Thank you for choosing the Alcatel PIMphony application.
This Online Help will help you become familiar with the product, and its organisation is described
The Online Help is divided into 5 sections:
1. General presentation of the product, its functions and practical features.
2. Installatio n guide, covering both hardwar e and software .
3. Getting started with the application, which guides you t hrough the early stages.
4. Detailed user's guide for the 3 main modules in the application:
• Telephone, which is the main user interface.
• Dialler, w hich appears as an ic on in t he too l bar.
• Popup, which concerns the PIM.
5. Miscellaneous, which inc ludes a g lossary, instructions in the event of technical prob lems, etc.
General presentation
The Alcatel PIMphony application is a personal productivity tool installed on an office PC.
If you have the following telephone configuration:
• an Alcatel Reflexes telephone terminal,
• connected to an Alcatel Office PABX,
• with a Personal Information Manager (PIM) installed on yo ur PC,
the Alcatel PIMphony application provides the interface betwee n your telep hone and your PIM.
Alcatel PIMphony is specifically dedicated to PIM MS Outlook 97 and 98.
The a pplication is available in two versio ns :
• The standard version, fo r inst allation on a single PC,
• The network version, for installat ion on a telephone server and each of its client terminals.
CAUTION: The availability of the functions described in this Online Help will depend on the
version you are using.
Alcatel PIMphony
Main features of Alcatel PIMphony are:
• Enhanced user-friend l iness t o manage your telephone calls (on the screen),
• Operates with PIM MS Out loo k 97 and 98,
• A personal director y supplied w ith the basic app lication, so that it can be run without PIM.
• Search using a telephone number in the PIM database to ident ify the corr esponding name,
and vice-versa,
• Manageme nt of a copy-paste and drag-and-drop facility (name or number) wit h an
application such as Not epad, Word , Excel, et c,
• An automatic PIM window Popup facility, as a function of predefined criteria or on request,
• Customized Popup configuration, using a Wizard,
• Synchro nisation with the P IM co ntact s databas e,
• Storage of calls and manageme nt s of the Cal ls log.
Hardware and software installation guide
Depending on the version of the applicat ion you w ish to install (st a ndard or net work version), click
on the corresponding chapter:
• Installing Alcatel PIMphony standard version
• Installing Alcatel P IMpho n y netw ork version on a client te rminal
WARNING: Concerning the network version, only installation on a client terminal is described.
The server installation is d e s cribe d in the Installation Manu al for the A lcatel PIMphony network
Alcatel PIMphony
Installing Alcatel PIMphony standard version
The Alcatel PIMphony application standard version is supplied in a pack containing:
• A CD-ROM containing the software to be installed.
• A PC-Telephone connection module CTI (Alcatel 4091 CTI).
• A V24 serial connection cable.
• A product installat ion manual.
Telephone configuration required
1. You must be connected to an Alcatel Office PABX, running software r elease R3.1 o r later.
2. You must have an Alcatel Reflexes telephone.
PC configuration required
1. Before attempting to install the application, check that your PC configurat ion corr esponds to
the minimum required configuration.
The a pplication is installed in two p ha s es, in the seq uence shown b elow:
• Hardware installat io n
• So ftware ins tallation
PC configuration required for standard
Hardw are configuration
Yo u r PC must have the following minimum char a cteristic s :
• Processor: Pentium 166 MHz or better.
• RAM: minimum 48 MB.
• Hard disk: 30 MB available.
• CD-ROM drive.
• 1 RS232 serial port available (COM1 or COM2).
Alcatel PIMphony
Software confi guration
The operating system installed on your PC must be one of the following:
• MS Windows 95.
• MS Windows 98.
• MS Windows NT 4.0 Workstation with Pack 3 or later.
• MS Internet Explorer V3.02 (or later) o r Acrobat Reader is recommended to view the On
Line Help.
The Alcatel PIMphony application is based on the Microsoft TAPI standard.
EnvironmentTAPI version
Windows 95TAPI 1.4
TAPI 2.1
Windows 98TAPI 2.1
Windows NT 4.0TAPI 2.0
TAPI 2.1
Installation of standard version hardware
The hardware insta llation for the standard version involves connect ing the PC-telephone connection
module supplied in the pack to your Reflexes terminal, and then connecting the same module to a
serial port (COM1 or COM2) on the PC, using the CTI module-PC cable.
