Alcatel 8080 User Manual

User manual
Table of Contents
Safety information ..................................................................... 5
General information ................................................................ 13
Warranty ...................................................................................15
1 Your device .......................................................................17
1.1 Keys and connectors ......................................................................17
1.2 Getting started ................................................................................ 18
1.3 Home screen .................................................................................... 20
2 Text input .......................................................................... 27
2.1 Using Onscreen Keyboard ............................................................27
2.2 Swift key ............................................................................................27
2.3 Text editing ....................................................................................... 28
3 Contacts ........................................................... 29
3.1 Consult your contacts ................................................................... 29
3.2 Managing contact groups ............................................................... 30
3.3 Adding a contact ............................................................................. 30
3.4 Editing your contacts ..................................................................... 31
3.5 Contacts importing, exporting and sharing ..............................31
3.6 Accounts ........................................................................................... 32
4 Email .................................................................................. 33
4.1 Gmail/Email ....................................................................................... 33
4.2 Hangouts .......................................................................................... 38
5 Calendar & Time .............................................................. 39
5.1 Calendar ......................................................................................... 39
5.2 Clock .............................................................................................. 40
6 Getting connected ........................................................... 42
6.1 Connecting to the Internet .......................................................... 42
6.2 Browser .................................................................. 43
6.3 Connecting to Bluetooth devices .............................................. 49
6.4 Connecting to a computer ........................................................... 50
6.5 Connecting to virtual private networks .................................... 51
7 Google Play Store ......................................................... 53
7.1 Locate the item you want to download and install ................ 53
7.2 Download and install...................................................................... 54
7.3 Manage your downloads................................................................55
8 Multimedia applications .................................................. 57
8.1 Camera ........................................................................................... 57
8.2 Gallery ............................................................................................ 59
8.3 YouTube .......................................................................................... 60
8.4 Video Player .................................................................................. 61
8.5 Music ....................................................................... 62
9 Maps ................................................................................ 64
9.1 Get My Location ............................................................................. 64
9.2 Search for a location ......................................................................65
9.3 Star a location .................................................................................. 66
9.4 Get driving, public transportation or walking directions ......67
9.5 Arrangement of Layers ..................................................................68
10 Others ............................................................................... 69
10.1 Calculator ...................................................................................... 69
10.2 File Manager .................................................................................. 69
10.3 Sound Recorder ........................................................................... 69
10.4 Other applications ......................................................................... 70
11 Settings ........................................................................... 71
11.1 Wireless & networks .....................................................................71
11.2 Device ................................................................................................ 72
11.3 Personal ............................................................................................. 74
11.4 Accounts ........................................................................................... 76
11.5 System ................................................................................................ 79
12 Accessories ....................................................................... 84
13 Troubleshooting .............................................................. 85
This device meets applicable national SAR limits of
1.6 W/kg. SAR values can be found on page 25 of this user guide. When carrying the device or using it while worn on your body, either use an approved accessory such as a holster or otherwise maintain a distance of 0 mm from the body to ensure compliance with RF exposure requirements. Note that the product may be transmitting even if you are not using it.
To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for long periods. Exercise caution when holding your device near your ear while the loudspeaker is in use.
The tablet contains magnets which may interfere with other devices and items (such as credit card, pacemakers, defibrillators, etc.). Please maintain at least 15 cm of separation between your tablet and the devices/items mentioned above.
Safety information
We recommend that you read this chapter carefully before using your device. The manufacturer disclaims any liability for damage, which may result as a consequence of improper use or use contrary to the instructions contained here.
Given that studies show that using a device while driving a vehicle constitutes a real risk, even when the hands-free kit is used (car kit, headset...), drivers are requested to refrain from using their device when the vehicle is not parked.
When driving, do not use your device or headphone to listen to music. Using a headphone can be dangerous and forbidden in some areas. When switched on, your device emits electromagnetic waves that can interfere with the vehicle’s electronic systems such as ABS anti-lock brakes or airbags. To ensure that there is no problem:
- do not place your device on top of the dashboard or within an airbag deployment area,
- check with your car dealer or the car manufacturer to make sure that the dashboard is adequately shielded from device RF energy.
You are advised to switch off the device from time to time to optimize its performance.
Switch the device off before boarding an aircraft.
Switch the device off when you are in healthcare facilities, except in designated areas. As with many other types of equipment now in regular use, these devices can interfere with other electrical or electronic devices, or equipment using radio frequencies.
