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Seventh Edition, April 2007
Printed in Malaysia
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
395 Page Mill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94303 USA
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Software Revision
This guide was written for version 04.10 of
the Agilent 6000 Series Oscilloscope software.
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6000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide
In This User’s Guide…
1Getting Started
2Front-Panel Controls
3Viewing and Measuring Digital Signals
4Triggering the Oscilloscope
This guide shows you how to use the 6000 Series oscilloscopes.
It contains the following chapters and topics:
Unpacking and setting up your oscilloscope, using Quick Help.
A quick overview of the front-panel controls.
How to connect and use the digital channels of a mixed-signal
oscilloscope (MSO).
Trigger modes, coupling, noise rejection, holdoff, external
trigger and more. Edge, pulse width, and pattern triggering.
CAN, duration, I
TV/video, and USB triggering modes.
C, Nth Edge Burst, LIN, sequence, SPI,
5Making Measurements
XY mode, FFTs, math functions, using cursors, automatic
6Displaying Data
Using pan and zoom; normal, average, peak detect, and high
resolution (smoothing) modes; noise rejection modes, glitch
capture, and more.
7Saving and Printing Data
Printing waveforms, saving setups and data, and using the file
Upgrading a DSO to an MSO, adding memory, software updates,
I/O, synchronizing instruments with the 10 MHz reference
clock, warranty status, digital signal probing, and more.
9Characteristics and Specifications
Specifications and characteristics of the oscilloscope.
6000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide3
The Agilent 6000 Series oscilloscopes deliver powerful features
and high performance:
The following options can be easily installed without returning
the oscilloscope to a Service Center. These upgrades are
Tabl e 4Upgrade Options
Licensed OptionOrder
Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
I2C/SPI serial decode
option (for 4 channel or
4+16 channel models only)
Order N2914A or N2915A (see data sheet). You
can easily install this option yourself. The logic
cable kit is supplied with the MSO license.
Order N5423A after purchase (Option LSS at time
of purchase). You can easily install this option
CAN/LIN automotive
triggering and decode (for 4
channel or 4+16 channel
models only)
N5406A FPGA dynamic
probe for Xilinx
N5434A FPGA dynamic
probe for Altera
Order N5424A after purchase (Option AMS at
time of purchase). You can easily install this
option yourself.
N5406A with Option 001 (Oscilloscope-locked
license) or Option 002 (PC-locked license).
N5434A with Option 001 (Oscilloscope-locked
license) or Option 002 (PC-locked license).
66000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide
The following option cannot be installed after time of purchase.
Tabl e 5Order-Only Options
Licensed OptionOrder
Battery Operation (Option BAT)Available at time of purchase. Option
can not be added after purchase.
Visit to view the 6000A Series and 6000L Series
data sheets.
6000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide7
Built-in Quick Help
A Quick Help system is built into the oscilloscope. Instructions for using the
quick help system are given on page 56.
Digital Channels
Because all of the oscilloscopes in the Agilent 6000 Series have analog channels,
the analog channel topics in this book apply to all instruments. Whenever a topic
discusses the digital channels, that information applies only to Mixed-Signal
Oscilloscope (MSO) models or DSO models that have been upgraded to an MSO.
Using this book with the 6000L Series oscilloscopes
The 6000L Series oscilloscopes do not have a built-in display or front panel
control keys. If you are using a 6000L Series oscilloscope, and this book refers to
using front panel controls, you can use the built-in Web control feature described
on page 42 to complete the instructions.
Abbreviated instructions for pressing a series of keys
Instructions for pressing a series of keys are written in an abbreviated manner.
Instructions for pressing Key1, then pressing Key2, then pressing Key3 are
abbreviated as follows:
Press Key1 & Key2 & Key3.
The keys may be front panel keys, or softkeys, which are located directly below
the oscilloscope display.
