Ag Leader GPS 5200 Output Configuration Instructions

2202 South Riverside Drive, P.O. Box 2348, Ames, IA 50010
Phone: 515-232-5363 Fax:232-3595 Internet:
The GPS5 100 receiver provided in the EZ-Guide Plus 5100 System is configured by default to communicate on all ports with the EZ-Guide Plus lightbar. You have ordered either the 4000522-18 (for outputting NMEA GPS data to an Insight/PF/YM series displ ay) or a 4000523-18 (for outputting NMEA GPS data to a Pro/Advantage series display) to allow you to output NMEA GPS data to your Ag Leader display. To get the receiver to output NMEA data prop erly to the display you are using you must fi rst configure Port B on t he GPS5100 to communicate with an Ag Leader display.
Follow these steps to configure a GPS5100 receiver to provide NMEA GPS data to an Ag Leader display:
1) Install AgRemote software on your computer. Version 2.52 is required and available at for download.
2) Now you must use the Power/Data cable (PN 4000524) provided with your EZ-Guide Plus 5100 system to
power the GPS5100 receiver near your computer and connect the 9-pin serial connector on this cable to an available 9-pin serial port on your computer.
3) Power your GPS5100 receiver up. The light on the back of the receiver should be lit.
4) Start the AgRemote program (v2.52).
5) Go to the File menu on the AgRemote window, left click on File, and select “Con nect” .
6) The Settings window will now appear. Select the serial (COM ) port that you connected to on the back of
your PC (usually Com1) t hen click the “ OK” button. The virtual screen in AgRemote should now display information once connected. You should see “No HP” in the lower left hand corner of the screen for example. Once you see this you are connected to the GPS5100.
7) Click the Right arrow button ( > ) on the AgRemote window or use the arrow keys on your keyboard until
you see “Configuration” displayed in the AgRemote window.
8) Click the Down ( V ) arrow button once.
9) Click the Right arrow button until you see “Port C Config”.
10) Click the Down arrow button once.
11) Click the Right arrow button and Set “Port C out:” to OFF by cli cking the Up /Down arrow button and the n
click the ENTER button to accept the change.
12) Click the ESC button.
13) Click the Left arrow butt on ( < ) once to “Port B Confi g”.
14) Click the Down Arrow but ton once.
15) Click the Right arrow but t on to change Output to NMEA and baud rate to 4800 fo r both Input/Output. a. Note: For connection to the Insight d i s play you can s et the Input/Output rat e to 19200 which is
recommended if you will be sendin g NMEA to the display at 5 Hz.
16) Click the Down arrow button until you see “NMEA OUT” and Right arrow twice then Up arrow once to
set the output of NMEA at 1 Hz (if you ar e working with an Insight display you can leave this setting at ASAP.)
17) Press the ENTER key to accept the change.
18) Click the ESC button.
a. GO TO THE FILE MENU in AgRemote and CLICK DISCONNECT. If you don’t do this then
the receiver will not work with the EZ-Guide Plus lightbar because Port A will still be co nfigured to talk to AgRemote.
© 2005, Ag Leader Technology, Inc.. All rights reserved. Ez-Guide Plus is a trademark of Trimble Navigation Limited.