4 ContentsAgilent E1364A Switch Module Service Manual
Agilent Technologies, Inc. certifies that this product met its published specifications at the time of shipment from the factory. Agilent
Technologies further certifies that its calibration measurements are traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and
Technol ogy ( for m er l y N at i onal Bureau of Sta ndards), to the extent allow ed by that organization’ s c al i bration faci l ity, and to the cali br ation facilities of other International Standards Organization members.
This Agile nt Technolog ie s pr oduct is warra nted against defects in materials an d w ork m anship for a period of one year from da t e of
shipment. Du ra ti on and conditi ons of warranty fo r t hi s pr oduct may be superseded when the produ ct is in te gr at ed into (becomes a part
of) other Agil ent products. Du ring t h e wa rr anty period, Ag ilent Technol ogies will, at its option, ei ther repair or replace produ cts which
prove to be def ec t ive.
For warrant y service or rep ai r, this product mu st be returned to a service fa ci l it y de si gnated by A gi le nt Technolo gi es. Buyer shall prepay shippin g charges to Agil ent and Agilent shall pay shi ppi ng charges to re tu rn t he product to Buyer. However, B uyer shall pay all
shipping ch arges, dutie s, and taxes for products return ed t o A g i l ent fr om another cou nt ry.
Agilent warrants that its software and firmware designated by Agilent for use with a product will execute its programming instructions
when proper l y in st al led on that product. Agile nt does not warra nt th at the operatio n of t he product, or s oftw are, or firmware will be uninterru pt ed or er ro r free.
Limitation Of Warranty
The foregoi ng w ar ra nt y shall not appl y t o defects resulting from improper or inade quate maintenance by B uyer, Buyer-sup pl ie d pr oducts or interfa ci ng, unautho rized modific at i on or m is use, operation outside of t he e nvi ronmental specificati ons for the produc t, or improper site pr eparation or ma i ntenance.
The design and implem entation of a ny ci r cui t on t h i s pr oduc t is the sole res ponsibility of th e B uyer. Agilent does not warrant the
Buyer’s circuitry or malfunctions of Agilent produc ts th at re sul t fr om th e B uyer’s circuitry. In addition, A gi l ent does not warrant any
damage th at occurs as a result of the Buye r’ s ci rcuit or any de fe ct s t hat result from B uyer-suppli ed p rod uct s.
Exclusive Remedies
The inform at i on contained i n th is doc ument is subj ect to change w i t hout notice. AGI L EN T TECHNOLOGIES MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Agilent shall not be liable for errors
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This document contai ns proprieta ry informatio n w hi ch i s pr ot ected by copy right. All rights are re served. No par t of th is document
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Agilent assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its software on equipment that is not furnished by Agilent.
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The Softwa re and Document ation have bee n developed entirely at pr ivate expe nse . T hey are delive red and licensed as "commercial
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E1364A 16-Channel Form C Sw i tc h Se rvi c e Manual
All Editions and Updates of this manual and their creation date are listed below. The first Edition of the manual is Edition 1. The Edition numbe r increments b y 1 w henever the ma nual is revised. Updates , whi ch are issued between E di t ions, contai n r epl acement pages
to correct or add additional information to the current Edition of the manual. Whenever a new Edition is created, it will contain all of
the Update i nformatio n for th e pr evi ous Edition. Each new Ed it i on or U pdate also inc l udes a revised copy of this doc um entation hi story page.
Edition 1 (P ar t Num ber E1364 -90 010). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 1991
Edition 2 (P ar t Num ber E1364-90011). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 1996
Edition 3 (P ar t Num ber E1364 -90 012). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 2005
Safety Symbols
Instructi on m anual sym bol af fi xed to product. Indicates that the user must refer to the
manual for specific WARNING or CAUTION information to avoid personal injury
or damage t o t he pr oduct.
Alternating current (AC).
Direct current (DC).
Indicates the field wiring terminal that must
be connec t ed t o earth ground bef ore operating the equipm ent—protects against electrical shock in case of fault.
