Temperature ranges
CTC-140 A -17 to 140°C / -1 to 284°F
CTC-320 A 33 to 320°C / 91 to 608°F
CTC-320 B 33 to 320°C / 91 to 608°F
CTC-650 A 33 to 650°C / 91 to 1202°F
CTC-650 B 33 to 650°C / 91 to 1202°F
CTC-1200 A 300 to 1205°C / 572 to 2200°F
Fast calibration is timesaving
The specially designed heating block profile
heats up to 320°C / 608°F in just 4 minutes
and to 650°C / 1202°F in only 10 minutes
High flexibility
You are not limited by fixed holes.
Inter-changeable insertion tubes are
used to match the diameter of your sensorunder-test
Compact Temperature Calibrator
Enhanced stability
MVI circuitry ensures stability despite mains
supply variations in the process environment
Timesaving features
Fast one-key-one-function access to the
automatic switch test and auto stepping
Documentation made easy
RS232 communication and JOFRACAL
calibration software are included in the
standard delivery
Complete marine program
Part of a complete program of marine
approved temperature, pressure and signal
calibrators; including temperature sensors
A fast, timesaving, and reliable true temperature calibrator designed for
on-site use.
The CTC series is a fast dry-block that offers both interchangeable
inserts, the MVI stability circuitry, and calibration software. Both speed
and portability are superior to liquid baths. Dry-block calibrators do not
require hazardous liquids and provide a wide temperature range.
Calibrate RTD’s, thermocouples, thermoswitches, thermistors, and other
common temperature sensing devices.
The CTC series is designed for both on-site and maintenance shop use.
The applications are generally critical process control but can vary based
on calibration and testing requirements. The user interface is easy and
intuitive. One-key-one-function gives you quick access to timesaving features such as the switch test or the auto-stepping function.
All models feature a large, backlit LCD display panel, which is easyto-read even in well-lit areas. Units feature an informative display that
provides icons and information regarding the status of the CTC and the
calibration in-progress. The CTC series consists of six different models
that differ in temperature ranges and immersion depths. All units offer
similar features. A rugged, slim-line, aluminum outer casing with die-cast
top and bottom protects the CTC series of dry-block calibrators.
ISO 9001 Manufacturer
Specification Sheet
For easy documentation and automatic calibration, all units are delivered
with RS232 serial communication and JOFRACAL calibration software.

Fast heating and cooling
The CTC-320 A and the CTC-650 A contain an innovative
heating block profile. This design heats up the CTC-320 A
to maximum temperature in just 4 minutes and the CTC650 A in only 10 minutes. The fast performance of the
heating block is due to the special profile that minimizes
mass and yet, still accepts an insertion tube with a 25 mm
/ 1 in. outer diameter. This design is a balanced compromise between temperature stability / homogeneity and
rapid heating / cooling.
Deep immersion depth
The CTC-320 B and CTC-650 B models offer a deeper
immersion depth of 200 mm / 7.9 in. If you have liquid-filled
sensors or other sensors that require a deeper immersion
depth, look for the B versions. While the units do not heat
and cool as quickly as their shorter counterparts, they offer
the capability to accommodate longer sensors.
Peltier effect (CTC-140 A)
The model CTC-140 A features Peltier elements. In 1834,
Jean Peltier, a French physicist found that an ’’opposite
thermocouple effect’’ could be observed when an electric
current was connected to a thermocouple. Heat would be
absorbed at one of the junctions and discharged at the
other junction. This effect is called the ’’PELTIER EFFECT’’.
MVI - Improved temperature stability
MVI stands for ’’Mains power Variance Immunity’’.
Unstable mains power supplies are a major contributor to
on-site calibration inaccuracies. Traditional temperature
calibrators often become unstable in production environments where large electrical motors, heating elements,
and other devices are periodically cycled on or off. The
cycling of supply power can cause the temperature regulator to perform inconsistently leading to both inaccurate
readings and unstable temperatures.
