Test Accurac y Ratio (T A R ) ....... .. .. ....... .. .. .............. .. .. ..................... .. .. ............. 1 9 0
Index ..............................................................................................................................199
Contents 5
6 Contents
Agilent Technologies, Inc. certifies that this product met its published specifications at the time of shipment from the factory. Agilent
Technol ogies further certifies that its calibration measurements ar e traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and
Technology (formerly National Bureau of Standards), to the extent allowed by that organization's calibration facility, and to the
calibration facilit ies of other International Standards O rganization members.
1. Agilent warrants Agilent hardware, accessories and supplies against defects in materials and workmanship for the period specified
above. If Ag lent receives notice of such defects during the war ranty period, Agilent wi ll, at its opti on, either repair or replace products
which prov e to be defective. Replacement products may be either new or like-new.
2. Agile nt warrants that Agilent software will not fail to execute its programming in structions, for the p eriod specified above, due to
defect s in material and workmanship when properly instal led and used. If Agilent receives notice of such defec ts during the warranty
period , Ag ilent will replace software media w hich does not execute its programming instructions due to such defects.
3. Agile nt does not warran t that th e opera tion of A gilent pr oducts w ill be i nterrup ted or e rror fre e. If Agi lent is unable , with in a rea sonabl e
time, to rep ai r or repla ce an y pro duct to a cond iti on as warr anted , cu st omer will be en ti tled to a r efund of the purc hase pr ic e upo n prompt
return of the product.
4. Agilen t products may contain remanufactured parts equivalent to new i n performance or may have been subject to incidental use.
5. The war ranty per iod be gin s on the dat e of de li very o r on the dat e of inst al lati on if ins tall ed by Agile nt . If c ust omer sc hedule s or de la ys
Agilent installation more than 30 days after delivery, wa rranty begins on the 31st da y from delivery.
6. Warran ty does not apply t o defec ts resul ting fr om (a) imp roper or inad equate ma intenan ce or ca librat ion, (b) s oftwar e, inte rfacing, pa rts
or suppl ies not suppli ed by Agilent Technologies , (c) unauthor ized modification or misuse, (d) op eration outside of the published
enviro nm ental specifications for the produ ct, or (e) improper site preparation or m aintenance.
8. Agil ent will b e liabl e for da mage to tangibl e prope rty per i ncident u p to th e grea ter of $30 0,000 o r the act ual amou nt paid for t he pro duct
that is the subject of the claim, and for damages for bodily inj ury or death, t o the extent tha t all such damages are determined by a court
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The Software and Docume ntation have been developed entirely at private expense. They are del ivered and licensed as " com mercial
computer software" as defined in D FA R S 252.227- 7013 (Oct 1988), DFARS 252. 211-7015 (May 1991) or DFARS 252.227-7014 (Jun
1995), as a "commercial item" as defined in FAR 2.101(a ), or as "Restricted compute r software" as defined in FAR 52.227-19 (Jun
1987)(o r any equivalent agency re gulation or contract clause), which ever is applicable. You have only those rights provided for such
Software and Documentation by the applicable FAR or DFARS cl ause or the Agilent standard software agre em ent for the product
This is a mea surement Category II produ ct designed for measurements at voltages up to 300V fr om earth, including measurements of
voltages at typical mains socket outlets. The product should not be used to make voltage measurements on a fixed electrical installation
includ ing building wi ring, circuit breakers, or service panels.
E1441A Function/Arbit rary Waveform Generator User / Service and SCPI Programming Manual
IEC Measurement Category II Overvoltage Protection
All Ed itions and Upd ates of this manual and their creatio n date are lis ted below. The first Edition of the man u al is Edition 1. The Edition
number increments by 1 whenever the manual is revi sed. Updates, which are issued between Editions , contain replacement pa ges to
correc t or add additional information to the cu rrent Edition of the manual. Whenever a new Ed ition is created, it will contain all of the
Update in formatio n for the previous Edi tion. Eac h new Editi on or Update al so incl udes a revi sed copy of this docum entati on histor y page.
Microsoft® is a U .S . regist er ed tra demar k of Micro so ft Corpo ration
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Windows® and MS Windows® are U.S. registered tradem arks of Microsoft Corporat ion
Safety Symbols
Instruction manual symbol affix ed to
Instruction manual symbol affix ed to
product . Ind ica te s t hat t he u ser must r efer t o
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the manu a l fo r sp ec ific WAR N IN G or
CAUTION information to avoid personal
CAUTION information to avoid personal
injury or dam age to the product.
injury or dam age to the product.
