Advantech ADAM-5069, ADAM-5013, ADAM-5090, ADAM-5080, ADAM-5068 User Manual

ADAM-5000 Series
I/O Module
User's Manual
This document is copyrighted, 1997, by Advantech Co., Ltd. All rights are reserved. Advantech Co., Ltd., reserves the right to make improvements to the products described in this manual at any time without notice. No part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, translated or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Advantech Co., Ltd. Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Advantech Co., Ltd. assumes no responsibility for its use, nor for any infringements upon the rights of third parties, which may result from its use.
ADAM is a trademark of Advantech Co., Ltd. IBM and PC are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
Second Edition
March 2005
I/O Module Introduction
ADAM-5000 Series I/O Module User’s Manual
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction ….……..................…..................…………. 1-1
Chapter 2 Analog Input Modules..................….................…....... 2-1
2.1 ADAM-5013 3-channel RTD input module…............................2-2
2.2 ADAM-5017 8-chan nel analog inpu t mo du le …….…............... 2-5
2.3 ADAM-5017H 8-channel high speed analog input module…. 2-8
2.4 ADAM-5018 7-channel thermocouple input module ………..2-13
Chapter 3 Analog Output Modules .............................................. 3-1
3.1 AD AM-5024 4-channel analog output module...…...................3-2
Chapter 4 Digital Input/Output Modules..................…....................4-1
4.1 ADAM-5050 16-channel universal digital I/O module...............4-2
4.2 ADAM-5051 series digital input module. ........….......................4-5
4.2.1 ADAM-5051(D) 16-channel digital input module ……. …......4 -5
4.2.2 ADAM-5051S 16-channel Isolated Digital Input Module w/LED ..….4-7
4.3 ADAM-5052 8-channel isolated digital input modul e…...........4-9
4.4 ADAM-5055S 16-channel Isolated Digital I/O Module with LED……...4-11
4.5 ADAM-5056(D) series digital output module w/ LED……........4-13
4.5.1 ADAM-5056(D) 16-channel digital output module w/L E D . .4 - 1 3
4.5.2 ADAM-5056S 16-channel Isolated Digital Output Module w/ LED.4-1 4
4.5.3 ADAM-5056SO 16-channel Isolated Digital Output Module wLED4- 16
4.6 Relay Output Modules ………….…..................….................…4-18
4.6.1 ADAM-5060 relay output module……………….….......…….4-18
4.6.2 ADAM-5068 relay output module……………………………..4-19
4.6.3 ADAM-5069 relay output module……………………………..4-21
4.7 Counter/Frequency Module………………………………..……4-22
4.7.1 ADAM-5080 4-channel Counter/Frequency Module………..4.22
I/O Module Introduction
ADAM-5000 Series I/O Module User’s Manual
Chapter 5 Serial Communication Module………..….................... 5-1
5.1 ADAM-5090 4-port RS-232 Communication Module................5- 2
Chapter 6 Analog I/O Modules Calibration.................................. 6-1
6.1 Analog input module calibration……………………………….. 6-2
6.2 ADAM-5013 RTD Input Resistance Calibration……………….. 6-7
6.3 Analog output module calibration .......………………………… 6-9
Introduction 1
ADAM 5000 IO modules User’s Manual
This manual introduces the detail specifications functions and application wiring of each ADAM-5000 I/O modules. To organize an ADAM-5510 Series Controller, you need to select I/O modules to interface the main unit with field devices or processes that you have previously determi ned. Advante ch prov ides 19 type s of ADAM-5000 I/O modules for vari ous a ppl ic at io ns so far. Foll ow in g t ab le is t he I/ O modules support list we provided for user’ s choice.
