AEG-Electrolux ERB19000W User Manual

ERB 19000 W
From the Electrolux Group. The world's No.1 choice.
The Electrolux Group is the world's largest producer of powered appliances for kitchen, cleaning and outdoor - use. More than 55 million Electrolux Group products (such as refrigeration, cookers, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, chain saws and lawn mowers) are sold each year to a value of approx. USD 14 billion in more than 150 countries around the world.
200369245 B/Za/16. (05.)
Before installing and using the appliance read this user's instruction book carefully. It contains safety precautions, hints, information and ideas. If the refrigerator is used in compliance with the instructions written, it will operate properly and provide you with greatest satisfaction.
The symbols below help you to find things more easily:
Safety precautions Warnings and information at this symbol serve safety for you and your appliance.
Hints, useful information
Environmental information
Symbol for ideas At this symbol ideas can be found according to food and its storing.
The symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product may not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local city office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product.
Important safety information 45 General safety precautions 45 Precautions for child safety 45 Safety precautions for installation 45 Safety precautions for isobutane 45 Instructions for the User 46 General information 46 Description of the appliance, main parts 46 Handling the appliance 47 Putting it into use 47 Controlling the temperature, selling 47 How to use the refrigerator 47 Storing in the refrigerator 47 Storage time and temperature of foods 47 How to use the freezer 47 Freezing 47 Storing in the freezer 48 How to make ice cubes 48 Some useful information and advice 48 Hints and ideas 48 How to save energy 49
The appliance and environment 49 Maintenance 49 Defrosting 49 Regular cleaning 50 When the refrigerator is not in use 50 Trouble shooting 50 How to change the bulb 50 If something does not work 51 Instructions for the Installer 52 Technical data 52 Installing the appliance 52 Transportation, unpacking 52 Cleaning 52 Placement 52 Change of door opening direction 53 Electrical connection 54 Storage time chart (1) 55 Storage time chart (2) 56 Warranty and service 56 Guarantee conditions 56 Service and spare parts 56 Declaration of guarantee terms 56
From the Electrolux Group. The world's No.1 choice.
The Electrolux Group is the world's largest producer of powered appliances for kitchen, cleaning and outdoor use. More than 55 million Electrolux Group products (such as refrigeration's, cookers, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, chain saws and lawn mowers) are sold each year to a value of approx. USD 14 billion in more than 150 countries around the world.
1. Applying the guarantee is subject to the consumer providing proof of purchase showing the purchase and/or delivery date.
2. The guarantee will not apply if damage caused to delicate parts, such as glass (vitreous ceramic), synthetic materials and rubber, is the result of inappropriate use.
3. The guarantee cannot be called on for minor faults that do not affect the value or the overall reliability of the appliance.
4. The statutory warranty does not apply when defects are caused by:
- a chemical or electrochemical reaction caused by water,
- abnormal environmental conditions in general,
- unsuitable operating conditions,
- contact with harsh substances.
5. The guarantee does not apply to defects due to transport which have occurred outside of our responsibility. Nor will the guarantee cove r those c a u s e d by inadequat e installation or assembly, lack of maintenance or fa ilur e to respe ct t he a s semb ly instructions or directions for use.
6. Defects that result from repairs or measures carried out by people who are not qualified or expert or defects that result from the addition of non-original accessories or spare parts are not covered by the guarantee.
7. Appliances that are easy to transport may be delivered or sent to the consumer services de par tme nt. Ho me repairs a re o nly anticipated for bulky appliances or built-in appliances.
8. If the appliances are built-in, built-under, fixed or suspended in such a way that removing and replacing them in the place where they are filled takes more than half an hour, the costs that result there from will be charged for. Connected damage caused by these removal and replacement operations will be the responsibility of the user.
9. If, during the guarantee period, repairing the same defect repeatedly is not conclusive, or if the repa i r co s t s ar e co n sidered disproportionate, in agreement with the consumer, the defective appliance may be replaced with another appliance of the same value.
In this event, we reserve the right to ask for a financial contribution calculated according to the length of time it has been used.
10. A repair under guarantee does not mean that the normal guarantee period will be extended nor that a new guarantee period begins.
11. We give a twelve month guarantee for repairs, limited to the same defect.
12. Except in the event where liability is legally imposed, this declaration of guarantee terms excludes any compensation for damage outside the appliance for which the consumer wishes to assert his rights. In the ev ent o f legal ly admi t ted lia bili t y, compensation will not exceed the purchase price paid for the appliance.
For exported appliances, the user must first make sure that they satisfy the technical cond itions (e.g.: vol tage, frequency, installation instructions, type of gas, etc.) for the country concerned and that they can wi t h st a n d the lo c a l cli m a ti c an d environmental conditions. For appliances purchased abroad, the user must first ensure that they meet the qualifications required. Non-essential or requested adjustments are not covered by the guarantee and are not possible in all cases.
Our consumer services department is always at your disposal, even after the guarantee period has expired.
Address for our consumer services department: ELECTROLUX HOME PRODUCTS BELGIUM Bergensesteenweg, 719- 1502 LEMBEEK Tel. 02.3630444
In the fresh food compartment +2 - +7°C
In the **** frozen food compartment -18°C
green bea ns, green peas, mixed vegetables , marrow, corn, etc.