Indicates the field wi ring terminal t hat must
be connect ed to earth ground before
operating the equipment—protects against
electrical shock in case of fault.
Alternating current (AC)
Direct current (DC).
Indicates hazardous voltages.
Calls attention to a procedure, practice, or
condition that could cause bodily injury or
Frame or c hassis grou nd termina l—typicall y
connect s to the equipm ent's metal frame.
Calls attention to a procedure, practice, or
condition that could po ssibly c ause damage to
equipment or permanent loss of data.
The follo w ing general safety precautions mus t be observed during all phases of operation, service, and re pair of this product. F a ilu re to
comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and
intended use of the product. Agilent Technologies, Inc. assumes no liab ility for the customer's failure to comply with these requirements.
Ground the equipm ent: For Safety Class 1 equipment (equipment having a protective earth terminal), an uninterruptible safety earth
ground must be provided from the mains pow er source to the product input wiring term inals or suppl ied power cable.
DO NOT operate the produc t in an explosive atmosphere or in the pr esence of flammable gase s or fumes.
For cont inued protection against fire, replace the li ne fuse(s) only with fuse(s) of the same voltage and current rating and type. DO NOT
use repaired fuse s or short-circuited fuse holders.
Keep away from live circuits: Ope rating personnel mus t not remove equipment covers or shields . Procedures involving the removal of
covers or shields are for use by serv ice-trained personn el only. Under certain conditions, dangerous voltages may exi st even with the
equipmen t sw itch ed off. To a void d ang er ous elect r ical sho ck, DO NOT per form proc edu re s invo lv ing co ver or shie ld rem oval u nl ess you
are qualified to do so.
DO NOT operat e damaged equipment: Whenever it is possible that the safety protection features built into this product have been
impaired, either through physical damage, e x cessive moisture, or any other reason, REMOVE POWER an d do not use the product until
safe operat i on ca n be veri fi ed by servi ce- trai ne d person nel . If ne ces sa ry, re tu rn the pr odu ct to an Agi lent Tech nologi es Sales and Servi ce
Office for service and repair to ensure that safety features are ma intained.
DO NOT serv ice or adj ust al one : Do not at t empt in te rnal ser vi ce or adj us tmen t u nl ess an oth er per son , cap abl e o f rend er in g fi rst ai d an d
resuscitation, is present.
DO NOT substitut e parts or modify e quipm ent: Be cause of the da nger of intr od ucing a ddi tion al hazar ds, do not in st all s ubsti t ute pa rt s
or perform any unauthori zed modification to the product. Return the product to an Agilent Tec hnologies Sales and Service Office fo r
service and repair to ensure that safety features are mai ntained.
According to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and CEN/CENELEC EN 45014
Manufacturer’s Name:
Agilent Technologies, Incorporated
Manufacturer’s Address:Measurement Product Generation Unit
815 14th ST. S.W.
Loveland, CO 80537 USA
Declares, that the product
Product Name:
Model Number:
Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Product Options:This declaration covers all options of the above product(s).
Conforms with the following European Directives:
The product herewith complies with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC
and carries the CE Marking accordingly
Conforms with the following product standards:
IEC 61326-1:1997+A1:1998 / EN 61326-1:1997+A1:1998
CISPR 11:1997 +A1:1997 / EN 55011:1998
IEC 61000-4-2:1995+A1:1998 / EN 61000-4-2:1995
IEC 61000-4-3:1995 / EN 61000-4-3:1995
IEC 61000-4-4:1995 / EN 61000-4-4:1995
IEC 61000-4-5:1995 / EN 61000-4-5:1995
IEC 61000-4-6:1996 / EN 61000-4-6:1996
IEC 61000-4-11:1994 / EN 61000-4-11:1994
IEC 61010-1:1990+A1:1992+A2:1995 / EN 61010-1:1993+A2:1995
Canada: CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1:1992
UL 3111-1:1994
Supplemental Information:
The product was tested in a typical configuration with Agilent Technologies test systems.
September 5, 2000
Quality Manager
Authorized EU-representative: Agilent Technologies Deutschland GmbH, Herrenberger Straβe 130, D 71034 Böblingen, Germany
For further information, please contact your local Agilent Technologies sales office, agent or distributor.
Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator
General Information
This chapter provides ge neral modul e informati on followed by the t asks you
must perform to set up your module and verify your installation was
successful. Chapter cont ents are:
• The Agilent E1441A Function Generator and Arbitrary Waveform
Generator (FUNC/ARB WAVEFORM GEN) is a VXIbus C-size
message-based sla ve device.