Module Name Specification Reference
ADAM-5013 3-ch. RTD input Isolated ADAM-5017 8-ch. AI Isolated
ADAM-5017H 8-ch. High speed AI Isolated
ADAM-5018 7-ch. Thermocouple input Isolated
Analog I/O
ADAM-5024 4-ch. AO Isolated ADAM-5050 7-ch. D I/O Non-isolated ADAM-5051 16-ch. DI Non-isolated
ADAM-5051D 16-ch. DI w/LED Non-isolated
ADAM-5051S 16-ch. Isolated DI w/LED Isolated
ADAM-5052 8-ch. DI Isolated
ADAM-5055S 16-ch. Isolated DI/O w/LED Isolated
ADAM-5056 16-ch. DO Non-isolated
ADAM-5056D 16-ch. DO w/LED Non-isolated
ADAM-5056S 16-ch. Isolated DO w/LED Isolated
Digital I/O
ADAM-5056SO 16-ch. Iso. DO w/LED (source) Isolated
ADAM-5060 6-ch. Relay output Isolated ADAM-5068 8-ch. Relay output Isolated
Relay Output
ADAM-5069 8-ch. Relay output Isolated
Counter/Frequency ADAM-5080 4-ch. Counter/Frequency Isolated
Serial I/O ADAM-5090 4-port RS232 Non-isolated
Table 1-1: I/O Module Support List
Analog Input Modules 2
Analog Input module
ADAM 5000 IO modules User’s Manual
Analog input modules use an A/D converter to convert sensor voltage, current, thermocouple or RTD signals into digital data. The digital data is then translated into engineering units. The analog input modules protect your equipment from ground loops and power surges by providing opto-isolation of the A/D input and transformer based isolation up to3,000 V
2.1 ADAM-5013 3-channel RTD input module
The ADAM-5013 is a 16-bit, 3-channel RTD input module that features programmable input ranges on all channels. This module is an extremely cost-effective solution for industrial measurement and monitoring applications. Its opto-isolated inputs provide 3,000 V
of isolation between
the analog input and the module, protecting the module and peripherals from damage due to high input line voltage.
Note: Owing to the conversion time required by the A/D converter, the
initialization time of each ADAM-5013 module is 5 seconds. Thus the total initialization time will be about 20 seconds if all 4 I/O slots in an ADAM-5000 main unit contain ADAM-5013 modules.
Figure 2-1: ADAM-5013 mo dule fr ont al vi ew
Chapter 2
Application wiring
Figure 2 - 2: RTD in puts
Analog Input module
ADAM 5000 IO modules User’s Manual
T echnical specifications of ADAM-5013
Analog input channels
Input type
Pt or Ni RTD
Pt -100 to 100°C a=0.00385
Pt 0 to 100°C a=0.00385
Pt 0 to 200°C a=0.00385
Pt 0 to 600°C a=0.00385
Pt -100 to 100°C a=0.00392
Pt 0 to 100°C a=0.00392
Pt 0 to 200°C a=0.00392
Pt 0 to 600°C a=0.00392
Ni -80 to 100°C
RTD type and temperature
Ni 0 to 100°C
Isolation voltage
3000 V
Sampling rate
10 samples/sec (total)
Input impedance
2 M
13.1 Hz @ 50 Hz, 15.72 Hz @ 60 Hz
Input connections
2, 3 or 4 wire
± 0.1% or better
Zero drift
± 0.015 °C/°C
Span drift
± 0.01 °C/°C
CMR@50/60 Hz
150 dB
NMR@50/60 Hz
100 dB
Power consumption
1.2 W
Table 2-1: Technical specifications of ADAM-5013
Chapter 2
2.2 ADAM-5017 8-channel analog input module
The ADAM-5017 is a 16-bit, 8-channel analog differential input module that provides programmable input ranges on all channels. It accepts millivolt inputs (±150mV, ±500mV), voltage inputs (±1V, ±5V and ±10V) and current input (±20 mA, requires 125 ohms resistor). The module provides data to the host computer in engineering units (mV, V or mA). This module is an extremely cost-effective solution for industrial measurement and monitoring applications. Its opto-isolated inputs provide 3,000 V
isolation between the analog input and the module, protecting the module and peripherals from damage due to high input line volt- age. Additionally, the module uses analog multiplexers with active over- voltage protection. The active protection circuitry assures that signal fidelity is maintained even under fault conditions that would destroy other multiplexers. This module can withstand an input voltage surge of 70 Vp-p with ±15 V supplies.
