The ALTDLL and ALTDQ_DQS megafunctions provide a custom external memory
interface solution to access an FPGA's architecture and allow you to build your own
custom external memory interface physical layer (PHY) blocks.
when implementing a specialized or customized intellectual property (IP) for an
Altera-supported external memory interface that is not supported in Altera's IP or a
proprietary interface that is not supported by Altera.
The ALTDLL and ALTDQ_DQS custom external memory interface solution offers
more efficient logic synthesis and device implementation, and saves valuable design
time if you choose to code your own logic. The ALTDLL megafunction configures the
dedicated DQS phase-shift circuitry, and the ALTDQ_DQS megafunction implements
the read and write PHY required for the interface.
While the ALTDLL and ALTDQ_DQS custom external memory interface solution is
primarily for building custom memory interface PHY blocks, you can also use this
solution to interface with any external device, such as ASIC, ASSP or another FPGA,
through the double data rate (DDR) interface.
recommends that you use the ALTDLL and ALTDQ_DQS megafunctions
1The ALTDLL and ALTDQ_DQS megafunctions are specifically for memory interfaces
that support memory burst lengths of two. For common memory interfaces that
support memory burst lengths of four, Altera recommends that you use the
ALTMEMPHY- or UniPHY-based memory controllers to take advantage of the
benefits of Altera's IP and timing closure methodologies.
fFor more information about the ALTMEMPHY- or UniPHY-based memory controllers
that Altera offers, refer to the volume 3 of the External Memory Interface Handbook.
Device Support
The ALTDLL and ALTDQ_DQS megafunctions support the following Altera device
The ALTDLL and ALTDQ_DQS megafunctions offer the following features:
■A delay-locked loop (DLL) block to center-align the read strobe with read data.
■Phase offset control blocks to fine-tune the delay time on the read strobe using
static or dynamic offset.
■Supports RLDRAM II memory interface.
■DDR registers on the input and output paths to read or write to an external
DDR interface.
■Half-rate registers to enable successful data transfers between the I/O registers
and the core logic.
■Access to dynamic on-chip termination (OCT) controls to switch between
parallel termination during reads to series termination during writes.
■Access to I/O delay chains to fine-tune delays on the data or strobe signals
statically or dynamically.
Figure 1–1 shows a high-level overview of how you can connect the ALTDQ_DQS
megafunction with other megafunctions such as ALTPLL, ALTDLL, and ALTIOBUF,
to create a full custom external memory interface. Figure 1–1 shows a 36-bit interface
created with ALTDQ_DQS instantiations, where each instantiation is configured in
the ×9 mode.
This chapter describes the FPGA design flow to implement a custom memory
interface datapath using the ALTDLL and ALTDQ_DQS megafunctions and Altera’s
FPGA hardware features.
Figure 2–1 shows the design flow for creating a custom memory datapath system
with the ALTDLL and ALTDQ_DQS megafunctions and the Quartus
After you identify the requirements for your custom external memory interface, the
first stage is to build a datapath to interface with the memory blocks.
To build the datapath, you must perform the following steps:
1. Create a project in the Quartus II software that targets the preferred Altera device.
2. Instantiate the ALTPLL megafunction to provide the required clocking scheme for
the custom PHY.
fFor more information about instantiating megafunctions and the clocking
scheme, refer to Instantiate the ALTPLL Megafunction section in volume 5 of
the External Memory Interface Handbook. For more information about using
PLLs, refer to theALTPLL Megafunction User Guide.
3. Instantiate the ALTDLL megafunction to implement the DLL.
Chapter 2: Getting Started2–2
Design Flow
4. Instantiate the ALTDQ_DQS megafunction to implement the read and write PHY
required for the interface.
5. Integrate the custom PHY with user logic, and a custom or third party memory
controller if needed.
6. Instantiate the ALTIOBUF megafunction to use the I/O buffers for pin
connections. This megafunction enables dynamic OCT capabilities for the
respective interface pins.
fFor more information about the pin connections, refer to “ALTIOBUF
Megafunction and Delay Chains Integration” on page 4–18. For more
information about the ALTIOBUF megafunction, refer to I/O Buffer
(ALTIOBUF) Megafunction User Guide.
7. Connect all the instances of ALTPLL, ALTDLL, ALTDQ_DQS, ALTIOBUF, and
other custom memory controllers in the Quartus II software.
The following sections discuss other megafunctions or customized controller logic
that are used in some cases.
ALTOCT Megafunction
If you use the OCT capabilities in the targeted devices, you eliminate the need for
external series or parallel termination resistors, and you simplify the design of a PCB.
If the I/O in your design uses calibrated series, parallel, or dynamic termination, your
design requires a calibration block. This block requires a pair of R
located in a bank that shares the same V
voltage as your memory interface. This
calibration block is not required to be in the same bank or side of the device as the I/O
elements it is serving. To use these capabilities in the FPGA, you must turn on the Use dynamic OCT path option when parameterizing the ALTDQ_DQS megafunction,
and instantiate the ALTOCT megafunction.
and RDN pins
fFor more information about the OCT capabilities in the DQ/DQS path, refer to
“DQ/DQS OCT Path” on page 4–14.
