Aastra Telecom CT9143i User Manual

9143i, 9480i, 9480i CT
and 5i Series Phones
Rev 00
Release Note
Release 2.3
Aastra Telecom will not accept liability for any damages and/or long distance charges, which result from unauthorized and/or unlawful use. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, Aastra Telecom will not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained within this documentation. The information contained in this documentation is subject to change without notice.
Copyright 2008 Aastra Telecom. www.aastratelecom.com
All Rights Reserved.
General Information ..................................................................................................................................2
Release Content Information ................................................................................................................2
Hardware Supported ............................................................................................................................. 2
Bootloader Requirements .....................................................................................................................2
Before you Upgrade .................................................................................................................................. 3
Please Read Before Upgrading the Phones to Release 2.3 ................................................................. 3
New Features in Release 2.3 .................................................................................................................... 4
Description ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Network Features ..................................................................................................................................7
Link Layer Discovery Protocol for Media Endpoint Devices (LLDP-MED) ...................................... 7
DHCP Options 159 and 160 for the Configuration Server ............................................................12
DHCP Option 12 Hostname for the Configuration Server ............................................................ 15
DHCP Option 77 User Class for the Configuration Server ........................................................... 18
Multiple DHCP Servers ................................................................................................................. 21
Security Features ................................................................................................................................22
Configuration File Encryption ....................................................................................................... 22
HTTPS Server Certificate Validation ............................................................................................. 23
XML Features ......................................................................................................................................29
XML Execute Commands for Playing a WAV File ........................................................................ 29
RTP Recording and Simultaneous Playing (not supported on 51i) .............................................. 31
Dialpad Passthrough for Objects .................................................................................................. 34
Non-Blocking Action URI .............................................................................................................. 35
New XML URI Variables ...............................................................................................................35
XML Web Applications Button ...................................................................................................... 35
XML Key Redirection ....................................................................................................................36
Options Key Redirection
(for Options Menu on all phones and Services Menu on 51i) ....................................................... 39
XML Applications and Off-Hook Interaction .................................................................................. 41
XML URI for Key Press Simulation ...............................................................................................42
Using XML Commands to Reset Local Data on the Phone .......................................................... 45
Action URI Disconnected Feature ................................................................................................46
User Interface Features ......................................................................................................................49
Preferred Line Focus Feature ....................................................................................................... 49
Dialpad Speeddial Supported on All Phones ................................................................................ 52
UTF- 8 Codec for Multi-National Language Support .................................................................... 55
Addition of New Timezone and Country Codes ............................................................................ 56
............................................................................................................................................................ 57
RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00 iii
Issues Resolved in Release 2.3 ..............................................................................................................63
Contacting Aastra Telecom Support ...................................................................................................... 65
SIP Features ....................................................................................................................................... 57
P-Asserted-Identity (PAI) Support in UPDATE message .............................................................. 57
DTMF Tones in Info Requests ......................................................................................................57
Ignore Out of Sequence Errors .....................................................................................................58
SIP BLA Expires Timer .................................................................................................................59
Troubleshooting Features ...................................................................................................................61
WatchDog Task Feature ...............................................................................................................61
iv RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00
Models 9143i, 9480i, 9480i CT

About this Document

This Release Note 2.3 provides new features for the 5i Series IP Phones (51i, 53i, 55i, 57i, and 57i CT), and the 9143i, 9480i, and 9480i CT IP Phones. It also includes the issues resolved since Release 2.2.1 of the IP Phones.
For more detailed information about features associated with each phone, and for information on how to use the phones, see your model-specific SIP IP Phone Installation Guide and the SIP IP
Phone User Guide. For detailed information about more advanced features, see the SIP IP Phone Administrator Guide.
SIP IP Phone
and 5i Series Phones
Release Note 2.3
Topics in this release note include:
General Information (release content, hardware supported, bootloader requirements)
New Features in Release 2.3
Issues Resolved in Release 2.3
Contacting Aastra Telecom Support
RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00 1
IP Phone Release Notes 2.3

General Information

General Information

Release Content Information

This document provides release content information on the Aastra 9143i, 9480i, 9480i CT and 5i Series SIP IP phone firmware.
Model Release Name Release Version Release Filename Release Date
51i Generic SIP FC-001126-02-REV00 July 2008
53i Generic SIP FC-001086-04-REV00 July 2008
55i Generic SIP FC-001087-03-REV00 July 2008
57i Generic SIP FC-001088-03-REV00 July 2008
57i CT Generic SIP FC-001089-03-REV00 July 2008
9143i Generic SIP FC-001092-02-REV00 July 2008
9480i Generic SIP FC-001097-02-REV00 July 2008
9480i CT Generic SIP FC-001101-02-REV00 July 2008