Frame or chassis ground t er m i n al —typically connects to the equipment’s metal
Indicate s ha zardous vol ta ge s.
Calls at te nt i on t o a procedure, practice, or
condition that could cause bodily i njury or
Calls at te nt i on t o a procedure, practice, or c ondition that could possibl y cause dam age to
equipme nt or pe rm anent loss of dat a.
The following general safety pr ec aut io ns m us t be obse rved during all phases of operation, service, an d re pai r of this p rod uct .
Failure to com p l y w i th t hese precaut i ons or with spec i fi c warnings el se w h e re in this manua l vi ol at es safety standards of des ig n ,
manufacture, and intended use of the product. Agilent Technologies Inc. assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with t hese requ ir em ents.
Ground the equipm en t: For Safety Clas s 1 eq ui pment (equipment havi ng a protectiv e earth termi n al ) , a n uni nt erruptible safety earth
ground must be provided from t he m ains power source to the prod uct input wiri ng t er m i nals or suppli ed power cable.
DO NOT operate the product in an explosiv e atmosph er e or in the pr es ence of flam m a bl e gases or fum es.
For continued protection against fire, replace the line fuse(s) only with fuse(s) of the same voltage and current rating and type.
DO NOT use re pai r ed fuses or short -c i rcuited fuse hol ders.
Keep away from live circuits: Operating pe rs onnel must not re m ove equipment covers or shields. Procedures involvin g th e re m oval
of covers or shi el ds are for use by se rv ic e- trained pers onnel only. Under certain conditions, dangerous vol ta ge s m ay exist even with the
equipmen t s w itched off. To avoi d dangerous ele ct rical shock, DO NOT pe rf orm procedure s involving cove r or shi eld removal unl ess
you are qualif ie d t o do so.
DO NOT operat e damaged equipmen t: Whenever it i s pos si bl e that the sa fe ty prot ection features built int o this product have been impaired, eit he r t hr ough physical damage, excessive mo is t ure , or any other reas on, R E M O V E POWER and do not use the product unt il
safe opera tion can be verifi ed by service- t rained personnel. If nece ss ar y, ret ur n t he product to an Agilent Technologies Sal es and Service Office for service and repair to ensure that safety features are maintained.
DO NOT ser vice or adjus t al one: Do not at te m pt internal se rvi ce or adjustment unless another pers on, capable of rendering firs t ai d
and resuscitation, is present.
DO NOT substitute par ts or modi fy equi pm e nt: Because of the danger of introducing addi tional hazar ds , do n ot ins t al l substitute
parts or perfo rm any unauthoriz ed modification to the pro duct. Return t he pr oduct to an Agi l ent T echnologies Sales an d Ser vice Office
for service and repair to ensure that safety features are maintained.
According to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and CEN/CENELEC EN 45014
Manufacturer’s Name:
Manufacturer’s Address:
Agilent Technologies, Incorporated
815 – 14th St. SW
Loveland, Colorado 80537
Declares, that the product
Product Name:
Model Number:
VXI B-Size 16 Channel Form C Switch
Product Options:This declaration covers all options of the above product(s).
Conforms with the following European Directives:
The product herewith complies with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC
(including 93/68/EEC) and carries the CE Marking accordingly.
Conforms with the following product standards:
CISPR 11:1990 / EN 55011:1991
IEC 801-2:1991 / EN 50082-1:1992
IEC 801-3:1984 / EN 50082-1:1992
IEC 801-4:1988 / EN 50082-1:1992
The product was tested in a typical configuration with Agilent Technologies or Hewlett-Packard Company test
Group 1 Class A
4kV CD, 8kV AD
3 V/m
0.5kV signal lines, 1kV power lines
IEC 1010-1:1990+A1:1992 / EN 61010-1:1993
Canada: CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1:1992
UL 1244
5 June 2001
Ray Corson
Product Regulations Program Manager
Authorized EU-representative: Agilent Technologies Deutschland GmbH, Herrenberger Straβe 130, D 71034 Böblingen, Germany
For further information, please contact your local Agilent Technologies sales office, agent or distributor.