Switch the device off when you are near gas or flammable liquids. Strictly obey all signs and instructions posted in a fuel depot, petrol station, or chemical plant, or in any potentially explosive atmosphere.
When the device is switched on, it should be kept at least 15 cm from any medical device such as a pacemaker, a hearing aid or insulin pump,
etc. In particular when using the device, you should hold it against the ear on the opposite side to the device, if any.
To avoid hearing impairment, move the device away from your ear while using the “hands-free” mode because the amplified volume might cause hearing damage.
Do not let children use the device and/or play with the device and accessories without supervision.
Please note that your device is a unibody device, the back cover and battery are not removable. Do not attempt to disassemble your device. If you disassemble your device the warranty will not apply. Also, disassembling the device may damage the battery, and may cause leakage of substances that could create an allergic reaction.
Always handle your device with care and keep it in a clean and dust­free place.
Do not allow your device to be exposed to adverse weather or environmental conditions (moisture, humidity, rain, infiltration of liquids, dust, sea air, etc.). The manufacturer’s recommended operating temperature range is 0°C to +45°C.
At over 45°C the legibility of the device’s display may be impaired, though this is temporary and not serious.
Do not open, dismantle or attempt to repair your device yourself.
Do not drop, throw or bend your device.
Do not use the device if the glass made screen is damaged, cracked or broken to avoid any injury.
Do not paint it.
Use only battery chargers and accessories which are recommended by TCL Communication Ltd. and its affiliates and are compatible with your device model. TCL Communication Ltd. and its affiliates disclaim any liability for damage caused by the use of other chargers or accessories.
Remember to make back-up copies or keep a written record of all important information stored in your device.
Some people may suffer epileptic seizures or blackouts when playing video games. These seizures or blackouts may occur even if a person never had a previous seizure or blackout. If you have experienced seizures or blackouts, or if you have a family history of such occurrences, please consult your doctor before playing video games on your device.
Parents should monitor their children’s use of video games on the device. All persons should discontinue use and consult a doctor if any of the following symptoms occur: convulsion, eye or muscle twitching, loss of awareness, involuntary movements, or disorientation. To limit the likelihood of such symptoms, please take the following safety precautions:
- Take a minimum of a 15-minute break hourly.
- Play in a room in which all lights are on.
- Play at the farthest distance possible from the screen.
- If your hands, wrists, or arms become tired or sore while playing, stop
and rest for several hours before playing again.
- If you continue to have sore hands, wrists, or arms during or after
playing, stop the game and see a doctor.
When you play games on your device, you may experience occasional discomfort in your hands, arms, shoulders, neck, or other parts of your body. Follow the instructions to avoid problems such as tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or other musculoskeletal disorders.
Please note that you must respect the laws and regulations in force in your jurisdiction or other jurisdiction(s) where you will use your device regarding taking photographs and recording sounds with your device. Pursuant to such laws and regulations, it may be strictly forbidden to take photographs and/or to record the voices of other people or any of their personal attributes, and duplicate or distribute them, as this may be considered to be an invasion of privacy.
It is the user’s sole responsibility to ensure that prior authorization be obtained, if necessary, in order to record private or confidential conversations or take a photograph of another person; the manufacturer, the seller or vendor of your device (including the operator) disclaim any liability which may result from the improper use of the device.
Please note that by using the device some of your personal data may
be shared with the main device. It is under your own responsibility to protect your own personal data and not share it with any unauthorized devices or third party devices connected to yours. For products with Wi-Fi features, only connect to trusted Wi-Fi networks. Also, when using your product as a hotspot (where available), use network security. These precautions will help prevent unauthorized access to your device. Your product can store personal information in various locations including a SIM card, memory card, and built-in memory. Be sure to remove or clear all personal information before you recycle, return, or give away your product. Choose your apps and updates carefully, and install from trusted sources only. Some apps can impact your product’s performance and/or have access to private information including account details, call data, location details and network resources.
Note that any data shared with TCL Communication Ltd. is stored in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. For these purposes, TCL Communication Ltd. implements and maintains appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect all personal data, for example against unauthorized or unlawful processing and accidental loss or destruction of or damage to such personal data whereby the measures shall provide a level of security that is appropriate having regard to
(i) the technical possibilities available,
(ii) the costs for implementing the measures,
(iii) the risks involved with the processing of the personal data, and
(iv) the sensitivity of the personal data processed.
You can access, review, and edit your personal information at any time by logging into your user account, visiting your user profile, or by contacting us directly. Should you require us to edit or delete your personal data, we may ask you to provide us with evidence of your identity before we can act on your request.