Hardware Supported

This release of firmware is compatible with the following Aastra IP portfolio products:
•57i CT
9480i CT

Bootloader Requirements

This release of firmware is compatible with the following Aastra IP portfolio product bootloader versions:
51i - Bootloader or higher
53i - Bootloader or higher
55i - Bootloader or higher
57i - Bootloader or higher
57i CT - Bootloader or higher
9143i - Bootloader or higher
9480i - Bootloader or higher
9480i CT - Bootloader or higher
2 RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00
SIP IP Phone Models 9143i, 9480i, 9480i CT and 5i Series Phones Release Note 2.3

Before you Upgrade

Please Read Before Upgrading the Phones to Release 2.3

Release 2.3 provides several new features for the Aastra IP Phones. However, before upgrading the phones in your network to Release 2.3, please read the following IMPORTANT information:
In Release 2.3, LLDP is enabled by default. If LLDP is enabled on your network, the phones may come up with different network settings. For more information about LLDP, see “Link Layer Discovery Protocol for Media Endpoint
Devices (LLDP-MED)” on page 7.
Release 2.3 includes support for DHCP Options 159 and 160. If the DHCP server supplies Options 159 and 160, the phones will attempt to contact the configuration server given in these options. For more information about Options 159 and 160, see “DHCP Options 159 and 160 for the Configuration Server” on page 12.
Release 2.3 provides HTTPS validation. If you are using HTTPS and the certificates are not valid or are not signed by Verisign, Thawte, or GeoTrust, the phones fail to download configuration files. For more information about HTTPS validation, see “HTTPS Server Certificate Validation” on page 23.
Before you Upgrade
Release 2.3 includes a Watchdog task feature. If the phone detects a failure (for example, a crash), the phone automatically reboots. For more information about Options 159 and 160, see “WatchDog Task Feature” on page 61.
Note: If you factory default a phone with Release 2.3 software, when the
phone reboots, it attempts to connect to rcs.aastra.com. There is no personal information transmitted from the phone and the phone continues to boot up as normal.
RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00 3
IP Phone Release Notes 2.3