Customized Controller Logic
In some cases, you require a customized controller logic to control the PHY created
with the ALTDLL and ALTDQ_DQS instances. You must create a controller logic for
the following instances:
■Controller logic for data, data_valid, and strobe pins for the custom external
memory interface.
■If you use calibrated termination, controller logic for all pins in the ALTOCT
instances associated with the custom external memory interface.
fFor more information about calibrated termination, refer to Dynamic
Calibrated On-Chip Termination (ALTOCT) Megafunction User Guide.
After instantiating the megafunctions, the Quartus II software generates design
source files and Verilog or VHDL simulation model files. Simulate these files in
Modelsim-AE, Modelsim SE, or other third-party functional simulator tools.
fFor information about functional and gate-level timing simulations, refer to
Simulating Altera Designs chapter in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook.
Create Timing Constraints
The ALTDLL and ALTDQ_DQS megafunctions do not provide automatic timing
scripts for custom external memory interfaces. You must create your own timing
constraints for the following paths and clocks:
■ Timing paths from FPGA I/O to external device.
■ Timing paths from I/O registers to core logic.
■ PLL and other clock constraints.
After creating your constraints, perform the timing analysis using the TimeQuest
timing analyzer in the Quartus II software.
fBecause the timing analysis for custom external memory interfaces are the same as the
timing analysis for source-synchronous interfaces, refer to the Timing Analysis section
in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook andAN 433: Constraining and Analyzing
Source-Synchronous Interfaces.
The ALTDLL and ALTDQ_DQS custom PHY solution supports timing analysis using
the TimeQuest timing analyzer with Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC)
assignments. You can derive the timing constraints from the external device data
sheet and tolerances from the board layout.
fFor more information about timing constraints, refer to “Appendix D: Interface
Timing Analysis” section in AN 328: Interfacing DDR2 SDRAM with Stratix II, Stratix II
GX, and Arria GX Devices.
For more information about creating timing constraints in SDC format for the
TimeQuest timing analyzer, refer to the The Quartus II TimeQuest Timing Analyzer
chapter of the Quartus II Handbook. Depending on which simulation tool you are
using, refer to the appropriate chapter in the Simulation section in volume 3 of the
Quartus II Handbook.
Compile the Design and Verify Timing
After constraining your design, compile your design in the Quartus II software to
generate timing reports to verify whether timing has been met.
After compiling your design in the Quartus II software, run the verifying timing
script to produce the timing report for different paths, such as write data, read data,
address and command, and core (entire interface) timing paths in your design.
Design Example: Implementing Read Paths Using Stratix III Devices
The timing analyzer reports margins on the following paths:
■ Address and command setup and hold margin
■ Half-rate address and command setup and hold margin
■ Core setup and hold margin
■ Core reset and removal setup and hold margin
■ Write setup and hold margin
■ Read capture setup and hold margin
fFor more information about timing analysis and reporting using the ALTDLL and
ALTDQ_DQS external memory solution, refer to the Analyzing Timing of Memory IP
chapter in volume 2 of the External Memory Interface Handbook.
Adjust Constraints
The timing report shows the worst case setup and hold margin for the different paths
in your design. If the setup and hold margin do not meet timing requirements, adjust
the phase setting of the clocks that latch the data.
For example, the address and command outputs are clocked by an address and
command clock that may be different than the system clock, which is 0°. The system
clock clocks the clock outputs going to the memory. If the report timing script
indicates that using the default phase setting for the address and command clock
results in more hold time than setup time, adjust the address and command clock to
be less negative than the default phase setting to ensure that there is less hold margin.
Similarly, adjust the address and command clock to be more negative than the default
phase setting if there is more setup margin.
Design Example: Implementing Read Paths Using Stratix III Devices
This section provides a walkthrough of a simple design example. The design example
demonstrates a Stratix III device reading from an external DDR2 SDRAM. The DDR2
external memory interface is implemented using the ALTDLL and ALTDQ_DQS
megafunctions. This design requires 1 DQS and 8 DQ input pins. The DQS frequency
for the design is 150 MHz and the data rate is 300 Mbps.
1For a more complex design example, refer to “Design Example: Implementing
Half-Rate DDR2 Interface in Stratix III Devices” on page 4–49.
fThe design examples are available next to the ALTDLL and ALTDQ_DQS
Megafunctions User Guide on the Documentation: User Guides page of the Altera
Design Example: Implementing Read Paths Using Stratix III Devices
Generate the Megafunctions
Create a Quartus II project and generate the following megafunctions:
■ ALTPLL megafunction
■ ALTDLL megafunction
■ ALTDQ_DQS megafunction
■ ALTIOBUF megafunction
Create a Quartus II Project
Create a project in the Quartus II software that targets the EP3SL150F1152-C2 device
for the DDR2 SDRAM by performing the following steps:
1. Open the file and extract the
altdll_altdq_dqs_design_ex1.qar file.
