Agilent Technologies Network Analyzer 8510-58 User Manual

Agilent Specifying Calibration Standards for the Agilent 8510 Network Analyzer
Product Note 8510-5B
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Measurement errors Measurement calibration Calibration kit Standard definition Class assignment
Modification procedure
Select standards Define standards Standard number Standard type
Open circuit capacitance: C0, C1, C2and C
Short circuit inductance: L0, L1, L2and L
Fixed or sliding Terminal impedance Offset delay Offset Z
Offset loss Lower/minimum frequency Upper/maximum frequency Coax or waveguide Standard labels
Assign classes
Standard classes S11A,B,C and S22A,B,C Forward transmission match/thru Reverse transmission match/thru Isolation Frequency response TRL Thru TRL Reflect TRL Line Adapter Standard class labels TRL options
Calibration kit label Enter standards/classes Verify performance
User modified cal kits and Agilent 8510 specifications Modification examples
Modeling a thru adapter Modeling an arbitrary impedance
Appendix A
Calibration kit entry procedure
Appendix B
Dimensional considerations in coaxial connectors
Appendix C
Cal coefficients model
Table of contents
Known devices called calibration standards provide the measurement reference for net­work analyzer error-correction. This note covers methods for specifying these stan­dards and describes the procedures for their use with the Agilent Technologies 8510 net­work analyzer.
The 8510 network analyzer system has the capability to make real-time error-corrected measurements of components and devices in a variety of transmission media. Fundamentally, all that is required is a set of known devices (standards) that can be defined physically or electrically and used to provide a reference for the physical inter­face of the test devices.
Agilent Technologies supplies full calibration kits in 1.0-mm, 1.85-mm, 2.4-mm, 3.5-mm, 7-mm, and Type-N coaxial interfaces. The 8510 system can be calibrated in other inter­faces such as other coaxial types, waveguide and microstrip, given good quality stan­dards that can be defined.
The 8510’s built-in f lexibility for calibration kit definition allows the user to derive a precise set of definitions for a particular set of calibration standards from precise physi­cal measurements. For example, the charac­teristic impedance of a matched impedance airline can be defined from its actual physi­cal dimensions (diameter of outer and inner conductors) and electrical characteristics (skin depth). Although the airline is designed to provide perfect signal transmis­sion at the connection interface, the dimen­sions of individual airlines will vary somewhat—resulting in some ref lection due to the change in impedance between the test port and the airline. By defining the actual impedance of the airline, the resultant reflection is characterized and can be removed through measurement calibration.
The scope of this product note includes a general description of the capabilities of the 8510 to accept new cal kit descriptions via the MODIFY CAL KIT function found in the 8510 CAL menu. It does not, however, describe how to design a set of physical standards. The selection and fabrication of appropriate calibration standards is as var­ied as the transmission media of the partic­ular application and is beyond the scope of this note.
This product note covers measurement calibration requirements for the Agilent 8510B/C network analyzer. All of the capabilities described in this note also apply to the Agilent 8510A with the following exceptions: response & isolation calibra­tion; short circuit inductance; class assignments for forward/reverse isolation, TRL thru, reflect, line and options; and adapter removal.
Measurement errors
Measurement errors in network analysis can be separated into two categories: random and system­atic errors. Both random and systematic errors are vector quantities. Random errors are non-repeat­able measurement variations and are usually unpredictable. Systematic errors are repeatable measurement variations in the test setup.
Systematic errors include mismatch and leakage signals in the test setup, isolation characteristics between the reference and test signal paths, and system frequency response. In most microwave measurements, systematic errors are the most sig­nificant source of measurement uncertainty. The source of these errors can be attributed to the sig­nal separation scheme used.
The systematic errors present in an S-parameter measurement can be modeled with a signal f low­graph. The flowgraph model, which is used for error correction in the 8510 for the errors associated with measuring the S-parameters of a two port device, is shown in the figure below.
The six systematic errors in the forward direction are directivity, source match, reflection tracking, load match, transmission tracking, and isolation. The reverse error model is a mirror image, giving a total of 12 errors for two-port measurements. The process of removing these systematic errors from the network analyzer S-parameter measurement is called measurement calibration.
, EDR-Directivity ELF, ELR-Load Match ESF, ESR-Source Match ETF, ETR-Trans. Tracking ERF, ERR-Refl. Tracking EXF, EXR-Isolation
Measurement calibration
A more complete definition of measurement cali­bration using the 8510, and a description of the error models is included in the 8510 operating and programming manual. The basic ideas are summa­rized here.
A measurement calibration is a process which mathematically derives the error model for the
8510. This error model is an array of vector coeffi­cients used to establish a fixed reference plane of zero phase shift, zero magnitude and known impedance. The array coefficients are computed by measuring a set of “known” devices connected at a fixed point and solving as the vector difference between the modeled and measured response.
