Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1
2. Specifications ............................................................................................................................. 1
3. Power-Over-Ethernet ............................................................................................................... 2
4. Connecting for Evaluation ....................................................................................................... 3
5. Evaluation Software Program ................................................................................................. 4
5.1. Purpose ................................................................................................................................. 4
5.2. Version Compatibility .......................................................................................................... 4
5.3. Setup .................................................................................................................................... 4
5.4. Test ....................................................................................................................................... 5
5.5. Data Upload Mode ............................................................................................................... 6
5.6. Data Download Mode .......................................................................................................... 7
5.7. Ship Configuration ............................................................................................................... 9
5.8. IP Address and Subnet Mask ............................................................................................. 10
6. Communications Command Structure ................................................................................. 11
6.1. Byte Definitions ................................................................................................................. 11
6.2. Header ................................................................................................................................ 12
6.3. Operation Command .......................................................................................................... 12
6.4. Operation Subcommand ..................................................................................................... 12
6.5. Reset Write Pointer ............................................................................................................ 13
6.6. CFC Size ............................................................................................................................ 13
6.7. CFC Magnitude .................................................................................................................. 13
6.8. Read Offset ........................................................................................................................ 13
6.9. Error Flags ......................................................................................................................... 13
6.10. Software Version ............................................................................................................. 14
7. Valid Commands ..................................................................................................................... 14
7.1. Write Port 7000: ................................................................................................................. 14
7.2. Read Port 7100:.................................................................................................................. 14
7.3. Status Port 7200: ................................................................................................................ 15
8. TCP/IP Communications Data Flow ..................................................................................... 16
9. TCP/IP Communications Data Write Example ................................................................... 17
10. TCP/IP Communications Data Read Examples................................................................. 18
10.1. Data Read All with Read Offset Example ....................................................................... 18
10.2. Data Read All without Read Offset Example .................................................................. 20
10.3. Data Read Example .......................................................................................................... 21
10.4. Read Status Memory Example ......................................................................................... 22
11. Ship Configuration................................................................................................................ 23
11.1. Data .................................................................................................................................. 23
11.2. Partition Size .................................................................................................................... 23
11.3. Write Ship Configuration Example ................................................................................. 24
11.4. Read Ship Configuration Example .................................................................................. 25
12. Data Integrity Flags .............................................................................................................. 26
12.1. Bit Definitions .................................................................................................................. 26
12.2. Status Request for Error Flag Word Example ................................................................. 27
12.3. Test Request for Error Flags, CFC Size, and Software Version Example ...................... 28
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13. Change IP Address and Subnet Mask Command Structure ............................................ 29
13.1. Header .............................................................................................................................. 29
13.2. Operation Command ........................................................................................................ 29
13.3. Operation Subcommand................................................................................................... 29
13.4. New IP Address ............................................................................................................... 29
13.5. New Subnet Mask ............................................................................................................ 30
13.6. Setting a New IP Address and Subnet Mask Example .................................................... 31
© 2007 ACR Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved.
The copyright of this document is the property of ACR Electronics, Inc. This document is supplied
on the express terms that it is to be treated as confidential. No part of this document may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical for any
purpose. The information in this document is subject to change.
ii Y1-03-0202 Rev. E

S-VDR Computer RLB-35MC Capsule
10/100 Base-T Ethernet
Ship Configuration Storage (Factory Default)
1. Introduction
The ACR Electronics RLB-35MC is an EPIRB containing a module with non-
volatile memory (FLASH) intended to store ship parameters from an S-VDR
in real time. The storage memory will continually store the last 12 hours or
more of received data. The interface between the S-VDR (Simplified Voyage
Data Recorder) and the memory capsule is with standard CAT-5 Ethernet
cable. Protocol is the standard TCP over IP or TCP/IP.
Power for the capsule is provided over the same Ethernet cable using PoE
(Power over Ethernet). This feature has the advantage in that a separate
power cable is not required.
2. Specifications
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RLB-35MC Capsule
POE Power Injector
S-VDR Computer
+24 VDC
Power Supply
S-VDR System
Ethernet Data
Ethernet Data + Power
3. Power-Over-Ethernet
PoE technology brings power, as well as data transfer, to the RLB-35MC via
a standard twisted-pair Ethernet cable. In effect, PoE provides a new
standards-based way for a computer to provide power to a wide variety of
remote equipment in areas where it is physically or financially prohibitive to
offer normal power. The cost savings and reliability improvements involved
in not having to install and maintain power wiring in addition to Ethernet
cabling is especially a key factor onboard ships during an S-VDR installation.
The industry has standardized on the use of 48 VDC as the Injected PoE
voltage. The use of this higher voltage reduces the current flowing through
the CAT5 cable and therefore increases the load capability and increases the
CAT5 cable length limitations.
For evaluation and development, the RLB-35MC kit contains a power supply
which operates from AC power mains 100 – 250 VAC 50/60 cycle. Also
supplied are two CAT-5 cables for connecting between the power supply and
the RLB-35MC proto assembly. The other RJ-45 cable will connect to the
computer running the evaluation software.
2 Y1-03-0202 Rev. E