• Programming the Agilent E1441A can either be through a command
module using an GPIB interface or an embedded controller. In either
case you can use the Standard Commands fo r Programmable
Instruments (SCPI; See “Agilent E1441A SCPI Command Ref erence”
on page 65.) with the Standard Instrument Control Language (SICL).
• A VXIplug&play driver is supplied on a CD Rom with the Agilent
E1441A. All documentation for the use of this driver is contained
• Option 001 provides a ±1 ppm timebase which gives 10 times the
frequency stabil ity of the standard timebase. It also provides you the
ability to control phas e offset.
The logical addre ss switch factory setting is 80. Valid addre sses are from 1
to 254 for static configura tion (the address you set on the switch) and
address 255 for dynamic configuration. The Agilent E1441A supports
dynamic configuration of the addr ess. This means the address is set
program- matically by the resource manager when it encounters a module
with address 255 that supports dyna mic configuration.
If you install more than one Function Generator, each module must have a
different logic al address. If you use a VXIbus command module, the logical
address must be a multiple of eight (e.g., 80, 88, 96, etc.) Each instrument
must have a unique secondary addres s which is the logic al address divided
by eight.
NoteWhen using an Agilent E1405A/B or E1406A as the VXIbus resource
manager with SCPI commands, the F unction Generator's address switch
value must be a multiple of 8.
The Agilent E1441A Function Generat or / Arbitrary Waveform Generator
is a VXIbus interrupter. However, ther e is no interrupt priority level se ttin g
to be made on the module. Interrupt priority level, setup and activation are
configured on the resource manager . Fo r example, you configure the
interrupt priority on the Agilent E1405B and E1406A Command Modules
using the DIAGnostic:INTer rupt command subsystem. Refer to your
resource manager's docume ntation for infor mation on setti ng your system's
interrupt priority.
Installing into the Mainframe
The Agilent E1441A should always be installed to the right of an existing
VXIbus module with no e mpty slots betwe en them. The sof t black gasket on
the Agilent E1441A’s left panel must conta ct an adjacent mo dule in order to
provide the module’s speci fied Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC).
WARNINGTo prevent electical shock in the case of equipment or field
wiring failure, tighten the faceplate (module retaining) screws.
"Failed" turns on momentarily during the function generator's power-on
self-test. If the function generator successfully establishes internal
communication, the indicator turns off. If the function generator fails to
establish inter nal communication, the indicat or remai ns on.
"Access" turns on only when the res ource manager is communicating with the
function generator.
"Errors" turns on only when an error is present in the function generator's
error queue. The error can result from improperly exe cuting a command or the
function generato r being unable to pass a part of self-test or calibration. Use
the SYST:ERR? command repeatedly to cl ear the error que ue. A response of
+0,"No error" indicate s the error queue is empty. See Appendix B, Agilent
E1441A Function Generator Error Messages, for a list of all errors.
"Overload" tu rns on whe n the func tion gener ator sense s a si gnal appl ied to t he
output terminal that exce eds the present output level. The output terminal is
disconnected while the "Overloa d" light is on.
Option 00 1 Phase-Lo ck 10 MH z Reference Terminal s
These connectors allow sync hronization between multiple Agilent E1441As
or to an external 10 MHz clock signa l. Additi onally, opti on 001 allows p hase
offset control.
Standard Input/Output Terminals
The function generator 's faceplate contains the foll owing terminals:
NoteThis discussion applies only to SCPI (Standard Commands for
To program the Function Generator using SCPI, you must select the
interface address and SCPI commands to be used. Guidelines to sele ct SCPI
commands for the Functi on Genera tor f ollow. See the Agilent 7 5000 S eries
C Installation and Getting Started Guide for interface addressing.
Programmable Instr uments) programming. The program is written using
Agilent VISA function calls. Agilent VISA allows you to execute on
VXIplug&play system frameworks tha t have the VISA I/O layer installed
(visa.h includ e fi le).
Programming the
Function Generator
#include <stdio.h>
#include <visa.h>
void err_handler (ViSession vi, ViStatus x);
#define DEVICE_ADDRESS "GPIB0::9::10::INSTR"
void main(void)
char buf[512] = {0};
Example: Perform a Fun ction Generator Self -Test and Read the Result.
