ACR Electronics GLOBAL FIX User Manual Rev G

Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB)
Product Support Manual
Rev. G
ACR Electronics, Inc.
5757 Ravenswood Road
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
Tel : +1 (954) 981-3333 Fax: +1 (954) 983-5087
* * * WARNING * * *
Magnet Safe Distance
1m (3.3 ft)
Keep this beacon a safe distance
away from all magnetic sources
Stereo Speaker Safe Distance
1m (3.3 ft)
Keep this beacon a safe distance
away from all stereo speakers
+1 (800) 432-0227. WE WILL HELP YOU
LIMITED WARRANTY This product is warranted against factory defect in material and workmanship for a period of five years from date of purchase or receipt as a gift. During the warranty period ACR Electronics, Inc. will repair or, at its option, replace at no cost to you for labor, materials or return transportation, provided you obtain a Return Authorization from ACR Electronics, Inc., 5757 Ravenswood Road, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33312-6645. To obtain a Return Authorization, call our Customer Service Department at (800) 432-0227. This warranty does not apply if the product has been damaged by accident or misuse, or as a result of service or modification by other than the factory. Except as otherwise expressly stated, the COMPANY MAKES NO REPRE SENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY OTHER MATTER WITH RESPECT TO THIS PRODUCT. The Company shall not be liable for, consequential or special damages. In order to place the warranty in effect, the accompanying registration card must be returned to us within ten days of purchase.
Table of Contents
SECTION 1 – FOREWORD AND PRODUCT FEATURES.............................................................................................. 1
SECTION 2 – REGISTRATION OF 406 MHZ BEACONS............................................................................................... 1
2.1 Registration Importance.................................................................................................................................... 1
2.2 Where to Register............................................................................................................................................... 1
2.3 Registration in the United States...................................................................................................................... 2
2.4 Leisure Vessels in the United States................................................................................................................ 2
2.5 Commercial Vessels in the United States........................................................................................................ 2
2.6 Do I Need a Radio Station License?................................................................................................................. 2
2.7 Commercial Vessels World Wide...................................................................................................................... 3
2.8 Registration Outside the United States............................................................................................................ 3
2.9 Change of Ownership or Contact Information................................................................................................ 3
2.10 Lost or Stolen EPIRBs .......................................................................................................................................3
SECTION 3 – FALSE ALARMS ....................................................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Prevention of False Alarms............................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Reporting of False Alarms................................................................................................................................. 4
SECTION 4 – INSTALLATION......................................................................................................................................... 4
4.1 Mounting Location ............................................................................................................................................. 4
4.2 Visual Inspection................................................................................................................................................ 4
4.3 Hydrostatic Release Unit (HRU)........................................................................................................................ 5
SECTION 5 – ACTIVATION AND DEPLOYMENT........................................................................................................... 6
5.1 Bracket Configuration........................................................................................................................................ 6
5.2 Dimension Drawings.......................................................................................................................................... 7
5.3 Configuration Overview..................................................................................................................................... 9
5.4 GPS Acquisition ................................................................................................................................................. 9
5.5 Automatic Deployment and Activation - Category 1 Beacons...................................................................... 9
5.6 Manual Deployment and Activation................................................................................................................ 10
5.7 Manual Activation without Deployment......................................................................................................... 10
5.8 Deactivation...................................................................................................................................................... 10
5.9 Full Functional Self Test.................................................................................................................................. 10
5.10 Performing the Internal GPS Test................................................................................................................... 11
SECTION 6 – CARE AND MAINTENANCE................................................................................................................... 12
6.1 Routine Maintenance .......................................................................................................................................12
6.2 Battery Replacement........................................................................................................................................ 12
6.3 Shore Based Maintenance for SOLAS Vessels, (SBM) IMO MSC/Circ. 1039............................................. 12
6.4 Annual Testing for SOLAS Vessels, IMO MSC/Circ. 1040............................................................................ 12
SECTION 7 – THE SEARCH AND RESCUE SYSTEM ................................................................................................. 12
7.1 General Overview............................................................................................................................................. 12
7.2 Satellite Detection ............................................................................................................................................ 13
7.3 Global Positioning System (GPS)................................................................................................................... 13
SECTION 8 – TECHNICAL INFORMATION.................................................................................................................. 14
8.1 Type Approvals and Standards ...................................................................................................................... 14
8.2 Characteristics.................................................................................................................................................. 14
8.3 Accessories ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
8.4 Specifications................................................................................................................................................... 15
Thank you for purchasing from ACR Electronics, Inc. We design, manufacture and distribute quality products knowing they are used to save lives. Many of our products are required to be tested and approved by regulatory bodies worldwide. We believe in going beyond those specifications to insure our products work when needed in real world conditions. With proper care and maintenance your ACR product will last for years. It is important that you thoroughly read this product support manual to understand the proper care and use of your ACR product.
