3M Dynapro ET 3200 Guide

Software Guide for Windows XP and Windows 2000
For ET 3200 Series Computers

About this guide

This document provides instructions to help get your 3M Dynapro ET 3200 series computer up and running as quickly as possible with driver software for Windows XP and Windows 2000 operating systems.
This document explains how to:
Customize tou ch responses and othe r software settin gs to suit your application.
Download a TouchSurroundTM button definition file.
Create and change TouchSurround buttons.
Copy a TouchSurround button definition file to other computers.
Set a backlights saver with a special “safe touch” feature.
There ar e also app endices with:
A list of virtual keys for defining TouchSurround buttons.
Troublesho oting guideline s.
Instructions on how to install and uninstall driver software.

Customizing touch responses

Touch responses can be configured using the following tools.
Beep on Touch
Double touch settings (Double Touch Speed, Timed Double Touch Delay)
Drag and Drop
1. To change any of these settings you must open the
Configuration Utility dialog box. Depending on your computer’s operating system, from the Windows desktop, select:
For Windows XP operating system:
Start » All Programs » Touch » Configurati on.
or For Windows 2000 operating system:
Start » Programs » Touch » Configuration.
The Configuration Utilitie s dialog box appears.
If your ET 3200 series computer was shipped with softwar e drivers for Windows XP/2000, you can ignore the appendix on installing/uninstalling drivers.
3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information
2. In the Configuration Utilities di alog box, select
Software Guid e for Windows XP and Windows 2000
The Display dial og box appears.
3. Follow the instru ctions below for the touch response
setting(s) (Beep on Touch, Double Touch sett ings, Drag and Drop) that you wish to change. Changes to touch response settings are saved immediately.
4. When all desired change s are made to touch response
settings, select
OK to exit the Display dialog box.

Beep on Touch

Select the Beep on Touch chec k box to have the computer beep on each touch. It is useful to have Beep on Touch enabled while setting other configuration options.

Double touch settings

The touch screen can d etect a double t ouch. A do uble t ouch has the same effect as the double click of a mouse.
There are two double touch features:

Double Touch Speed

Timed Double Touch

Doubl e Touch Speed
The Double Touch Speed slider allows you to adjust the time betwee n t wo touc hes tha t will b e ac cepte d as a dou ble touch (instead of be ing read as two separate touches).
To set Double Touch Speed:
1. Touch the screen twic e quickly (on the Test Box or
another icon), as if you were double-clic ki ng a mouse.
2. Adjust the Double Touch Speed slider as desired
between Slow (minimum) and Fast ( maxim um).
If Double Touch Speed is set at Slow (minimum ), what you intend to be two separate touches may be recog nized as a double touch.
If Double Touch Speed is set at Fast (maximum), it may be difficult to generate a double touch. In other words, two or more successive touches may be recognized as a single touch.
3. To test a new setting, double touch the Test Box at
your preferred double touch speed.
If the face in the Test Box changes (either from ‘sad’ to ‘happy’ or from ‘ha ppy’ to ‘sad’), the test is successful.
If the fa ce does n’ t cha nge, adj us t th e s li der a nd tr y double touching the Test Box again. Repeat the procedure of a djus tin g and te sti ng un til you ha ve a successful test.
Timed Do ubl e Touch
This allows you to ge nerate a double touch effect with a single touch.
To set Timed Double Touch, follow these steps:
1. If it is not already sele cted, select the
check box.
Timed Double
2. Touch the Test Box and hold your touch there. When
the fa ce in the Test Bo x changes (either from ‘sad’ t o ‘happy’ or from ‘happy’ to ‘sad’), the double touch has been generated.
(With Beep on Touch enabl ed, you can choose an interval bet ween touches by listening for an initial beep followed by a second beep.)
3. Move the Ti med Double Touch Delay slider between
Short and Long to decrease or increase the time between the initial touch and the generation of a double touch.
3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information
If you position the slider at Short (minimum delay), it takes about 0.2 seconds to generate a double touch.
If you position the slider at Long (maximum delay), it takes about tw o seconds to generate a doubl e touch.
3M DynaproTM ET 3200 Series Computers
2. Make your desired changes to Interface set tings for:

Right Mouse Button

Stream Mode
Information on each Interface setting appe ars below
4. Adjust and test the setting until the time between
touches is right for your application.