Programming the F unction Generator using Standard Commands for
Programmable Instrumen ts (SCPI) requires that you select the contr oller
language (e.g., C, C++, Basic, etc.), inte rface address and SCPI commands
to be used. See the "C-Size Installa tion and Getting Started Guide" (or
equivalent) for int erfacing, addressing and controller information.
The following C program verifies c ommunication between the controller,
mainframe and Func tion Generator . It res ets the module ( *RST), queri es the
identity of the module (*IDN?) and initiates a self-test of the Function
Generator. See the program 1441init.c on the Instrument Drivers CD.
Chapter 1
#if defined(_BORLANDC_) && !defined(_WIN32_)
ViStatus err;
ViSession defaultRM, funcgen;
/* Open resource manager and Function Generator sessions*/
This section provides detailed information about the functional capabili ties
of the function generator. This section is divided into the following topic s:
Chapter 2
• “ Output Configuration” on page 19
• “Amplitude Modulation (AM)” on page 28
• “ F requency Modulation (FM)” on page 30
• “Burst Modulation” on page 33
• “Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK) Modulation” on page 40
• “ F requency Sweep” on page 43
• “ Arbitrary Wa veforms” on page 46
See also“Command Index by Function” on page 65.
Chapter 3, Agilent E1441A SCPI Command Reference, lists the syntax for
SCPI commands available to program the funct ion generator.
Throughout this manual, the following conventions are used for
SCPI command syntax for remote interfac e programming.
Square brackets ( [ ] ) indicate optional keywords or parameters.
Triangle brackets ( < > ) indicate that you must substitute a value for the
enclosed parameter.
A vertical bar ( | ) separates multiple paramete r choices.
Chapter 2
This section contains information to help you configure the function
generator for o utputting wave forms. You may never have to change some of
the parameters discusse d here , but the y are provided to give you the
flexibilit y you might need. Topics covered on output configuration are:
Agilent E1441A Application Information 19
• Output Function
• Output Frequency
• Output Amplitude
• DC Offset Voltage
• Output Units
• Duty Cycle
• Output Termination
• SYNC Signal
• Instrument Storage State
NoteThe Agilent E1441A functions do not all have the same maxi mum limit for
frequency and amplitude. Therefore, when c hanging functions, you can
generate a "Settings conflict" error when the new function's frequency or
amplitude has a maximum value less than the current output setting. The
function generato r automatically adjusts to the maximum value of the
function you specify and generates the new output signa l.
Output FunctionThe function generator can output five standard waveforms including sine,
square, tria ngle, ramp, and n oise. You can also se lect on e o f five predefine d
arbitrary waveforms or download your own custom waveforms. You can
internally modulate any of the standard waveforms (including arbitrary)
AM, FM, FSK, or burst modulation. Linear or logarit hmic frequency
sweeping is available for any of the standard wavef orms (excep t noise) and
arbitrary wav ef o rms. The default function is sine wave.
Possible Conflict wit h Output Frequency:The output frequency is
automatically adj usted if you select a function whose maximum frequency
is less than that of the currently active function. For example, if you output
a 1 MHz sine wave and then change the function to triangle wave, the
function generato r will adjust the output to 100 kHz (the upper limit for
triangle waves). See Table 2-1. A -221, “Settings conflict” error is
generated and the frequency is adjusted.
Possible Conflict wit h Output Amplitude:The output amplitude is
automatically adj usted if you select a function whose maximum amplitude
is less than that of the currently active function. This confli ct may arise when
the output units a re Vrms or dBm due t o th e dif fer enc es i n cr est f act or for t he
output functions . For example, if you outpu t a 5 Vrms squar e wave (into 50
ohms) and then change the f unction to s ine wave, t he function generator wil l
adjust the output a mplitude to 3. 535 Vrms (the upper li mit for sine wave s in
Vrms). See Table 2-4. A -221, “Settings conflict” e rror is gene rated and the
amplitude is adjusted.
Valid Function/ Modulation Modes
The following matrix shows whic h output functions are allowed with each
modulation mode. Each “
a function that is not allowed with the selected modulati on, the modulation
mode is turned off
X” indicates a valid combina tion. I f you change to
20Agilent E1441A Application Information
Chapter 2
Table 2-1.
AM Modulating WaveXXXXXX
FM Modulating WaveXXXXXX
FSK ModulationXXXXX
Burst ModulationXXXXX
Frequency SweepXXXXX
Use the following command to select the output function:
You can also use the APPLy command to select the function, frequency,
amplitude, and offset with a single command. Because the APPLy command
also changes duty cycle, modulation type, trigger source, and trigger slope,
you must place the APPLy command fir st in any sequence of configur ation
Output FrequencyAs shown below, the output frequency range depends on the function
currently selecte d. The table shows functions in decending order of the
maximum frequency. The default frequency is 1 kHz for all functions.
