3M eg3 User Manual

3M Occupational Health & Environmental Safety Division
3M™ The Edge Personal Noise Dosimeter
MODELS eg3 and eg4
The Edge
models eg4 and eg3
User Manual

i Table of Contents

Noise dosimeter ............................................................................................ 2
Range of sound ............................................................................................. 3
What do the standards say? ........................................................................... 3
Applications of the Edge ................................................................................ 4
Noise assessment steps ................................................................................. 5
The Edge Models ........................................................................................... 6
Virtual dosimeters 6
LED indicator................................................................................................. 8
Navigating 9
Diagram .......................................................................................................10
3MTMDetection Mangement Software (DMS) ................................. 11
Loading .......................................................................................................11
Docking station components .........................................................................12
EdgeDock1 or EdgeDock5 .............................................................................12
Powering EdgeDock1 or EdgeDock5...............................................................13
Charging your dosimeter ...............................................................................14
Mounting the docking station to a wall ...........................................................15
Storing the dosimeter ...................................................................................15
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Table of Contents
Summary data ..............................................................................................17
Time history 17
Definitions of data log values and views .........................................................19
Communicating & downloading data ..............................................................22
Dosimeter setting .........................................................................................24
Edge dosimeter settings 25
Display setting .............................................................................................26
Security setting ............................................................................................27
Auto Run setting ..........................................................................................28
Firmware update ..........................................................................................29
Saving and sending/setting configurations .....................................................30
Positioning the Edge on your shirt .................................................................32
Windscreen and maintenance ........................................................................32
Checking battery power ................................................................................33
Calibrating ...................................................................................................34
Resetting the dosimeter ................................................................................35
Setting contrast on dosimeter .......................................................................36
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Table of Contents
Starting a run ...............................................................................................37
Indicators/Icons on the display ......................................................................38
Locking or securing your dosimeter during run ...............................................39
Locking or Securing ......................................................................................40
Unlocking .....................................................................................................40
Downloading data ........................................................................................41
Viewing data and data finder page ................................................................43
Report View .................................................................................................44
Panel Layout View(charts/graphs) .................................................................45
Quick tips with panels (charts/graphs) 45
LED indicator: disable/enable .......................................................................46
Attaching/Detaching .....................................................................................47
Battery ........................................................................................................50
Temperature ................................................................................................50
Display ........................................................................................................50
Keypad ........................................................................................................50
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Table of Contents
Physical attributes of EdgeDock1 and EdgeDock5 ...........................................51
Types ..........................................................................................................52
Measurement parameters .............................................................................52
Communications ...........................................................................................53
Special functions ..........................................................................................53
Contacting 3M Quest Technologies ................................................................56
International customers ................................................................................56
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List of Figures