PC Testing Computer RLB-35MC
Power Supply
100-250 VAC 50/60 Cycle
4. Connecting for Evaluation
Connect the RLB-35MC to a PC using the following illustration:
Either the cable between the PC and power supply or the RLB-35MC and
power supply will need to be a CAT-5 “cross-over” cable. The supplied
“green” cable included in the kit is a cross-over cable which can be used.
On the test PC, set the NIC TCP/IP address to
3 Y1-03-0202 Rev. E

5. Evaluation Software Program
5.1. Purpose
The RLB-35MC demo software is for evaluating the RLB-35MC only and
is not meant for use in actual VDR or S-VDR systems.
5.2. Version Compatibility
TCP_REC demo software versions 1.20 and higher have an option to
reset the capsule IP address and/or subnet mask; only RLB-35MC
Memory Board Software Version B and higher have this ability. The
demo software can still be used with the previous capsule software
version, but the capsule IP address and subnet mask can not be reset.
5.3. Setup
To load the RLB-35MC evaluation software on the testing PC, insert the
software CD and follow the installation instructions. This software uses
4 Y1-03-0202 Rev. E

5.4. Test
the Microsoft .NET Framework so it may be necessary to download this
software from the Microsoft website if the test PC does not already
have the Framework software installed. Please note that our demo
software has not been tested on Windows Vista.
To begin, click the “Ping Test Start” button and confirm a successful
ping test in the Logging window. If the ping results display a fail
message, communications between the testing PC and the RLB-35MC
has not been established.
Once Ping is working correctly, click the Ping button again to stop the
ping test.
5 Y1-03-0202 Rev. E

Next continue with the ‘Test’ and the ‘Status’ buttons and note the
results displayed in the logging text box where the ping results were
5.5. Data Upload Mode
Two options are available on the demonstration software for writing to
the Main Memory area. Select an upload option before connecting to
the port and writing a file into memory.
Select menu item “Data Upload Mode” and note the two options. When
selected a check mark appears to the left of the option.
6 Y1-03-0202 Rev. E

Force RLB-35MC Pointer Reset.
This option will reset the current write location to the beginning of
Main Memory.
Note: To read back the data just written, choose the ‘Download from
beginning of memory to current write location’ option from the ‘RLB35MC Data Receive Setup’ window, then click the ‘Receive Data’
button. See the Demo Data Download Mode Section below.
Enter Data Burst Mode
This mode writes a file to the Main Memory area starting at the current
write location. Choose the ‘Enter Data Burst Mode’ from the ‘Data
Upload Mode’ pull-down menu.
Writing a File
After the upload mode is selected, click the ‘Send WR Command’. The
‘Send Test File Data’ can be selected repeatedly to write data to the
Main Memory. Each time this option is selected the user will be
prompted for the name of the file to write to memory. The current
write pointer is advanced each time data is written.
Disconnecting Port 7000
Clicking the ‘Disconnect Port’ button will disconnect the port.
5.6. Data Download Mode
Four options are available on the demonstration software for reading
data from the Main Memory area. Select the download mode before
reading data from memory.
Select menu item “Data Download Parameters” and note the four
options. When selected a dot appears in the circle to the left of the
Download ALL capsule data
This option will read all of the Main Memory area starting at an address
that is the specified number megabytes ahead of the current write
location. Enter the desired number of megabytes for the offset.
Download Megabytes
This option will read a specified number of megabytes of Main Memory.
Enter the number of megabytes to read. The current write address
will be the last address to be read.
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