Revision: B.01Issue Date: 5 June 2001Document E1364A.DOC
Chapter 1
General Information
This manual co nta ins information required to test, troubleshoot , and r e pa ir
the Agilent E1364A B-Size VXI Form C Switch. See the Agilent E1364AUser’s Manual for ad dit ional informa ti on. Fig ur e 1-1 shows the E1364A
Switch Modul e.
Figure 1-1. Agilent E1364A Form C Switch Module
Chapter 1General Information 11
Safety Considerations
This product is a Saf ety Class I instrume nt tha t is provided wit h a prote c ti ve
earth terminal when installed in the mainframe. The mainframe, switch, and
all related documentation should be reviewed for familiarization with safety
markings and i nstructions be f ore operation or serv ice .
Refer to the WARNINGS on page 6 in this manual for a summary of safety
information. Safety information for preventive maintenance, testing, and
service foll ows a nd is also found throughout this ma nual.
This section cont ai ns W AR N INGS which must be followed for your
protection and CAUTIONS whi c h mus t be followed to avoid dama ge to the
equipment whe n pe rforming instrume nt maintena nc e or re pa ir .
manual is for service-trained personnel who are familiar with
electronic circuitry and are aware of the hazards involved. To
avoid personal injury or damage to the instrument, do not
perform procedures in this manual or do any servicing unless
you are qualified to do so.
power, verif y th at the mainf r a me se t ti n g ma tc h e s the line
voltage and that the correct fuse is installed. An uninterruptible
safety earth ground must be provided from the main power
source to t he suppl ie d po we r co rd set.
GROUNDING REQUIREMENTS. Interruption of the protective
(grounding) conductor (inside or outside the mainframe) or
disconnecting the protective earth terminal will cause a
potential shock hazard that could result in personal injury.
(Grounding one conductor of a two-conductor outlet is not
sufficient protection.)
IMPAIRED PROTECTION. Whenever it is likely that instrument
protection has been impaired, the mainframe must be made
inoperative and be se cured against any u n intende d op e rat ion.
REMOVE POWER IF POSSIBLE. Some procedures in this
manual may be performed with power supplied to the
mainframe while prote ct ive cove rs are removed. Ene rgy
available at many points may, if contacted, result in personal
injury. (If maintenance can be performed without power applied,
the power should be removed.)
12 General InformationChapter 1
energized via an autotransf or mer (for voltage reduction) make
sure the common terminal is connected to neutral (that is, the
grounded side of the main’s supply).
CAPACITOR VOLTAGES. Capacitors inside the mainframe may
remain charged even when the mainframe has been
disconnected from its source of supply.
USE PROPER FUSES. For continued protection against fire
hazard, replace the line fuses only with fuses of the same
current rating and type (such as normal blow, time delay, etc.).
Do not use repaired fuses or short-circuited fuseholders.
CAUTION Static electricity is a maj o r ca u se o f co mp onent fa il u re . T o
preven t damage to t he electrical comp onents in th e switch,
observe anti-static techniques whenever working on the switch.
Chapter 1General Information 13
This section c ont ai ns initial (i nc omi ng) inspection and shipping guide lines
for the E1364A Switc h Module.
Initial InspectionUse the steps in F igure 1-2 as guidelines to perfor m initial in spe c ti on of the
switch modul e.
WARNINGTo avoid possible hazardous electrical shock, do not perform
electrical tests if there are signs of shipping damage to the
shipping container or to the instrument.
Shipping GuidelinesFollow the step s in F igure 1-3 to return the E1364A Switch Mod ule
to an Agilent Te ch nol ogies Sales and Suppor t Office or Serv ic e Ce nte r.
1. Prepare the Switch
• Remove user wiring from termi na l mo dule.