Figure 1-1: The Edge and dosimetry .................................................................................................. 1
Figure 1-2: Illustration of how the dosimeter operates and processes .................................................. 2
Figure 1-3: Parameter setup screen for eg4 ....................................................................................... 6
Figure 2-1: Identifying your equipment .............................................................................................. 7
Figure 2-2: Powered on with measurement view displayed .................................................................. 8
Figure 2-3: Edge Keypad .................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 2-4: EdgeDock1 .................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 2-5: Attaching the charger adapter with the plug adapter ........................................................ 12
Figure 2-6: Attaching charger adapter to EdgeDock1 and EdgeDock5 ................................................. 13
Figure 3-1: Edge setup and retrieve data buttons in DMS ................................................................... 16
Figure 3-2: Sample summary data from DMS reporting ...................................................................... 17
Figure 3-3: Sample time history data (or logged data) chart ............................................................... 17
Figure 3-4: Communicating - connecting a docked Edge to a pc ......................................................... 22
Figure 3-5: New Hardware wizard for Edge Dock ............................................................................... 23
Figure 3-6: Dosimeter screen ........................................................................................................... 24
Figure 3-7: Edge display screen ........................................................................................................ 26
Figure 3-8: Edge security setting ...................................................................................................... 27
Figure 3-9: Edge auto run screen ..................................................................................................... 28
Figure 3-10: Edge firmware update screen .......................................................................................... 29
Figure 3-11: Saving and sending Edge setups ..................................................................................... 30
Figure 4-1: Quick help list for running a study ................................................................................... 31
Figure 4-2: Positioning/Attaching the Edge ........................................................................................ 32
Figure 4-3: Battery indicators ........................................................................................................... 33
Figure 4-4: Calibrating ..................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 4-5: Splash screen ................................................................................................................. 35
Figure 4-6: Resetting the Edge from the keypad ................................................................................ 35
Figure 4-7: Changing the contrast from the keypad ........................................................................... 36
Figure 4-8: Display screen while running ........................................................................................... 37
Figure 4-9: Measurement view on the Edge ...................................................................................... 39
Figure 4-10: Locking/Securing run ...................................................................................................... 40
Figure 5-1: Communicating between your pc and the Edge ................................................................ 41
Figure 5-2: DMS start screen ............................................................................................................ 42
Figure 5-3: Downloading with the Edge models eg3/eg4 .................................................................... 42
Figure 5-4: Recent downloaded data ................................................................................................ 43
Figure 5-5: Data Finder page with the downloaded data .................................................................... 43
Figure 6-1: Microphone and windscreen assembly ............................................................................. 47
List of Tables
Table 2-1: LED indicators explained .................................................................................................. 9
Table 2-2: EdgeDock1 and EdgeDock5 components .......................................................................... 12
Table 3-1: Dosimeter views and definitions ...................................................................................... 19
Table 3-2: Dosimeter measurement descriptors/variants ................................................................... 21
Table 4-1: Indicators (i.e., run, stop, battery, and OL) ...................................................................... 38
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1 Dosimetry


Chapter 1: Introduction

Measuring noise in the workplace is an important element of hearing conservation programs and noise reduction programs. With a noise dosimeter, you can assess and determine
a worker’s daily exposure to noise levels. This
information can be used to ensure compliance with regulatory bodies or to ensure if hearing conservation programs are needed.
To get you started quickly with the Edge, the first chapter is dedicated to introducing basic noise dosimetry terms and information. The subsequent chapters will guide you through setting up the dosimeter, running studies, and assessing your results with easy to follow steps and illustrations.
Figure 1-1: The Edge and dosimetry
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Mic & Preamp
Range control (70-140dB)
Apply filters (A or C weighting)
Measurement results on the Edge
Fast/Slow Response
File storage system
Calculator Clock
QSPII – Manage setup and create graphs, charts and reports

Noise dosimeter

What is a noise dosimeter and how does it compute measurements? Essentially, a noise dosimeter is composed of the following: a microphone with a preamplifier, a weighted network, fast or slow response time, an internal clock, calculator, and memory to store logged data.
The illustration below is a diagram of a basic noise dosimeter. The microphone will, when exposed to a sound pressure, generate an electrical signal. The signal will be increased by a preamplifier, and then is regulated to an applicable level by the range control (dB range). The signal then goes through a filter set or weighting system. The next circuit is the response circuit, which controls the dampening of the readout. The response choices are typically Slow or Fast. Finally, the results will display on the dosimeter screen.
For computation and storage, the clock tracks the sampling time. Dosimeters record how long sound levels exceeded a set upper limit. The calculator computes an L-avg, a dose, a TWA, and other data. The memory stores all times, calculations, and measurements.
For post-processing, QSP-II is used to view and analyze your measurement results with the option to view and/or print reports.
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Figure 1-2: Illustration of how the dosimeter operates and processes

Range of sound

Sound pressure is measured in decibels, or tenths of a Bel. Sound pressure level is indicated as dB SPL. Since the human ear can detect sounds with an extensive range of amplitude, a decibel scale is used to simplify the measurement results. For example, the ratio between the threshold of hearing and threshold of pain in the human ear if measured in true energy is 10,000,000 times! The same range using the dB scale is 0 - 140 dB referenced to 20 µPa (Micropascals).
The quietest sound that humans can hear has an amplitude of approximately 0 dB. Prolonged exposure to sound pressure levels exceeding 85 dB can cause permanent damage to the ear. Sound levels in excess of 130 dB are more than the human ear can safely withstand and can result in serious pain and permanent damage.
Many organizations have studied and analyzed the effects of high sound exposure on hearing. As a result, standards were developed to regulate personal noise exposure. In the United States, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Mine and Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) have all created regulations and limitations on total permissible noise exposure. International standards are specified by the health and safety regulations such as the European Union (EU) Directive 2003/10/EC. Additionally, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) IEC-61252 has specific guidelines and regulations to monitor noise in the workplace.
To access these copyrighted standards, please refer to the following: OSHA - http://www.osha.gov MSHA- http://www.msha.gov NIOSH - http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/noise ACGIH - http://www.acgih.org/ IEC - http://www.iec.ch
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Time history: manufacturing
Peak Measurement: 121.20 dB

