Amana ARB1905CS0, ARB1905CB0, ARB190ZCW0, ARB2214CB-PARB2214CB0, ARB190ZCB0 Owner's Manual

Ordering parts and accessories?
Questions about your features?
Ptease contact us with yore"model and serial numbe*:
Consumer A_il"s Depal"tment Amana Appliances
2800 - 220th Tl"ail Amana, Iowa 52204
Ph# 1(800)843o0304 in USA.
1(866)587-2002 au Canada
Intemet: http:ii www
Keep instructions for future reference.
Keep this manua! and your sales receipt together in a safe
31ace in case _ arranty sel-vice is required.
Part No. 12642702 Printed in U.S.A. 01/02
maintenanceinformation. Compmeteregistrationcardandpromptlyreturn.Ifregistrationcardismissing,
calltheConsumerAffairsDepartment. WarrantyservicemustbeperformedbyanauthorizedservicerAmanaalso
recommendscontactinganauthorizedservicerifserviceisrequiredafterwarranty expiresTolocateanauthorizedservicer,call1-800-NAT-LSVC(1-800-628-5782), orcall1{319)622-5511ifoutsidetheUSA Youmayalsocontactusonthewebat
WhencontactingAmana,pleaseprovidethefollowinginformation.Product informationisontheserialplate,locatedonceilingoffreshfoodsection.
ModelNumber 'P'Number
Serial Number
Purchase Date
Dealer Name
Dealer Address
Dealer Phone
Amana offers long°term set_'ice protection for this new refi-igerator.
Asure TM Extended Service Plan is specially designed to supplement
Amaaa's smmg waranty. This plan covers parts, labor, and travel charges_
Call 1(800)528-2682, or contact us at _w' _br more in_brmation.
Before Calling Service :
][fsomething seems unusual, please check "Trouble Shooting" section, which is designed m help you solve problems be_bre calling service.
This book is intended to show the variety of t}atures that are available in
the product line. If yore retiigerator does not have all the options that arc
ShOWn, rnany of these options may be
purchased by contacting the Consumer Affairs Department. See contact in*brmation on the cover of your
Recognize Safety Symbols, Words, Labels
DANGER--rmmediate hazards which WiLL resuff in severe personN injury or death
WARNmNG--Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD resuff in severe personN injury or death
CAUTION--Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD resuff in minor personN injury or product or property damage
about Safety Instructions
Warning and Important Sat'cry Instractions appearing in this manual are not meant to cover all possible
conditions and situations that may occur. Common sense, caution, and care mast be exercised when installing,
maintaining, or operating refl'igeraor. Always contact your dealer, distributor, service agent, or manufi_cmrer about
problems or conditions you do not undersmn&
To reduce risk of fire_ electric sheck_ serious injury_ or death when using yeur
refrigerator_ follow these basic precautions_ including the following;
1. Read aii instructions before using refrigerator.
2 Observe all local codes and
3 Be sure to follow grounding
4 Check with a qualified electrician
if you are not sure this appliance is properly grounded.
5. DO NOT ground to a gas line.
6 DO NOT ground to cold water
7. Refrigerator is designed to
operate on a separate 103 to 126 volt, 15 amp, 60 cycle line. DO
NOT modify plug on power cord If plug does not fit electrical outlet, have proper outlet installed by a
qualified electrician
8. DO NOT use a two-prong adapter, extension cord or power strip.
9. DO NOT remove warning tag from
power cord.
10. DO NOT tamper with refrigerator controls.
11. DO NOT service or replace any
part of refrigerator unless specifically recommended in
owner's manual or published
user-repair instructions. DO NOT
attempt service if instructions are
not understood or if they are beyond personal skill level.
12. Always disconnect refrigerator from electrical supply before attempting any service. Disconnect
power cord by grasping the plug, not the cord.
13. Install refrigerator according to Installation Instructions. Aii
connections for water, electrical power, and grounding must compl
with local codes and be made by licensed personnel when required.
