Tmax-Molded Case Circuit Breakers
T2 100A Frame
AC Circuit Breakers
Electronic or Thermomagnetic Trip Units
3 and 4 Pole
Motor Circuit Protectors
Higher Performances in Less Space
Field Installable Accessories
Compliance with Standards
UL 489
CSA C22.2 No.5.1
IEC 60947-2
EC directive:
– “Low Voltage Directives” (LVD) no. 73/23 EEC
– “Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive” (EMC) no.89/336 EEC
Interrupting ratings (RMS sym. kAmps) T2
Continuous Current Rating 100A
Number of Poles 3-4
The ABB Quality System complies with the international ISO
9001 - 2000 Standard (model for quality assurance in design,
development, construction, and installation and service) and
with the equivalent European EN ISO 9001 and Italian UNI EN
ISO 9001 Standards
3P Fixed Version 5.12H x 3.54W x 2.76D
65 150
35 65

Company Quality Systems and Environmental Systems
The new Tmax series has a hologram on the front, obtained
using special anti-imitation techniques, which guarantees the
quality and that the circuit breaker is an original ABB product.
Attention to protection of the environment and to health and
safety in the work place is another priority commitment for ABB
and, as confirmation of this, the company environmental management system has been certified by RINA in 1997, in conformity with the international ISO 14001 Standard. This certification has been integrated in 1999 with the Management System
for Health and Safety in the workplace, according to OHSAS
18001 (British Standards), obtaining one of the first certification
of integrated management System, QES (Quality, Environment,
Busbar connection or compression lugs
Pressure-type terminals for bare cables
Rear connections
Safety) issued by RINA. ABB - the first industry in the electromechanical section in Italy to obtain this recognition - thanks
to a revision of the production process with an eye to ecology
has been able to reduce the consumption of raw materials
and waste from processing by 20%. ABB’s commitment to
safeguarding the environment is also shown in a concrete
way by the Life Cycle Assessments of its products carried out
directly by the ABB Research and Development in collaboration with the ABB Research Center. Selection of materials,
processes and packing materials is made optimizing the true
environmental impact of the product, also foreseeing the possibility of its being recycled.
Trip Unit
TMF thermo magnetic trip units, with fixed thermal and magnetic threshold (I3 = 10 x In);
PR221DS electronic trip unit
Weight (Ibs)
Auxiliary Devices for Indication and Control
• Auxiliary contacts - AUX
• Undervoltage release - UVR
• Shunt trip - SOR
• Terminal covers
• Front for lever operating mechanism - FLD
• Direct rotary handle - RHD
• Solenoid operator
• Key lock - KLF
• Early auxiliary contact - AUE
• Transmitted rotary handle - RHE
• Front terminal for copper cable - FC Cu
• Front extended terminal - EF
• Front terminal for copper-aluminum - FC CuAl
• Front extended spread terminal - ES
• Rear orientated terminal - R
• Phase separators
• Residual current release (IEC Only)
Publication LV036
No. 1SXU 210 036 D0201
Printed in USA, November, 2005
ABB Inc.
1206 Hatton Road
Wichita Falls, TX 76302
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