AEG Thyro-A HRLP1, Thyro-A HRL1, Thyro-S HRL1, Thyro-S H1, Thyro-A C01 Operating Instructions Manual

Operating Instructions
Ethernet Bus Module Profi Net
Thyro-S ...H1, ..HRL1
Thyro-A ...H1, ..HRL1, ..HRLP1
Thyro-A …C01, ..C02, ..C03, ..C05, ..C07
Thyro-Power Manager
Thyro-Step Controller
1. Introduction 5
1.1 General 5
1.2 Special features 5
1.3 Type designation 5
1.4 Abbreviations 5
1.5 Warranty 5
2. Safety 6
2.1 Identification in the operating instructions 6
2.2 General danger information 6
2.3 Operator requirements 7
2.4 Personnel requirements 7
2.5 Intended use 7
2.6 Use of the device 7
2.6.1 Operation 7
2.6.2 Prior to installation / commissioning 8
2.6.3 Maintenance, service, faults 8
2.6.4 Transport 8
3. Functions 9
3.1 Processing the setpoint Thyro-S 9
3.2 Processing the setpoint Thyro-A 9
3.3 Processing the setpoint Thyro-Step Controller 10
3.4 Freely addressable digital outputs 10
4. Installation 11
4.1 Connection terminals (overview) 11
4.2 Connecting a 24 V power supply 11
4.3 Connecting the power controller to X1-X8 11
4.4 Connecting the Ethernet bus module to the master 11
5. Settings 12
5.1 Setting the protocol 12
5.2 Setting the number of slots 12
5.3 Setting the device name 12
5.4 Operating display of the bus module 13
6. Operation 14
6.1 Start configuration (parameterization) 14
6.2 Cyclical data transmission (configuration) 14
6.3 Input and output data Thyro-S 14
6.4 Input and output data Thyro-A 16
6.5 Input and output data Thyro-Power Manager 23
6.6 Input and output data Thyro-Step Controller 24
6.7 Input and output data Thyro Input / Output Unit 24
6.8 Input and output data Thyro- Measurerment Unit 25
6.9 Acyclic data transmission (parameterization) 26
7. External connections 27
7.1 Power supply 27
7.2 Operating elements and terminal blocks 28
8. Interfaces 29
8.1 System interface 29
8.2 Ethernet interface 29
9. Connection diagrams Thyro-A 30
10. Connection diagrams Thyro-S 31
11. Connection diagrams Thyro-Step Controller 32
12. Specific notes 33
12.1 Installation 33
12.2 Service 33
13. Technical Data 33
14. Dimension drawings 34
15. Accessories and options 34
16. Approvals and conformity 34
17. Appendix A Acyclic parameter tables 36
List of figures and tables
Fig. 1 Configuration & LED dis plays 12 Fig. 2 Connection diagram Thyro-A 30 Fig. 3 Connection diagram Thyro-S 31 Fig. 4 Connection diagram TSC 32
Tab. 1 Connecting terminals (overview) 11 Tab. 2 Operating display of the bus module 13 Tab. 3 Interpretation of the master setpoint for Thyro-S 15 Tab. 4 Cyclic input and output data for Thyro-S…H1 15 Tab. 5 Cyclic input and output data for Thyro-S…HRL1 15 Tab. 5b Thyro-S Status / Faults 15 Tab. 6 Cyclic input and output data for Thyro-A 1A…H1 16 Tab. 7 Cyclic input and output data for Thyro-A 1A…HRL1 16 Tab. 8 Cyclic input and output data for Thyro-A 1A…HRLP1 17 Tab. 9 Cyclic input and output data for Thyro-A 2A…H1 17 Tab. 10 Cyclic input and output data for Thyro-A 2A…HRL1 17 Tab. 11 Cyclic input and output data for Thyro-A 2A…HRLP1 18 Tab. 12 Cyclic input and output data for Thyro-A 3A…H1 18 Tab. 13 Cyclic input and output data for Thyro-A 3A…HRL1 19 Tab. 14 Cyclic input and output data for Thyro-A 3A…HRLP1 19 Tab. 14b Thyro-A Status / Fault 20 Tab. 15 Cyclic input and output data for Thyro-A 1A…C01 21 Tab. 16 Cyclic input and output data for Thyro-A 1A…C02 21 Tab. 17 Cyclic input and output data for Thyro-A 1A…C03 21 Tab. 18 Cyclic input and output data for Thyro-A 1A…C05 22 Tab. 19 Cyclic input and output data for Thyro-A 1A…C07 22 Tab. 20 Supported operating modes 22 Tab. 21 Cyclic input and output data TPM automatic mode 23 Tab. 22 Cyclic input and output data TPM manual mode 23 Tab. 23 Cyclic input and output data TSC mode 24 Tab. 24 Cyclic input and output data TIO mode 24 Tab. 25 Cyclic input and output data TMU mode 25 Tab. 25b TPM, TSC, TIO,TMU Status / Faults 25
Technical queries
Do you have any technical queries regarding the subjects dealt with in these operating instructions?