Applications of the Edge

The Edge has a cable-free, mounted microphone that converts sound pressure into an electrical signal. This signal is conditioned, monitored, and integrated over time in order to provide a host of automatically calculated values that can be used in occupational and environmental noise assessments. Programmable parameters permit the Edge to serve many applications. The Edge can be used in the following applications:
As a personal noise dosimeter - Used to measure a worker's
daily exposure to noise levels. This information can be used to ensure compliance with OSHA, MSHA, ACGIH, IEC, or your own customized parameter settings to determine if your workers are over-exposed to noise.
As a time-history monitor- Used to provide a worker's minute-by-
minute noise exposure levels. This data can help you identify major contributors to the average daily noise exposure.
As a survey monitor
1. Throughout a plant/facility – used to oversee noise levels
throughout an entire facility. You can identify machines and equipment which produce harmful noise levels.
2. Specific areas in a plant/facility- used to identify key areas
as “noisy” and implement noise control options. Employees
may be exposed to unacceptable noise levels.
As a peak dosimeter- Used to detect the highest level of
instantaneous sound pressure.
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1. Perform a task-based work flow analysis of unacceptable “noisy” areas and list
regulations/codes you will follow.
Observe facility/areas and jot down areas of concern Check with standards and noise ordinance regulations in your region/city.
See Chapter 1 for basic information on dosimetry and standards
3. Running your studies.
Calibrate dosimeter Attach the dosimeter Run, observe, and stop your studies Understand display indicators
See Chapter 4 “Running and operating the Edge”
4. View your results via QSP-II.
Working with Charts and Graphs Organizing and saving your studies
See Chapter 5 to view measurements with QuestSuite Professional II
5. Develop corrective actions.
Engineering: redesign tools, implement changes in workstation Administrative: job sharing/rotations, redefinition of job functions, reduce duration
operating tool/equipment, and/or implement medical surveillance
2. Setting-up your dosimeter parameters for your noise studies.
Customize measurement setup (i.e., criterion level, threshold, weighting,
exchange rate, etc.)
See chapter 2 for getting started with your dosimeter See Chapter 3 for customizing your set-up parameters See Chapter 6 for Noise study scenarios

Noise assessment steps

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The Edge Models
Quest Technologies offers two Edge models. The “eg4” model features two virtual dosimeters with data logging. Once the parameters are set and saved in the dosimeter, you can monitor two different dosimeters by a single press of the Enter button. This will toggle you between the two dosimeters. The “eg3” model is equipped with one dosimeter setting and will not data log.
Figure 1-3: Parameter setup screen for eg4
You can monitor and log noise studies by enabling two different parameter settings in one dosimeter, also referred to as “virtual dosimeters”. For instance, you may want to set one dosimeter to log using the OSHA HC (Occupational Safety and Health Administration - Hearing Conversation) parameters and also monitor noise with the OSHA PEL (Occupational Safety and Health Administration – Permissible Exposure Level) settings.
A few scenarios of virtual dosimeters include: Industrial noise control Hearing conservation compliance Work site assessments Personal noise verification Military applications Regulatory compliance (i.e., OSHA, MSHA, IEC, ACGIH)
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Checking the equipment

Edge models eg4/eg3
microphone and
windscreen attached
mounting clasps
USB cable- connects EdgeDock to the PC
**Universal charger adapter (Power supply cord for the docking station)
Extra windscreen for microphone
DMS software
Optional feature
The Edge Models

Getting started

This chapter is designed to guide you through basic information you will need to begin logging your studies.
If your instrument was sent to you in a storage case, you will want to remove all the packaging and acquaint yourself with the following equipment so you can quickly get started with your noise studies.
NOTE: Depending on the accessories you selected, the dosimeter may have the following components. For the docking stations, you will either have an EdgeDock1 or an EdgeDock5. (For more information on parts/accessories, please refer to
Figure 2-1: Identifying your equipment
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Turning on