Figure 1. Agilent 8510 full 2-port error model
The array coefficients are computed by measuring a set of “known” devices connected at a fixed point and solving as the vector difference between the modeled and measured response.
The full 2-port error model shown in Figure 1 is an example of only one of the measurement calibra­tions available with the 8510. The measurement calibration process for the 8510 must be one of seven types: RESPONSE, RESPONSE & ISOLATION, Sll1-PORT, S221-PORT, ONE PATH 2-PORT, FULL 2-PORT, and TRL 2-PORT. Each of these calibration types solves for a different set of the systematic measurement errors. A RESPONSE calibration solves for the systematic error term for reflec­tion or transmission tracking depending on the S-parameter which is activated on the 8510 at the time. RESPONSE & ISOLATION adds correction for crosstalk to a simple RESPONSE calibration. An S11l-PORT calibration solves for the forward error terms, directivity, source match and ref lec­tion tracking. Likewise, the S221-PORT calibration solves for the same error terms in the reverse direction. A ONE PATH 2-PORT calibration solves for all the forward error terms. FULL 2-PORT and TRL 2-PORT calibrations include both forward and reverse error terms.
The type of measurement calibration selected by the user depends on the device to be measured (i.e., 1-port or 2-port device) and the extent of accuracy enhancement desired. Further, a combi­nation of calibrations can be used in the measure­ment of a particular device.
The accuracy of subsequent test device measure­ments is dependent on the accuracy of the test equipment, how well the “known” devices are mod­eled and the exactness of the error correction model.
Calibration kit
A calibration kit is a set of physical devices called standards. Each standard has a precisely known or predictable magnitude and phase response as a function of frequency. In order for the 8510 to use the standards of a calibration kit, the response of each standard must be mathematically defined and then organized into standard classes which corre­spond to the error models used by the 8510. Agilent currently supplies calibration kits with
1.0-mm (85059A), 1.85-mm (85058D), 2.4-mm (85056A/D/K), 3.5-mm (85052A/B/C/D/E), 7-mm (85050B/C/D) and Type-N (85054B) coaxial con­nectors. To be able to use a particular calibration kit, the known characteristics from each standard in the kit must be entered into the 8510 non­volatile memory. The operating and service manu­als for each of the Agilent calibration kits contain the physical characteristics for each standard in the kit and mathematical definitions in the format required by the 8510.
Waveguide calibration using the 8510 is possible. Calibration in microstrip and other non-coaxial media is described in Agilent Product Note 8510-8A.
Standard definition
Standard definition is the process of mathematical­ly modeling the electrical characteristics (delay, attenuation and impedance) of each calibration standard. These electrical characteristics can be mathematically derived from the physical dimen­sions and material of each calibration standards or from its actual measured response. A standard definition table (see Table 1) lists the parameters that are used by the 8510 to specify the mathemati­cal model.
Class assignment
Class assignment is the process of organizing cali­bration standards into a format which is compati­ble with the error models used in measurement calibration. A class or group of classes correspond to the seven calibration types used in the 8510. The 17 available classes are identified later in this note (see Assign classes).
Table 1. Standard definitions table
Table 2. Standard class assignments
Modification procedure
Calibration kit modification provides the capability to adapt to measurement calibrations in other con­nector types or to generate more precise error models from existing kits. Provided the appropri­ate standards are available, cal kit modification can be used to establish a reference plane in the same transmission media as the test devices and at a specified point, generally the point of device con­nection/insertion. After calibration, the resultant measurement system, including any adapters which would reduce system directivity, is fully cor­rected and the systematic measurement errors are mathematically removed. Additionally, the modifi­cation function allows the user to input more pre­cise physical definitions for the standards in a given cal kit. The process to modify or create a cal kit consists of the following steps:
1. Select standards
2. Define standards
3. Assign classes
4. Enter standards/classes
5. Verify performance
To further illustrate, an example waveguide cali­bration kit is developed as the general descriptions in MODIFY CAL KIT process are presented.
Select standards
Determine what standards are necessary for cali­bration and are available in the transmission media of the test devices.
Calibration standards are chosen based on the fol­lowing criteria:
• A well defined response which is mechanically
repeatable and stable over typical ambient tem­peratures and conditions. The most common coaxial standards are zero-electrical-length short, shielded open and matched load termina­tions which ideally have fixed magnitude and broadband phase response. Since waveguide open circuits are generally not modelable, the types of standards typically used for waveguide calibration are a pair of offset shorts and a fixed or sliding load.
• A unique and distinct frequency response. To
fully calibrate each test port (that is to provide the standards necessary for S
or S221-PORT calibration), three standards are required that exhibit distinct phase and/or magnitude at each particular frequency within the calibration band. For example, in coax, a zero-length short and a perfect shielded open exhibit 180 degree phase separation while a matched load will pro­vide 40 to 50 dB magnitude separation from both the short and the open. In waveguide, a pair of offset shorts of correct length provide phase separation.