If so, please get in touch with our team for power controllers:
Tel. +49(0)2902 763-520 or +49(0)2902 763-290
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Do you have any commercial queries on power controllers? If so, please get in touch with our team for power controllers.
Tel. +49 (0)2902 763-591 or +49 (0)2902 763-558
Our team is at your service on the following hotline:
AEG Power Solutions GmbH
Emil-Siepmann-Strase 32
D-59581 Warstein
Tel. +49 (0)2902 763-100
No part of these operating instructions may be transmitted, reproduced and/or copied by any electronic or mechanical means without the express prior written permission of AEG Power Solutions.
© Copyright AEG Power Solutions GmbH 2010.
All rights reserved.
Further information on copyright
Thyro- is an international registered trademark of AEG Power Solutions GmbH.
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All other company and product names are (registered) trademarks of the respective owners.
1. Introduction
The operating instructions below serve only as an addition to be used in conjunction with the operating instructions of the AEG Power Solutions Thyro-A power controller, Thyro-S power switch, and Thyro­Power Manager in the versions of the types indicated on the covering page. The safety instructions con­tained therein are to be observed in particular.
1.1 General
The Ethernet bus module can connect up to 8 power controllers of type Thyro-A and type Thyro-S with a master in any desired order.
Several bus modules can be used on one system.
The power supply of the bus module comes from an external 24V DC voltage source (150mA), which is to be fed in (reverse polarity protected) at X11.1 (+) and X11.2 (ground). Several modules can be operated from one power supply.
As short a ground connection as possible is needed at terminal X11.3 for EMC reasons.
1.2 Special features
• The Ethernet bus module connects the devices with several Ethernet bus systems. By setting the “Protocol” switch to 0, the Ethernet bus module becomes a ProfiNet IO-device.
• function control via LED
• 8 free application outputs X1 to X8 in each case terminal 5
• C-rail assembly
1.3 Type designation
Ethernet bus module ProfiNet order-no. 2000 000 846
1.4 Abbreviations
AEG PS AEG Power Solutions GmbH
TPM Thyro – Power Manager
TSC Thyro – Step Controller
TMU Thyro – Measurement Unit
TIO Thyro Input / Output Unit
1.5 Warranty
In the event of any claims in connection with the Ethernet bus module, please contact us quoting:
• type designation
• fabrication number / serial number
• reason for the complaint
• environmental conditions of the device
• operating mode
• period of use
Goods and services are subject to the general conditions of supply for products of the electrical industry, and our general sales conditions. Claims in connection with supplied goods must be submitted within one week of receipt, along with the delivery note. AEG PS will rescind all obligations such as warranty agreements, service contracts, etc. entered into by AEG PS or its representatives without prior notice if maintenance and repair work is carried out using anything other than original AEG PS spare parts or spare parts purchased from AEG PS.
2. Safety
2.1 Identification in the operating instructions
In these operating instructions, there are warnings before dangerous actions. These warnings are divided into the following danger categories:
Dangers that can lead to serious injuries or fatal injuries.
Dangers that can lead to serious injuries or considerable damage to property.
Dangers that can lead to injuries and damage to property.
Dangers that can lead to minor damage to property.
The warnings can also be supplemented with a special danger symbol (e.g. „Electric current“ or „Hot parts“) , e.g.
risk of electric current or
risk of burns
In addition to the warnings, there is also a general note for useful information.
Content of note
2.2 General danger information
Not adhering to the safety stipulations in the operating instructions of the power controllers used can lead to danger of injury / danger of damaging the device or system.
> Adhere to all safety stipulations in the chapter “Safety” of the operating instructions of the power controllers being used.
Electric current
Risk of injury from current carrying parts / danger of damaging the bus module.
> Never operate the device without the covering.
> Undertake settings and wiring without current being supplied
Danger of damaging the bus module
The current at terminals X1.5 to X8.5 must not exceed 120 mA.
> Check the connection information of the preceding relay.
Communication errors
To avoid communication errors please note the following points:
> Use shielded cables.
> Undertake grounding of the bus module (X1.7 to X8.7). Do not ground additionally at the
power controller.