• Attach ta g to switch that identi f ie s :
– Owner
– Model Number/Serial Number
– Service Required
• Place tagged device in approved anti-static
Pack age the Switc h
• Place packaged switch in shipping carton.*
• Place 75 to 100 mm (3 to 4 inches) of
shock-absorbi ng material around t he
• Seal the shippi ng c ontainer securely.
• Mark the shipping container FRAGILE.
Ship the Switch to Hewlett-Packard
• Place address lab el on shi pping carton.
• Send carton to Agilent Technologies .
* We recommen d tha t you use the sam e sh ipping mater ia ls as t hose use d in factory packa ging (avail ab le from
Agilent). For othe r (commercially available) shippi ng materials, use a double-walled carton with minimum 2. 4
MPa (350 psi) te st .
Figure 1-3. Packaging/Shipping Guidelines
Chapter 1General Information 15
The recommended operating environment for the E1364A Switch Module
Switch Description
The Agilent E1364A Switch Modu le is a n "instrument " in the slots of a
VXIbus mainframe . As su ch , i t is ass ign ed an er ro r queu e, input and outp ut
buffers, and a status register. The switch has 16 channe ls of Form C relays.
Each channel in cl ude s a rel ay with com mo n (C) , no rma lly open (NO), and
normally close d ( N C) co nta c ts .
Operating 0oC to + 5 5oC<65% relative (0oC to + 4 0oC)
Storage and
C to +75oC<65% relative (0oC to + 4 0oC)
NOTEInstruments are bas ed o n the logical addre sse s of the plug-in modules. See
Switch Serial
Chapter 1 of the E1364A User’s Manual to set the logical address of the
switch mod u le .
Switch module spe ci fic a tions are listed in Appendix A of th e E1364AUser’s Manual. These specifications are the performance standards or limits
against which the instr ument may be tested.
Switches cover e d by this manual a re identifie d by a seri al number prefix
listed on the title page. Agilent uses a two-part serial number in the form
XXXXAYYYYY, where XXXX is the serial prefix, A is the country of
origin (A=USA), and YYYYY is the serial suffix. The serial number prefix
identifi e s a ser ie s of identical instruments. T he se ri a l number suffix is
assigned sequentially to each instrument.
The serial number plate is located on the backplane connector. If the serial
number prefix o f your instrument is gre a te r tha n the one liste d on the title
page, a Manual Upda te (as re quired) will expla in ho w to a da pt this manual
to your instrument.
Switch OptionsThere are no electrical or mechanical options available for the E1364A
Switch Modul e.
16 General InformationChapter 1
Recommended Test Equipment
Table 1-1 lists the test equi pme nt recommended f or testing, adju st ing, and
servicing the E1364A Switch Modul e. Essential requirements for each piece
of test equipment are descr ibed in the "Re quirements" c olumn.
Table 1-1. Recomm e nde d Te st Equipment
InstrumentRequirementsRecommended ModelUse*
Controller, GP-IBGP-IB compat ibi lity as defined by
Main fram eCompa tible with switch
Digital Multimeter
IEEE Standard 488-1978 and the
identical ANSI St andard MC1.1:
SH1, AH1, T2, TE0, L2, LE 0, S R0,
RL0, PP0, DC0, D T0, and C1, 2, 3,
4, 5.
Use the E1403 B A/B- to-C- size
Adapter to inst all a B-size module in
a C-size E14XX mainframe.
2-wire ohms (up to 1 GΩ)
4-wi re ohms
* F = Functional Verificat i on, O = O per at ion Verif icat i on Tes ts ,
P = Performance Verificat ion Tests, T = Troubleshoo ting
HP 9000 Series 300
IBM compatible PC with HP
E1300A, E1301 A,
E1302A (requires E1306A**)
E1400B/T (requir es E1405A/B
or E1406B**),
E1401B/T (requ ires E1405A/B
or E1406B**),
E1421B (requires E1405A/B
or E1406B**)
** or an embedded controller or
VXLink in place of a command
Chapter 1General Information 17
18 General InformationChapter 1
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