2. In the Quartus II software, restore the altdll_altdq_dqs_design_ex1.qar file into
your working directory.
3. Open the altdll_altdq_dqs_design_ex1.bdf file.
Generate the ALTPLL Megafunction
Before generating the ALTDLL and ALTDQ_DQS megafunctions, you must generate
the ALTPLL megafunction first by performing the following steps:
1. Double-click anywhere on the Block Editor window. The Symbol window appears.
2. Click MegaWizard Plug-In Manager. Page 1 of the MegaWizard
Manager appears.
3. Select Create a new custom megafunction variation.
4. Click Next. Page 2a of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager appears.
5. Select Create a new custom megafunction variation.
6. Click Next. Page 2a of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager appears. Select ALTPLL,
and Ver ilo g HD L, and type the file name as PLL_50MHz.v.
7. On the Parameter Settings tab, on the General/Modes page, specify the
parameters as shown in Tab le 2 –1 . These parameters configure the general
settings for the ALTPLL instance.
Table 2–1. ALTPLL Parameter Settings
Currently selected device familyStratix III
Match project/defaultTurned on.
What is the frequency of the inclock0 input?50 MHz
How will the PLL outputs be generated?With no compensation
This option is selected because the PLL is
used to clock the ALTDLL instance only.
Design Example: Implementing Read Paths Using Stratix III Devices
8. On the Output Clocks tab, on the clk c0 page, specify the parameters as shown in
Tab le 2 –2 . You don’t have to parameterize the other pages on the Output Clocks
tab because you only use one clock for this design.
Table 2–2. ALTPLL Output Clocks/clk c0 Settings
Use this clockTurned on
Enter output clock frequency150 Mhz
Clock phase shift0 deg
Clock duty cycle (%)50
9. Click Finish.
10. Click Finish. The ALTPLL instance is generated.
11. Click OK to close the Symbol window.
12. Place the instance on the altdll_altdq_dqs_design_ex1.bdf Block Editor.
Generate the ALTDLL Megafunction
To generate the ALTDLL megafunction, perform the following steps:
1. Double-click anywhere on the Block Editor window. The Symbol window appears.
2. Click MegaWizard Plug-In Manager. Page 1 of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager
3. Select Create a new custom megafunction variation.
4. Click Next. Page 2a of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager appears.
5. Select Create a new custom megafunction variation.
6. Click Next. Page 2a of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager appears. Select ALTDLL,
and Ver ilo g HD L, and type the file name as dll_150MHz.v.
7. On the Parameter Settings tab, on the General page, specify the parameters as
shown in Tabl e 2– 3. These parameters configure the general settings for the
ALTDLL instance.
Table 2–3. ALTDLL GeneraL Settings
Currently selected device familyStratix III
Match project/defaultTurned on.
Number of Delay Chains12
Refer to Stratix III Device Datasheet: DC and
Switching Characteristics of Stratix III Devices
chapter in the Stratix III Device Handbook, and
pick a DLL mode that supports 150 MHz and
find the DLL setting.
The design is intended to run slow, so you do
not need to select this parameter. However, if
the read timing is unbalanced, you can
fine-tune the DQS phase shift using this
Turned off.
Turned off.
Turned off.
9. Click Finish.
10. Click Finish. The ALTDLL instance is generated.
11. Click OK to close the Symbol window.
12. Place the instance on the Block Editor.
Generate the ALTDQ_DQS Megafunction
To generate the ALTDQ_DQS megafunction, perform the following steps:
1. Double-click anywhere on the Block Editor window. The Symbol window appears.
2. Click MegaWizard Plug-In Manager. Page 1 of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager
3. Select Create a new custom megafunction variation.
4. Click Next. Page 2a of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager appears. Select
ALTDQ_DQS, and Verilog HDL, and type the file name as dq_dqs_input_path.v.
5. On the Parameter Settings page, specify the parameters as shown in Ta bl e 2– 5.
These parameters configure the general settings for the ALTDQ_DQS instance.
Design Example: Implementing Read Paths Using Stratix III Devices
Table 2–5. Parameter Settings
Number of bidirectional DQ0
Number of input DQ8
Number of output DQ0
Number of stages in dqs_delay_chain3
DQS input frequency150 MHz
Use half-rate componentsTurned off.
The design uses full-rate
memory components, so
you do not select this
Use Dynamic OCTTurned off.
Dynamic OCT is not used for
input paths.
Add memory interface specific fitter grouping assignmentsTurned on.
6. On the Advanced Options tab, on the DQS IN page, specify the parameters as
shown in Tabl e 2– 6. These parameters configure the DQS input path of the
ALTDQ_DQS instance.
Table 2–6. Advance Options (DQS IN)
Enable DQS Input Path—Turned on.
Enable dqs_delay_chain—Selected.
Advanced delay chain optionsSelect dynamically using
Turned off.
configuration registers
DQS delay chain
‘delayctrlin’ port source
The DQS delay-chain settings
is based on the DLL.