2.3 Operator requirements
The operator must ensure the following:
- The safety regulations of the operating instructions are observed.
- The accident prevention regulations valid in the respective country of use and the general safety regulations are observed.
- All safety devices (covers, warning signs etc.) are present, in perfect condition and are used correctly.
- The national and regional safety regulations are observed.
- The personnel has access to the operating instructions and safety regulations at all times.
- The operating conditions and restrictions resulting from the technical data are observed.
- Should abnormal voltages, noises, increased temperatures, vibration or similar occur, the device is immediately put out of operation and the maintenance personnel is informed
2.4 Personnel requirements
Only qualified electro-technical personnel who are familiar with the pertinent safety and installation regu­lations may perform the following:
- transport
- installation
- connection
- commissioning
- maintenance
- testing
- operation
These operating instructions must be read carefully by all persons working with or on the equipment prior to installation and initial start-up
2.5 Intended use
The device may only be used for the purpose for which it was intended, as persons may otherwise be exposed to dangers (e.g. electric shock, burns) and plants also (e. g. overload). The user must therefore observe the following points:
- It is not permitted to make any unauthorized modifications to the unit or to use any spare parts or replacement parts not approved by AEG PS, or to use the unit for any other purpose.
- The warranty obligations of the manufacturer are only applicable if these operating instructions are observed and complied with.
- The device is a component that cannot function alone.
- Project planning must account for the proper use of the device.
2.6 Use of the device
2.6.1 Operation
- Only switch on the mains voltage at the device when there is no danger to persons, system or load.
- Protect the device against dust and damp.
- Ensure that the ventilation openings are not blocked.
2.6.2 Prior to installation / commissioning
- If stored in a cold environment: ensure that the device is absolutely dry. (Allow the device a period of at least two hours to acclimatize before commissioning)
- Ensure sufficient ventilation of the cabinet if mounted in a cabinet.
- Observe minimum spacing.
- Ensure that the device cannot be heated up by heat sources below it. (see page 33, Technical data).
- Ground the device in accordance with local regulations.
- Connect the device in accordance with the connection diagrams.
2.6.3 Maintenance, service, faults
In order to avoid personal and material damages, the user must observe the following:
- Before all work:
> Disconnect the device from all external voltage sources.
> Secure the device against accidentally being switched back on.
> Use suitable measuring instruments and check that there is no voltage present.
> Ground and short circuit the device.
> Provide protection by covers or barriers for any neighboring live parts.
- The device may only be serviced and repaired by trained electro-technical personnel.
2.6.4 Transport
- Only transport the device in the original packaging.
- Protect the device against damage, caused by jolts, knocks and contamination, for instance.
3. Functions
3.1 Processing the setpoint Thyro-S
Only local setpoints, no bus setpoint
Switching signal (24DC) at the control terminal X22.1 of the Thyro-S
> No wiring of the terminal point X22.4 at the power controller
- The bus module is fully functional. The analog signal from the control terminal X22.1 is used as setpoint (on/off).
Setpoint from the bus module (X22.3), no local setpoint
> Connect the ground to terminal X22.4 of the power controller.
- The master setpoint of the bus module is used. For this purpose the setpoint is interpreted as the ope­rating mode.
Bus setpoint, switching over to „local“ in case of bus fault
Only use the setpoint of the bus module if there is an IO connection.
> Connect terminal X22.4 of the power controller to one of the terminals X1.1 to X8.1 of the bus module.
- If there is an IO connection the master set point is used.
If not then the analog signal from the control terminal X22.1 is used as setpoint (on/off).
Switching over to bus / local setpoint switchable for each controller in operation
Individual setpoint from the bus module for each power controller.
> Connect terminal X22.4 of the power controller to one of the terminals X1.5 to X 8.5 of the bus
- The power controllers can be switched over individually (targeted) via the bus between master setpoint and terminal X22.1
3.2 Processing the setpoint Thyro-A
Only local setpoints, no bus setpoint
Analog input at control terminal X2.4 of Thyro-A
> Do not connect anything to terminal X22.1 of the power controller.
- The bus module is fully functional. The analog signal from the control terminal X2.4 is used as setpoint (on/off).
Setpoint from the bus module (X22.3), no local setpoint
> Connect the ground to terminal X22.1 of the power controller.
- The master setpoint of the bus module is used.
Bus setpoint, switching over to “local” in case of bus fault
Only use the setpoint of the bus module if there is an IO connection.
> Connect terminal X22.1 of the power controller to one of the terminals X1.1 to X8.1 of the bus module.
- If there is an IO connection the master setpoint is used. If there is no IO connection then the analog signal from the control terminal X2.4 is used as setpoint.