86000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide
1Getting Started19
To inspect package contents21
To adjust the 6000A Series handle 26
To mount the oscilloscope in a rack27
To mount the 6000A Series oscilloscope in a rack27
To mount the 6000L Series oscilloscope in a rack27
To establish a LAN connection (6000A Series)37
To establish a LAN connection (6000L Series)38
To establish a point-to-point LAN connection40
To use the Web interface41
Controlling the oscilloscope using a Web browser42
Setting a password44
Scrolling and Monitor Resolution47
Identify Function47
To connect the oscilloscope probes49
6000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide9
To verify basic oscilloscope operation50
To compensate the oscilloscope probes52
To calibrate the probes53
Passive Probes Supported53
Active Probes Supported54
By 300 MHz, 500 MHz, and 1 GHz Bandwidth Models54
By 100 MHz Bandwidth Models55
Using Quick Help56
Quick Help Languages57
2Front-Panel Controls59
6000L Series Oscilloscope Controls60
Front and Rear Panel Controls and Connectors61
6000A Series Oscilloscope Front-Panel Controls64
Graphic Symbols in Softkey Menus65
4-Channel 6000A Series Oscilloscope Front Panel66
Front Panel Controls67
2-Channel 6000A Series Oscilloscope Front Panel (differences
Interpreting the display73
106000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide
6000A Series Front-Panel Operation74
To adjust the waveform intensity74
To adjust the display grid (graticule) intensity74
To start and stop an acquisition75
To make a single acquisition76
To pan and zoom77
Choosing Auto trigger mode or Normal trigger mode78
Using AutoScale78
To set the probe attenuation factor79
Using the analog channels81
To set up the Horizontal time base86
To make cursor measurements93
To make automatic measurements94
Using Labels95
To print the display99
To s et the clock99
To set up the screen saver100
To set the waveform expansion reference point101
To perform service functions102
User Calibration102
Self Test105
About Oscilloscope105
To restore the oscilloscope to its default configuration106
3Viewing and Measuring Digital Signals109
To connect the digital probes to the circuit under test110
Acquiring waveforms using the digital channels113
To display digital channels using AutoScale114
6000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide11
Interpreting the digital waveform display116
To switch all digital channels on or off117
To switch groups of channels on or off117
To switch a single channel on or off117
To change the displayed size of the digital channels118
To reposition a digital channel118
To change the logic threshold for digital channels119
To display digital channels as a bus120
4Triggering the Oscilloscope125
Selecting Trigger Modes and Conditions128
To select the Mode and Coupling menu128
Trigger modes: Normal and Auto129
To select trigger Coupling131
To select trigger Noise Rejection and HF rejection131
To set Holdoff132
The External Trigger input134
2-Channel oscilloscope External Trigger input134
4-Channel oscilloscope External Trigger input136
Trig ger Types137
To use Edge triggering138
Trigger level adjustment139
To use Pulse Width triggering140
< qualifier time set softkey142
> qualifier time set softkey142
126000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide
To use Pattern triggering143
To use CAN triggering145
To use Duration triggering149
< qualifier time set softkey151
> qualifier time set softkey151
To use FlexRay triggering152
Modes of BUSDOCTOR Control/Operation152
Setting Up the Oscilloscope and BUSDOCTOR 2153
Triggering on FlexRay Frames, Times, or Errors157
To use I2C triggering161
To use Nth Edge Burst triggering167
To use LIN triggering169
To use Sequence triggering172
Define the Find: stage174
Define the Trigger on: stage175
Define the optional Reset on: stage177
Adjust the trigger level178
To use SPI triggering179
Assign source channels to the clock, data, and frame
Set up the number of bits in the serial data string and set values
for those data bits184
Resetting all bits in the serial data string to one value184
To use TV triggering184
Example exercises188
To trigger on a specific line of video188
To trigger on all sync pulses190
To trigger on a specific field of the video signal191
To trigger on all fields of the video signal192
To trigger on odd or even fields193
6000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide13
To use USB triggering196
The Trigger Out connector198
Tr ig g er s198
Source frequency198
Source frequency/8198
5Making Measurements199
To use the XY horizontal mode200
Math Functions205
Math scale and offset206
FFT Measurement216
FFT Operation218
Square Root223
Cursor Measurements225
To make cursor measurements225
Cursor Examples229
Automatic Measurements232
To make an automatic measurement233
To set measurement thresholds234
Time Measurements236
Delay and Phase Measurements240
Voltage Measurements243
Overshoot and Preshoot Measurements248
146000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide
6Displaying Data251
Pan and Zoom252
To pan and zoom a waveform253
To set the waveform expansion reference point253
Using the XGA video output254
Display Settings255
Infinite persistence255
Grid intensity256
Vectors (connect the dots)256
Varying the intensity to view signal detail257
Acquisition Modes259
At Slower Sweep Speeds259
Selecting the Acquisition mode259
Normal Mode260
Peak Detect Mode260
High Resolution Mode260
Averaging Mode261
Realtime Sampling Option263
Using Serial Decode265
To d ec od e I
C data266
To decode SPI data270
To decode CAN data275
CAN Totalizer280
To decode LIN data282
To decode FlexRay data288
FlexRay Totalizer292
6000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide15
To reduce the random noise on a signal294
HF Reject294
LF Reject295
Noise rejection295
To capture glitches or narrow pulses with peak detect and infinite