DQS Delay Buffer ModeLow
Use the same mode selected
in the DLL settings.
DQS Phase Shift9000..
Specify a 90° DQS phase shift.
The phase-shift value must
inter-relate with the selected
dqs_delay_chain stage.
Enable DQS offset controlTurned off.
Disable DQS delay fine-tuning
using offset feature.
Design Example: Implementing Read Paths Using Stratix III Devices
7. On the DQS OUT/OE page, turn off the Enable DQS output path option. When
you deselect the Enable DQS output path option, the other options on this page
are disabled.
8. On the DQ IN page, specify the parameters as shown in Tabl e 2– 7. These
parameters configure the DQ input path of the ALTDQ_DQS instance.
Table 2–7. Advance Options (DQ IN)
DQ input register modeDDIO
Select DDIO to enable double data rate capture for
DQ input register clock sourcedqs_bus_out port and turn off Connect DDIO clkn to
DQS_BUS from complementary DQSn
Use DQ input phase alignmentTurned off.
The feature is for half-rate components; the design
uses full-rate memory components.
Use DQ input delay chainTurned on.
9. On the DQ OUT/OE page, all the options are automatically disabled because the
design is not using output DQ. The parameters on this page configure the DQ
output and OE paths of the ALTDQ_DQS instance.
10. On the Half-rate page, for the IO Clock Divider Invert Phase parameter, turn on
Never because the design requires full-rate components. The other options are
automatically disabled. The parameters on this page configure the half-rate
settings of the ALTDQ_DQS instance.
11. On the OCT Path page, all the options are automatically disabled because the
design is not using input and output DQS or bidirectional DQ. The parameters on
this page configure the OCT path of the ALTDQ_DQS instance.
12. On the DQSn I/O page, turn off the Use DQSn I/O option because the design is
not using DQSn. When you turn off the Use DQSn I/O option, the other options
on this page are disabled.
13. In the Reset/Config Ports tab, tun off all the parameters.
14. Click Finish.
15. Click Finish. The ALTDQ_DQS instance is generated.
Design Example: Implementing Read Paths Using Stratix III Devices
Generate the ALTIOBUF Megafunction
You must generate the ALTIOBUF megafunction to set the following I/O buffer
■ 1 input buffer for input DQS pin
■ 8 input buffers for input DQ pins
To generate the ALTIOBUF megafunction, perform the following steps:
1. Double-click anywhere on the Block Editor window. The Symbol window appears.
2. Click MegaWizard Plug-In Manager. Page 1 of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager
3. Select Create a new custom megafunction variation.
4. Click Next. Page 2a of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager appears. Select
ALTIOBUF, and Ver ilo g HD L, and type the file name as ibuf_input_dqs.v (for
DQS pin) or ibuf_input_dq.v (for DQ pins).
5. On the Parameter Settings page, specify the parameters as shown in Ta bl e 2– 8.
These parameters configure the general settings for the ALTIOBUF instance.
Table 2–8. ALTIOBUF General Settings
1 input buffer for the
input DQS pins
8 input buffer for the
input DQ pins
Currently selected device familyStratix IIIStratix III
How do you want to configure this module?As an input bufferAs an input buffer
What is the number of buffers to be
Use bus hold circuitryTurned off.Turned off.
Use differential modeTurned off.Turned on.
Use open drain outputTurned off.Turned off.
Use output enable portTurned off.Turned off.
Use dynamic termination controlTurned off.Turned off.
Use series and parallel termination controlTurned off.Turned off.
6. On the Dynamic Delay Chains page, specify the parameters as shown in
Design Example: Implementing Read Paths Using Stratix III Devices
8. Click Finish. The ALTIOBUF instance is generated.
9. Click OK to close the Symbol window.
10. Place the instance on the Block Editor.
fFor more information about connecting all the instances, refer to “Integrate the I/O Buffer Modules with the
ALTDQ_DQS modules” on page 4–55.
11. On the Block Editor, connect all the instances as shown in Figure 2–2 on page 2–11.
Figure 2–2. Block Diagram of the Design Example
2–12Chapter 2: Getting Started
Design Example: Implementing Read Paths Using Stratix III Devices
Compile and Simulate the Design
On the Processing menu, click Start Compilation to compile the design. After the
design is compiled, you can view the implemention in the RTL Viewer. You can also
view the resource usage in the Compilation Report.
After you compile your design, simulate the design in the ModelSim-Altera software
to generate a waveform display of the device behavior. Set up and simulate the design
in the ModelSim-Altera software by performing the following steps:
1. Unzip the file to your preferred working
directory on your PC.
2. Start the ModelSim-Altera software.
3. On the File menu, click Change Directory.
4. Select the folder in which you unzipped the files in the folder.
5. Click OK.
6. On the Tools menu, point to Tc l and click Execute Macro.
7. Select the file and click Open. This is a script file
for the ModelSim-Altera software to automate all the necessary settings for the
8. Verify the results with the simulation waveform.
1You can rearrange, remove and add signals, and change the radix by
modifying the script in the file.
