3M™ Easy Trap
Sweep and Dust Sheets
Don’t be
fooled by
3M™ Easy Trap™ Sweep and
Dust Sheets trap up to 800%
more dirt, dust and sand than
at fringed cotton dust mops
and the professional version
of a common household
sweeping dust cloth brand.

power that
can’t be beat.
Cleaning doesn’t have to be complicated. 3M™ Easy
Trap™ Sweep and Dust Sheets deliver consistently
superb results with less manual eort than competitive
tacky dusting sheets.
• Pick up — don’t just move — hair. 3M Easy Trap
Sweep and Dust Sheets not only collect loose hair
and fur, they trap it using a light adhesive so it doesn’t
just land in another location. Great for use in hotel
rooms, salons and veterinary clinics.
• Prep floors before you refinish. Use the sheets
just before applying oor nish to avoid trapping
dust, debris and hair that can ruin the appearance of
your floors.
• Trap hard-to-collect debris. 3M Easy Trap Sweep
and Dust Sheets pick up challenging debris, like glitter
in classrooms, or sutures in operating rooms, even in
wet conditions.
• Enjoy the big game. Pick up tiny pieces of dust from
gym oors before it retires to the soles of players shoes.
Ideal before, during and after games.
• Make a good first impression. Use dust sheets on
hard-to-dust hotel surfaces like bed linens to reduce
the likelihood of guests nding hair that belongs to
someone else.
No other tack y dispo sabl e dusti ng sheet beat s the pic k-up power of 3 M Easy Trap Swe ep and Dust
Sheets as tested under normal use conditions.
Product Shown: 23” 3M™ Easy Trap™ Flip Holder
with A-clamp attachment.