• Broadband frequency coverage. In broadband applications, it is often difficult to find stan­dards that exhibit a known, suitable response over the entire band. A set of frequency-banded standards of the same type can be selected in order to characterize the full measurement band.
• The TRL 2-PORT calibration requires only a sin­gle precision impedance standard—a transmis­sion line. An unknown high reflection device and a thru connection are sufficient to complete this technique.
Define standards
A glossary of standard definition parameters used with the Agilent 8510 is included in this section. Each parameter is described and appropriate con­versions are listed for implementation with the
8510. To illustrate, a calibration kit for WR-62 rec­tangular waveguide (operating frequency range
12.4 to 18 GHz) will be defined as shown in Table
1. Subsequent sections will continue to develop this waveguide example.
The mathematical models are developed for each standard in accordance with the standard defini­tion parameters provided by the 8510. These stan­dard definition parameters are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Standard definition models
Model for reflection standard (short, open, load or arbitrary impedance)
Model for transmission standard (Thru)
Each standard is described using the Standard Definition Table in accordance with the 1- or 2­port model. The Standard Definition table for a waveguide calibration kit is shown in Table 1. Each standard type (short, open, load, thru, and arbi­trary impedance) may be defined by the parame­ters as specified below.
• Standard number and standard type
• Fringing capacitance of an open, or inductance of a short, specified by a third order polynomial
• Load/arbitrary impedance, which is specified as fixed or sliding
• Terminal resistance of an arbitrary impedance
• Offsets which are specified by delay, Z0, R
• Frequency range
• Connector type: coaxial or waveguide
• Label (up to 10 alphanumeric characters)
Standard number
A calibration kit may contain up to 21 standards (See Table 1). The required number of standards will depend on frequency coverage and whether thru adapters are needed for sexed connectors.
For the WR-62 waveguide example, four standards will be sufficient to perform the FULL 2-PORT cali­bration. Three reflection standards are required, and one transmission standard (a thru) will be suf­ficient to complete this calibration kit.
Standard type
A standard type must be classified as a “short” “open,” “load”, “thru,” or “arbitrary impedance.” The associated models for reflection standards (short, open, load, and arbitrary impedance) and transmission standards (thru) are shown in Figure 1.
For the WR-62 waveguide calibration kit, the four standards are a
/8λλ and 3/8λ λ offset short, a fixed matched load, and a thru. Standard types are entered into the Standard Definition table under STANDARD NUMBERS 1 through 4 as short, short, load, and thru respectively.
Open circuit capacitance: C0, C1, C2and C
If the standard type selected is an “open,” the C
through C3coefficients are specified and then used to mathematically model the phase shift caused by fringing capacitance as a function of frequency.
As a reflection standard, an “open” offers the advantage of broadband frequency coverage, while offset shorts cannot be used over more than an octave. The reflection coefficient (= pe-je) of a perfect zero-length-open is 1 at 0° for all frequen­cies. At microwave frequencies however, the magni­tude and phase of an “open” are affected by the radiation loss and capacitive “fringing” fields, respectively. In coaxial transmission media, shield­ing techniques are effective in reducing the radia­tion loss. The magnitude (p) of a zero-length “open” is assigned to be 1 (zero radiation loss) for all frequencies when using the Agilent 8510 Standard Type “open.”
It is not possible to remove fringing capacitance, but the resultant phase shift can be modeled as a function of frequency using C0through C3(C0+C
f + C2 f2+ C3 f3,with units of F(Hz), C0(fF), C1(10
F/Hz), C2(10
F/Hz2) and C3(10
F/Hz3), which are the coefficients for a cubic polynomial that best fits the actual capacitance of the “open.”
A number of methods can be used to determine the fringing capacitance of an “open.” Three tech­niques, described here, involve a calibrated reflec­tion coefficient measurement of an open standard and subsequent calculation of the effective capaci­tance. The value of fringing capacitance can be cal­culated from the measured phase or reactance as a function of frequency as follows.
– effective capacitance
∆∅ – measured phase shift f – measurement frequency F – farad Z0 – characteristic impedance X – measured reactance
This equation assumes a zero-length open. When using an offset open the offset delay must be backed-out of the measured phase shift to obtain good C0through C3coefficients.
This capacitance can then be modeled by choosing coefficients to best fit the measured response when measured by either method 3 or 4 below.
1. Fully calibrated 1-Port–Establish a calibrated reference plane using three independent standards (that is, 2 sets of banded offset shorts and load). Measure the phase response of the open and solve for the capacitance function.
2. TRL 2-PORT–When transmission lines standards are available, this method can be used for a com­plete 2-port calibration. With error-correction applied the capacitance of the open can be meas­ured directly.
3. Gating–Use time domain gating to correct the measured response of the open by isolating the reflection due to the open from the source match reflection and signal path leakage (directivity). Figure 3 shows the time domain response of the open at the end of an airline. Measure the gated phase response of the open at the end of an airline and again solve for the capacitance function.
tan( )
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