zeros or the last value received when TxENABLE is low.

Activate BFI

Using the Active BFI control allows you to make the AD9957 data compatible with an Analog Devices, Inc., Blackfin® DSP.
The Bit Order section allows you to specify the input format of LSB or MSB first.
The Early Frame Sync Enable box changes the BFI compatibility to late frame or early frame.
Evaluation Board User Guide UG-208

Power Down

The Digital, DAC, Clock Input, and Aux. DAC power-down controls allow you to power down each of the specific circuit blocks individually.
Setting the Enable Auto PD box enables the condition when the TxENABLE pin is Logic 0, the baseband signal processing chain is flushed of residual data, and the clocks are automatically stopped. Clocks restart when the TxENABLE pin is a Logic 1. The enable auto PD bit does nothing when it is cleared.
The External PD Mode section allows you to control which power-down mode is used in conjunction with the external power-down pin. The Fast Recovery mode sets the AD9957 into a power-down state that keeps clocks running and bias circuits active but does not allow the part to output data. This mode uses significantly more power than Full Power Down mode. Full Power Down mode stops clocks and powers down bias circuits. It takes significantly longer to power back up from power-down state.
The External Power Down Pin button allows you to control the external power-down pin without having to alter the evaluation board. See the AD9957 data sheet for more information about full power-down conditions.

Sync Sample Error

The Sync Sample Error section allows you to enable/disable the sync sample error detection using the bit provided. If a sync error is detected, the external flag is set.

Other Controls

The Enable I/O Sync Clock Output Pin box allows you to enable/disable the output driver for the I/O sync clock output.
The Enable Matched Latency box allows you to align the application of the frequency tuning word, phase offset word, and amplitude scale factor at the same time. If this bit is cleared, then those words are applied at different times.
The Auto Clear Phase Accumulator box sets the DDS phase accumulator to a reset state when the I/O_UPDATE pin is set high or when a profile changes.
The Clear Phase Accumulator box holds the DDS phase accumulator in a reset state as long as the clear phase accumulator bit is set.
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Figure 5. Profiles Control Window for QDUC Modulation Mode


The Profiles window allows you to change the different profile settings easily. Figure 5 to Figure 7 show the profile control windows for the three operating modes of the AD9957: QDUC modulation mode, single-tone mode, and interpolating DAC mode.

QDUC Modulation Mode

Output Freq is used to set the frequency generated by the DDS. This is the IF carrier to which the unconverted modulation data is applied.
Phase Offset controls the phase of the DDS output. This can be changed from 0° to 360° with 16-bit resolution.
Output Scale Factor digitally controls the amplitude of the carrier from the DDS. This scalar has 8-bits of resolution.
Note that this can be used in conjunction with DAC Gai n Ctrl (see Figure 4) to increase the flexibility of the output amplitude.
CCI Interpolation Rate is the upconversion rate through the cascaded comb integrator (CCI) filters on the AD9957. This can vary from 1 to 63 using a 6-bit control word. Note that this is not the only source of interpolation. See the AD9957 data sheet for more information on interpolation.
Inverse CCI Bypass allows you to enable or disable the inverse CCI filter. This filter predistorts the data coming into the CCI section to compensate for a slight attenuation gradient caused by the CCI filter.
Spectral Inversion allows you to change the orientation of the modulated signal with respect to the carrier.
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