New Features in Release 2.3

New Features in Release 2.3


This section provides the new features in SIP IP Phone Release 2.3. These new features apply to all of the 5i Series phones and the 9143i, 9480i, and 9480i CT phones, unless specifically stated otherwise. Each feature also specifies whether it affects the Administrator, the User, or both.
Feature Description
Network Features
Link Layer Discovery Protocol for Media Endpoint Devices (LLDP-MED)
(For Administrator)
DHCP Options 159 and 160 for the Configuration Server
(For Administrator)
DHCP Option 12 Hostname for the Configuration Server
(For Administrator)
DHCP Option 77 User Class for the Configuration Server
(For Administrator)
Multiple DHCP Servers
(For Administrator)
Security Features
Configuration File Encryption
(For Administrator)
HTTPS Server Certificate Validation
(For Administrator)
XML Features
XML Execute Commands for Playing a WAV File
The IP Phones support Link Layer Discovery Protocol for Media Endpoint Devices (LLDP-MED).
In addition to DHCP options 43 and 66 already supported on the IP Phones, Release 2.3 provides new DHCP Options 159 and 160.
The IP Phones support DHCP Option 12 that the phone automatically sends to the configuration server. This option specifies the hostname (name of the client).
The IP Phones support DHCP Option 77 User Class, that is sent in DHCP request packets from the phone to the configuration server. This Option 77 defines specific User Class identifiers to convey information about a phone’s software configuration or about its user's preferences.
In Release 2.3, the IP Phones can now receive messages from multiple DHCP servers.
Some vendors can have specific methods to encrypt files on their configuration servers. For each phone, the configuration server can generate a random hex string (encryption key) that is used to encrypt the phone’s MAC-specific configuration file.
The HTTPS client on the IP Phones now support the validation of HTTPS certificates.
The IP Phones now allow a WAV file to be played or stopped via XML Execute commands.
(For XML Developers)
RTP Recording and Simultaneous Playing (not supported on 51i)
(For XML Developers)
4 RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00
The IP Phones allow for RTP recording and simultaneous playing of an audio file via XML Execute commands.
SIP IP Phone Models 9143i, 9480i, 9480i CT and 5i Series Phones Release Note 2.3
Feature Description
New Features in Release 2.3
Dialpad Passthrough for Objects
(For XML Developers)
Non-Blocking Action URI
(For Administrator)
New XML URI Variables
(For Administrator and XML Developers)
XML Web Applications Button
(For Administrator and User)
XML Key Redirection
(For XML Developers)
Options Key Redirection (for Options Menu on all phones and Services Menu on 51i)
(For XML Developers)
XML Applications and Off-Hook Interaction
(For Administrator)
XML URI for Key Press Simulation
(For XML Developers)
Using XML Commands to Reset Local Data on the Phone
(For XML Developers)
Action URI Disconnected Feature
(For Administrator)
User Interface Features
Preferred Line Focus Feature
(For Administrator & User)
On the IP Phones, an XML Developer can now control digit passthrough while the phone is in the connected state using the “allowDTMF” attribute with the XML objects AastraIPPhoneTextScreen, AastraIPPhoneFormattedTextScreen, and AastraIPPhoneImageScreen.
The Action URI feature on the IP Phones is now enhanced to prevent the phone from hanging if the Action URIs should fail. Also, support for transparent, non-blocking, XML post execute item URI was added.
Action URIs on the phone support variables, which are replaced with their corresponding value when the URI is triggered. New XML variables have been added that can be used with an onhook Action URI, and allow for enhanced information in call records and billing applications:
The IP Phones now have a feature that allows a User or Administrator to access XML-based applications via a new pre-programmed softkey called, "WebApps".
The IP phones now allow the redirecting of phone-based hard keys to XML scripts.
The IP phones now allow the redirecting of the Options Key (Options Menu on all phones and Services Menu on the 51i) to an XML script.
In Release 2.3, a feature has been implemented that prevents the phone from going into the off-hook/dialing state when the handset is off-hook and the call ends.
Release 2.3 provides a feature that allows you to define XML Key URIs that can send key press events to the phone, just as if the physical hard key or softkey were pressed on the phone.
Release 2.3 provides new XML commands that allow you to delete and reset the phone’s directory, callers list, redial list, and the local.cfg file. You use these commands with the AastraIPPhoneExecute object.
A new parameter, “action uri disconnected” has been added to Release 2.3, that allows a disconnect event to occur when the phone transitions from any active state (outgoing, incoming, connected, or calling) to an idle state.
In previous releases of the IP Phones, after a call (incoming or outgoing), the phone would stay on the line that was used for that call. In Release 2.3, an Administrator or User can now define a preferred line as well as a preferred timeout.
RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00 5
IP Phone Release Notes 2.3
New Features in Release 2.3
Feature Description
Dialpad Speeddial Supported on All Phones
(For Administrator & User)
UTF- 8 Codec for Multi-National Language Support
(Applies to Administrator & User UIs)
Addition of New Timezone and Country Codes
(Administrator & User)
SIP Features
P-Asserted-Identity (PAI) Support in UPDATE message
(For Administrator)
DTMF Tones in Info Requests
(For Administrator)
Ignore Out of Sequence Errors
(For Administrator)
SIP BLA Expires Timer
(For Administrator)
Troubleshooting Features
WatchDog Task Feature
(For Administrator)
Previously, only the 51i IP Phone supported the dialpad speeddial feature. In Release 2.3, all the phones now support this feature. Using the IP Phone UI or the Aastra Web UI, an Administrator or User can create speeddial keys on the dialpad.
The IP Phones, expansion modules, and cordless handsets previously supported ISO 8859-1 (Latin1) language. The IP Phones and expansion modules now include support for ISO 8859-2 (Latin2) of multi-national languages when displaying and inputting in the IP Phone UI and the Aastra Web UI. Note: UTF-8 is not applicable to the Handsets for CT models.
Five new timezone and country codes have been added to the 2.3 Release.
In Release 2.3, the phones now support PAI header in the UPDATE message, according to draft-ietf-sipping-update-pai-00.
In Release 2.3, the phones now support decoding and playing out DTMF tones sent in SIP INFO requests.
In Release 2.3, you can configure the phone via the “sip accept out of order requests” parameter to ignore CSeq number errors on all SIP dialogs on the phone.
Release 2.3 now includes a SIP BLA subscription period parameter that allows an Administrator to set the BLA expiration timer for how long the phone waits to receive a BLA subscribe message from the server.
Release 2.3 provides a troubleshooting feature called the “WatchDog” task that monitors the status of the phones and provides the ability to get stack traces from the last time the phone failed. When the phone detects a failure (i.e., a crash), it automatically reboots.
The following paragraphs describe these features in more detail.
6 RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00