ACR is proud to be certified to ISO 9001: 2000, the International Standard for Quality.
This manual provides installation, operation and maintenance instructions for the GlobalFix™ EPIRB, hereinafter referred to as the beacon. This manual also describes the characteristics and details of the beacon system. In the USA, the FCC authorizes the use of 406 MHz Radio beacon by any ship that is also equipped with a VHF ship station. This will make the 406 MHz radio beacon available for use on most U.S. ships and boats. Commercial EPIRB carriage requirements are contained in IMO and/or USCG regulations.
Product Number
GlobalFix™ RLB-35 2742 1 1 Hazmat Internal
GlobalFix™ RLB-35 2744 2 1 Hazmat Internal
GlobalFix™ RLB-35 2742NH 1 2 Non-Hazmat Internal
GlobalFix™ RLB-35 2744NH 2 2 Non-Hazmat Internal
Category Class
GPS Interface
2.1 Registration Importance
It is mandatory that the owner of this 406 MHz beacon register it with the national authority.* All 406 MHz beacons transmit a Unique Identifier Number (UIN) when activated. This UIN is programmed in the beacon based on the country in which the beacon was purchased. Registration provides the Search and Rescue (SAR) forces with up to date emergency contact information, which will speed up the launch of a rescue operation. The national authorities use the information to verify if an actual emergency exists. Valuable search and rescue resources are wasted every year responding to false alarms. SAR forces will know who you are, what type of vessel you have, your homeport, and who to contact that might know of your current situation ONLY if your beacon has been properly registered. This will help expedite the launch of a rescue operation. All 406 MHz beacons are required to have their registration updated every two years.
*The national authority is the governmental body responsible for EPIRB registration database administration for the country for which the EPIRB is programmed.
2.2 Where to Register
The owner of a 406 MHz beacon (EPIRB) should register it with the national authority for which the beacon was programmed (typically the country where purchased), regardless of where they do their boating. However, the beacon must be reprogrammed if the boat or its owner moves or sails under a different national authority than the one for which the beacon was previously programmed. Each beacon is programmed with a Unique Identification Number (UIN) for the country that the unit is shipped to, and will only be accepted for registration in that country. To verify the country, for which a beacon is programmed, see the label with the UIN on the side of the unit. Units that do not have a country specified on the UIN label are programmed for the United States.
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2.3 Registration in the United States
It is the owner’s responsibility to register 406 MHz beacons that are programmed for and purchased in the United States. The national authority that accepts registrations in the United States is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The fastest and easiest way to register your beacon with NOAA is to use the online registration database at the owner should complete the enclosed registration form (Do not confuse this with the ACR Electronics warranty card) and mail with the pre-addressed, postage paid envelope to: If internet is not accessible then
NOAA SARSAT Beacon Registration
NSOF, E/SP3 4231 Suitland Road Suitland, MD 20746
The information provided on the registration form is used only for rescue purposes. Complete and send the
registration immediately! Registration can be expedited by registering online or by faxing the registration form
to Fax # (301) 817-4565. If the beacon is going to be placed into immediate service, register online or by fax. All registration forms will be entered in the 406 MHz beacon registration database within 48 hours of receipt. A confirmation letter, a copy of the actual registration and a proof-of-registration decal will be mailed to you within
two weeks. When you receive these documents, please check the information carefully
to your beacon in the area marked “BEACON DECAL HERE.” If you do not receive confirmation back from NOAA, call toll free 1-888-212-7283 for assistance.
