AKAI LPD8 Wireless User Guide

User Guide
English ( 3 – 6 )
Guía del usuario
Español ( 7 – 10 )
Guide d’utilisation
Français ( 11 – 14 )
Italiano ( 15 – 18 )
Deutsch ( 19 – 22 )
English ( 23 )

User Guide (English)


Box Contents

LPD8 Wireless, USB Cable, Software Download Card, User Guide, Safety & Warranty Manual
Important: Visit akaipro.com and find the webpage for LPD8 Wireless to download the free editor software.


For the latest information about this product (documentation, technical specifications, system requirements, compatibility information, etc.) and product registration, visit akaipro.com.
For additional product support, visit akaipro.com/support.

Quick Start

Connection Diagram

Items not listed under Introduction > Box Contents are sold separately.
USB Connectivity & Power: Use a standard USB cable to connect LPD8 Wireless to your computer. Set its power switch to USB.
Bluetooth Connectivity & Battery Power: Install 3 AA batteries into the
battery compartment underneath LPD8 Wireless. Set its power switch to Batt. See Operation > Bluetooth to learn how to pair LPD8 Wireless to your computer (or other device) using Bluetooth technology.
Bluetooth Connectivity & USB Power: Use a standard USB cable
and USB power adapter to connect LPD8 Wireless to a power outlet. Set its power switch to USB. See
Operation > Bluetooth to learn how
to pair LPD8 Wireless to your computer (or other device) using Bluetooth technology.


Top Panel

1. USB Port: Use a standard USB cable to connect this USB port to your computer. The computer’s USB port provides ample power to LPD8 Wireless, though you may use 3 AA batteries instead. This connection is also used to send and receive MIDI data to and from your computer.
2. Power Switch: Use this switch to power LPD8 Wireless on or off. To use USB power, set it to USB. To use batteries, install 3 AA batteries into the battery compartment underneath LPD8 Wireless, and set it to Batt.
Note: If you have installed batteries into LPD8 Wireless, you can power it off by setting the power switch to USB (when it is disconnected from a computer). If you have not installed
batteries into LPD8 Wireless, you can power it off by setting the power switch to Batt.
3. Pads (18): Press these pads to send MIDI Note On messages to your software, triggering drum hits or other samples.
Press and hold Select and press a pad to select the command printed in a white box above it: Prog 14, Note, CC, Prg Chng, or Pair. See Operation > Bluetooth and
Programs to learn more.
Press and hold NR Config and press a pad to select the command printed on the right side above the pad: 56%, 58%, 60%, 62%, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, or Triplet. See Operation >
Note Repeat to learn more.
4. Knobs (K1–8): Turn these knobs to send continuous control data to your software, adjusting parameter values or other settings.
5. Bank A/B: Press this button to select Pad Bank A (green) or Pad Bank B (red).
6. Select: Press and hold this button and press a pad to select the command printed in a whi
te box above it: Prog 14, Note, CC, Prg Chng, or Pair. See Operation > Bluetooth
and Programs to learn more. Important: While holding this button, the pads will not send their normal MIDI messages.
7. Full Level: Press this button to activate or deactivate Full Level. When activated, the pads will always send their messages at the maximum velocity (127), regardless of how much force you use to press them.
8. Note Repeat: Press and hold this button while pressing a pad to cause the pad to retrigger at a rate based on the current tempo and time division settings. Note Repeat affects notes being played by the pads only.
Tip: You can sync Note Repeat to an internal or external MIDI clock source.
9. NR Config: Press and hold this button and press a pad to select the command printed on the right side above the pad: 56%, 58%, 60%, 62%, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, or Triplet. See
Operation > Note Repeat to learn more.
Important: While holding this button, the pads will not send their normal MIDI messages.
10. Tap Tempo: Tap this button at the desired rate to enter a new tempo for Note Repeat. Important: Tap Tempo does not work when LPD8 Wireless is externally synced.