Please note your tablet is a unibody device, the back cover and battery are not removable. Observe the following precautions for battery use:
- Do not attempt to open the back cover and replace the inner
rechargeable Li-polymer battery. Please contact the dealer to replace
- Do not attempt to eject, replace, or open battery.
- Do not puncture the back cover of your device.
- Do not burn or dispose of your device in household garbage or store
it at temperature above 50°C.
- Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions
This symbol on your device, the battery, and t he accessories means that these product s must be taken t o colle ction point s at the end of their life:
- Municipal waste disposal centers with specific bins for these items
of equipment.
- Collection b ins at po ints of sale.
They will then be recycled, preventing substances bein g disposed of in the environme nt, so that their compone nts ca n be reused.
In European Union countries:
These collec tion points are accessible free of charge.
All products with this sign must be brought to these collection points.
In non-European Union jurisdictions:
Items of equipment w ith this symbol are not to be th rown into ordinary bins if your jurisdiction or your region ha s suit able re cycling and coll ection faci litie s; instead th ey are to be taken t o colle ction point s for the m to be recycled.
Chargers will oper ate wit hin the temperatu re range of: 0°C t o 40°C .
The cha rgers designed for your device meet wi th the s tand ard for safet y of information tec hnology equipme nt and of fice equipment use. Th ey are also compl iant to the eco d esign directive 20 09/125/ EC. Due to dif ferent applicable electrical specific ations, a charger you purchased in one jurisdiction may not work in another jurisdiction. They sho uld be used for th is purp ose onl y.
The cha rger sh all be installed near the device and shall be easily
• Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Declaration
of Conformity
This dev ice complies w ith part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two condit ions: (1) This device may n ot cause harmf ul inte rference, and (2) this device must accept any inter ference received, inc ludin g inter fere nce that may cau se unde sired operation.
Changes or modific ations not expressly approved by the part y responsible for compliance could void the user‘s aut hority to operate the equipment.
This dev ice has been te sted and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital , pursuant to Par t 15 of the FCC Rules . These limits a re designed to p rovide reason able protec tion agains t harmf ul inte rference in a residential installation. This equipment gener ates, uses and can radiate d radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may c ause harmf ul inte rference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee t hat interference will not occur in a p articular installation If this eq uipment doe s cause h armful interference to r adio or television reception, w hich can be det ermined by tur ning the equipment o ff and on, the user is encour aged to t ry to correct the interference by one or more of t he foll owing measures:
- Reorient or re locate the receiving ante nna.
- Increase the sepa ration between the equipment a nd receiver.
- Connect the equip ment into an outlet on a circuit different from
that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an exper ienced radio/T V technician for help.
FCC Caution:
Changes or modific ations not expressly approved by the part y responsible for compliance could void the user‘s aut hority to operate the equipment.
FCC RF Exposu re Informat ion (SA R):
This dev ice is de signed and manufac tured not to exce ed the emission limit s for exposure to radio freque ncy (RF) ene rgy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the United States.
During SAR testing , this is set to tr ansmit at its highest certified power level in all tested freque ncy bands, and placed in positions that simulate RF ex posure in usage near t he body with the separation of 0 mm. Al though the SA R is determin ed at the highest certified power level, t he actual SAR level of the device while o perating ca n be well below the max imum value. T his is because the device is designed to operate at mul tiple power leve ls so as to use only the powe r required to reach the network . In gen eral , the closer you are to a wire less base st ation antenna, t he lower t he power outpu t.
The exp osure standard for wi reles s devices empl oys a unit of measurement known as the S pecific Absorpt ion Rat e, or SA R. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/ kg.
Tests for SA R are conducte d using stand ard operating positions accept ed by the F CC with the device tra nsmitting at its highest certifie d power level in all t ested frequency bands.
The FCC has granted an E quipment Authori zation for this model device with all repor ted SA R levels evaluated as i n compliance w ith the FCC R F exposure guidelines. SAR information on this model device is on file with t he FCC and can be fo und under the Display Grant section of HYPERL INK “http: //ww w.fcc. gov/oet /ea/fccid” after searching on FCC ID: 2ACCJ B024.
For thi s device , the highest repor ted SAR value for usa ge near the body is:
Maximum SAR for this model and conditions under which it was
8080 (Body worn)
SAR com pliance for body operation is base d on a separation distance of 0 cm bet ween t he device and the human body. During use, the actual SAR values for this device are u sually well below the values stated above . This is b ecause, for purposes of system ef ficiency and to minimize int erference o n the network, the operat ing powe r of
1.179 W/kg
your device is aut omatically decre ased when full power is not needed. The lower the powe r output of the device , the lower its SAR value.