Installation of PC-Telephone connection module
If your terminal is a Premium or Advanced Reflexes:
1. Disconnect t he t elephone co r d fro m its socket.
2. Turn the terminal upside down.
3. In stall the module in t he termin al.
4. Connect the module to the terminal.
5. Mount the module on the terminal using the screw supplied in the kit.
6. Connect the module output to the serial port on y our PC.
7. Reconnect the t elephone co r d to its socket.
Alcatel PIMphony
If your terminal is a First or Easy Reflexes:
1. The PC-Telephone connection module cannot be mounted inside the terminal and only an
exte r na l inst a l la tion is poss ible.
2. Thus , inst allation si mply involve s connecting the termina l, the module and the s eria l port on
the PC.
Alcatel PIMphony
Installation of standard version software
The software is installed fro m the CD-ROM supp l ied in the pack.
1. Insert the CD-ROM into the drive.
2. In Windows Explorer, se lect the CD-ROM dr ive and click on Setup.exe.
3. The installation windo w the n appears.
4. Follow the instructions given on the screen, through the installation.
5. The de fau lt in st a lla tion fo lder is C:\Program Files\Alcatel PIMphony, but you can install
the application in another folder o f your choice.
6. The de fau lt pr o g ra mme folder is Alcatel PIMphony, but you can change it or select an
existing programme fo lder, in which t he app lication icons w ill be st or ed.
7. Select the serial port assigned to the PC-telephone connect ion and the language for t he erro r
8. Check and change, if necessary, the Windows d ialling pro p ert ies (Area code, country,
outgoing code for a loca l call, outgo ing code for a long d ist ance cal l).
9. When the installation is complete, you can creat e a direct selection facility for the
application, on your Desktop.
IMPORTANT: A fter the initial installation, it is recommended t ha t you r e start your syst em, as
Installing the Alcatel PIMphony application
network version on a client terminal
The Alcatel PIMphony application network version is supplied in a pack containing:
• A CD-ROM containing the software to be installed.
• A product installat ion manual.
Telephone configuration required
1. You must be connected to an Alcatel Office PABX, running software r elease R3.1 o r later.
2. Your telephone can be analogue, such as an Alcatel Reflexes, or DECT.
Alcatel PIMphony
PC configuration required
1. Before attempting to install the application, check that your PC configurat ion corr esponds to
the minimum required configuration.
The ne two rk version ins talla tion o nly involves the softwar e installat ion. No hardware installa tion is
PC configuration required for network version
Hardw are configuration
Yo u r PC must have the following minimum char a cteristic s :
• Processor: Pentium 166 MHz or better.
• RAM: minimum 48 MB.
• Hard disk: 30 MB available.
• CD-ROM drive.
Software confi guration
The operating system installed on your PC must be one of the following:
• MS Windows 95.
• MS Windows 98.
• MS Windows NT 4.0 with Pack 3.
• MS Internet Explorer V3.02 or later is recommended to view the On Line Help.
The Alcatel PIMphony application is based on the Microsoft TAPI standard.
EnvironmentTAPI version
Windows 95TAPI 1.4
TAPI 2.1
Windows 98TAPI 2.1
Windows NT 4.0
TAPI 2.0
TAPI 2.1
Alcatel PIMphony
Installation of network version software
The software is installed fro m the CD-ROM supp l ied in the pack.
1. With Windows running, insert the CD-ROM into the drive.
2. In Windows Explorer, se lect the CD-ROM dr ive and click on Setup.exe.
3. The Welcome window t hen appears.
4. Fo llow the instructio ns given on the screen, throu gh the ins tallation.
5. The de fau lt in st a lla tion fo lder is C:\Program Files\Alcatel PIMphony, but you can install
the application in another folder o f your choice.
6. The de fau lt pr o g ra mme folder is Alcatel PIMphony, but you can change it or select an
existing programme fo lder, in which t he app lication icons w ill be st or ed.
7. Select the serial port assigned to the PC-telephone connect ion and the language for t he erro r
8. Check and change, if necessary, the Windows d ialling pro p ert ies (Area code, country,
outgoing code for a loca l call, outgo ing code for a long d ist ance cal l).
9. When the installation is complete, you can creat e a direct selection facility for the
application, on your Desktop.
