ABB Tmax MCCBs Part Numbering Designation

General information
Catalog number explanation
T3 S 080 T W - 4 xxx
Type connectors
W = None L = Lugs included
Trip unit function
B = LS/I (AC only) D = Molded Case Switch (MCS) T = Thermal-magnetic M = Magnetic only (MCP) E5 = Electronic MCP (AC only) C = LSI (AC only) E = LSIG (AC only) CZ = LSI/PD EZ = LSIG/PD 2 P = LI - LCD Display 3 R = LSI - LCD Display 3 S = LSIG - LCD Display 3
Current rating
015 = 15A 080 = 80A 100 = 100A 225 = 225A 250 = 250A 400 = 400A 600 = 600A 800 = 800A 1200 = 1200A
Accessories (added in alpha-numeric order)
A = Auxiliary Switch S_ = Shunt trip with voltage code U_ = Undervoltage release with voltage code
Number of poles
-1 =1 pole (T1 only)
-2 = 2 pole
-4 = 4 pole None = 3 pole
Interrupting rating class
B = Basic N = Normal S = Standard H = High L = Extra High V = Very high Q = 100% Rated
Frame size
T1 = 100A T2 = 100A T3 = 225A Ts3 = 225A T4 = 250A T5 = 400A, 600A T6 = 600A, 800A T7 = 1000A, 1200A (toggle)
1 Consult ABB for factory installed accessories. 2 Trip unit with communication module. 3 Available on T7 toggle version only.
17.14 Low Voltage Products & Systems
1SXU000023C0202 Rev. A ABB Inc.