The Quartus II software provides the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager that helps you
quickly customize your megafunction variation. The parameter editor provides a list
of megafunctions and available options for each variation.
Altera recommends that you use the parameter editor to instantiate the ALTDLL and
ALTDQ_DQS megafunctions. However, for advanced users, if you want to bypass the
MegaWizard Plug-In Manager and use the megafunctions as directly parameterized
instantiations in your design, you can use the clear box generator. For more
information about the clear box generator, refer to Appendix A, Clear Box Generator.
1Some advanced parameters can only be modified through the clear box parameters.
ALTDLL Parameter Editor
This section provides information about the ALTDLL MegaWizard parameters.
3. Parameter Settings
1For advanced users who may use the clearbox generator, the clearbox parameter
names are provided for the corresponding MegaWizard parameters.
The ALTDLL Parameter Settings page in the ALTDLL parameter editor allows you to
configure the parameters in the following pages:
■ General
■ DLL Offset Controls/Optional Ports
Tab le 3 –1 shows the options available on the General page.
Represents the number of delay buffers in the delay loop.
The DLL consists of 6, 8, 10, 12, or 16 DLL-controlled
delay buffers chained together. The total delay in the DLL
delay chain is computed with the following equation:
delay = delay_chain_length
x delay_buffer_delay
The DLL uses the delay chain to implement a 360° phase
shift. By comparing the incoming clock to the 360°-shifted
clock, the DLL determines the delay setting to implement
an actual 360° phase shift in its delay chain. Because each
delay buffer is identical, each buffer in the delay chain
implements a phase shift that is equal to
The default value is 12.
DQS Delay Buffer
Specifies the frequency mode for the variable delay
If you select Low, the
dll_offset_ctrl_a_offsetctrlout [5..0]
or dll_offset_ctrl_b_offsetctrlout [5..0] output is limited to a maximum value of 63.
If you select High, the output is limited to a maximum value
of 31.
The default value is Low.
Input Clock
INPUT_FREQUENCYSpecifies the frequency of the clock (in MHz) that is
connected to the clk input port. This frequency must be
within the valid range for the device you are using. You can
specify a duration in ps. The value is in floating-point
format with no decimal point limit.
The default value is 300 MHz.
For information about the clock range for the Altera
devices, refer to the respective device handbook.
Turn on jitter
—JITTER_REDUCTIONEnables the jitter reduction circuit. Jitter affects the signal
integrity of the clock signal from a PLL clock source or an
external clock pin. If you turn on this parameter, the jitter
reduction circuit is enabled on the
dll_delayctrlout[5..0] and
dll_offset_ctrl_a_offsetctrlout [5..0],
or the dll_offset_ctrl_b_offsetctrlout
[5..0] output port.
When the jitter reduction circuit is enabled, the DLL may
require up to 1,024 clock cycles to lock. When the jitter
reduction circuit is disabled, the DLL requires only up to
256 clock cycles to lock.
The DLL Offset Controls/Optional Ports page allows you to instantiate the DLL
offset control blocks (A and B), specify whether to use static offset, and create the
dll_aload and dll_dqsupdate optional ports. Tab le 3– 2 shows the options
available on DLL Offset Controls/Optional Ports page.
Table 3–2. Options on DLL Offset Controls/Optional Ports Page (Part 1 of 2)
Clear Box
Parameter NameLegal Value
DLL Phase Offset
Control A
Set statically
Parameter NameDescription
Instantiates DLL_OFFSET_CTRL_A block. The block
can be placed either at the top, bottom, or side of the
FPGA device, depending on how the Quartus II Fitter
places it. If you turn on this parameter, you must
specify whether you want to set the blocks statically or
using offset
input port
The Set statically to option is a signed integer. Turn on
this option if you want a fixed offset value, and key in
the value you want.
This fixed value is added to the DLL feedback counter
and the output is generated on the
The Set dynamically using offset input port option
determines the output of the
[5..0] output port. Turn on this option if you want a
dynamic offset value.
If you turn on this option, depending on whether the
dll_offset_ctrl_a_addnsub signal is
asserted or not, the phase offset specified on the offset
input bus is added or subtracted from the DLL feedback
counter output to get the
Table 3–2. Options on DLL Offset Controls/Optional Ports Page (Part 2 of 2)
Clear Box
Parameter NameLegal Value
DLL Phase Offset
Control B
Instantiate dll
offset_ctrl block
Set statically
using offset
Parameter NameDescription
Instantiates DLL_OFFSET_CTRL_B block. The block
can be placed either at the top, bottom, or side of the
FPGA device, depending on how the Quartus II Fitter
places it.
If you turn on this option, you must specify whether
you want to set the blocks statically or dynamically.
input port
The Set statically to option is a signed integer.
Turn on this option if you want a fixed offset value, and
key in the value you want.
This fixed value is added to the DLL feedback counter
and the output is generated on the
The Set dynamically using offset input port option
determines the output of the
[5..0] output bus. Turn on this option if you want a
dynamic offset value.