For arbitrary waveforms that you create and download to memory,
the maximum frequency depends on the number of points specified in the
waveform. As shown below, the maximum output frequency decreases as
you specify more points in the waveform. The five built-in arbitrary
waveforms can be output at a maximum of 5 MHz.
Table 2-3.
Number of Arb Poi ntsMinimum FrequencyMaximum Frequency
8 to 8,192 (8k)100 mHz5 MHz
8,193 to 12, 287 (12k)100 mHz2.5 MHz
12,288 to 16,000100 mHz200 kHz
Possible Conflict wit h Function Change: The output frequency is
automatically adj usted if you select a function whose maximum frequency
is less than that of the currently active function. For example, if you output
a 1 MHz sine wave and then change the function to triangle wave, the
function generato r will adjust the output to 100 kHz (the upper limit for
triangle waves). A -221, “Sett ings conflict” error is generated and the
frequency is adjusted.
Possible Conflict wit h Duty Cycle (square wave only): For output
frequencies above 5 MHz, the duty cycle is limited to values between 40%
and 60% (below 5 MHz, the range is 20% to 80%). The duty cycle is
automatically adj usted if you select a frequency that is not valid wit h the
present duty c ycle. For example, if you set the duty cycle to 70% and then
change the frequency to 8 MHz, the function gener ator will automatically
adjust the duty cycle to 60% (the upper limit for this frequency). A -221,
“Settings conflict” error is generated and the duty cycle is adjusted.
Use the following command to set the output frequenc y:
FREQuency <frequency>|MINimum|MAXimum
You can also use the APPLy command to select the function, frequency,
amplitude, and offset with a single command. Because the APPLy command
also changes duty cycle, modulation type, trigger source, and trigger slope,
you must place the APPLy command fir st in any sequence of configur ation
Output AmplitudeAs shown below, the output amplitude range depends on the function
currently selecte d and the output termination. The default amplitude is
100 mVpp (into 50 ohms) for all functions.
For arbitrary waveforms, the maximum amplitude will be limited if the data
points do not span the full range of the outpu t
Converter). For example, the bui lt-in “
range of values between
±1 and therefore its maximum amplitude is 6.084
SINC” waveform does not u se the full
DAC (Digital- to-Analog
Vpp (into 50 ohms).
Chapter 2
Possible Conflict wit h Function Change:The output amplitude is
automatically adj usted if you select a function whose maximum amplitude
is less than that of the currently active function. This confli ct may arise when
the output units a re Vrms or dBm due t o th e dif fer en ces i n cr est f act or for t he
output functions . For example, if you outpu t a 5 Vrms squar e wave (into 50
ohms) and then change the f unction to s ine wave, t he function generator wil l
adjust the output a mplitude to 3. 535 Vrms (the upper li mit for sine wave s in
Vrms). A -221, “Settings conflict” error is generated and the amplitude is
Output Amplitude and Output Termination: The output amplitude is
automatically adj usted (and no error is generated) if you change the output
termination. For example, if you set the amplitude to 10 Vpp and then
change the terminatio n from 50 ohms to “high impedance”, the displayed
amplitude will double to 20 Vpp. If you change from “high impedance” to
50 ohms, the displayed amplitude will drop in half. See “Output
Termination” on page 25. for more information.
Offset Voltage Restrictions: The output amplitude (in Vpp) and the
dc offset voltage must obey the foll owing restrictions. If the specified
amplitude is not va lid, the function generator will automatically adjust it to
Agilent E1441A Application Information 23
the max im u m v alu e al l ow ed wi t h t h e pr ese n t of fs et v ol t ag e. ( Vmax is either
10 volts for a high impedance terminat ion or 5 volts for a 50 ohm
termination; Vpp is the output amplitude in volts peak-to-peak.)
+ V
A -221, “Settings conflict” error is generated and the amplitude is adjusted.
A momentary glitch occurs in the output waveform at certain voltages due
to output attenuator switching. This positive-going glitch occurs when the
output voltage crosses t he break-point voltage either from a lower vo ltage or
a higher volta ge. The voltages are shown below (inVpp) for a 0 volt dc
offset: .252, .399, .502, .796, 1, 1.59, 2.0, 3.17, 3.99, 6.32, 7.96
The output voltage will momentarily drop to 0 volts at certain voltages due
to output relay switchin g. This oc curs when the output voltage crosses the
break-point voltage either from a lower voltage or a higher voltage. The
voltages are shown below (in Vpp) for a 0 volt dc offset:
.317, .632, 1.26, 2.52, 5.02
You can set the units for output amplitu de to Vpp, Vrms, or dBm. See
“Output Units” on page 25. for more information.