The CTC series employ the MVI, thus avoiding such stability problems. The MVI circuitry continuously monitors the
supply voltage and ensures a constant energy flow to the
heating elements.
Easy-to-use, intuitive operation
All instrument controls may be performed from the front
panel. The heat source is positioned away from the panel.
This design helps to protect the operator.
The main functions on the CTC series are designed with
one-key-one-function logic. This means that there are no
sub-menus or difficult to remember multiple keystrokes
necessary to access primary functions. The easy-to-read,
backlit display features dedicated icons, which help in
identifying instrument conditions and operational steps.
The practical Peltier element (electronic heating pump)
consists of many elements of semiconductor material
connected electrically in series and thermally in parallel.
These thermoelectric elements and their electrical interconnections are mounted between two ceramic plates.
The plates serve to mechanically hold the overall structure together and to electrically insulate the individual
elements from one another.
Maximum temperature
From the setup menu, the user can select the maximum
temperature limit for the calibrator. This function prevents
damage to the sensor-under-test caused by the application of excessive temperatures. The feature also aids in
reducing drift resulting from extended periods of exposures to high temperatures. This feature can be locked
with an access code.
2 www.jofra.com Compact Temperature Calibrator • CTC
Set temperature
The ’’Up’’ and ’’Down’’ arrow keys allow the user to set
the exact temperature desired with a resolution of 0.1°.
Instrument setups
The CTC series stores the complete instrument setup,
including: engineering units, stability criteria, resolution,
display contrast, slope (ramp) rate, auto-step settings, and
maximum temperature.

Stability indicator
Slope rate
A bold checkmark on the display indicates that the calibrator has reached the desired set temperature and is
stable. The operator may change the stability criteria and
establish a greater sense of security in the calibration
results. A convenient countdown timer is activated five
minutes before the unit reaches stability.
Automatic switch test
Operators can save a lot of time using the automatic thermoswitch test function to find values for the ’’Open’’ and
’’Close’’ temperatures. Additionally, this feature displays
the hysteresis (deadband) between the two points. The
feature ensures a very high repeatability when testing
thermoswitches. Simply press the ’’SWITCH TEST’’ key to
activate the function.
This feature saves manpower. The operator may stay in
the control room, or another remote location, monitoring the output from the sensor-under-test while the CTC
series calibrator is placed in the process and automatically
changes the temperature using a programmed step value
and rate. Up to 9 different temperature steps may be programmed, including the hold time for each step.
The CTC series has a very easy and straightforward procedure for re-calibration/adjustment. There is no need for
a screwdriver or PC software. The only thing you need is a
reliable reference thermometer.
Place the probe in the calibrator and follow the instructions on the display. Third-party labs and calibration facilities will be able to perform this function if a certificate
from an independent source is necessary. Of course,
AMETEK can provide you with a traceable calibration certificate from our labs when you require a higher level of
Calibration of up to 24 sensors with JOFRA ASM
Using the CTC series together with the ASM Advanced
Signal Multi-scanner offers a great time-saving automatic
solution to calibrate multiple temperature sensors at the
same time.
The ASM series is an eight channel scanner controlled by
JOFRACAL software on a PC. Up to 3 ASM units can be
stacked to calibrate up to 24 sensors at the same time.
It can handle signals from 2-, 3- and 4 wire RTD’s, TC’s,
transmitters, thermisters, temperature switches and voltage.
Liquid filled sensors and switches
The tall B models with an immersion depth of 190 mm /
7.5 in are ideal for calibration of liquid filled sensors. The
specially designed non-linear heating elements in the
CTC-650 B and the increased block mass provide a very
homogeneous temperature throughout the block. It is
essential for the quality of the calibration/test that the full
lenght of the sensing part of the sensor is exposed to the
same temperature. Calibrate analog reading devices or
switches with very high repeatability.
www.jofra.com 3CTC • Compact Temperature Calibrator