1 day 12 mo nths
Ready-cook ed foods:
vegetable dish, trimmings, wi th meat, etc.
1 day 12 mo nths
Ready-cook ed foods:
sirloin stea ks, stew f rom knu ckle of h am, mea t from pig puddin g, etc.
1 day 6 mon ths
Foods f rom potatoes, pa sta:
mashed po tato, gno cchi, dum pling, pa sta fi lled with jam , chips
1 day 12 mo nths
meat-broth, soup from gree n beans, soup from green peas, et c.
1 day 6 mon ths
sour cherry, cher ry, gooseberry, frui t cream, mashed maroon
1 day 12 mo nths
chicken, du ck, goos e fillets, tu na fish
1 day 1 day
5 mon ths 6 mon ths
Popsicle, i ce-cream
1 day 3 weeks
Storage time chart (2)
Storage time of deep-frozen and frozen products
Warranty and service
Guarantee conditions
Service and spare parts
If calling the service is unavoidable, announce the trouble at a brand-mark service nearest to your place. When announcing, the appliance has to be identified according to its data label. The data label of the appliance is stuck to the wall of the interior beside the vegetable box in the fresh food compartment in the bottom on the left side.
The manufacturer reserves the right to make any changes in the products.
Declaration of guarantee terms
Our appliances are produced with the greatest of care. However, a defect may still occur. Our consumer services department will repair this upon request, either during or after the guarantee period. The service life of the appliance will not, however, be reduced as a result. This declaration of guarantee terms is based on European Union Directive 99/44/EC and the provisions of the Civil Code. The statutory rights that the consumer has under this legislation are not affected by this declaration of guarantee terms.
This declaration does not affect the vendors statutory warranty to the end user. The appliance is guaranteed within the context of and in adherence with the following terms:
All necessary data are there which are needed to the service announcement (type, model, serial number, etc.). Note here the data from the data label of your appliance:
1. In accordance with provisions laid down in paragraphs 2 to 15, we will remedy free of charge any defect that occurs within 24 months from the date the appliance is delivered to the first end user. These guarantee terms do not apply in the event of use for professional or equivalent purposes.
2. Performing the guarantee means that the appliance is returned to the condition it was in before the defect occurred. Defective parts are replaced or repaired. Parts replaced free of charge become our property.
3. So as to avoid more severe damage, the defect must be brought to our attention immediately.
Model Product No. Serial No. Date of purchase:
Important safety information
General safety precautions
Keep these instructions and they should remain at the appliance when moving away or changing owner. This appliance is designed for storing food, domestic use according to these instructions only. Specialized companies that are qualified to do so by the manufacturer must carry out service and repairs including repairing and changing the power cord. Accessory parts supplied by them should be used only for repairing. Otherwise the appliance can be damaged or can cause other damage or injury. The appliance is out of circuit only in that case if the plug is removed from the socket. Before cleaning and maintenance always unplug it (do not get it by the cable). If the socket is difficult to reach, switch off the appliance by cutting off the current. Power cord must not be lengthened. Make sure that the power plug is not squashed or damaged by the back of the fridge/freezer. A damaged power plug may overheat and cause a fire. Do not place heavy articles or the fridge/freezer itself on the power cord.
- There is a risk of a short circuit and fire. Do not remove the power cord by pulling on its lead, particularly when the fridge/freezer is being pulled out of its niche.
- Damage to the cord may cause a short-circuit,
fire and/or electric shock.
- If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a certified service agent or
qualified service personnel.
If the power plug socket is loose, do not insert
the power plug.
- There is a risk of electric shock or fire. Without the lamp cover of interior lighting you must not operate the appliance. When cleaning, defrosting, taking out frozen food or ice tray do not use sharp, pointed or hard devices, as they can cause damage to the appliance. Be careful not to allow liquids to the temperature control and lighting box. Ice and ice-cream can cause hurt if they are eaten immediately after removal from the frozen food compartment.
After dissolving frozen food must not be refrozen, it must be used up as soon as possible. Store pre-packed frozen food in accordance with the fr o z e n fo o d manufactu r e r s instructions. You must not make defrosting faster with any electric heating appliance or chemicals. Do not put hot pot to the plastic parts. Do not store flammable gas and liquid in the appliance, because they may explode. Do not store carbonated drinks, bottled drinks and bottled fruits in the frozen food compartment. Check and clean the outlet of melting water coming during defrosting regularly - a label inside the appliance warns you for this. If it is clogged the melting water gathered can cause earlier failure.
Precautions for child safety
Do not allow children to play with the packaging of the appliance. Plastic foil can cause suffocation. Adults must handle the appliance. Do not allow children to play with it or its controlling parts. If you are discarding the appliance pull the plug out of the socket, cut the connection cable (as close to the appliance as you can) and remove the door to prevent playing children to suffer electric shock or to close themselves into it.
Safety precautions for installation
Put the appliance to the wall to avoid touching or catch ing war m part s (comp ress or, condenser) to prevent possible burn. When moving the appliance take care of the plug not to be in the socket. When placing the appliance take care not to stand it on the power cord. Adequate air circulation should be around the appliance, lacking this leads to overheating. To achieve sufficient ventilation follow the instructions relevant to installation. See chapter Placement.
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