Using peak detect mode to find a glitch297
How AutoScale Works299
Undo AutoScale299
Specifying the Channels Displayed After AutoScale300
Preserving the Acquisition Mode During AutoScale300
7Saving and Printing Data301
To configure printing302
Selecting a print file format302
Selecting print options305
Print Palette305
To print the display to a file306
To print the display to a USB printer307
Supported printers308
Secure Environment Mode Option310
Saving and recalling traces and setups312
To AutoSave traces and setups313
To save traces and setups to internal memory or to overwrite an
existing USB mass storage device file314
To save traces and setups to a new file on the USB mass storage
To recall traces and setups317
166000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide
To use the file explorer318
Upgrading to an MSO or adding memory depth322
Software and firmware updates322
To set up the I/O port323
Using the 10 MHz reference clock324
To check warranty and extended services status326
To return the instrument327
Sample clock and frequency counter accuracy324
Supplying an external timebase reference324
To supply a sample clock to the oscilloscope324
To synchronize the timebase of two or more instruments326
To clean the oscilloscope327
Digital channel signal fidelity: Probe impedance and
Input Impedance328
Probe Grounding330
Best Probing Practices332
To replace digital probe leads333
Binary Data (.bin)334
Binary Data in MATLAB334
Binary Header Format334
Example Program for Reading Binary Data338
Examples of Binary Files339
6000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide17
9Characteristics and Specifications341
6000A Series and 6000L Series Environmental Conditions342
6000A Series and 6000L Series Measurement Category343
Measurement Category343
Measurement Category Definitions343
6000A Series and 6000L Series Transient Withstand
6000A Series Oscilloscope Specifications345
6000A Series Oscilloscope Characteristics346
186000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide
6000L Series Specifications and Characteristics356
Performance characteristics356
Agilent 6000 Series Oscilloscope
User’s Guide
Getting Started
To inspect package contents 21
To adjust the 6000A Series handle 26
To mount the oscilloscope in a rack 27
To power-on the oscilloscope 31
Ventilation requirements 30
The remote interface 36
To establish a LAN connection (6000A Series) 37
To establish a LAN connection (6000L Series) 38
To establish a point-to-point LAN connection 40
To use the Web interface 41
To connect the oscilloscope probes 49
To verify basic oscilloscope operation 50
To compensate the oscilloscope probes 52
To calibrate the probes 53
Passive Probes Supported 53
Active Probes Supported 54
Using Quick Help 56
To get started using the oscilloscope:
✔ Unpack the oscilloscope and verify the contents.
✔ Adjust the 6000A Series oscilloscope’s handle position.
✔ Apply power to the oscilloscope.
✔ Connect the probes to the oscilloscope.
✔ Verify basic oscilloscope operation and compensate the
1Getting Started
Built-in Quick Help
A Quick Help system is built into the oscilloscope. Instructions for using the
quick help system are given on page 56.
Digital Channels
Because all of the oscilloscopes in the Agilent 6000 Series have analog channels,
the analog channel topics in this book apply to all instruments. Whenever a topic
discusses the digital channels, that information applies only to Mixed-Signal
Oscilloscope (MSO) models or DSO models that have been upgraded to an MSO.
Using this book with the 6000L Series oscilloscopes
The 6000L Series oscilloscopes do not have a built-in display or front panel
control keys. If you are using a 6000L Series oscilloscope, and this book refers to
using front panel controls, you can use the built-in Web control feature described
on page 42 to complete the instructions.
Abbreviated instructions for pressing a series of keys
Instructions for pressing a series of keys are written in an abbreviated manner.
Instructions for pressing Key1, then pressing Key2, then pressing Key3 are
abbreviated as follows:
Press Key1 & Key2 & Key3.
The keys may be front panel keys, or softkeys, which are located directly below
the oscilloscope display.
206000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide
To inspect package contents
✔ Inspect the shipping container for damage.
✔ Verify that you received the following items and any optional
Getting Started1
If your shipping container appears to be damaged, keep the
shipping container or cushioning material until you have
inspected the contents of the shipment for completeness and
have checked the oscilloscope mechanically and electrically.
accessories you may have ordered:
• 6000 Series Oscilloscope
• Front-panel cover (6000A Series only)
• Power cord (see Table 8 on page 35)
• Models with Option BAT only: Power Supply (P/N
• LAN Crossover Cable 5061-0701 (6000L Series only)
• GPIB cable extender P/N 5183-0803 (6000L Series only)
Figure 3Package contents for 6000L Series oscilloscopes
246000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide
Getting Started1
Tabl e 6Accessories available
N2918A6000 Series Oscilloscope Evaluation Kit
1180CZTestmobile oscilloscope cart (requires N2919A adapter kit)
N2919ATestmobile Adapter Kit
N2916A6000A Rackmount Kit
54684-44101Front-panel cover
N2605A-097USB cable
10833AGPIB cable, 1 m long
10073CPassive probe, 10:1, 500 MHz, 1.5 m
10074CPassive probe, 10:1, 100 MHz, 1.5 m
54620-68701Digital probe kit
54684-42301Digital probe cable guide (cable tray)
0960-030150-Ohm Feedthrough
1130AInfiniiMax 1.5 GHz InfiniiMax differential probe amplifier
1141AInfiniiMax 200 MHz differential probe (with 1142A power supply)
1144A800 MHz active probe (with 1142A power supply)
1145A750 MHz 2-channel active probe (with 1142A power supply)
1156A1.5 GHz active probe
01650-6160716:16 logic cable and terminator (use with header on target sys.)