2.4 Leisure Vessels in the United States
In the United States, leisure vessels are sometimes required to have a radio station license. Leisure vessels that are required to have a radio station license are required to modify that license when an EPIRB is added to the vessel. For information on whether you need a radio station license, see section 2.6 (below).
2.5 Commercial Vessels in the United States
In the United States, commercial vessels that are required to have a radio station license are required to modify that license when an EPIRB is added to the vessel. For information on whether you need a radio station license, see section 2.6 (below).
2.6 Do I Need a Radio Station License?
The information in this section is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the FCC’s website at or call toll-free
1-888-CALLFCC (225-5322) for the latest information.
You do not need a license to operate a marine VHF radio, radar, or EPIRBs aboard voluntary ships operating domestically. The term "voluntary ships" refers to ships that are not required by law to carry a radio. Generally, this term applies to recreation or pleasure craft. The term "voluntary ships" does not apply to the following:
1. Cargo ships over 300 gross tons navigating in the open sea;
2. Ships certified by the U.S. Coast Guard to carry more than 6 passengers for hire in the open sea or tidewaters of the U.S.;
3. Power driven ships over 20 meters in length on navigable waterways;
4. Ships of more than 100 gross tons certified by the U.S. Coast Guard to carry at least one passenger on navigable waterways;
5. Tow boats of more than 7.8 meters in length on navigable waterways; and,
6. Uninspected commercial fishing industry vessels required to carry a VHF radio.
7. Ships required to carry an Automatic Identification System (AIS) transceiver by the U.S. Coast Guard regulations enacted pursuant to the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2000.
Ships are considered as operating domestically when they do not travel to foreign ports or do not transmit radio communications to foreign stations. Sailing in international waters is permitted, so long as the previous conditions are met. If you travel to a foreign port (e.g., Canada, Mexico, Bahamas, British Virgin Islands), a license is required. Additionally, if you travel to a foreign port, you are required to have an operator permit.
For Faster Service, Register Online!
In the United States:
and affix the decal
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2.7 Commercial Vessels World Wide
406 MHz beacons that are carried on commercial vessels world wide should be registered with the country where the vessel is flagged regardless of where the vessel operates. When a commercial vessel acquires a 406 MHz beacon from outside of its home country, the beacon should be reprogrammed for the home country and registered there.
2.8 Registration Outside the United States
In countries other than the United States, 406 MHz beacons are registered with that country’s national authority at the time of purchase. The sales agent should assist in filling out the forms and sending to that country’s national authority. To verify that the unit is properly programmed for that country, view the UIN label on the side of the unit. In the event that the beacon is not programmed for the country it has been purchased in, the sales agent, (if properly equipped) can reprogram the unit for that country.
2.9 Change of Ownership or Contact Information
It is the owner’s responsibility to advise the national authority of any change in the information on the registration form. If the current owner of the beacon is transferring the beacon to a new owner, the current owner is required to inform the national authority by using their online database or by letter, fax or telephone, of the name and address of the new owner. The new owner of the beacon is required to provide the national authority with all of the information requested on the registration form. This obligation transfers to all subsequent owners. Registration forms for the United States are available from NOAA by calling 1 (888) 212-7283 or by visiting our website at
2.10 Lost or Stolen EPIRBs
Inform NOAA immediately at 1-888-212-SAVE (7283), or your national authority, that your EPIRB has been
lost or stolen. They will update your EPIRB registration information with the appropriate information.
Stolen EPIRBs - Things That You Need To Do:
Report to your local authorities that the EPIRB has been stolen.
