Least Significant Bit
This is the analog weighting of 1 bit of the digital word in a DAC.
For the AD7849, B, C and T versions, 1 LSB = (V
. For the AD7849, A version, 1 LSB = (V
– V
Relative Accuracy
Relative accuracy or endpoint nonlinearity is a measure of the
maximum deviation from a straight line passing through the
endpoints of the DAC transfer function. It is measured after
adjusting for both endpoints (i.e., offset and gain errors are adjusted out) and is normally expressed in least significant bits or
as a percentage of full-scale range.
Differential Nonlinearity
Differential nonlinearity is the difference between the measured
change and the ideal change between any two adjacent codes. A
specified differential nonlinearity of less than ±1 LSB over the
operating temperature range ensures monotonicity.
Gain Error
Gain error is a measure of the output error between an ideal
DAC and the actual device output with all 1s loaded after offset
error has been adjusted out. Gain error is adjustable to zero
with an external potentiometer.
Offset Error
This is the error present at the device output with all 0s loaded
in the DAC. It is due to op amp input offset voltage and bias
current and the DAC leakage current.
Bipolar Zero Error
When the AD7849 is connected for bipolar output and
(100 . . . 000) is loaded to the DAC, the deviation of the analog
output from the ideal midscale of 0 V, is called the bipolar zero
Digital-to-Analog Glitch Impulse
This is the amount of charge injected from the digital inputs to
the analog output when the inputs change state. This is normally specified as the area of the glitch in nV-secs.
Multiplying Feedthrough Error
This is an ac error due to capacitive feedthrough from either of
the V
terminals to V
when the DAC is loaded with all 0s.
Digital Feedthrough
When the DAC is not selected (SYNC is held high), high frequency logic activity on the digital inputs is capacitively coupled
through the device to show up as noise on the V
pin. This
noise is digital feedthrough.
Pin Mnemonic Description
Input. The DAC is specified for V
of +5 V. The DAC is fully multiplying so that the V
range is +5 V to –5 V.
Input. The DAC is specified for V
of –5 V. Since the DAC is fully multiplying the V
range is –5 V to +5 V.
Negative supply for the analog circuitry. This is nominally –15 V.
4 SYNC Data Synchronization Logic Input. When it goes low, the internal logic is initialized in readiness for a new data word.
5 SCLK Serial Clock Logic Input. Data is clocked into the input register on each SCLK falling edge.
Positive supply for the digital circuitry. This is nominally +5 V.
7 SDOUT Serial Data Output. With DCEN at Logic “1,” this output is enabled and the serial data in the input shift register is
clocked out on each rising edge of SCLK.
8 DCEN Daisy-Chain Enable Logic Input. Connect this pin high if a daisy-chain interface is being used, otherwise this pin must be
connect low.
9 BIN/COMP Logic Input. This input selects the data format to be either binary or 2s complement. In the unipolar output range,
natural binary format is selected by connecting the input to a Logic “0.” In the bipolar output range, offset binary is
selected by connecting this input to a Logic “0” and 2s complement is selected by connecting it to a Logic “1.”
10 DGND Digital Ground. Ground reference point for the on-chip digital circuitry.
11 LDAC Load DAC Logic Input. This input updates the DAC output. The DAC output is updated on the falling edge of this
signal or alternatively, if this input is permanently low, an automatic update mode is selected whereby the DAC is updated
on the 16th falling SCLK edge.
12 SDIN Serial Data Input. The 16-bit serial data word is applied to this input.
13 CLR Clear Logic Input. Taking this input low sets V
to 0 V in both the unipolar output range and the bipolar 2s comple-
ment output range. It sets V
to V
in the offset binary bipolar output range.
14 RSTIN Reset Logic Input. This input allows external access to the internal reset logic. Applying a Logic “0” to this input, resets
the DAC output to 0 V. In normal operation it should be tied to Logic “1.”
15 RSTOUT Reset Logic Output. This is the output from the on-chip voltage monitor used in the reset circuit. It may used to control
other system components if desired.
16 AGND This is the analog ground for the device. It is the point to which the output gets shorted in the reset mode.
17 V
Positive supply for the analog circuitry. This is +15 V nominal.
18 NC No Connect. Leave unconnected.
19 V
DAC Output Voltage Pin.
20 R
Input to summing resistor of DAC output amplifier. This is used to select output voltage ranges. See Figures 16 to 19