Body-worn SA R testing has been carried out at a separation distance of 0 cm. To meet RF exposure guide lines during b ody-worn operation, the device should be pos itioned at least this dist ance away from the body.
If you are n ot using an approved accessory ensure that whatever produc t is used is free of any metal and th at it positions the device the indicate d dist ance away from the body.
Organizations such as the World Health Or ganizatio n and the US Food and Drug Administration have su ggested that if people are concerned and want to reduce t heir ex posure they could use a hands­free accessor y to keep the wireless device aw ay from th e head or body during use, or red uce the a mount of time spent on t he device
microSD Logo is a trademark.
The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG,
Inc. and any use of such marks by TCL Communication Ltd. and its affiliates are under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
8080 Bluetooth DID D025958
The Wi-Fi Logo is a certification mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance.
Your device uses non-harmonized frequency and is intended for use in all European countries.
The WLAN can be operated in the EU without restriction indoors, but cannot be operated outdoors in France.
Google, the Google logo, Android, the Android logo, Google Search™, Google Maps™, Gmail™, YouTube, Google Play Store, Google Latitude™ and Hangouts™ are trademarks of Google Inc.
The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License (the text will show when you long press Google legal in Settings > About Tablet > Legal information)
General information
• Internet address:,
• Hotline Number: In United States please call, (855) 368-0829 for
technicalsupport.In Canadaplease call,(855)844-6058fortechnical support.
On our website, you will find our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section. You can also contact us by e-mail to ask any questions you may have.
An electronic version of this user guide is available in English and other languages according to availability on our server:
Your device is a transceiver that operates on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth with
Company Address:
Room1910-12A, Tower 3, China HK City, 33 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
There may be certain differences between the user manual description and the device’s operation, depending on the software release of your device or specific operator services.
This device may contain materials, including applications and software in executable or source code form, which is submitted by third parties for inclusion in this device (“Third Party Materials”).
It may not be available according to the countries.
All third party materials in this device are provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or use/third party application, interoperability with other materials or applications of the purchaser and non-infringement of copyright. The purchaser undertakes that TCL Communication has complied with all quality obligations incumbent upon it as a manufacturer of mobile devices and devices in complying with Intellectual Property rights. TCL Communication will at no stage be responsible for the inability or failure of the Third Party Materials to operate on this device or in interaction with any other devices of the purchaser. To the maximum extent permitted by law, TCL Communication disclaims all liability for any claims, demands, suits or actions, and more specifically – but not limited to – tort law actions, under any theory of liability, arising out of the use, by whatever means, or attempts to use, such Third Party Materials. Moreover, the present Third Party Materials, which are provided free of charge by TCL Communication, may be subject to paid updates and upgrades in the future; TCL Communication waives any responsibility regarding such additional costs, which shall be borne exclusively by the purchaser. The availability of the applications may vary depending on the countries and the operators where the device is used; in no event shall the list of possible applications and software provided with the devices be considered as an undertaking from TCL Communication; it shall remain merely as information for the purchaser. Therefore, TCL Communication shall not be held responsible for the lack of availability of one or more applications wished for by the purchaser, as its availability depends on the country and the operator of the purchaser. TCL Communication reserves the right at any time to add or remove Third Party Materials from its devices without prior notice; in no event shall TCL Communication be held responsible by the purchaser for any consequences that such removal may have on the purchaser regarding the use or attempt to use such applications and Third Party Materials.
◆  Charger, 5.0VDC/2.0A
◆  USB cable, 5pins micro-USB
Electronic Recycling
For more information on Electronic Recycling, please:
1) Visit ALCATEL ONETOUCH Electronic Recycling Program website
at­Accessibility-and-Compliance/b/11522543011, or
2) Call ALCATEL ONETOUCH US Customer Support at 1-855-368-
Your device is warranted against any defect or malfunctioning which may occur in conditions of normal use during the warranty period of twelve (12) months (1) from the date of purchase as shown on your original invoice.
Batteries (2) and accessories sold with your device are also warranted against any defect which may occur during the first twelve (12) months (1) from the date of purchase as shown on your original invoice.
In case of any defect of your device which prevents you from normal use thereof, you must immediately inform your vendor and present your device with your proof of purchase.
(1) The warranty period may vary depending on your country.