14 Keep your refrigerator in good
condition. Bumping or dropping refrigerator can damage unit or
cause unit to malfunction or leak
If damage occurs, have
refrigerator checked by qualified service technician.
15. Replace worn power cords and!or
loose plugs.
16. Always read and follow
manufacturer's storage and ideal environment instructions for items
being stored in refrigerator.
To reduce risk of injury or death_ follow basic precautions_
inc|uding the fol|owing:
Proper Disposal of Your Refrigerator IMPORTANT: Child entrapment and suffocation are not problems of the past. Junked or
abandoned refrigerators are still dangerous-even if they sit out for "just a few days". If you are getting rid of your old refrigerator, please follow the instructions below to help prevent accidents.
Take off the doors.
Leave the shelves in place so children may not easily climb inside.
Save These Instructions
i o
nstalhng Your Refrigerator
These instructions were provided to aid you in tile installation of your unit. Amana cannot be responsible fbr improper installation
How do I measure an opening to insure
proper fit?
A V," of air space should be provided for the top and back of tile unit to allow for proper air circulation. When installing your unit, measure carefiAly. Subflooring or floor coverings (i.e. carpet, tile, wood floors, rugs) n'my make your opening smaller than anticipated.
Some clearance may be gained by using the le\ cling procedure under How to
Leve[ }b_lr R@'igerator.
tMPORTAN_ If Unitis to be
installed into a recess where top Of
unit is completely covered, Use
dimensions from floor to top of
binge cap to Verify proper
How to Transport Your Unit
Follow these tips when moving the unit to final location:
NEVER transport unit on its side If an upright position is not possible, lay unit on its back. Allow unit to sit upright for approximately 30 minutes prior to plugging unit in to assure oil remm to the compressor, Plugging unit in immediately may cause damage to internal parts.
Use an appliance dolly when moving unit ALWAYS t_/ck unit from its side NEVER flora its
f?ont or back. Protect outside finish of unit during transport by wrapping cabinet in blankets or inserting
padding between the unit and dolly.
Secure unit to dolly firn'dy widL straps Thread straps through handles when possible. DO NOT overtighten. Overtightening restraints may dent or damage outside finish.
Now to Se|eet the Best Location
Observe these points when choosing the final location [br your unit:
DO NOT install refrigerator near oven, radiator, or other heat source. If not possible, shield unit with cabinet material.
DO NOT install where temperature falls below 55°F (13°C) Malflmction may occur at this temperature
Make sure floor is level, If floor is not level, shim rear wheels of unit with a piece of plywood
or other shim material
To assure proper door closure, x erify that the unit is leveled with a %" tilt to the back.
How to Remove the Doers and Ninges
Some installations reqniIe door removal to get refrigerator to final location Ifremo\ al of the pullout drawer is required, see later section entitled Now te Remove and Inata|| the Pu||out Drawer
To avoid electrical shock which can cause severe personal injury or death, observe the following:
Disconnect power to refrigerator before removing doors. Connect power only after replacing doors.
To avoid damage to wals and flooring, protect soft vinyl or other flooring with cardboard, rugs, or other protective material.
toe ffrilIe and botton_
bracket cover(s)°
Open freezer door as wide as possible.
Depending on the model of
your unit, you may have one or two bracket covers.
==,,,,o, ,÷o], JA.
freezer door in place I h
rerr, cc=terhi. .e i !
witha54,"he==,tdri e,.
ow, ee=erdoo II
' Remove top hing*e cover by
removing_ Phillips screw.
Retain screw and cover for replacement.
Remove bottom hinge or stabilizing*
bracket with 3in, _ hex head &'iven
* Lift out bottom hinge pin (some __
models). _ q
* Retain hinge pin and screws for
later use.
i o
nstallmg Your Refrigerator
How to Reverse the Doors
rform aZ/steps listed in NOW to 1
move the Doors and Hinges. J
Transfer cabinet plugs anti cabinet
screws to opposite side of cabineto
Remove cabinet plugs with flat Made screwdriver tip wrapped in masking tape.
