2.10.1 Redialing the last number dialed (redial) 34
2.10.2 Call back on the last 10 numbers dialed 34
2.11 Requesting automatic callback if internal number is busy 35
2.12 Cancelling an automatic callback 35
2.13 Receiving interphony calls 35
2.14 Sending DTMF signals 35
2.15 Mute, so that your contact cannot hear you 36
2.15.1 From the set 36
2.15.2 From the Bluetooth® handset (Bluetooth® wireless handset) 36
2.15.3 From the headset 36
2.16 Forwarding calls to your voice message service 36
2.17 Consulting your voice mailbox 36
2.18 Sending an instant message to a contact 37
2.18.1 Sending an instant message using the search by name feature 37
2.18.2 Sending an instant message using the phone number 38
2.18.3 Status of the instant messages 38
2.19 Consulting instant messages 38
2.20 Answering with an instant message 39
2.20.1 Answering an Instant message 39
2.20.2 Answering a voice message 40
2.20.3 Answering from the call log 40
2.21 Lock / unlock your telephone 40
2.22 Making a second call during a conversation 40
2.22.1 Recover the call on hold 41
2.23 Answering a second call during a conversation 41
2.24 Switching between calls (Broker call) 41
2.25 Transferring a call 41
2.26 Transfer a call to a voice mail 42
2.27 Three-way conference with internal and/or external contacts (conference) 42
2.27.1 Cancel the conference and recover the last active call before the conference (the other is on
hold) (If conference is active) 42
2.27.2 End the conference with all participants (If conference is active) 42
2.27.3 After the conference, to leave your two contacts talking together 42
2.27.4 View information about the other people in the conference 42
2.28 Placing a call on hold (hold) 42
2.29 Placing an outside call on hold (parking) 43
2.30 Intrusion into an internal conversation (barge-in) 43
2.30.1 Protection against intrusion 43
2.31 Save a number into your personal directory 43
2.32 Selecting calls to be forwarded 43
2.33 Forwarding calls to another number (immediate forward) 44
2.34 Personal assistant: reaching you with one number only 44
2.35 Activate/disable the personal assistant 44
2.36 Forwarding your calls from the receiving terminal ('Follow me') 44
2.37 Forwarding all group calls 45
2.38 Cancelling all forwards 45
2.39 Cancelling a specific forward 45
2.40 Forwarding calls when your line is busy (forward if busy) 45
2.41 Do not disturb 45
2.42 Leaving a text message for internal callers 45
2.43 Message notification 46
2.43.1 Change the time slot 46
2.44 Forwarding calls to your pager 47
'Meet me' conference 48
3.1 Initiate a 'Meet me' conference 48
3.2 Join a 'Meet me' conference 48