Drag & Dr op

Selecting t he Drag & Drop check box al lows you to select an object on the scre en, drag i t, and t hen — by relea sing the
touch — drop it at a new location on the screen.
For optimal performance, do not choose Drag & Drop unless your application requi res it.

Changing controller interface settings

To change controller int erface set tings, follow these steps:
1. In the Configuration Utilitie s dialog box, select
The Interface dialog box appears.
The COM port is not configurable.
3. Changes to Interface settings are saved immediately.
When you are finished making changes, select
OK to
exit the Interf ac e dialog box.

Right mouse button functions

With right mouse button functions enabled, you can display th e same menu by t ouch that wou ld appear by right­clicking a mouse.
Right mouse button func tions can be achieved by using one of two tools:
Right Mouse Button (set in the Interface dialog box). This is enable d by defa ult.
Event Selector
If you regularly need ri ght mouse button functionality, the Right Mouse Butt on is the most eff icie nt to ol. Howeve r, if you need right mouse button functions only occasionally, you might prefer to use a tool called the Event Selector.
Right Mouse Button
To use the Ri g h t M o us e Bu t to n , fol l ow th e se s t ep s:
1. In the Interface dialog box, select the
check box.
2. Touch an object on the screen to select it. Leave your
finger there.
3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information
Right Mouse
Software Guid e for Windows XP and Windows 2000
3. Using another finger, brie fly touch the screen
diagonally opposite the first touch. The right-mouse menu appears

Event Selector

The Event Sele ctor is a n icon that can reside on the deskt op and allow the user to ch ange a single touch from a left mouse button func tion (the def ault) to a right mouse but ton function.
To use the Ev en t Selector , fol lo w th e se s te p s:
1. Depending on your computer’s operati ng system,
from the Windows desktop, select: For Windows XP oper a ting sy s tem:
Start » All Programs » Touch » Event Selector.
or For Windows 2000 operating system:
Start » Programs » Touch » Event Selector.
2. The Event Sele ctor wind ow open s with t he lef t mous e
button (the default) selected.
4. Select an obje ct to which you want to apply a right
mouse button funct ion. As soon as you make one selection with the Event
Selector set for a right mouse button event, the Event Selector will toggle back to the left mouse button function.

Stream Mode

Stream Mode, which is ena bled by default, helps ensure that the host co m pu ter is im m e di at ely inf or med whe n a touch is withdrawn. This feature is especiall y desirable for applications where safety is a concern (e.g., industrial settings).
Stream Mode compensa tes for any possible “nois e” between the touch s creen controller and the computer by sending three “untouch” messages as soon as a touch is withdrawn and then sending regular subsequent untouch mess a ges until th e next to u c h occur s.


Use the Sensitivi ty Configurati on dialog box to adjust how readily a t ouch is detect ed by the touch s creen. The higher the setting, the mor e sensitive is the screen .
A very high setting is useful when the user is wearing heavy gloves. A lower setting is useful when an ungloved finger is used.
To adjust Sens itivity, follow these steps:
1. From the Interface dialog box, select the
button. The Sensitivity Configuration dialog box appears.
3. To turn on right mouse butt on function, select the
right button on the mouse icon. The right mouse button will be selected and the left mouse button will not be.
3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information
2. To reduce sensitivity, press the left arrow. To inc rease
sensitivity , press the right arrow.
If you save sensiti vity at “Low”, the l owest setting, an error message may appear after the unit is powered down and powered up again (or after the unit is restarted). If such a message does appear, the error box may be closed and the ‘error’ message ignored.
3M DynaproTM ET 3200 Series Computers
3. T o che ck a new touch screen sensiti vit y sett ing, se lect
the T est butto n. Note: It may tak e up t o 10 seconds f or a change of sensitivity to take effect.
4. Adjust and test until you are satisfied with the
sensitivity setting .
5. To save sensit ivity changes, select
Interface dia log box and then select
OK to return to the
OK to return to
the Configuration Utilities dialog box.