Figure 2-3: A DAM-5 017 mo dule fr ont al vi ew
Analog Input module
ADAM 5000 IO modules User’s Manual
Application wiring
Figure2-4: Millivolt and volt input
Figure 2-5: Process current input
Note: To keep measurement accuracy please short the channels that
are not in use.
Chapter 2
T echnical specifications of ADAM-5017
Analog Input Channels
Eight differential
Input Type
mV, V, mA
Input Range
± 150 mV, ± 500 mV, ± 1 V, ± 5 V, ± 10 V and ± 20 mA
Isolation Voltage
3000 V
Sampling Rate
10 samples/sec (total)
Analog Input Signal Limit
15 V max.
Max. allowable voltage difference between two connectors in a module
15 V max.
Input Impedance
2 Mohms
13.1 Hz @ 50 Hz, 15.72 Hz @ 60 Hz
± 0.1% or better
Zero Drift
± 1.5 µV/°C
Span Drift
± 25 PPM/°C
CMR @ 50/60 Hz
92 dB min.
Power Requirements
+ 10 to + 30 V
DC (non-regulated)
Power Consumption
1.2 W
Table2-2 : Technical specifications of ADAM-5017
Analog Input module
ADAM 5000 IO modules User’s Manual
2.3 ADAM-5017H 8-channel high speed analog input module
The ADAM-5017H is a 12-bit plus sign bit, 8-channel analog differential input module that provides programmable input ranges on each channel. It accepts millivolt inputs (± 500 mV, 0-500 mV), voltage inputs (±1 V, 0-1V, ±2.5 V, 0-2.5 V, ±5 V, 0-5 V, ±10 V and 0-10 V) and current inputs (0-20 mA and 4-20 mA; requires a 125 ohms resistor). The module provides data to the host microprocessor in engineering units (mV, V or mA) or two’s complement format.
Its sampling rate depends on the data format received: up to 100 Hz (total). Space is reserved for 125-ohm, 0.1%, 10 ppm resistors (See Figure2-9). Each input channel has 3000 V
of optical isolation between the outside analog input line and the module, protecting the module and peripherals from high input line voltages. Addition- ally, the module uses analog multiplexers with active over-voltage protection. The active protection circuitry assures that signal fidelity is main- tained even under fault conditions that would destroy other multiplex- ers. The analog inputs can withstand a constant 70 Vp-p input with ±15V supplies.
Figure 2-6 : ADAM -5017H module fr ontal view
Chapter 2
Application wiring
Figure 2- 7 : Millivolt and volt input
Figure 2 - 8: Pr ocess current input
Analog Input module
ADAM 5000 IO modules User’s Manual
Figure 2-9 : Locat ions of 12 5-ohm resist ors
Note: To maintain measurement accuracy please short channels not in
Chapter 2
T echnical specifications of AD AM-5017H
Analog Input Channels
8 differential
ADC Resolution
12 bits, plus sign bit
Type of ADC
Successive approximation
Isolation Voltage
3000 V
Sampling Rate
100 Hz
Input Impedance
20 Mohms (voltage inputs); 125 ohms (current inputs)
Signal Input Bandwidth
1000 Hz for both voltage inputs and current inputs
Analog Signal Range
±15 V max.
Analog Signal Range for any two measured Pins
±15 V max.
