Ag Leader InSight Strip-Till User Manual

Granular Strip-Till Control Module
Quick Reference Sheet
Section 1: Configuration Procedure
a multiple product application. To begin this procedure, go to the Application Setup Configuration Tab and press the Add button.
Note: In order for you to use this configuration at the Run screen, you must also
configure a vehicle, implement, controller and product(s). For more information on how to configure these, consult the InSight User Manual.
Strip-Till Configuration (for multiple products)
Select Equipment Configuration Type The Operating Configuration Wizard appears. Select either Single Product Application, or
Multiple Product Application. As this particular procedure describes how to configure a
Multiple Product Application, we have chosen this setting. Note: You must have purchased a Multi-Product unlock code from Ag Leader in order to use
the Multiple Product Configuration.
Select Vehicle
Use the drop-down menu to choose a vehicle, or press the New button to enter a new vehicle. Press Next to continue.
Add Equipment for Multiple Product Configuration.
The Add Additional Application Equipment window appears. From here, you may add additional equipment or controllers to your configuration. Add equipment by pressing the Add button.
Note: If you choose to add additional equipment, add them in the same order as the implements are attached.
Select Implement
Select an Implement from the drop-down list menu, or press the New button to create a new implement. Press Next to continue.
Select Implement Attachment Method Use the drop-down list to select an implement attachment method. Press Next to continue.
Enter Full Swath Width Use the numeric keypad to enter the full swath width of the implement. Press Next to continue.
Part No. 2002831-42 Rev. C
Strip-Till Configuration (for multiple products)
Enter Number of Boom Sections
Use the up and down arrow keys to enter the number of sections of the implement. Press
Next to continue. Enter Boom Section Widths from Left to Right
For implements with more than one boom section, the system will default to the appropriate number of equal width boom sections. To edit any of the boom values, select the desired section from the list and press the numeric keypad to enter in a new width. Press Next to continue.
Enter Distance from Hitch to Application Point
Enter the distance from the hitch to the application point (from front to back) using the numeric keypad. Press Next to continue.
Implement Setup Wizard Press Next to continue.
Enter Implement Name Use the keyboard button to enter a name for the implement. Press Finish
Select Operating Mode Use the drop-down menu to select Rate Logging/Control; then press Next.
Select Controller Press the New button to add a controller; then press Next
Select Controller Device and Device Type Select DirectCommand from the Device drop-down list box. Scroll down on the Direct
Type list box and select Granular Strip-Till Control. Press Next to continue.
Select Controller Device and Device Type Select DirectCommand from the Device drop-down list box. Scroll down on the Direct
Type list box and select Granular Strip-Till Control. Press Next to continue.
Enter Suggested Controller Name
A default name of DirectStripTill appears. Press Finish, or use the on-screen keyboard to enter a new name, if desired
Select Controller Channel Use the drop-down menu to select a controller channel, then press Next to continue.
Select Container
Use the drop-down menu to select a container, or press the New button to enter a new container; then press Next to continue.
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Strip-Till Configuration (for multiple products)
Enter Container Capacity and Units
The Container Setup Wizard appears. Use the numeric keypad to enter the container capacity and the drop-down menu, located underneath, to enter units. Press Next to continue.
Select Container Name and Location
Use the keypad to enter a Container Name, and the drop-down menu underneath to enter a Container Location.
Enter a Suggested Configuration Name
Use the keypad to enter a different name for the configuration (if desired), and press Next. A suggested name has been provided, based on your previous selections. If this name does not fully describe the configuration, you may change it here.
Add Equipment for a Multiple Product Application
The Operating Configuration Wizard reappears. Because we specified that we were configuring a multiple product application in the first step of this procedure, we are now asked to add more equipment to our configuration. Repeat steps 3-21. When you have repeated these steps and have come back to the Add Equipment window, press the Next button; then press Finish.
Select Ground Speed Source
Select your ground speed source. If you will be using GPS as the primary you will need to select a secondary source.
Note: The Ground Speed Sensor must be calibrated for accurate speed and area calculations, under the Vehicle Tab. Press Next to continue.
Enter Suggested Configuration Name
Use the keypad to enter a suggested name for your configuration. A suggested name has been provided, based on your previous selections. If this name does not fully describe the configuration, you may change it here. Press Finish when complete.
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