Network Features

Link Layer Discovery Protocol for Media Endpoint Devices (LLDP-MED)

In Release 2.3, the IP Phones support Link Layer Discovery Protocol for Media Endpoint Devices (LLDP-MED). LLDP-MED is designed to allow for things such as:
Auto-discovery of LAN policies (such as VLAN, Layer 2 Priority and Diffserv settings) leading to "plug and play" networking.
Extended and automated power management of Power over Ethernet endpoints.
Inventory management, allowing network administrators to track their network devices, and determine their characteristics (manufacturer, software and hardware versions, serial / asset number).
On the IP Phones, LLDP-MED performs the following:
Supports the MAC/PHY configuration (e.g. speed rate/duplex mode).
Supports VLAN info from the network policy; this takes precedence over manual settings.
Allows you to enable/disable LLDP-MED if required.
SIP IP Phone Models 9143i, 9480i, 9480i CT and 5i Series Phones Release Note 2.3
New Features in Release 2.3
Allows you to configure time interval between successive LLDP Data Unit (LLDPDU) frames.
Allows LLDP packets to be received from the LAN port and allows them to reach the PC Port.
Allows the phone to use the location information, Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) Emergency Location Identification Number (ELIN), sent by the switch, as a caller ID for making emergency calls.
Note: If the phone receives location information in ECN ELIN format
(10 to 25 numeric string), the phone replaces the caller ID SIP header with the ECN ELIN value and the SIP URI does not change. The phone determines if this is an emergency number by checking the emergency dial plan configured on the phone.
You can enable or disable the LLDP-MED on the IP Phones using the configuration files, the IP Phone UI or the Aastra Web UI.
RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00 7
IP Phone Release Notes 2.3
New Features in Release 2.3
Configuring LLDP-MED Using the Configuration Files
Use the following parameters to configure LLDP-MED on the IP Phones.
Parameter– lldp
(in Web UI)
Description Enables or disables Link Layer Discovery Protocol for Media Endpoint
Format Boolean
Default Value 1 (enabled)
Range 0 (disabled)
Example lldp: 0
lldp interval
LLDP Packet Interval
(in Web UI)
Description The amount of time, in seconds, between the transmission of LLDP Data
Format Integer
Default Value 30
Range 0 to 2147483647
Example lldp interval: 60
Configuration Files aastra.cfg, <mac>.cfg IP Phone UI Options->Administrator Menu->
Network Settings->Ethernet&VLAN-> LLDP Support
Aastra Web UI Advanced Settings->Network->
Advanced Network Settings
Devices (LLDP-MED) on the IP Phone.
1 (enabled)
Configuration Files aastra.cfg, <mac>.cfg Aastra Web UI Advanced Settings->Network->
Advanced Network Settings
Unit (LLDPDU) packets. The value of zero (0) disables this parameter.
Parameter– use lldp elin
(in Web UI)
Description Enables or disables the use of an Emergency Location Identification Number
Format Boolean
Default Value 1 (enabled)
Range 0 (disabled)
Example use lldp elin: 0
8 RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00
Configuration Files aastra.cfg, <mac>.cfg Aastra Web UI Basic Settings->Preferences->General
(ELIN) received from LLDP as a caller ID for emergency numbers.
1 (enabled)
SIP IP Phone Models 9143i, 9480i, 9480i CT and 5i Series Phones Release Note 2.3
Configuring LLDP-MED Using the IP Phone UI
Use the following procedure to enable/disable LLDP-MED using the IP Phone UI.
Note: You cannot configure the “LLDP Interval” or the “Use LLDP
ELIN” parameters via the IP Phone UI.
Aastra IP Phone UI
Step Action
1 Press Options, and then select Administrator Menu.
On the 51i:
Press Services, and then select Options->Administrator Menu.
2 Select Network Settings.
3 Select Ethernet & VLAN.
New Features in Release 2.3
4 Select LLDP Support.
5 Press CHANGE to toggle the LLDP setting to Enabled or Disabled.
This field enables or disables Link Layer Discovery Protocol for Media Endpoint Devices (LLDP-MED) on the IP Phone.
6 Press DONE to save the change.
RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00 9
IP Phone Release Notes 2.3
New Features in Release 2.3
Configuring LLDP-MED Using the Aastra Web UI
Use the following procedure to configure LLDP-MED using the Aastra Web UI:
Aastra Web UI
1 Click on Advanced Settings->Network->Advanced Network Settings.
LLDP Packet Interval
2 The “LLDP” field is enabled by default. To disable LLDP, click the check mark in the box to clear the check mark.
3 In the “LLDP Packet Interval” field, enter the time, in seconds, between the transmission of LLDP Data Unit
(LLDPDU) packets.
The value of zero (0) disables this parameter. Valid values are 0 to 2147483647. Default is 30.
4 Click to save your changes.
10 RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00
SIP IP Phone Models 9143i, 9480i, 9480i CT and 5i Series Phones Release Note 2.3
Aastra Web UI
5 Select Basic Settings->Preferences->General.
New Features in Release 2.3
6 The “Use LLDP ELIN” field is enabled by default. To disable LLDP ELIN, click the check mark in the box to clear
the check mark.
This field enables or disables the use of an Emergency Location Identification Number (ELIN) received from LLDP as a caller ID for emergency numbers.
7 Click to save your changes.
RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00 11
IP Phone Release Notes 2.3
New Features in Release 2.3