Switching over to bus / local setpoint switchable for each controller in operation
Individual setpoint from the bus module for each power controller.
> Connect terminal X22.1 of the power controller to one of the terminals X1.5 to X8.5 of the bus module.
- The power controllers can be switched over individually (targeted) via the bus between master setpoint and terminal X2.4.
3.3 Processing the setpoint Thyro-Step Controller
Only local setpoints, no bus setpoint
Analog input at control terminal X6.1 or X6.4 (depending on X6.7) of the TSC
> Do not connect anything to terminal X2.1 of the power controller.
- The bus module is fully functional. The analog signal from the control terminal X6.1 or X6.4 is used as setpoint.
Setpoint from the bus module (X22.3), no local setpoint
> Connect the ground to terminal X2.1 of the TSC.
- The master setpoint of the Ethernet bus module is used.
Bus setpoint, switching over to “local” in case of bus fault
Only use the setpoint of the bus module if there is an IO connection.
> Connect terminal X2.1 of the TSC to one of the terminals X1.1 to X8.1 of the bus module.
- If there is an IO connection the master setpoint is used. If there is no IO connection then the analog setpoint is used.
Switching over to bus / local setpoint value switchable for each controller in operation
Individual setpoint from the bus module for each power controller.
> Connect terminal X2.1 of the power controller to one of the terminals X1.5 to X8.5 of the bus module.
- The power controllers can be switched over individually (targeted) via the bus between master setpoint and the analog setpoint.
3.4 Freely addressable digital outputs
> As long as the terminals X1.5 to X8.5 of the bus module are not being used for switching over the set-
point, these can be used as switch outputs.
> Connect the relay to a 24 V DC coil voltage for free use. The idle circuit is integrated. The actuating
current is a maximum 120 mA per output. As a result it is possible to switch over, for example, the room ventilators, anti-condensation heating, circuit breakers or control lamps via the bus.
Relais Control
4. Installation
Dangers during Installation
Risk of injury / Risk of damage to the device or plant
Observe all safety regulations in the chapter “Safety”.
4.1 Connection terminals (overview)
Tab.1 Connecting terminals (overview)
Terminal Description
X11 .1 24V (+)
.2 24V (ground)
.3 grounding, carry out as short as possible
X1 - X8 .1 jointly switchable ground potential
.2 RxD
.3 TxD
.4 ground
.5 separately switchable ground potential
.6 ground
.7 ground potential for shield connection
Connection diagram see page 30.
4.2 Connecting a 24 V power supply
> Switch off the main power supply including the external 24 V power source and make sure these cannot
be accidentally switched back on again.
> Connect the external 24 V voltage supply (150 mA) to X11.1 (+) and X11.2 (-) (reverse polarity protec-
> Ground the X11.3 terminal by as short a route as possible (for EMC reasons).
24 V DC power source
Several bus modules can be operated with one power supply.
> In cases of SELV (safety extra low voltages) do not ground the 24 V power source.
4.3 Connecting the power controller to X1-X8
> Switch off the main power supply including the external 24 V power source and make sure these cannot
be accidentally switched back on again.
> Connect the interfaces X1 to X8 of the bus module to the system interfaces of the power controller
(shielded four-wire cable)
Attention: To control all parameters by ProfiNet we recommend closing the Thyro-A switches S1.3, S1.4, S1.5 (Thyro-Tool Mode).
4.4 Connecting the Ethernet bus module to the master
The Ethernet bus module has two Ethernet ports which are equipped with a switch functionality which allows a line topology to be constructed.
A standard patch cable is required for connecting with a switch. For a direct connection (line topology) a cross-over cable is required.
5. Settings
5.1 Setting the protocol
The Ethernet bus module supports various real time Ethernet bus systems. The desired system can be selected using the rotary switch “Protocol”. For ProfiNet this needs to be set to 0.
5.2 Setting the number of slots
The number of devices which are connected to the Ethernet bus module is set with the rotary switch “Slots”. After switching on, the Ethernet bus module reads all the parameters of the device. Following this it starts communicating.
Attention: To change the number of slots when switched on, the switch “Slots” must first be turned to 0. Communication with the master is then interrupted. Following this the desired number can be set. After leaving the position 0 you have about 2 seconds time for this.
