1 Press the MENU key until OPTIONS is displayed and press
If you are using a grid file…
3 Press the ACCEPT key to view grid files on your memory card.
4 Use the UP or DOWN ARROW key to scroll to the file y
5 The grid points appear one at a time. Grid point 1 is the first
TANCE and STEER information to guide yourself to
7 When you have completed navigating to each of the desired
8 When you have completed navigating to each of the desired
If you are manually inputting a target point…
3 Press the Up or DOWN ARROW keys to display LAT and
4 Press the key to the right of lin
e displaying LAT. Use the
5 Press the key to the right of line displaying LON. Use the
the ACCEPT key again to display map.
7 Use DISTANCE and STEER information to guide yourself to
8 Press the TARGET key and repeat Steps 3 through 7 to
9 When you have completed navigating to each of the desired
1 Press the MENU key until OPTIONS is displayed and press
3 Press the EDIT key and change fields then press ACCEPT key.
5 Position vehicle at a starting point on the outside edge of the
6 When you have completed driving the boundary of the field,
Note: Must have field boundary for field before you can grid field.
1 Press MENU key until OPTIONS is displayed and press
e lower LEFT or RIGHT ARROW key until GRID is
3 Press the UP or DOWN ARROW key to scroll to the field you
4 Press the UP or DOWN ARROW keys to change the Grid
5 Press the CREATE GRID key.
6 If you want to change the grid spacing or grid area, use arrow
7 Press the SAVE GRID key to save the info
– QUICK REFERENCE SHEET for Site Verification Mode – November 2002
require and press ACCEPT key to display map.
point shown. You can navigate to grid points in order or select
any grid point at any time by pressing the UP or DOWN
ARROW keys.
the grid point. When the distance gets to zero or near zero, you
have navigated to the point.
points, press NAV OFF key to return to main screen.
points, press NAV OFF key to return to main screen.
UP/DOWN and LEFT/RIGHT ARROW keys to input the
latitude and press ACCEPT key.
Creating a Field Boundary
field. Press the START BOUNDARY key and drive the
boundary of the field. Use the PAUSE/CONTINUE feature to
drive around an obstacle (for example a wet spot).
press the STOP BOUNDARY key. Then press SAVE
Note: Drive back to the starting point before pressing STOP
BOUNDARY. If you do not, the area calculated for the field
may be inaccurate.
Creating a Grid for a field
displayed and press GRID key.
want to grid and press the ACCEPT key.
UP/DOWN and LEFT/RIGHT ARROW keys to input the
longitude and press ACCEPT key.
the grid point. When the distance gets to zero or near zero, you
have navigated to the point.
navigate to the next point.
points, press NAV OFF key to return to main screen.
Revision 1 PN: 2002831-11
Spacing and Grid Area.
keys and press RECREATE GRID key. If you want to move
the existing grid points, press SHIFT GRID and use arrow
IMPORTANT: If you come back to boundary or grid screen to review
do, you will loose ALL information for this field.

1 Press the SETUP key. Press the SWATH key. Select the appropriate
2 Press the SETUP key. Press the CARD key. Set the following:
3 Press the SETUP key. Press the VEHICLE key. Choose the
4 Press the FIELD key and create and name all your fields. Set each field
5 Press the LOAD key and create and name your loads for each fiel
6. If you are getting ground speed from WHEELS, TRACK, or RADAR
When driving the field, set the PF on the load that is named the item that you
Definition: Site Verification is logging where a field operation was
performed for the purpose of making a map. The PF logs the GPS points (and
counts area if PF has ground speed) of where the vehicle was driven.
Settings for Site Verification
site type.
• Press the EDIT SPACING key and set the spacing equal to the
row spacing. If you have non-rowed crops, set the row spacing
equal to 12 inches.
• Press the EDIT # ROWS key and set this setting equal to the total
number of rows. If you have non-rowed crops, set the number of
rows so that the full swath will equal the swath of your equipment.
Note: If you do not want to record area, you do not need to set the
Log Device: Memory Card
Logging Interval: Recommended setting is 2 or 3 secs.
Log File: Create a new log file.
appropriate vehicle and press EDIT SETTINGS key. Set the
Note: If you do not want to record area, you do not need to get ground
speed or set the ground speed settings in this screen.
Primary Speed Sensor: Set to WHEEL, TRACK, RADAR or GPS
(Must have Ag Leader or Trimble brand GPS receiver to get
accurate ground speed from GPS)
Secondary Speed Sensor: If Primary speed setting was GPS then set
this to your backup speed sensor. If primary speed setting was not
GPS, ignore setting.
Speed sensor pulses/100ft: Ignore setting.
Area count stop beeps: Set to 20 beeps
Area count: Set to STANDARD. If your automatic area count switch
(like Implement Switch or Boom Tee Cable) is turning the area off
when it should be on, set to REVERSED instead of reversing the
polarity of the switch.
Stop height: Set to 8.
Press the EXIT key and the ACCEPT VEHICLE key.
Revision 1 PN: 2002831-11
– QUICK REFERENCE SHEET for Site Verification Mode – November 2002
to the correct site type. To set the site type press the key to the right of
the line displaying the site type.
Name your load the name of the item you want to record. Example: If
you are planting and want to log where you planted each hybrid then
name each load with a hybrid name.
sensor or if any of these are the secondary speed sensor you must
perform a distance calibration for the sensor. Press the CAL key and
perform the calibration.
How to do Site Verification
want to record.
Example: Set to “Load1: HybridA” when planting Hybrid A. When you
start planting Hybrid B change the PF to “Load2: HybridB”
The PF starts logging data to the card when area counting is turned on
(“AREA ON” appears in lower right of display). When area counting is
turned off the PF stops logging data (“AREA OFF” appears in lower right of
display). Ground speed and the actual accumulation of area in the load is not
required to start logging.
An Implement Switch can be used to automatically turn on and off area
counting when the implement is raised or lowered. A Boom Tee Cable can
also be used to automatically turn on and off area counting. Connect it to a
5-12 volt signal that goes on and off when you want area counting to go on
and off. You can also manually turn on and off area counting by using the
area count switch in the lower right of the PF.
Your site verification map will display all the logged points or passes. Each
load in the field will have one color on the map. The legend of the site
verification map will be the loads.