Ag Leader InSight NORAC UC5 User Manual

NORAC UC5 Module
Quick Reference Sheet
Section 1: NORAC UC5 Setup
desired sprayer from the Implement list and press the NORAC UC5 Setup button. The NORAC UC5 setup window appears, as shown below.
Note: In order for you to view this window, the NORAC UC5 Spray Height
Controller must be installed on your sprayer and this feature must be communicating on the CAN bus.
NORAC UC5 Setup Window
Automatic Setup
Sensors and Valve
Sprayer Configuration
Advanced Settings
Loads the Select Sprayer window, which starts the Automatic Setup process. For more information, see Section 2 on page 2.
Loads the Sensor and Valve Driver Settings window, where users can set minimum height mode; adjust minimum height settings and manually edit sensor, valve and input settings. For further information, see Section 4 on page 2. Also, consult the NORAC UC5 manual for more information.
The drop down menu shows the devices communicating on the NORAC UC5 CAN Bus along with the serial number of each device. The Firmware Version and Hardware Revisions of your NORAC UC5 devices are shown underneath.
Displays the sprayer model configured during the Automatic Setup procedure.
NORAC non-user menu.
Retunes the UC5 electronics to your sprayer’s hydraulics. For more information, see Section 3 on page 2.
Part No. 2005941
Section 2: Automatic Setup
Automatic Setup walks through a series of steps that configures the NORAC UC5 electronics to the sprayer hydraulic functions. You must perform an Automatic Setup routine after the NORAC UC5 system is installed. The following items are configured during an Automatic Setup routine:
Sprayer Make and Model Input module wiring and configuration Number of sensors and location Sensor zero point Valve deadzone and gain values
Note: For detailed Automatic Setup information, see the NORAC UC5 manual.
Section 3: Retune
From time to time it may be necessary to recalibrate (Retune) the UC5 electronics to your sprayer’s hydraulics. Examples of such times are:
When a hydraulic solenoid valve is changed. When the hydraulic pump is changed or adjusted. When the normal working temperature of the hydraulic oil has shifted significantly
from when the system was previously calibrated.
If you are running a pull type sprayer and use different tractors to operate the sprayer, you should run the Retune procedure each time the tractor is changed. If you have a flow control for the boom hydraulics, set it prior to tuning. If you change the flow setting by more than 20 percent, you should Retune.
Section 4: Minimum Height Settings
Pressing the Sensors and Valve Drivers button on the NORAC UC5 window opens the Sensor and Valve Driver Settings window. The following settings appear on the General Tab.
Minimum Height Mode
The Minimum Height Mode drop-down menu includes three selections:
Absolute: In Absolute Mode, no sensors are allowed to move closer to the target
than the minimum height setting.
Relative: In Relative Mode, no sensors are allowed to move closer to the target than
the distance of the target height minus the minimum height setting.
Disabled: Disables the minimum height mode.
Note: “Target” refers to the ground in Soil Mode, and the crop canopy in Crop Mode.
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