Instead of using a “wired” USB connection to connect LPD8 Wireless to your computer, you can connect wirelessly to a Bluetooth-compatible device.
Important: Your host device must support Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth LE) to use this feature. For the most current and complete system requirements, visit akaipro.com and find the webpage for LPD8 Wireless.
To pair LPD8 Wireless to your Bluetooth device:
1. Power on your Bluetooth device.
2. Power on your LPD8 Wireless:
If you are using battery power, set the power switch to Batt.
If its USB port is connected to a power outlet (using a USB power adapter), set the
power switch to USB.
3. Press and hold Select and press Pad 8 (Pair) once. The pad will flash.
4. Enable Bluetooth connectivity on your device:
Mac OS X: Press +Space, type Audio MIDI Setup, and open the Audio MIDI Setup application. In the MIDI Studio window that appears, click the Bluetooth icon. In the window that appears, click Connect next to Akai LPD8 Wireless.
iOS: Download and open the GarageBand application. Tap the Settings button (the gear icon), and then tap Song. Tap Advanced, and then tap Bluetooth MIDI Devices. Tap Akai LPD8 Wireless, and then tap Connect.
When successfully paired, Pad 8 (Pair) will stay continuously lit while holding Select.
To unpair LPD8 Wireless from your Bluetooth device, press and hold Select and press Pad 8 (Pair) again. When unpaired, Pad 8 (Pa


You can store up to 4 programs in LPD8 Wireless’s internal memory. Each program includes:
all pad assignments (MIDI note numbers, CC numbers, program change numbers, and press behavior)
all knob assignments (MIDI CC numbers and range)
all configurable Note Repeat settings, described in the Note Repeat section
To select a program, press and hold Prog Select, and press one of Pads 1–4 (Prog 1–4).
To manage your programs, use the LPD8 Wireless editor software. Visit akaipro.com and find the webpage for LPD8 Wireless to download it.
ir) will be unlit while holding Select.

Note Repeat

When Note Repeat is activated, pressing a pad causes its MIDI note to retrigger at a rate based on the current tempo and time division settings. Note Repeat affects notes being played by the pads only.
To enable or disable Note Repeat, press Note Repeat.
The rate of the Note Repeat is based on the current tempo and time division settings.
To set the tempo, press Tap Tempo several times at the desired rate. Note Repeat will automatically detect the new tempo.
Important: Tap Tempo does not work when LPD8 Wireless is externally synced.
To set the time division, press and hold NR Config, and press one of Pads 5–8:
Pad 5: 1/8 (eighth notes) Pad 7: 1/32 (thirty-second notes) Pad 6: 1/16 (sixteenth notes) Pad 8: Triplet (a triplet-based time division)
The currently selected pad will be lit.
The retriggered notes can be “swung”, creating a “shuffle” feel. By default, the retriggered notes are played “straight” (50% swing).
To set the amount of swing, press and hold NR Config, and press one of Pads 5–8: 56%, 58%, 60%, or 62%. The currently selected pad will be lit.
To reset the amount of swing to 50% (“straight”), press and hold NR Config, and press the
lit pad (of Pads 58).
You can set Note Repeat to follow the tempo of LPD8 Wireless’s internal MIDI clock or the
external tempo of the project in your digital audio workstation (DAW).
To set whether Note Repeat is internally or externally synced, use the LPD8 Wireless
editor software. Visit akaipro.com and find the webpage for LPD8 Wireless to download it.

Guía del usuario (Español)


Contenido de la caja

LPD8 Wireless, cable USB, tarjeta de descarga de software, guía del usuario, manual sobre la seguridad y garantía
Importante: Visite akaipro.com y entre a la página web del LPD8 Wireless para descargarlo el gratis software de edición.


Para obtener la información más reciente acerca de este producto (documentación, especificaciones técnicas, requisitos de sistema, información de compatibilidad, etc.) y registrarlo, visite akaipro.com.
Para soporte adicional del producto, visite akaipro.com/support.