(2) The life of a rechargeable mobile device battery in terms of
conversation time standby time, and total service life, will depend on the conditions of use and network configuration. Batteries being considered expendable supplies, the specifications state that you should obtain optimal performance for your device during the first six months after purchase and for approximately 200 more recharges.
If the defect is confirmed, your device or part thereof will be either replaced or repaired, as appropriate. Repaired device and accessories are entitled to a 30 days warranty for the same defect. Repair or replacement may be carried out using reconditioned components offering equivalent functionality.
This warranty covers the cost of parts and labor but excludes any other costs.
This warranty shall not apply to defects to your device and/or accessory due to (without any limitation):
1) Non-compliance with the instructions for use or installation, or with
technical and safety standards applicable in the geographical area where your device is used;
2) Connection to any equipment not supplied or not recommended by
TCL Communication Ltd. ;
3) Modification or repair performed by individuals not authorized by
TCL Communication Ltd. or its affiliates or your vendor;
4) Modification, adjustment or alteration of software or hardware
performed by individuals not authorized by TCL Communication Ltd. ;
5) Inclement weather, lightning, fire, humidity, infiltration of liquids or
foods, chemical products, download of files, crash, high voltage, corrosion, oxidation…
Your device will not be repaired in case labels or serial numbers (IMEI/ SN)have been removed or altered.
There are no express warranties, whether written, oral or implied, other than this printed limited warranty or the mandatory warranty provided by your country or jurisdiction.
In no event shall TCL Communication Ltd. or any of its affiliates be liable for indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any nature whatsoever,including but not limited commercial or financial loss or damage,loss of data or loss of image to the full extent those damages can be disclaimed by law.
Some countries/states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of indirect, incidental or consequential damages, or limitation of the duration of implied warranties, so the preceding limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.

1 Your device

1.1 Keys and connectors

Front panel
Micro-USB connector/Battery charge port
Earphone socket
Front camera
Power key
Volume Up/Down
MicroSD card socket
Rear panel
Rear Camera
1.2 Getting started
1.2.1 Set-up
Inserting the microSD card
Insert your micro SD card in the right direction to avoid damage. Please refer to the following instructions.
1 2 3 4
Before inserting/removing the microSD card, you should ensure the tablet is off, to protect it from corruption or damage. In addition, regularly removing or inserting the SD card may cause the tablet to restart.
Charging the battery
To charge your tablet, connect the charger to your tablet and mains socket.
• When using your tablet for the first time, charge the battery fully
(approximately 5 hours).
You are advised to fully charge the battery. Charging status ( ) is indicated by the percentage on screen while the tablet is powered off. The percentage increases as the tablet is charged.
To reduce power consumption and energy waste, when battery is fully charged, disconnect your charger from the plug; switch off Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth or background-running applications when not in use; reduce the backlight time, etc. This device cannot be charged through USB computer connection. Please plug in your charger before first usage.
1.2.2 Power on your
Hold down the Powe r key until the tablet powers on, unlock your tablet (Slide, PIN, Password, Pattern) if necessary and confirm. The Home screen is displayed.
If you do not know your PIN code or if you have forgotten it, contact your network operator. Do not leave your PIN code with your tablet. Store this information in a safe place when not in use.
Set up your tablet for the first time
The first time you power on the tablet, you should set the following options:
• Slide up and down to select the tablet's language.
• Select a Wi-Fi to connect or touch SKIP to continue .
• Set Date and Time, or you can also choose Automatic time
zone, then touch NEXT.
• Enter your name to personalize some apps on tablet.
• Touch Finish to complete the setup.
• When the tablet is powered on, you can connect to a Wi-Fi network
to sign into your Google account and to use some features.
1.2.3 Power off your tablet
Hold down the Powe r key until the pop-up menu appears, select Power off to confirm.
1.3 Home screen
You can bring all your favorite icons (apps, shortcuts, folders and widgets) to your Home screen for quick access. Touch Home key to switch to Home screen.
Status bar
• Status/Notification indicators.
Favourite tray applications
• Touch to launch apps.
• Touch and hold to move or change
Application tab
The Home screen extends on either side of the screen to allow more space for adding apps, shortcuts etc. Slide the Home screen horizontally left and right to get a complete view of the Home screen. The page indicators above the apps tray indicate which screen you are viewing.
• Touch to see all applications.
Recent key
• Touch to displays a list of recently used applications.
Home key
• While on any application or screen, touch to return to the Home
Back key
• Touch to go back to the previous screen, or to close a dialogue box,
options menu, the notification panel, etc.