Cursor setting

If an appli cati on requi res that t he cu rsor/po int er not app ear on the display , it can be hidden.
Before setti ng the cur sor to Bla nk , be sure th at your application does not require the regular use of a mouse. A blank cu rsor will make it very difficult to use a mouse.
The cursor choice made in the Select Cursor Scheme dialog box affects all programs running on the host computer.
To set a Blan k cursor, follow these steps:
1. From the Configuration Utiliti es dialog box, select
The Select Cursor Schem e dia log box appears.
TouchSurroundTM buttons
This section includes :
An overview of TouchSurrou nd and how to use a graphic underla y in configuring touch-sensitive buttons.
Steps for downloadi ng a button definition file.
Steps for creating and changing TouchSurround buttons.

TouchSurround overview

The TouchSurround is the area surrounding the di sp lay area of a touch screen. The TouchSurround can be configured with touch-sensitive buttons to perform keyboard and other functions.
Display area
2. To hide the cursor, select
3. Select
OK (or Apply) to save settings.
To help set up TouchSurround buttons, ther e is a graphic underlay beneath the touch screen of an ET 3200 series computer.
Your graphic underla y will be one of the following:
A standard TouchSurround under lay supplied by
3M Touch System s. The driver software for Windows XP and Windows 2000 comes with pre­defined buttons for the standard underlay. (The illustra tion above i s an example of a standard unde rlay for the 3M Dynapro ET 3250 Computer.)
A custom underlay fr om 3M Touch System s. If you
have a custom und erl ay from 3M To uch Sy stems, you probably did not receive a button definition file to match your underlay . You will need to set your own button d efinitions. For instructions on how to set your own button defin iti ons, see “Creating a bu tto n” belo w.
3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information
A custom underlay designed by you or another vendor
will no t co me with p re-defi ned butto ns unles s
you originally ordered a 3M Touch Systems graphic underlay with your uni t. For instruction s on how to set your own button definitions, see “Creating a button” below.

Downloading TouchSurroundTM button definition files

TouchSurround button definition files are included with the Windows XP/2000 driver software. There is a button definition file for each model of the ET 3200 series computers.
To save the butto n definiti on fil e for use wi th your ET 3200 series computer:
1. Find the button definition registry file on the floppy
disk that came with your uni t. Pick the registry file that has a name similar to you r computer.
Registry files for ET 3200 series computers are:
3210LN.reg (for ET 3210 “Long” computer)
3210SN.reg (for ET 3210 “Short” computer)
3250.reg (for ET 3250 computer)
3250MD.reg (for ET 3250 computer with moisture deflector.
Software Guid e for Windows XP and Windows 2000

Creating a button


To create a new TouchSurr ound but ton, fol low thes e steps :
1. Name the new button and define its press and/or
releas e ac ti o n s .
2. Align the new button on the touch screen.
3. Review and, if necess ary, edit the definition.
Important If you do not need to create new TouchSurround buttons, but want to change the definition of an existing button, refer to “Step 3: Checking and editing a button” on page 9.

Step 1: Naming and defining a button

1. From the Configuration Utilities dialog box, sele ct TouchSurround.
The TouchSurround Button Definitions dialog box appears.
Be sure t o choos e th e corr ect re gist ry fi le for your E T 3200 ser ies computer. Registry files are not interchangeable (e.g., a registry file fo r an E T 3210 c omp ut er wil l n ot f u nct i on p r op erl y wi t h an ET 3250 computer).
2. Double-click on the button definition registry file
appropriate for your computer. A dialog box appears to ch eck that you want to copy
the button definition file to your computer’s registry.
3. Select
Yes. A dialog box appears confirming that the
button definition file was copied successfully.
4. Select
5. Select
OK. OK in the TouchSurround Button Definitions
dialog box to save the downloaded button defi nition file.
3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information
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