54620-6870116:2 x 8 logic input probe assembly (standard with MSO models)
1146A100 kHz Current probe, AC/DC
10070C1:1 Passive Probe
10072AFine-pitch probe kit
10075A0.5 mm IC clip kit
10076A100:1, 4 kV 250 MHz probe
E2613B0.5 mm Wedge probe adapter, 3-signal, qty 2
E2614A0.5 mm Wedge probe adapter, 8-signal, qty 1
E2615B0.65 mm Wedge probe adapter, 3-signal, qty 2
E2616A0.65 mm Wedge probe adapter, 8-signal, qty 1
E2643A0.5 mm Wedge probe adapter, 16-signal, qty 1
E2644A0.65 mm Wedge probe adapter, 16-signal, qty 1
N2772A20 MHz differential probe
N2773APower supply for N2772A
N2774A50 MHz current probe AC/DC
N2775APower supply for N2774A
You can search for these parts at or at
6000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide25
1Getting Started
To adjust the 6000A Series handle
You can use the oscilloscope’s handle for carrying the
instrument, or you can use it as a stand to tilt the instrument up
for easier viewing of its display.
1 Grasp the handle hubs on each side of the instrument and
pull the hubs out until they stop.
266000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide
2 Without releasing the hubs, rotate the handle to the desired
position. Then release the hubs. Continue rotating the handle
until it clicks into a set position.
To mount the oscilloscope in a rack
The 6000 Series oscilloscopes can be mounted into Electronic
Industries Association (EIA) standard 19-inch (487-mm) rack
To mount the 6000A Series oscilloscope in a rack
Purchase and install the N2916A rack mount kit. Instructions
are included in the kit.
To mount the 6000L Series oscilloscope in a rack
The 6000L Series oscilloscope is supplied with all necessary
hardware for installation into a standard EIA 19-inch rack.
Tabl e 7Rack Mount Hardware Supplied
Getting Started1
Quantity DescriptionAgilent Part
2Front Extender SupportD6104-01201
2Rear Extender SupportD6104-01202
4Rear Extender Screw (M3 x 6 mm)0515-0430
4Dress Screw (10-32 x 0.0625)0570-1577
8Rail Screw (10-32 x 0.375)2680-0281
12Clip-nut (10-32)0590-0804
Tools required (not supplied)
• #2 Phillips screwdriver
• T20 Torx driver
• T10 Torx driver
6000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide27
1Getting Started
Step 4
If needed
Step 1,
step 5
Step 3
If needed
1 Loosely attach the Front Extender Supports to the Rear
Extender Supports with four (4) clip-nuts and four (4) of the
10-32 x 0.375 Rail Screws. (The screws require a Torx T20
driver.) Choose the correct set of slots in the supports such
that their overall length is approximately correct for the
depth of your cabinet.
286000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide
Step 2
Getting Started1
2 Fasten the Rack Mount Extenders to the oscilloscope chassis
with the four (4) M3 x 6 mm screws, using a Torx T10 driver
as follows:
The sets of holes in the Rack Mount Extenders are slightly offset. This was
done to ensure that the Rack Mount Extenders are attached to the
oscilloscope at the correct points so that the oscilloscope’s ventilation
area is not obscured. The holes in the Rack Mount Extenders will align
with the correct holes in the oscilloscope and the screws will go in easily.
Do not force the screws into the wrong holes.
a Attach a Rack Mount Extender to the left side of the
oscilloscope using two (2) of the M3 x 6 mm screws in the
inner set of holes on the Rack Mount Extender.
Use inner
holes in
Use outer
holes in
b Attach the other Rack Mount Extender to the right side of
the oscilloscope using two (2) of the M3 x 6 mm screws in
the outer set of holes on the rack mount extender.
3 Place the instrument in the rack. Install the four (4)
10-32 x 0.625 Dress Screws in the chassis front ears to secure
the front of the instrument to the rack. Use the Phillips
4 Align the ears in the Rear Mount Extenders with the correct
set of holes in the rear of the rack and secure the Rack Mount
6000 Series Oscilloscope User’s Guide29
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