If you turn on this option, depending on whether the
dll_offset_ctrl_b_addnsub signal is
asserted or not, the phase offset specified on the offset
input bus is added or subtracted from the DLL feedback
counter output to get the
Optional Ports
Create a
—DLL_ALOADEnables the asynchronous-load signal for the DLL up or
down counter. When the dll_aload signal is high,
the counter is asynchronously loaded with the initial
delay setting of 16 in low-frequency mode when you
select Low for the DQS Delay Buffer Mode parameter,
or 32 in high-frequency mode when you select High for
the DQS Delay Buffer Mode parameter. This input
defaults to GND.
Optional Ports
Create a
— DLL_DQSUPDATEEnables the update-enable signal for the delay-setting
latches in the DQS pins. This signal only feeds the
dqsupdateen port of the ALTDQ_DQS
To use the dll_dqsupdate signal, you must turn on
the Enable DQS delay chain latches option on the
DQS IN page in the ALTDQ_DQS parameter editor.
The Simulation Model page allows you to optionally generate simulation model files.
The Summary page displays a list of the types of files to be generated. The
automatically generated variation file contains wrapper code in the language you
specified earlier. On this page, you can specify additional types of files to be
If you select Generate netlist on the Simulation Model page, the file for that netlist is
also available. A gray checkmark indicates a file that is automatically generated, and a
green checkmark indicates generation of an optional file
ALTDQ_DQS Parameter Editor
This section provides information about the ALTDQ_DQS MegaWizard parameters.
1For advanced users who may use the clearbox generator, the clearbox parameter
names are provided for the corresponding MegaWizard parameters.
The Parameter Settings page in the ALTDQ_DQS parameter editor allows you to
configure the parameters in Tab le 3 –3 .
Table 3–3. Options on Parameter Settings Page (Part 1 of 2)
Clear Box
Parameter NameLegal Value
x18, or x36
Parameter NameDescription
RLDRAMII_MODEEnables RLDRAM II support for ALTDQ_DQS instance.
If you select x9 or x18 mode, the DK pins do not have
group assignments, but they must be placed in the same
bank or chip edge as the other pins in the interface. If you
select x36 mode, the DK/DK# pins must be placed
manually in DQS locations.
If you select x18 mode, place the DM pins in either group
0 or group 1, which forces QVLD to the other group. If you
select x36 mode, place the DM pins in group 0 or 1, and
QVLD to be in group 0 or 1.
All combinations are allowed. Not supported in Arria II GX.
Data mask pin
GROUP0, or
DM_LOCSpecifies the group assignment for the DM pin group.
If you select NONE for the RLDRAMII mode option, then
this option defaults to NONE.
If you select x9 for the RLDRAMII mode option, then this
option defaults to NONE.
If you select x18 for the RLDRAMII mode option, then for
this option you can select either NONE, GROUP0, or
GROUP1. If you select GROUP0, then GROUP1 is used for
the Q valid signal group option, and if you select
GROUP1, then GROUP0 is used for the Q valid signal
group option.
If you select x36 for the RLDRAMII mode option, then for
this option you can select either NONE, GROUP0, or
Not supported in Arria II GX devices.
Q valid signal
GROUP0, or
QVLD_LOCSpecifies the group assignment for the Q valid signal
If you select NONE for the RLDRAMII mode option, then
this option defaults to NONE.
If you select x9 for the RLDRAMII mode option, then this
option defaults to GROUP0.
If you select x18 for the RLDRAMII mode option, then this
option depends on the Data mask pin group option. If you
select GROUP0 for the Data mask pin group option, then
GROUP1 is defaulted for this option, and if you select
GROUP1 for the Data mask pin group option, then
GROUP0 is defaulted for this option.
If you select x36 for the RLDRAMII mode option, then for
this option you can select either NONE, GROUP0, or
Not supported in Arria II GX devices.
Number of
bidirectional DQ
Specifies the number of bidirectional DQ ports used in the
ALTDQ_DQS instance.
Table 3–3. Options on Parameter Settings Page (Part 2 of 2)
Clear Box
Parameter NameLegal Value
Number of input
Number of output
Number of stages
1, 2, 3, and 4 DQS_DELAY_CHAIN_
Parameter NameDescription
Specifies the number of input DQ ports used in the
ALTDQ_DQS instance.
Specifies the number of output DQ ports used in the
ALTDQ_DQS instance.
Specifies the stages of DQS_DELAY_CHAIN. The
number of stages depends on the intended phase shift
that you want to clock for <IO>_DDIO_IN block in the
DQ input path. The bigger the value you specify, the longer
the delay.
The coarse phase shift depends on this option. For
example, in Stratix IV devices, if you set the frequency
mode to 1, you will get a phase shift of 20°, 60°, 90°, or
120°. If you set Number of stages in dqs_delay_chain
value to 2, you will get 60° phase shift and if you set the
Number of stages in dqs_delay_chain value to 1, you will
get 30° phase shift.
DQS input
Specifies the input frequency of the DQS strobe in MHz.