Power Requirements
+10 to +30 V
DC (non-regulated)
Power Consumption
1.8 W
Table 2-3: Technical specifications of ADAM-5017H
Analog Input module
ADAM 5000 IO modules User’s Manual
With Overranging
Offset Error @ 25°C
Offset Error @ ­10 to +70°C
Gain Error @ 25°C
Gain Error @ ­10 to +70°C
Offset Drift
Gain Drift
Display Resolution
0 ~ 10 V 0 ~ 11 V ±1 LSB ±2 LSB ±1 LSB ±2 LSB 17 µV/°C 50
2.7 mV
0 ~ 5 V 0 ~ 5.5 V ±1 LSB ±2 LSB ±1.5 LSB ±2 LSB 16 µV/°C 50
1.3 mV
0 ~ 2.5 V 0 ~ 2.75 V ±1 LSB ±2 LSB ±1.5 LSB ±2 LSB 20 µV/°C 55
0.67 mV
0 ~ 1 V 0 ~ 1.375 V ±1 LSB ±2.5 LSB ±2 LSB ±2.5 LSB 20 µV/°C 60
0.34 mV
0 ~ 500 mV 0 ~ 687.5
- ±5 LSB ±3 LSB ±3.5 LSB 20 µV/°C 67 ppm/°C
0.16 mV
± 10 V ±11 V ±1 LSB ±2 LSB ±1 LSB ±2 LSB 17 µV/°C 50
2.7 mV
± 5 V ±0 ~ 5.5 V ±1 LSB ±2 LSB ±1.5 LSB ±2 LSB 17 µV/°C 50
1.3 mV
± 2.5 V ±0 ~ 2.75 V ±1 LSB ±2 LSB ±1.5 LSB ±2 LSB 20 µV/°C 55
0.67 mV
± 1 V ±0 ~ 1.375 V ±1 LSB ±2.5 LSB ±2 LSB ±2.5 LSB 20 µV/°C 60
0.34 mV
Voltage Inputs
± 500 mV ±0 ~ 687.5
- ±5 LSB ±3 LSB ±3.5 LSB 20 µV/°C 67 ppm/°C
0.16 mV
0 ~ 20 mA 22 mA ±1 LSB ±1 LSB ±1.5 LSB ±2 LSB nA/°C ppm/°C 5.3 µΑ Current
4 ~ 20 mA 22 mA ±1 LSB ±1 LSB ±1.5 LSB ±2 LSB nA/°C ppm/°C 5.3 µΑ
Table 2-4: ADAM-5017H input signal ranges
Chapter 2
2.4 ADAM-5018 7-channel thermocouple input module
The ADAM-5018 is a 16-bit, 7-channel thermocouple input module that features programmable input ranges on all channels. It accepts millivolt inputs (±15 mV, ±50 mV, ±100 mV, ±500 mV), voltage inputs (±1 V, ±2.5 V), current input (±20 mA, requires 125 ohms resistor) and thermocouple input (J, K, T, R, S, E, B).
The module forwards the data to the host computer in engineering units (mV, V, mA or temperature °C). An external CJC on the plug-in terminal is designed for accurate temperature measurement.
Figure 2-10: ADAM -50 18 m odul e front al view
Analog Input module
ADAM 5000 IO modules User’s Manual
Application wiring
Figure 2-11: Thermocouple input
Chapter 2
T echnical specifications of ADAM-5018
Analog Input Channels
Seven differential
Input Type
mV, V, mA, Thermocouple
Input Range
± 15 mV, ± 50 mV, ± 100 mV, ± 500 mV, ± 1 V, ± 2.5 V and ± 20 mA
T/C Type and Temperature Range
JKTERSB 0 to 760 °C 0 to 1370 °C -100 to
400 °C 0 to 1400 °C 500 to 1750 °C 500 to 1750 °C 500 to 1800 °C
Isolation Voltage
3000 V
Sampling Rate
10 samples/sec (total)
Input Impedance
2 Mohms
13.1 Hz @ 50 Hz, 15.72 Hz @ 60 Hz
± 0.1% or better
Zero Drift
± 0.3 µV/°C
Span Drift
± 25 PPM/°C
CMR @ 50/60 Hz
92 dB min.
Power Consumption
1.2 W
Table 2-5 : Technical specifications of ADAM-5018
Analog Output Module 3
Analog Output Module
ADAM 5000 IO modules User’s Manual
3.1 ADAM-5024 4-channel analog output module
The ADAM-5024 is a 4-channel analog output module. It receives its digital input through the RS-485 interface of the ADAM-5510 system module from the host computer. The format of the data is engineering units. It then uses the D/A co nverter controll ed by the system module to convert the digital data into output signals.
You can specify slew rates and start up currents through the configuration software. The analog output can also be configured as current or voltage through the software utility. The module protects your equipment from ground loops and power surges by providing opto-isolation of the D/A output and trans form er based is olation up to 500 V
Slew rate
The slew rate is defined as the slope indicated the ascending or descending rate per second of the analog output from the present to the required.
Figure 3-1: ADAM-5024 module frontal view
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