DHCP Options 159 and 160 for the Configuration Server

In addition to DHCP options 43 and 66 already supports on the IP Phones for setting the configuration server, Release 2.3 provides new DHCP Options 159 and 160. The IP Phones now use the following order of precedence when deriving the configuration server parameters: 43, 160, 159, 66.
In addition, an administrator can override this order of precedence by setting a configuration parameter called, dhcp config option override. You can set this parameter via the configuration files, IP Phone UI, or the Aastra Web UI. Setting this parameter results in the phone only using the chosen DHCP option and ignoring the other options
Warning: Administrators should review the updated IP phone DHCP
option precedence order and configuration options to avoid potential impact to existing Aastra IP phone deployments.
Configuring DHCP Option Override via the Configuration Files
Use the following parameter to configure DHCP option override on the IP Phones.
Parameter– dhcp config option override
DHCP Option Override
(in Web UI)
Description The value specified for this parameter overrides the precedence order for
Format Integer
Default Value 0 (None - no override - uses normal precedence order of
Range 0
Example dhcp config option override: 66
Configuration Files aastra.cfg, <mac>.cfg IP Phone UI Options->Administrator Menu->
Network Settings->DHCP Settings-> Option Override
Aastra Web UI Advanced Settings->Network->
Advanced Network Settings
determining a configuration server.
Note: You must restart the IP Phone for this parameter to take affect.
43, 160, 159, 66)
43 66 159 160
12 RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00
SIP IP Phone Models 9143i, 9480i, 9480i CT and 5i Series Phones Release Note 2.3
Configuring DHCP Option Override via the IP Phone UI
Use the following procedure to configure DHCP option override via the IP Phone UI.
Aastra IP Phone UI
Step Action
1 Press Options, and then select Administrator Menu.
On the 51i:
Press Services, and then select Options->Administrator Menu.
2Select Network Settings.
3Select DHCP Settings.
4Select Option Override. The following list displays:
New Features in Release 2.3
None (default) - no override - uses normal precedence order of
•Option 43
•Option 66
Option 159
Option 160
5 Choose an option that you want to use to override the DHCP normal precedence order, and press DONE.
6 Restart the phone for the selection to take affect.
43, 160, 159, 66.
RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00 13
IP Phone Release Notes 2.3
New Features in Release 2.3
Configuring DHCP Option Override via the Aastra Web UI
Use the following procedure to configure DHCP option override using the Aastra Web UI:
Aastra Web UI
1 Click on Advanced Settings->Network->Advanced Network Settings.
DHCP Options
2 In the “DHCP Option Override” field, select an option to use to override the normal precedence order. Valid values
•None (default) - no override - uses normal precedence order of
•Option 43
•Option 66
•Option 159
•Option 160
3 Click to save your changes.
4 Click on Operation->Reset, and restart the phone for the changes to take affect.
14 RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00
43, 160, 159, 66.
SIP IP Phone Models 9143i, 9480i, 9480i CT and 5i Series Phones Release Note 2.3
New Features in Release 2.3