The input frequency must match the DLL (ALTDLL) input
Use half rate
—USE_HALF_RATEInstantiates the half-rate blocks in the ALTDQ_DQS
instance. This parameter is used only when the external
memory interface requires half-rate mode.
Not supported in Arria II GX devices.
Use dynamic OCT
—USE_DYNAMIC_OCTInstantiates the dynamic OCT blocks in the ALTDQ_DQS
instance. This parameter enables access to dynamic OCT
paths on both DQ and DQS paths. The dynamic OCT
features enable parallel termination (R
the external memory and disable R
) during reads from
during writes to the
external memory.
Not supported in Arria II GX devices.
Add memory
interface specific
fitter grouping
Enables the Quartus II Fitter to automatically assign the
memory interface I/O ports to the memory interface I/O
pins on the FPGA.
The Advanced Options page allows you to configure the parameters in the following
Tab le 3 –4 describes the options available on the DQS IN page. This page allows you
to configure the DQS input path. For more information about the DQS input path,
refer to “DQS Input Path” on page 4–6.
Table 3–4. Options on DQS IN Page (Part 1 of 3)
Clear Box
Parameter NameLegal Value
Enable DQS Input
Enable DQS Input
Delay chain
Enable dynamic
delay chain
Parameter NameDescription
Instantiates the DQS input path.
Instantiates the DQS input path.
Enables <IO>_INPUT_DELAY_CHAIN (D1) on the
DQS input path. If you turn on this parameter,
DQS_DELAY_CHAIN block in the path is disabled. D1
is a run-time adjustable delay chain.
To configure delay chains dynamically, refer to “Delay
Chains” on page 4–15.
Delay chain
Enables DQS_DELAY_CHAIN block. The DQS delay
chain is a DLL-controlled delay chain used to phase shift
the DQS read clock.
Enable DQS
busout delay
busout delay chain fine-tunes the outputs of
DQS_DELAY_CHAIN block so that the DQS strobe
timing matches the DQS enable signal. The DQS strobe
has 15 steppable delays, with each step having 50 ps of
delay. Da is a run-time adjustable delay chain.
Enable DQS
enable block
—USE_DQS_ENABLEEnables DQS_ENABLE block. This block grounds the
DQS input strobe when the strobe goes to high
impedance state (Z) after a DDR read postamble.
Enable DQS
enable control
Enables DQS_ENABLE_CTRL block that controls a
DQS enable circuitry.
You must determine an efficient working
resync_postamble_clk clock phase which clocks
this block to ensure smooth data transfer. The
ALTDQ_DQS megafunction cannot determine the phase
for the data transfer.
Use round trip delay (RTD) analysis or create a custom
data training circuitry to write and read back a training
pattern to and from the memory device and then
dynamically adjust the PLL’s resyncronization clock
phase to find an efficient working phase.
Even though this block controls the DQS enable signal,
the megafunction does not consider the necessary
timing for this signal. Refer to the external memory
interface requirements for the necessary timing.
fine-tunes the outputs of DQS_ENABLE_CTRL block
so that the DQS enable signal timing matches the DQS
strobe. Db is a run-time adjustable delay chain.
Advanced Delay
Chain Options
Set dynamically
Advanced Delay
Chain Options
DQS delay chain
delayctrlin port
Determines the phasectrlin input for the phase
setting. If you turn on this option, it dynamically chooses
the phase applied to the dqsbusout output during the
FPGA run time. If you turn off this option, the phase
setting is determined by the Number of stages in dqs_delay_chain option in the Parameter Settings
page. This delay chain fine-tunes the DQS strobe signal.
Determines whether you want the delayctrlin port
to be controlled by DLL (outputs) or from the Core
If you select DLL, the dll_delayctrlin[5..0]
port is connected to the
dll_delayctrlout[5..0] port of the DLL. The
DLL option adjusts the delay setting in
DQS_DELAY_CHAIN block across pressure, volume,
and temperature (PVT). Altera recommends that you
always select DLL to optimize the read capture at the DQ
input register. If you select Core, the
core_delayctrlin port is fed by the core.
Advanced Delay
Chain Options
DQS Delay Buffer
Low or HighDELAY_BUFFER_MODESpecifies whether the variable delay buffers in the
DQS_DELAY_CHAIN work in low-frequency or
high-frequency mode. The frequency mode must match
the frequency mode you select for the DQS Delay Buffer Mode parameter on the Parameter Settings page in the
ALTDLL parameter editor.
Advanced Delay
Chain Options
DQS Phase Shift
0–36,000DQS_PHASE_SHIFTSpecifies the phase shift between the delayed DQS signal
and the input DQS signal in units of hundreds of degrees,
for example, a 90° phase shift is represented as 9,000.
Use this parameter for static timing analysis only
cause timing analysis cannot determine the phase
shift through the delayctrlin[5..0],
phasectrlin[2..0], and
offsetctrlin[5..0] ports on the megafunction
the way a simulation can. This is an optional field and
defaults to 0.