View Displays measurement values, battery information, and calibration information

LED Indicator

Battery indicator icon
If icon is fully shaded, this indicates full battery power (approx.50+ hours)
LED indicator
1. To turn on the Edge, press the on/off and enter button.
The Edge splash screen (see Figure 2-3 for an example, page 10) will appear
indicating the model (i.e. “eg4” or “eg3”) and firmware version. The screen will be in the
measurement view.
Figure 2-2: Powered on with measurement view displayed
There is a three-color LED indicator on the Edge, located to the right of the 3M logo which includes Red, Amber, and Green.
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Turning off

The EDGE LED indicator
A flashing red LED indicates the dose has exceeded the alarm level.
A flashing amber LED indicates the dosimeter is stopped and has not exceeded the dose alarm level.
A flashing green LED indicates the dosimeter is running and has not exceeded the dose alarm level.
LED indicator
LED indicator
NOTE: The LED indicator can be disabled via DMS (see section, “Dose indicator LED
page 25).
Table 2-1 identifies when and why the LED indicator color will appear.
Table 2-1: LED indicators explained
Once the dosimeter is “Powered-On”, press the up/down arrows to navigate through the measurement values and battery run time.
1. Press and hold the on/off and enter button.
“3, 2, and 1” countdown will appear as the dosimeter is powered off.
NOTE: To halt the power off mode, simply let go of the on/off enter button.
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Display and keypad

Display (Splash screen shown)
View data and various indicators
Up Arrow
Used to scroll through
display/screen views
On/Off and Enter
Used to power On/Off the meter. Used to switch between (toggle)
dosimeter one and dosimeter two measurements and settings.
Down arrow
Used to scroll through
display/screen views
Run and Stop
Used to activate meter when running or
logging measurements.
Used to Stop your noise study.
LED indicator
Red – indicates dose exceeded the alarm level Amber – dosimeter stopped Green – dosimeter measuring
Windscreen and microphone


The keypad is used to run and stop your studies, view your measurement values, and power on and off the dosimeter.
The following diagram explains the features on the display and keypad.
Figure 2-3: Edge Keypad
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3MTMDetection Mangement Software (DMS)

Charging Indicator Power Indicator
Charge contacts Power connector USB connector


3MTM Detection Management Software (DMS) is a software application designed by 3M Quest that runs under the Windows operating system. You can use DMS for a variety of functions related to the Edge dosimeter and with many other 3M Quest instruments. DMS has the ability to customize your set-up parameters, display data, manipulate data, and create reports.
To load DMS, follow the screen prompts.
It will automatically load the drivers for the EdgeDock1 and/or EdgeDock5. If loading from the 3M detection Internet site, please follow the directions online located: www.3m.com/detection or www.quest-technologies.com.
Depending on the kit you purchased, you may have an EdgeDock1 and/or an EdgeDock5. Both are designed similarly with the same LED indicators. The main difference with the EdgeDock5 is that it has five bays for docking, charging, and/or managing the dosimeters. If desired, the EdgeDock5 will charge all docked instruments at one time.
The docking station serves a dual-purpose role:
1. It is used to charge the battery on the dosimeter(s).
2. It is used to communicate between the software (DMS) and the dosimeter (i.e., import, export settings and measurement files).
Figure 2-4: EdgeDock1
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Docking station functionality
Docking station
Charging indicator
Identifies if the dosimeter is “charging” or “fully charged”. A red blinking LED
indicates the dosimeter is charging. A solid green LED equates to a fully charged dosimeter. (Note the charging indicator is the first, or top, LED indicator.)
Power indicator
A red LED indicates the docking station is powered on.
Power connector
Attach the power connector cable to the docking station in order to charge the dosimeter(s).
USB connector
Attach the USB connector to communicate with the dosimeter(s).
Charge Contacts
Placing the dosimeter (s) onto the charge contacts allows charging and communication.
B. Slide plug adapter into the crevices of base
A. Charger adapter