For dc volts, the output level is actually controlled by setting the offset
voltage. You can set the dc voltage to any value bet ween
50 ohms or
±10 Vdc into an open circuit. See “DC Offset Voltage” on
±5 Vdc into
page 24. for more information.
Use the following command to set the output amplitude:
VOLTage <amplitude>|MINimum|MAXimum
You can also use the APPLy command to select the function, frequency,
amplitude, and offset with a single command. Because the APPLy command
also changes duty cycle, modulation type, trigger source, and trigger slope,
you must place the APPLy command fir st in any sequence of configur ation
DC Offset VoltageAt power-on, the dc offse t is set to 0 volts. You can set the offset to a positive
or negative number with the r estriction s shown below. If the specified offset
voltage is not val id, the func tion ge nerato r will automati call y adjust it to the
maximum dc volta ge allowed with the pr esent amplitu de. (Vmax is e ither 10
volts for a high impedance termination or 5 volts for a 50 ohm termination;
Vpp is the output amplitude in volts peak-t o-peak.)
A -221, “Settings conflict ” error is generated and the o ffset is adjus t ed.
DC Offset and Output Termination: The offset voltage is automatically
adjusted (and no error is generated) if you change the output terminatio n.
For example, if you set the offset to 100 mVdc and then change the
+ V
24Agilent E1441A Application Information
Chapter 2
terminatio n fro m 50 o h ms to “h ig h imp edance”, the displ ay ed o ffs et will
double to 200 mVdc. If you chang e from “hi gh impedanc e” t o 50 ohms, the
displayed off set will drop in h alf. See “Output T erminati on” on page 25. for
more information.
For dc volts, the output level is actually controlled by setting the offset
voltage. You can set the dc voltage to any value bet ween
50 ohms or
±10 Vdc into an open circuit.
±5 Vdc into
Use the following command to set the dc offset:
VOLTage:OFFSet <offset>|MINimum|MAXimum
You can also use the APPLy command to select the function, frequency,
amplitude, and offset with a single command. Because the APPLy
command also changes duty cycle, modulation type, trigger source, and
trigger slope , you m ust place the APPLy command fi rst in any sequence of
configuration commands.
Output UnitsApplies only to output amplitude (does not affect offset). At power-on,
the units for output amplitude are volts peak-to-peak.
Output units:
Vpp, Vrms, or dB m . The default is Vpp.
The unit set ting is stor ed in volatile memory; the units are set to “Vpp” when
power has been off or after a remote interface reset.
Use the following command to select the units of the output signal:
Output TerminationApplies only to output amplitude and offset voltage. The function generator
has a fixed output i mpedance of 50 ohms on the OUTPUT terminal. You can
specify whether you ar e terminating the output into a 50 ohm load or an open
circuit. Incorrect impedance matching between the funct ion generator and
your load will result in an amplitude or off set which does not match the
specified signal le vel.
Output terminat ion:50
2-4 for a list of amplitude limits for all functions.
The output termi nation setting is stored in volatile memory; 50
when power has been off or after a remote interface reset.
The amplitude (or dc offset) is automatically adjusted (and no error is
generated) if you c hange the out put termin ation. For example , if you set th e
amplitude to 10 Vpp and then change t he terminati on from 50 ohms to “high
impedance”, the ampl itude will double t o 20 Vpp. If you change from “high
impedance” to 50 ohms, the amplitude will drop in half.
Ω or High impedanc e. The default is 50Ω. See Table
Ω is selected
Chapter 2
If you specify a 50 ohm termination but are actually terminati ng into an open
circuit, the output will be twice the value specified. For example, if you se t
the offset to 100 mVdc (and specify a 50 ohm termination) but do not
connect a 50 Ω load, the actual offset will be 200 mVdc.
Agilent E1441A Application Information 25
Use the following command to set the output termination:
OUTPut:LOAD 50|INFinity|MINimum|MAXimum
Duty CycleApplies only to square waves. Duty cycle is specified as a percen t age an d
represents the amount of time per cycle tha t the square wave is high.
Figure 2-1.
Duty cycle: 20% to 80%, in 1% increments (frequency ≤5 MHz).