5.3 Setting the device name
Every IO device is identified by its device name. The setting of the device name can be undertaken using, for example, the program “Step 7 – HW Config” in the menu “Target system / Ethernet / Edit Ethernet participant…”
Fig. 1 Configuration & LED displays
1 Terminal X1 10 Terminal X11 2 Terminal X2 11 SYS LED 3 Terminal X3 12 COM0 (BF) LED 4 Terminal X4 13 COM1 (SF) LED 5 Terminal X5 14 Fault LED 6 Terminal X6 15 Switch Slots 7 Terminal X7 16 Switch Protocol 8 Terminal X8 9 Ethernet Port
5.4 Operating display of the bus module
Table 2 Operating display of the bus module
LED Color Status Meaning
SYS Green On Operating system running
Red Flashing with 1Hz Error in boot process
Red On Waiting for boot process (check position of
Off No supply voltage
COM0 (BF) Red On No physical connection
Red Flashing with 2Hz No data exchange
Off The device is exchanging data with the ProfiNet IO
COM1 (SF) Red On Watchdog time out or system error
Off No error
Fault Red On Hardware error
Operating status of the Ethernet bus module
“Protocol” switch)
LED Color Status Meaning
Link Green On There is an Ethernet connection
Activity Yellow On Data are being exchanged via Ethernet
Status LED of the Ethernet Ports
6. Operation
6.1 Start configuration (parameterization)
Via the parameterization (in step 7 – HW Config, double-click on slot 0 of the bus module, parameter tab) the following settings can be undertaken.
No connection (slot 1-8):
Here you can set what should happen with the output data of the devices if the connection to the master is interrupted.
Hold last values The output data are not changed.
Outputs = 0 The output data are set to 0
No connection (slot 9):
Here you can set what should happen with the output data of the bus module if the connection to the master is interrupted.
Hold last value The digital outputs are not changed.
Outputs = 0 The digital outputs are set to 0.
Averaging of the measured values:
Here you can enter the number of actual values which flow into the averaging. A new value is calculated once a second. Values from 0-20 can be entered, whereby 0 or 1 deactivates this function.
Remove device when it is switched off:
Not all devices are equipped with a 24 V supply connection. When switching off the Thyro mains supply and the control voltage supply (24V) the Thyro no longer communicates with the bus modules. A switched off device will normally be displayed as pull. This display can be suppressed here.
Deactivate Devices which are no longer accessible (no communication) will continue to
be displayed as plug.
Activate Devices which are no longer accessible will be displayed as pull.
Use output data:
The suppression of certain output data can be activated here.
Always New output data are transferred immediately.
Only when Bit is set New output data are only transferred, if the Bit 0 is set in the output
6.2 Cyclical data transmission (configuration)
The configuration of the cyclical data traffic is undertaken by adding modules.
The input and output data depend on the device types. The following tables show the input and output data available for each of the devices.
6.3 Input and output data Thyro-S
With the Thyro-S the setpoint is interpreted as operating mode.
Tab. 3 Interpretation of the master setpoint with Thyro-S
Setpoint (Master) Status (return value) (Total setpoint)
0 to 409 = OFF 0 =
410 to 1091 1/5 819
1092 to 1706 = 1/3 1365 =
1707 to 3071 1/2 2047
3072 to 4096 = ON 4096
Tab. 4 Cyclic input and output data with Thyro-S ..H1
Offset Input data, actual values Data type Size Unit
0 Load voltage L1 float 4 [V]
4 Mains voltage L1 integer 2 [V]
6 Total setpoint integer 2 4096=100%
8 Fault (see table 5b) integer 2 -
10 Status (see table 5b) integer 2 -
Offset Output data, setpoint Data type Size Unit
0 Master Setpoint integer 2 4096=100%
Tab. 5 Cyclic input and output data with Thyro-S ..HRL1
Offset Input data, actual values Data type Size Unit
0 Load voltage L1 float 4 [V]
4 Load current L1 float 4 [A]
8 Mains voltage L1 integer 2 [V]
10 Total setpoint integer 2 4096=100%
12 Fault (see table 5b) integer 2 -
14 Status (see table 5b) integer 2 -
Offset Output data, setpoint Data type Size Unit
0 Master setpoint integer 2 4096=100%
Tab. 5b Thyro-S Faults
Description Bit LEDs Relay
Frequency measurement outside of 47 Hz to 63 Hz Bit 0 Test LED flashing slowly open
SYNC error, no zero-crossing within the gate Bit 1 Test LED flashing slowly open
Temperature monitoring triggered Bit 2 Load Fault flashing slowly open
Load fault Bit 3 Load Fault on open
Flash values invalid Bit 4 Test LED and Load Fault LED
flashing simultaneously quickly
Mains undervoltage (<AD_P_SPG_MIN) Bit 5 Load Fault LED and Test LED on open
Mains overvoltage (>AD_P_SPG_MAX) Bit 6 None closed
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