Remove center mullion screws with Sl_" hex head driver.
For swing doors only
Remove bottom mullion screws with si8"hex head driver.
IMPORTAN_ When working directly on doors, place doOrS
on a nonabrasive surface protected by towels or rugs to avoid damage to door finish.
Transfer door stops from
bottom edffe of _'esh food and _eezer door to
opposite side of door edffe.
Use a Phillips screwdriver for removal and installation.
roceed to MOW to Rep|ace the )
oors and P|inge$ to mount doers. )
Now to
tnstaH#_g Fresh Food Front-Mounted Handles
If installing handles tbr the first time, the flesh £)od handles can be located within the t'resh fbod section. The handle trim will be located
in the literature pack.
Insta|| and Nemove Nand|es
Refrlove 1//44_ hCX 17U[ screp/s _ron_
door _lce with hex out driver:
If reversing door, remove door plugs
in screw holes.
Removing Fresh Food Front-Mounted Handles Remo\ ing handles may be necessary when transporting unit through
tight spaces, or when rex ersing the door _,
- s<
and/c B_m by
].L removinff top boodle screw. "_ _" ] ,Retain trim and screw for later /l[
replacemenL /_'
I2 Aligm haodle holes with screw holes
oo door _,ce a.d sec,,re with 2 _} ] doo__"om step L \ /
Locate handle trim/17 Iitetvtmre
pack and install over top and
botton_ of haodlL5 as i[]ustrated
Secure top handle trim with remaining screw removed in step 1
Snap bottom trim over bottom portion of t handle
(,_ Re,,,o_"tworemaio,%;*ha.d_'_-,_--"]
screwsaod removeha_d!e. " [ ]
" Retainscrewsforiaterrepiacement _ J
installing Freezer Handtee
[finstalling handles tbr the first time, the fl'eezer handles can be located within the fl'eezer section.
top edge of door and insert into screw hobs.
Removing Freezer Handles
Remo\'ing handles may be necessary _hen transporting t;nit through tight spaces, or when reversing the door,
i o
nstallmg Your Refrigerator
How to Insta|| and Remove Hand|es _,,,/,_,,_+
Installing Fresh Food Side_Meunted Handles Removing Fresh Food Side-Mounted Handles
If installing hal_dles for the first time, the flesh food handles Removi_g hanctles may be necessa7 when transporting unit can be located on the back of the refrigerator, through tight spaces, or when reversing the door.
inataHing Freezer Handles Ifi_stallii_g hai_dIes fi)_the fi_*stdin< the fleeze_ ha_dles car_
be Ideated (:mthe back of the ret_igerator.
I nsgaI1 handle by t2tstening with
T-15 Torx _'* screws removed
from edg*e of doon
* Torx®is a registered trademark of Textron Inc.
Removing Freezer Handles Remevi_g ha_dIes may be i_ecessary _ her_tm_sporti_-_grefit th_ough tight spaces.
installing and Removing Stainless Steel Front _Moun_ed Handles
Toavoid risk of serious personal injury from sharp edges, do not remov front-mounted stainless steel handles from unit.
H_w te Rep|aee the Doors a_d Hinges
@ Insert bottom hir_#e p_ I _ /
#o,.e.,ode+_. p{<ov
* Locate bottom hinge hole closest _%___._
to outside edge of cabinet, and _-.l
insert bottom hinge pin. Replace ""_----.1
any door sh_ms,_fpresent. '_
4P/ace M;ng*e skle of re&ig*erator door on
center hing_e pin.
I"1 '_m'%®ht"tg*hte_ do_ top "<._!
I ++_.e_+,h%,."he_headd,+er _...+/_
+ 14 hidden pages