40% to 60%, in 1% increments (frequency > 5 MHz).
The default is 50%.
The duty cycle is stored in volatile memory; the duty cycle is set to 50%
when power has been off or after a remote interface reset. The APPLy
command automatically sets the duty cycle to 50% for square waves.
Before attempting to set the duty cycle , you must enable the square wave
function. No error is generated, but the specif ied duty cycl e is remembered
when you change to the square wave function.
The duty cycle setting is remember ed when you change from square wave
to another function. When you return to the square wave function, the
previous duty cycle is use d.
Possible Conflict wit h Output Frequency: The duty cycle is automati cally
adjusted if you select a frequency that is not valid with the present duty
cycle. For example, if you set the duty cycle to 70% and then change the
frequency to 8 MHz, the function generator will automatically adjust the
duty cycle to 60% (the upper limit for this frequency).
Use the following command to set the duty cycle:
PULSe:DCYCle <percent>|MINimum|MAXimum
The APPLy command automatically sets the duty cycle to 50% for square
Sync SignalA sync signal output is provided on the front- panel Sync terminal.
All of the standard output functions ( except dc and noise) have an associated
sync signal. For certain applications where you may not want to output the
26Agilent E1441A Application Information
Chapter 2
sync signal, you can disable the Sync terminal.
By default, the sync signal is routed to the Sync terminal (enab le d).
When the sync signal is disabled, the output level on the Sync terminal is
indeterminate (it mi ght be a
TTL “high” or a TTL “low”).
For sine, square, triangle, and ramp waveforms, the sync signal is a
“high” when the waveform's output is posit ive, relativ e to zero volts (or the
dc offset value). The signal is a
TTL “low” when the output is negative,
relative to zero volts ( or the dc offset value).
For arbitrary waveforms, a momentary
TTL “high” pul se (> 200 ns) is output
which corresponds to the fir st downloaded point in the waveform.
For AM and FM, the sync signal is referenced to the modulating signa l (not
the carrier). A momentary
TTL “high” pulse (> 200 ns) is output a t each
zero-crossing point of the modulating signal.
For the counted burst mode, a
TTL “low” signal is output while the specif ied
number of cyc les i s ou tput ( for the du ration of the burst ). Af ter the specif ied
number of cycles ha s been out put, the sync si gna l goes “high ” u ntil the next
For the external gated burst mode , the sync signal is a
TTL “high” when the
output is positi ve, relative to zero volts (or the dc offset value). The signal is
TTL “low” when the output is negative, relative to zero volts (or the dc
offset value).
For FSK, a momentary
TTL “high” pulse (> 200 ns) is output on the
transition to the “hop” fre quency.
For frequency sweeps, the sync signa l is a
(when the start frequenc y is output) and is a
TTL “low” at the start of the sweep
TTL “high” at the end of the
sweep (when the stop frequency is output).
Use the following command to set the SYNC signal mode:
Setting is s tored in volatile
Instrument State StorageYou can store up to four different instrument states in non-volatil e memory.
This enables you to recall the entire instrument configuration using the
*RCL common command.
Four memory locations (numbered 0, 1, 2, and 3) are available to store
instrument configurations. The state storage feature “remembers” the
function (includi ng arbitrary waveforms), frequenc y, a mplitude, dc offset,
duty cycle, as well as any modulation parameters. To recall a stored state,
you must use the same memory location used previously to store the state.
The instrument state in memory loca tion 0 can become the "*RST" or
power-up state by setting MEMory:STATe:RECall:AUTO ON. See
reference for this command on page 85
You cannot recall the instr ument stat e from a memory locati on that was not
Chapter 2
Agilent E1441A Application Information 27
previously specifie d as a storage location. For example, an error is gener ated
if you attempt to recall from memory loc ation “2” but have never stored to
that location.
A +810, “State has not been stored” error is generated if nothing is stored
in the specified memory location.
Modulation (AM)
Any arbitrary waveforms downl oaded to “
remembered. However, if an arbi tr ary waveform is being output from
non-volatile memory when the state is stor ed, the wavefor m data is stored.
The stored waveform is output when the instrument state is recalled.
If you delete an ar bitrary waveform after stor ing the state, the wave form data
is lost and the function gene rator will output the “
of the deleted waveform when the state is recalled.
Use the following commands to save and recall state s:
*SAV 0|1|2|3
*RCL 0|1|2|3
You can delete individual stored sta tes and clear the memory location. If
nothing is stored in the specif ied memory location, a +810, “State has not been stored” error is generated. Do not delete state 0 or an error +772 will
be generated. See “772” on page 148.