IMPORTANT: A fter the initial installation, it is recommended t ha t you r e start your syst em, as
Before attempting to run Alcatel PIMphony, check the Windows telephone configuration on your
Getting started with Alcatel PIMphony
If you are just starting to use the Alcatel PIMphony application, then this section is for you:
• It describes the oper at ions required t he first t ime the app lication is run.
• In the form of a short tutorial, it gives examp les o f the implement ation of the main
functions. This guides you through t he early phases of learning and also pro v ides a check
that the ins t a lla tion is co r re ct .
Alcatel PIMphony
Running Alcatel PIMphony for the first time
To run the Alcatel PIMphony application for the first time, proceed as described below:
1 - Running Alcatel PIMphony
•From the Windows tool bar: click on Start and then select the PIMphony application in the
Programmes/Alcatel PIMphony menu .
2 - Sy nchronisation of Alc atel PIMphony with the PIM
• The first time the Telephone module is run, the Alcatel PIMphony application is
synchronised with the PIM contacts base. This operation can take severa l minutes.
• A confirmation s c reen is displayed: click on Yes.
3 - Configuring Popup using the Wizard
• The Popup Wizard helps you configure automatic Popup operation and can configure the
Popup as a function of predefined profiles.
• Follow the instructions on the screen and, from the predefined profiles, se lect the
configuration which corresponds to your requirements.
4 - Display of Telephone and Dialler
• The Telephone mod ule main wind ow is d isplaye d.
• The Dialler icon is displayed in the tool bar, indicating that the PC-Telephone connection is
5 - Tutorial
• We recommend that you practice the simple oper ations described in the Tutorial, to get to
know the application and check that the main functions are available.
The tutorial guides you through your initial contact with the Alcatel PIMphony application. It also
provides a check that the app lication was correctly installed and that the main funct ions are
Three simple operat ions are covered:
1. Making a call using the Telephone
2. Making a call using the Dialler
3. Automatic Popup of the PIM entry corresponding to an incoming call
Alcatel PIMphony
Making a call using the Telephone module
In the example below, you are going to make a call using the Telephone module.
1. On the keyboard, enter the name or number of the person you wish to call in the entry window
(for example 77895).
2. When the first few letters have been entered, the name is completed from the Outlook list of
contacts, or from that of the personal directory if Outlook is not installed.
3. Click on , to dial the number.
4. The call status and management window is as shown below.
• indicates that t he call is "ringing" (unanswered).
• Cont r ol icon indicates that the o nly action available is "terminate call".
Alcatel PIMphony
5. When the call is answered and during the conversation, t he ca ll status and management window
is as s hown below.
6. indicates that t he call is connected.
• Possible act ions are indicated by the control icons: "terminate call", "put on hold", "tr ansfer "
and "conference".
7. You can lift your receiver and speak to the person called.
Making a call using the Diall er module
In the example below, you are going to make a call using a "copy-paste" o per ation between a
compatible Microso ft application, suc h as Notepad, Word or Excel, and the Dialler module.
1. Firstly, check that t he PC-T elephone connection is in the "connected". T he icon should look
like this .
2. Open a compatible Microso ft applicat ion (for example Notepad).
3. Copy (CTRL+C) the required telephone number.
4. Click RH on the Dialler icon and the screen shown below appears (depend ing on t he
5. Modify the number if necessar y.
6. Click on and the number is dialled.
7. The Telephone window appears, if it was previously closed.
8. The call status and manageme nt window shows the call stat us, the name o f the person called
and possible actions.
9. When your call is answered, you are in contact with the person called.
Alcatel PIMphony
Showing a Popup entry
This action enables you to check the oper ation of the Po pup that you just configured, during the
In the example below, we shall consider that the Popup is configured to show an entry for the first
incoming call.
1. Ask a colleague for whom you have an entry in your PIM, or in your Personal directory, to
call yo u.
2. Check that his entry appears on the screen, in the conditions you defined.
Alcatel PIMphony user's guide
The Alcatel PIMphony user's guide gives a detailed description of the application modules with,
for each module, examples to sho w ho w to use t he main funct ions ava ilable.
This guide contains 3 sections, each cor r esponding to an application module:
• The Telephone mo du le, which is the user's main interface.
• The Dialler module, which appears as an icon in the tool bar.
• The Popup module, which provides the interface with t he external PIM.
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