Advanced Delay
Chain Options
Enable DQS
offset control
Enables offset values to be added to
DQS_DELAY_CHAIN block. If you turn on this option,
make sure that the ALTDLL instance is set to use the DLL
offset control blocks. This option connects the outputs
from the DLL offset control blocks to the DQS delay
chain block. This parameter is optional and turned off by
the dqsupdateen signal. The DLL continues changing
its delay settings value due to the feedback system.
These DLL values are propagated through the
delayctrlout and offsetctrlout signals of
the DLL and DLL offset control blocks to
DQS_DELAY_CHAIN block to calibrate the necessary
delay settings. These values are updated based on the
dll_dqsupdate port from the DLL, which is
connected to the dqsupdateen port. To use this
option, you must turn on the Create a ‘use
dll_dqsupdate’ port option on the DLL Offset
Controls/Optional Ports page in the ALTDLL parameter
Advanced Enable
Control Options
DQS Enable
Control Phase
Set statically
If you turn on the Set statically to option, you can select
the phase setting for the delay chains from 0 up to 4 to
fine-tune the DQS enable signal.
If you turn on the Select dynamically using configuration registers option, the phase setting is
determined by the phasectrlin input for the delay
Advanced Enable
Control Options
DQS Enable
Control Invert
Never, or
Based on
If you turn on Always, the phase output is inverted.
If you turn on Never, the phase output is not inverted.
If you turn on Based on configuration registers, the
phaseinvertctrl input determines whether or not
the inverter is used. The inverter can be used to increase
the number of available phases. This is an optional field
and defaults to Never.
Enable DQS
enable block
delay chain
ain fine-tunes the outputs of DQS_ENABLE_CTRL
block so that the DQS enable signal timing matches the
. This delay
DQS strobe. This delay chain is a run-time adjustable
delay chain.
Tab le 3 –5 describes options available on the DQS OUT/OE page. This page allows
you to configure the DQS output and output enable (OE) paths. For more information
about the DQS output and OE paths, refer to “DQS Output/OE Path” on page 4–12.
Table 3–5. Options on DQS OUT/OE Page(Part 1 of 2)
Enables DQS_OUTPUT_DELAY_CHAIN1 (D5) in the
DQS OE path. This parameter is used for deskew
purposes or SSN reduction. D6 is a run-time adjustable
delay chain.
delay chain1
DQS Output
Enable Options
Enable DQS
output enable
Enables DQS_OUTPUT_DELAY_CHAIN2 (D6) in the
DQS OE path. This parameter is used for deskew
purposes or SSN reduction. D6 is a run-time adjustable
delay chain.
delay chain2
DQS Output
Enable Options
DQS output
enable register
Not used, FF,
DQS_OUTPUT_DDIO_OUT output registers. Select FF
if you want flip-flop registers or DD
data rate I/O registers.
IO if you want double
Tab le 3 –6 describes options available on the DQ IN page.This page allows you to
configure the DQ input path. For more information about the DQ input path, refer to
t’ port,
t’ port, or
Parameter NameDescription
Enables the DQ input registers (<IO>_INPUT_FF or
<IO>_DDIO_IN registers). Select FF if you want
flip-flop registers or DDIO if you want double data rate
I/O registers.
Specifies how the DQ input registers should be clocked.
You can either clock it from the ‘dqs_bus_out’ port (DQS
input path), the Inverted ‘dqs_bus_out’ port (DQS input
path), or directly from the Core (FPGA).
Altera recommends that you turn on the ‘dqs_bus_out’ port option to clock the DQ input register. When reading
from the external memory, the DQ data that comes into
the DDIO must be center-aligned with the DQS strobe
that goes through the DQS input path and comes out the
dqs_bus_out port. By center-aligning the DDIO with
DQS strobe, you maximize the setup and hold margins at
the DQ input register.
You can also connect the dqs_bus_out port to the
full-rate DQ input register for complementary clocking
purpose as used in QDR and QDR II applications. You
can connect the dqs_bus_out port by turning on the
Connect DDIO clkn to DQS_BUS from complementary
DQSn option.
DQ Input Register
Use DQ input
phase alignment
—USE_DQ_IPAEnables the input phase alignment (<IO>_IPA_LOW or
<IO>_IPA_HIGH) blocks. The input phase alignment
blocks represent the circuitry required to phase-shift the
input signal the DQ data for resynchronization and
alignment purpose. The resynchronization and alignment
are done to match the arrival delay of the DQS (triggered
by the fly-by clock on a DDR-DIMM) to the latest arrival
delay of a DQS from the DIMM.
Because this block is meant for resynchronization, the
ALTDQ_DQS megafunction does not consider the
clocking requirements of this block. You must figure the
clocking requirements using the RTD analysis or create a
custom data training circuitry to read or write back a
training pattern to and from the memory device, and
then dynamically adjust the PLL’s resyncronization clock
phase to find a good working phase.
For more component information about the available
alignment and resynchronization registers in this block,
refer to the “I/O Element (IOE) Registers” section in the
External Memory Interface chapter of the respective
device handbooks. For the available levelling delay
chains in this block, refer to the “Leveling Circuitry”
section in the External Memor