MEMory:STATe:DELete 0|1|2|3
A modulated waveform consists of a carrier waveform and a modulating
waveform. In
the modulating waveform. The function generator will accept an inter nal
modulating signal, an external modulating signal, or both. Topics c overed
on amplitude modulation are:
AM, the amplitude of the carrie r is varied by the amplitude of
VOLATILE” memo ry are not
SINC” waveform in place
• AM Carrier Waveform Shape
• AM Carrier Frequency
• Amplitude Modulating Waveform Shape
• Amplitude Modulating Waveform Frequency
• Amplitude Modulation Depth
• Amplitude Modulating Source
Only one modulation mode can be enabled at a time. When you e nable
the previous modulation mode is tur ned off.
Use the following command to select AM modulation:To ensure proper
operation, you s hould ena ble
AM Carrier Waveform
28Agilent E1441A Application Information
AM carrier shape:Sine , Square, Triangle, Ramp, or Arbitrary waveform.
The default is Sine.
AMafter you have set up t he othe r modul ation
Chapter 2
You cannot use the noise function or dc volts as the AM carrier waveform.
Use the following command to select the shape of the output function:
You can also use the APPLy command to select the function, frequency,
amplitude, and offset with a single command. Because the APPLy command
also changes duty cycle, modulation type, trigger source, and trigger slope,
you must place the APPLy command fir st in any sequence of configur ation
AM Carrier FrequencyCarrier frequency:100 µHz to 15 MHz (100 kHz for triangle and ramp).
The default is 1 kHz.
For arbitrary waveforms, the maximum carrier frequency depends on the
number of points specified in the waveform. The five built-in arbitrary
waveforms can be output at a maximum of 5 MHz.
Use the following command to set the carrie r fre quency:
FREQuency <frequency>|MINimum|MAXimum
Amplitude Modulating
Waveform Shape
Amplitude Modulating
Waveform Frequency
The function gener ator will accept an inter nal modulating signal, a n external
modulating signal, or both.
Modulating waveform shape (internal source):Sine, Square, Triangle,
Ramp, Noise, or Arbitrary wavefor m. The defau lt is Sine.
You can use the noise function as the modulating wavefor m. However, you
cannot use the noise function or dc volts as the carrier waveform.
Use the following command to set the modulat ing waveform shape:
The function generator will accept an internal modulating signa l, an external
modulating signal, or both.
Modulating fr equency (i nte rnal sour ce):10 mHz to 20 kHz. The default is
100 Hz.
The sync signal for
carrier). A momentary
AM is referenced to the modulating signa l (not the
TTL “high” pulse (> 200 ns) is output at each
zero-crossing point of the modulating signal. The signal is output from the
front-panel SYNC terminal.
Use the following command to set the modulat ing waveform frequency:
Amplitude Modulation
Chapter 2
AM:INTernal:FREQuency <frequency>|MINimum|MAXimum
The modulat ion depth is expres sed as a percentage and repr esents the extent
of the amplitude variati on. At 0% modulation, the output amplitude is half
of the selected value. At 100% modulation, the output amplit ude equals the
selected val ue.
Agilent E1441A Application Information 29
Modulation depth:0% to 120%. The default is 100%.
Use the following command to set the modulat ion depth:
AM:DEPTh <depth in percent>|MINimum|MAXimum
Amplitude Modulating
The function generator will accept an internal modulating signa l, an external
modulating signal, or both.
Modulating s ource:Internal- External (both) or External only. The default
is Both (inte rnal-external).
The External modulating sourc e is always enabled.
When both sources are enabled (internal-external), the function generator
adds the internal and externa l modulating signals (the carrier waveform is
actually modulated with two waveforms).
When the internal source is disabled (external only), the carrier waveform is
expecting a modulating sig nal on the AM Modulation terminal.
You apply the external modulating waveform to the AM Modulation
terminal. The modulation depth is controlled by the signal level present
(5 volts
peak corresponds to 100% modulation).
Figure 2-2 . AM M odulation In put Signal
Use the following command to set the modulat ing source:
Modulation (FM)
A modulated waveform consists of a carrier waveform and a modulating
waveform. In
the modulating waveform. The function generator will accept only an
covered on frequency modulation are:
FM modulating signal (no external source is available). Topics
• FM Carrier Waveform Shape
30Agilent E1441A Application Information
FM, the frequency of the carrier is varied by the amplitude of
Chapter 2
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