1.3.1 Using the touchscreen
To access an application, touch it with your finger.
Touch and Hold
To open the available options for an item (for example, a contact or link in a Web page), touch and hold the item.
Place and hold your finger on any item to drag it to another location.
Slide the screen to scroll up and down the applications, images, web pages… at your convenience.
Similar to swiping, but flicking makes it move quicker.
Place your fingers of one hand on the screen surface and draw them apart or together to scale an element on the screen.
Automatically change the screen orientation from portrait to landscape by turning the tablet sideways to have a better view.
1.3.2 Status bar
From status bar, you can view both tablet status on the right side and notification information on the left side.
Touch and drag down the Status bar to open the Quick settings panel or the Notification panel. Touch and drag up to close it.
Notification panel
When there are notifications, touch and drag down the Status bar to open the Notification panel and read the detailed information.
Touch to switch to the Quick settings panel.
Touch to clear all event–based notifications (other ongoing notifications will remain).
Note: After opening the Notification panel, touch the status bar or
drag it down again to switch to the Quick settings panel.
Quick setting panel
You can enable or disable functions or change modes by touching the icons on the Quick settings panel.
Touch to enter the User screen, which allows you to switch the user mode.
Touch to access Settings, which allows you to set more items.
Note: After opening the Quick settings panel, touch to enter User
screen, which allows you to switch the user mode, or add new users.
1.3.3 Search bar
The tablet provides a Search function which can be used to locate information within applications, the tablet or the web.
Search by text
• Touch Search bar from the Home screen.
• Enter the text/phrase you want to search for.
• Touch on the keyboard if you want to search on the web.
Search by voice
• Touch from Search bar to display a dialogue screen.
• Speak the word/phrase you want to search for. A list of search results
will display for you to select from.
1.3.4 Lock/Unlock your screen
To protect your tablet and privacy, you can lock the tablet screen by choosing slide or creating a variety of patterns, PIN or password, etc.
To create a screen unlock pattern (refer to the section "Screen lock" for detail settings)
• Drag down the Status bar and open the Quick settings panel then
touch the settings icon to enter Settings, then touch Security\ Select Screen lock\Pattern.
• Draw your own pattern.
Draw your unlock pattern
Touch to confirm by drawing pattern again
To create a screen unlock PIN/Password
• Touch Settings\Security\Select Screen lock\PIN or Password.
• Set your PIN or password.
To lock tablet screen
Press the Powe r key once to lock the screen.
To unlock tablet screen
Press the power key once to light up the screen, draw the unlock pattern you have created or enter PIN or password, etc. to unlock the screen.
If you have chosen Slide as the screen lock, slide the lock screen right with your finger to unlock the screen. Slide left to access camera directly.
1.3.5 Personalize your Home screen
You may touch and hold a folder, an application or a widget to activate the Move mode, and drag the item to any Home screen as you prefer.
Touch and hold the item to be repositioned to activate the Move mode, drag the item to the desired position and then release. You can move
items both on the Home screen and the Favorite tray. Hold the icon on the left or right edge of the screen to drag the item to another Home screen.
Touch and hold the item to be removed to activate the Move mode, drag the item up to the top of “ ”, and release after the item turns red.
Create folders
To improve the organization of items (shortcuts or applications) on the Home screen, you can add them to a folder by stacking one item on top of another.
Wallpaper customization
Touch and hold a space place on Home screen, then touch Wallpaper to customize wallpaper.
1.3.6 Volume adjustment
Using volume key
Press Volume key to adjust the volume. To activate the Silent mode, press the Volume down key until the tablet silent.
Using Settings menu
Drag down the status bar to open the quick setting panel and touch to enter Settings, then touch Sound. Now you can set the volume of
media, notification, system and etc. to your preference.

2 Text input

2.1 Using Onscreen Keyboard
Onscreen Keyboard settings
• Touch all apps from the Home screen, select Settings\

Language&input, touch Current Keyboard to select Swiftkey keyboard;

• Touch all apps from the Home screen, select Settings\
Language&input, touch SwiftKey Keyboard, a series of settings
are available for your selection.
2.2 Swift key
Touch to switch between "abc/Abc" mode; Touch &
hold to switch between
"abc/ABC" mode.
Touch to switch between
symbol and numeric
Touch & hold to show
input options; When
Wi-Fi or data connection
is on, touch to enter
voice input.
Touch & hold, then
select to enter symbols/
+ 61 hidden pages