Instalación rápida

Diagrama de conexión

Los elementos que no se enumeran en Introducción > Contenido de la caja se venden por separado.
Conexiones y corriente a través de USB: Utilice un cable USB estándar para conectar el LPD8 Wireless a su ordenador. Coloque su interruptor de encendido en USB.
Conectividad Bluetooth y alimentación mediante pilas: Instale 3 pilas AA en el
compartimiento para pilas debajo del LPD8 Wireless. Coloque su interruptor de encendido en Batt. Consulte Funcionamiento >
Bluetooth para aprender a aparear el LPD8
Wireless a su ordenador (u otro dispositivo mediante la tecnología Bluetooth.
Conectividad Bluetooth y alimentación mediante USB: Utilice un cable USB estándar
y un adaptador de corriente USB para conectar el LPD8 Wireless a una toma de corriente. Coloque su interruptor de encendido en USB. Consulte Funcionamiento > Bluetooth para aprender a aparear el LPD8 Wireless a su ordenador (u otro dispositivo mediante la tecnología Bluetooth.


Panel superior

1 2
1. Puerto USB: Utilice un cable USB estándar para conectar este puerto USB a su ordenador. El puerto USB del ordenador suministra suficiente corriente al LPD8 Wireless, aunque puede querer utilizar 3 pilas AA en cambio. Esta conexión también se utiliza para enviar y recibir datos MIDI desde y hacia su ordenador.
2. Interruptor de encendido: Utilice este interruptor para encender y apagar el LPD8 Wireless. Para utilizar alimentación mediante USB, colóquelo en posición USB. Para utilizar pilas, instale 3 pilas AA en el compartimiento para pilas debajo del LPD8 Wireless y colóquelo en posición Batt.
Nota: Si ha instalado pilas en el LPD8 Wireless, puede apagarlo colocando el interruptor de encendido en posición USB (cuando no esté conectado a un ordenador). Si no ha instalado pilas en el
LPD8 Wireless, puede apagarlo colocando el interruptor de encendido en posición Batt.
3. Pads (18): Pulse estos pasos para enviar mensajes de encendido de nota MIDI a su software, disparando así golpes de tambor u otras muestras.
Mantenga pulsado Select (Seleccionar) y pulse un pad para seleccionar el comando impreso en el recuadro blanco encima de él: Prog 14, Note (Nota), CC, Prg Chng (Cambio de programa) o Pair (Apareamiento). Consulte Funcionamiento > Bluetooth y Programas para aprender más.
Mantenga pulsado NR Config y pulse un pad para seleccionar el comando impreso del lado derecho encima del pad: 56%, 58%, 60%, 62%, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 o Triplet (Tresillo). Consulte Funcionamiento >
Repetición de nota para aprender más.
4. Perillas (K1–8): Gire estas perillas para enviar datos de control continuos a su software, ajustando valores de parámetros u otros ajustes.
5. Banco A/B: Pues este botón para seleccionar el banco de pads A (verde) o el banco de pads B (rojo).
6. Selección: Mantenga pulsado este botón y pulse un pad para recuadro blanco encima de él: Prog 14, Note, CC, Prg Chng o Pair. Consulte Funcionamiento >
Bluetooth y Programas para aprender más.
Importante: Mientras mantenga pulsado este botón, los pads no enviarán sus mensajes MIDI normales.
7. Nivel máximo: Pulse este botón para activar o desactivar Full Level (Nivel máximo). Una vez activado, los pads enviarán siempre sus mensajes a la velocidad máxima (127), sin importar la cantidad de fuerza con la que los pulse.
8. Repetición de nota: Mantenga pulsado este botón mientras pulsa un pad, para hacer que redispare a un ritmo basado en los ajustes actuales del tempo y la división de tiempo. La repetición de nota solo afecta a las notas que se están tocando en los pads.
Consejo: Puede sincronizar la repetición de nota con una fuente de reloj MIDI interna o externa.
9. Configuración de NR: Mantenga pulsado este botón y luego pulse un pad para seleccionar el comando impreso en el lado derecho encima de él: 56%, 58%, 60%, 62%, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 o Triplet (Tresillo). Consulte Funcionamiento > Repetición de nota para aprender más.
Importante: Mientras mantenga pulsado este botón, los pads no enviarán sus mensajes MIDI normales.
10. Tap Tempo: Toque ligeramente este botón al ritmo deseado para introducir un nuevo tempo para la repetición de nota.
Importante: Tap Tempo no funciona cuando el LPD8 Wireless está sincronizado externamente.
seleccionar el comando impreso en el
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