Version 1.70 User’s Guide

Table of contents
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 1
NEW FEATURES IN AK.SYS V1.7.................................................................................... 1
REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................................. 1
EXISTING USERS .................................................................................................. 1
NEW USERS........................................................................................................... 1
INSTALLATION.................................................................................................................. 2
INSTALLATION - MAC ............................................................................................ 2
INSTALLING AK.SYS - PC...................................................................................... 2
INSTALLING THE USB DRIVER - PC .................................................................... 2
USING AK.SYS.................................................................................................................. 2
EFFECTS EDITOR ...................................................................................................................... 3
EFFECTS EDITOR............................................................................................................ 3
SELECTING PRESETS..................................................................................................... 3
EDITING PRESETS .......................................................................................................... 4
STORING PRESETS......................................................................................................... 4
OTHER NEW FUNCTIONS ......................................................................................................... 5
NEW SAMPLE ASSIGN FUNCTION IN EDIT PROGRAM ............................................... 5
SELECTING A KEYGROUP FROM THE KEYBOARD GRAPHIC.................................... 5
AUDITIONING SAMPLES ................................................................................................. 6
BATCH RENAMING .......................................................................................................... 6
NEW SAMPLE EDITOR NOMINATION (PC VERSION ONLY) ........................................ 8
IMPROVED COMPATIBILITY WITH MAC SAMPLE EDITORS ........................................ 9
MESA COMPATIBILITY..................................................................................................... 9
NOMINATING MESA AS YOUR PREFERRED SAMPLE EDITOR................................... 9
APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................ 10
NOTES FOR WINDOWS 98 USERS .............................................................................. 10
NOTES FOR MAC USERS USING ANTARES INFINITY™............................................ 12
CHANGES TO DRAG AND DROP OF S2/3000/XL FILES ............................................. 12
All trademarks and trade names used in this User’s Guide Addendum are the property of their
respective owners.
ak.Sys. - Version 1.70 addendum

ak.Sys Version 1.70 is a maintenance release that adds many useful new features.
• A new EFFECTS EDITOR allows you to set the EB20 effects parameters from within ak.Sys.
• Custom effects presets can be saved to your Mac/PC’s HD for use with any multi.
• EB16 multiFX and reverb presets from the S2000/3000 and XL-series samplers can now be
used in the S5000/6000 via the new Effects Editor.
• You can drag and drop samples onto the Program Editor’s keyboard graphic to automatically
create keygroups and assign samples.
• It is now possible to select a keygroup from the Program Editor’s keyboard graphic.
• It is possible to audition samples quickly and easily using the SPACE bar on your Mac/PC’s
• New ‘batch’ renaming function and new contextual menu layout.
• Files created in MESA can now be loaded into the S5000/6000 via ak.Sys using drag and drop.
• The PC Version of ak.Sys now allows you to nominate sample editors for use within ak.Sys.
• The Mac version of ak.Sys now allows drag and drop of files created, edited and looped in
3rd party wave editors to be transferred to the S5000/6000 via ak.Sys with loops, etc., intact.
To use ak.Sys Version 1.70, Version 2.10 (or later) of the sampler’s operating system must be
installed in your S5/6000(s) first. ak.Sys V1.70 does not work with OS versions earlier than V2.10
(attempting to use ak.Sys V1.70 with an earlier version of the sampler OS will result in a prompt
advising you of this).
You should use the ak.Sys OS LOADER application to update your sampler’s OS from V2.0.
Please consult the ak.Sys V1.00 User Guide for details of the hardware, software and system
requirements. Version 2.10 (or later) of the S5/6000 operating system must be installed for ak.Sys
V1.70 to work (attempting to use ak.Sys V1.70 with an earlier version of the sampler OS will result
in a prompt advising you of this).
You may use the ak.Sys OS LOADER application to update your sampler’s OS from V2.0. If the
OS version of your sampler is prior to V2.0, it is necessary to use the OS floppy disk to update it.
Contact your AKAI professional dealer/authrised service center on this.
ak.Sys. - Version 1.70 addendum Page 1

Double click on this “ak.Sys Installer” icon and follow the on-screen instructions (if the file has
been provided as “akSys Installer.hqx”, double click on it first - this will create the installer).
ak.Sys Installer
Because a new System Extension is installed, you need to restart your Mac in order to use ak.Sys
V1.70. The USB Driver (USB ak.Sys S5000 Driver) will also be installed in the system folder at the
same time.
Double click on the file “AKSYSF17.EXE/AKSYS L17.EXE.” and follow the on-screen instructions.
NOTE: If you are upgrading from ak.Sys Version 1.00/1.50, the first phase of the install procedure
will actually uninstall (i.e. remove) ak.Sys V1.00/1.50 and its associated components. The
V1.70 (and its associated components) will then be installed.
With both units powered down, attach your sampler’s USB connector to the PC’s USB connector
using an appropriate USB cable. Turn the sampler on and wait for it to complete booting. Now turn
on your PC. At some point, Windows will pop-up a prompt saying that it has found new hardware
(i.e. the sampler) and that its driver needs to be installed. Follow the on-screen instructions exactly
as you would be installing a new printer, scanner or whatever.
Regardless of your computer platform, with the sampler connected to your computer via a USB
cable, power on the S5000/6000 and wait for it to boot successfully with the latest Sampler OS (i.e.
V2.10/2.11a). Then launch ak.Sys.
NOTE: If you attempt to use ak.Sys on either computer platform with a sampler OS version
earlier then 2.10, you will receive an error message telling you that the latest Sampler OS must
be installed.
*** AK.SYS VERSION 1.70 CAN ONLY BE USED WITH S5/6000 OS V2.10 or later***
Page 2 ak.Sys. - Version 1.70 addendum

It is now possible to edit the EB20 effects (if installed in an S5000) from within ak.Sys. Styled like
a rack of four ‘virtual’ effects boxes, every parameter is available for editing:
Unlike the S5000/6000 itself (which simply saves effects as part of a multi), custom effects settings
and presets may be saved and separately recalled (loaded) into the effects editor . Thus it is possible
to create complete multiFX chanins and save these for use in other multis later on.
Furthermore, the EB16 multiFX and reverb presets from the S3000 (as well as S2000 and XLseries) range of samplers are also able to be used (and are supplied with ak.Sys V1.7).
You can select presets in two ways. You can click on the PRESET ‘LCD’ at the top left of each
effects ‘module’ to pop-up a menu of FX you can choose from.
IMPORT ANT NOTE: For the pop-up menu to work correctly on the PRESET ‘LCD’, the effects
preset files must be kept in the following locations:
MAC ak.Sys 1.7 > Plug-ins > FX Presets > EB16 MultiFX/EB16 Reverb/your
own folder
PC aksys\FX presets\EB16 presets\FX/reverb/your own folder
ak.Sys. - Version 1.70 addendum Page 3