Contact NOAA at 1-888-212-SAVE (7283), or your national authority, with the following information so
your EPIRB registration information can be updated with the appropriate remarks:
- Police Department Name - Police Phone Number - Police Case Number
If your EPIRB were to be activated, the information you provided will be forwarded to the appropriate search
and rescue authorities who will ensure that your EPIRB gets back to you. If someone attempts to register an EPIRB reported as stolen, NOAA or your national authority will notify the appropriate police department. Visit for more detailed information.
3.1 Prevention of False Alarms
An ACR 406 MHz EPIRB can be activated in an emergency by two different methods. Whether you have a Category 1 or 2, these methods are the same.
1. When the beacon is out of its bracket and in the water, the unit will start transmitting.
2. When the switch is moved to the “ON” position, in or out of the bracket, the unit will start transmitting.
There are a few precautions that should be taken to prevent false alarms.
Do not mount or transport beacon within 3.3 ft/1 m of a magnetic source.
Do not store beacon outside of its bracket if it can get wet.
Do not mount EPIRB backwards in its bracket (lanyard roll must not be visible).
Do not clean beacon with a water hose and brush while out of its bracket.
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3.2 Reporting of False Alarms Should there be, for any reason, an inadvertent activation or false alarm, it must be reported to the nearest search and rescue authorities. The information that should be reported includes the EPIRB 15-digit Unique
Identifier Number (UIN), date, time, duration and cause of activation, as well as location of beacon at the time of activation.
To Report False Alarms in the United States Contact any of the Following:
Atlantic Ocean / Gulf of Mexico USCG Atlantic Area Command Center Tel: (757) 398-6390
Pacific Ocean Area / USCG Area Command Center Tel: (510) 437-3700
USCG HQ Command Center Tel: (800) 323-7233
To Report False Alarms Worldwide contact the national authority where your beacon is registered.
4.1 Mounting Location
The location selected must be sufficiently rigid to support the weight of the total installation and at the same time consider vibration, exposure to the elements, exposure to surrounding hazards, such as equipment movement, doors being opened, accidental covering, personnel traffic, etc., and yet be readily accessible at all times in the event of an emergency. Also to be considered in selecting a location for installation is the harmful effect that certain corrosive vapors might have on the beacon. Under no circumstances should a beacon be jeopardized by any foreign articles being temporarily or permanently positioned during “at sea” or “in port” activities. The beacon should face inboard on rail mount applications and should not be subjected to breaking waves.
CAUTION: Care must be taken to prevent any lanyard, line, or other emergency equipment that may be
attached to the beacon from becoming entangled or fouled which could prevent the beacon from being
removed in an emergency. Do not attach the beacon lanyard to the vessel or mounting bracket.
Do not mount the beacon in the vicinity 3.3 ft/1 m of strong magnetic or electrical fields, such as loud speakers, radar or high power radio transmitter. The beacon should not be mounted closer than 3.3 ft/1 m. to a magnetic navigation compass. Mount the beacon in a vertical (antenna upward) position. In certain circumstances, such as medical emergencies or disabled vessels, manual activation of the beacon for location and homing purposes is sometimes requested. Mounting in this orientation provides the best homing signal.
The Category 1 float-free mounting bracket should be mounted securely to a vertical or horizontal surface (the
mount has predrilled holes for attachment to a flat surface) where there are no overhead obstructions. Location aboard a vessel must be chosen to allow the beacon to float free of sinking craft and as high as possible, especially on small vessels. This will help ensure operation of the hydrostatic release unit in the event the vessel capsizes without sinking. See section 4.3 on removing the HRU. The Category 1 float-free mounting bracket should be securely attached to the vessel. The use of #10 stainless steel hardware (not included) is recommended.
4.2 Visual Inspection
Visually inspect the area surrounding the mounting bracket installation site for hidden hazards, obstacles, etc., that may have been overlooked during location selection. If there is any doubt as to the ready accessibility to the beacon at all times or if any condition may appear to be questionable, make a complete and thorough investigation before making final approval of the installation.
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