DHCP Option 12 Hostname for the Configuration Server

Release 2.3 includes a new DHCP Option 12 that the phone automatically sends to the configuration server. This option specifies the hostname (name of the client). The name may or may not be qualified with the local domain name (based on RFC 2132). See RFC 1035 for character set restrictions.
1. The hostname of [<model><MAC address>] automatically populates the field on initial startup of the phone. For example, for a 53i, the “Hostname” field is automatically populated as “53i00085D164435”, where the model number is “53i” and the MAC address is “00085D164435”.
2. If the configuration server sends the hostname back to the phone in a DHCP Reply Packet, the hostname is ignored.
An Administrator can change the “Hostname” for the DHCP Option 12 via the configuration files, the IP Phone UI, and the Aastra Web UI.
Changing DHCP Option 12 Hostname via the Configuration Files
Use the following parameter to change the “hostname” for DHCP Option 12.
Parameter– hostname
(in Web UI)
Description Specifies the hostname DHCP Option 12 that the phone sends with the
Format String
Default Value [<model><MAC IP Address>]
Range Up to 64 alpha-numeric characters
Example hostname: aastra4
Configuration Files aastra.cfg, <mac>.cfg IP Phone UI Options->Administrator Menu->
Network Settings->Hostname
Aastra Web UI Advanced Settings->Network->
Basic Network Settings
DHCP Request packet.
Note: If you change this parameter, you must restart your phone for the change to take affect.
Note: The value for this parameter can also be a fully qualified domain name.
RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00 15
IP Phone Release Notes 2.3
New Features in Release 2.3
Changing DHCP Option 12 Hostname via the IP Phone UI
Use the following procedure to change the “hostname” for DHCP Option 12.
Aastra IP Phone UI
Step Action
1 Press Options, and then select Administrator Menu.
On the 51i:
Press Services, and then select Options->Administrator Menu.
2Select Network Settings.
3Select Hostname.
4 By default, the “Hostname” field is automatically populated with [<Model><MAC address>] of your phone (for
example, 53i00085D164435).
If you want to change the hostname, enter a hostname for your phone in the “Hostname” field, then press DONE. Valid values are up to 64 alpha-numeric characters. You can use a fully qualified domain name if required.
5 Restart the phone for the change to take affect.
16 RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00
SIP IP Phone Models 9143i, 9480i, 9480i CT and 5i Series Phones Release Note 2.3
Changing DHCP Option 12 Hostname via the Aastra Web UI
Use the following procedure to change the “hostname” for DHCP Option 12.
Aastra Web UI
1 Click on Advanced Settings->Network->Basic Network Settings.
New Features in Release 2.3
2 By default, the “Hostname” field is automatically populated with [<Model><MAC address>] of your phone (for
example, 53i00085D164435).
If you want to change the hostname, enter a hostname for your phone in the “Hostname” field. Valid values are up to 64 alpha-numeric characters. You can use a fully qualified domain name if required.
3 Click to save your changes.
Note: Changing the “Hostname” field requires a reboot of your phone.
4 Click on Operation->Reset, and click RESTART.
RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00 17
IP Phone Release Notes 2.3
New Features in Release 2.3

DHCP Option 77 User Class for the Configuration Server

Release 2.3 includes a new DHCP Option 77 User Class, that is sent in DHCP request packets from the phone to the configuration server. This Option 77 defines specific User Class identifiers to convey information about a phone’s software configuration or about its user's preferences. For example, you can use the User Class option to configure all phones in the Accounting Department with different user preferences than the phones in the Marketing Department. A DHCP server uses the User Class option to choose the address pool for which it allocates an address from, and/or to select any other configuration option.
1. If the User Class is not specified (left blank) in the DHCP request packet, the phone does not send the User Class DHCP Option 77.
2. Multiple User Classes inside a DHCP Option 77 are not supported.
3. DHCP Option 77 may affect the precedence of DHCP Options,
dependent on the DHCP Server.
An Administrator can configure the DHCP Option 77 User Class via the configuration files, the IP Phone UI, and the Aastra Web UI.
Configuring DHCP Option 77 User Class via the Configuration Files
Use the following parameter to configure the phone to use DHCP Option 77.
Parameter– dhcp userclass
DHCP User Class
(in Web UI)
Description Specifies the User Class DHCP Option 77 that the phone sends to the
Format String
Default Value ““
Range Up to 64 alpha-numeric characters
Example dhcp userclass: admin
Configuration Files aastra.cfg, <mac>.cfg IP Phone UI Options->Administrator Menu->
Network Settings->DHCP Settings-> DHCP User Class
Aastra Web UI Advanced Settings->Network->
Advanced Network Settings
configuration server with the DHCP Request packet.
Note: If you specify a value for this parameter, you must restart your phone for the change to take affect. Any change in its value during start-up results in an automatic reboot.
18 RN-001029-02, Release 2.3, Rev 00
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