Docking station components

The table below explains the EdgeDock1 or EdgeDock5 LED indicators, power connector, USB connector, and contact pins.
Table 2-2: EdgeDock1 and EdgeDock5 components
The EdgeDock1 and EdgeDock5 are powered by a 12-volt charger adapter.
Figure 2-5 illustrates the assembly of the charger adapter and the plug adapter. It slides into place by guiding it down the back cavity (opening) of the power supply.
NOTE: the example is a typical adapter which may be different than the one you are using.
Mechanically, it will function similarly.
Figure 2-5: Attaching the charger adapter with the plug adapter
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Docking station functionality
EdgeDock1 LED indicator
Amber indicates “ON”.
Charger adapter cord

Powering EdgeDock1 or EdgeDock5

Powering EdgeDock1 or EdgeDock5
1. Assemble the charger adapter and plug adapter as illustrated in Figure 2-5. (It will be the
same process for an EdgeDock5.)
2. Plug the charger adapter directly into the wall (electrical wall plate).
3. Plug the opposite end into the power connector (or jack) of the EdgeDock1.
NOTE: a light, solid red light will appear indicating power to the charger.
Figure 2-6: Attaching charger adapter to EdgeDock1 and EdgeDock5
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Docking station functionality
Open cavity & contacts
Slides into “Hook” of EdgeDock. The contacts will align to each other.
Docking station LED
Hook Contacts
Backside of Edge
Dosimeter LED dock
3 Docked

Charging your dosimeter

The number of hours you have used your dosimeter from your last charge will impact your total
charge time. For example, if the battery clock indicator (see “Checking the battery power” for
more information) displays 20 hours remaining on the battery and you wish to charge the battery, the approximate charging time is 2 hours.
To charge a fully discharged battery, allow approximately 4 to 4.5 hours of charge time.
How to charge
1. Plug in the power adapter to the EdgeDock. (See Figure 2-6, page 13.) When powered on, the EdgeDock bottom LED indicator will appear solid amber.
2. Slide the Edge (1) downward onto the Hook of the EdgeDock. (See Figure 2-7 below).
NOTE: When the dosimeter is docked, the top LED indicator on the base will be
illuminated. A red flashing LED indicates it is charging. A green solid LED indicates a fully charged battery.
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Figure 2-7: Docking the Edge with a single and 5-bay docks
Docking station functionality
Screw slots Used to mount to a wall

Mounting the docking station to a wall

The docking station is equipped with two single screw slots in case you wish to mount the docking station to the wall. The figure below displays the backside of the single bay dock.
Figure 2-8: Backside of EdgeDock1
To preserve the life of the battery, it is suggested that the dosimeter is turned off when you are storing the dosimeter.
Additionally, if the dosimeter is docked and stored on the docking station when it is powered off, it will still draw a small amount of battery power from the dosimeter. Thus, it is recommended to store the dosimeter(s) separately from the docking station.
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Understanding what data is stored

Noise Dosimeters
Edge model
Select to access the acoustic family
Download panel

Noise studies

Chapter 3:Setting-up the Edge via DMS

The eg4 model comes equipped with two customizable user setups. The eg3 model has one customizable user setup. You have the option to customize the parameters for threshold values, exchange rate values, an upper limit value, and a criterion level.
This chapter explains data storage, the pre-set views on the dosimeter, and how to customize the parameters and display of your Edge via DMS. It concludes with an explanation of downloading data from the dosimeter to the software.
Figure 3-1: Edge setup and retrieve data buttons in DMS
When you are running noise dosimetry studies, there are two types of data stored on the dosimeter which include the summary data and time history (or Logged) data.
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Understanding what data is stored

Summary data

Summary data represents values that occurred over the entire run of the study. For an average value, such as Lavg, it represents the average decibel value over the entire run time. Peak and Max values are the highest measurements that occurred throughout the run time.
Figure 3-2: Sample summary data from DMS reporting
Time history data is also referred as “logged data” which plots measurement values in
minute by minute intervals.
Time History data represents values that occurred over the most recent time period, which is the logging interval. For example, if the log interval is 1 minute, then the Peak value is the highest Peak value for that 1 minute, and the Lavg value is the average dB value for that 1 minute.
Figure 3-3: Sample time history data (or logged data) chart
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