3M Dynapro 355 Guide

MicroTouchTM Projected Capacitive

Near Field ImagingTM (“NFI”)

Software User’s Guide for Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, Windows 95, Windows 3.1, and MS-DOS

Read and understand all safety information before installing and using this product.

3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information



Important notice to purchaser

FCC compliance



This manual is © 3M 2003. All rights reserved.

Reproduction of the contents of this copyrighted manual in whole or in part, by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without written permission of 3M Touch Systems, a subsidiary of 3M, is prohibited.

Given the variety of factors that can affect the use and performance of a 3M Touch Systems Product (the “Product”), including that solid state equipment has operation characteristics different from electromechanical equipment, some of which factors are uniquely within User’s knowledge and control, it is essential that User evaluate the 3M Touch Systems Product and software to determine whether it is suitable for User’s particular purpose and suitable for User’s method of application. 3M Touch Systems’ statements, engineering/technical information, and recommendations are provided for User’s convenience, but their accuracy or completeness is not warranted. 3M Touch Systems products and software are not specifically designed for use in medical devices as defined by United States federal law. 3M Touch Systems products and software should not be used in such applications without 3M Touch Systems’ express written consent. User should contact its sales representative if User’s opportunity involves a medical device application.

Specifications are subject to change without notice. These 3M Touch Systems’ Products and software are warranted to meet their published specifications from the date of shipment and for the period stated in the specification. 3M Touch

Systems makes no additional warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

User is responsible for determining whether the 3M Touch Systems Products and software are fit for User’s particular purpose and suitable for its method of production, including intellectual property liability for User's application. If the Product, software or software media is proven not to have met 3M Touch Systems’ warranty, then 3M Touch Systems’ sole obligation and User’s and Purchaser’s exclusive remedy, will be, at 3M Touch Systems’ option, to repair or replace that Product quantity or software media or to refund its purchase price. 3M Touch Systems has no obligation under 3M Touch Systems’ warranty for any Product, software or software media that has been modified or damaged through misuse, accident, neglect, or subsequent manufacturing operations or assemblies by anyone other than 3M Touch Systems. 3M Touch Systems shall not be liable in any action against it in any way related to the Products or software for any loss or damages, whether non-specified direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential (including downtime, loss of profits or goodwill) regardless of the legal theory asserted.

Any modifications or changes to this Product not expressly approved in writing by the manufacturer responsible for compliance to Federal Regulations could void the user’s authority to operate this Product within the Laws and Regulations of the Federal Communications Commission.

January 2003

Document Number: 14115 (Rev. 2.0)

MicroTouch, Near Field Imaging and TouchSurround are trademarks of 3M.

Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 98, Windows 95, Windows 3.1, MS-DOS, are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Logitech is a trademark of Logitech, Inc.

3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information


Before You Start

About the manual and 3M Touch Systems...................


Chapter 1

Installing and setting up the software ..........................



Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, Windows 95........................................



Windows 3.1...........................................................................................





Chapter 2

Customizing the software ..............................................



Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, and Windows 95 operating systems ...



Windows 3.1 operating system ............................................................



MS-DOS operating system...................................................................


Chapter 3

Configuring TouchSurround features: Windows NT 4.0,


Windows 98, and Windows 95 .....................................



Aligning the TouchSurround underlay.................................................



Customizing touch responses in the TouchSurround area ...................



Adding TouchSurround buttons ...........................................................



Fixing overlapping buttons...................................................................



Reviewing button definitions ...............................................................



Editing and deleting button definitions ................................................



Copying custom button definitions to multiple computers ..................


Chapter 4

Configuring TouchSurround features: Windows 3.1. 33


Aligning the TouchSurround underlay.................................................



Adding TouchSurround buttons ...........................................................



Reviewing button definitions ...............................................................



Editing and deleting button definitions ................................................


Chapter 5

Configuring TouchSurround features: MS-DOS ........



What is the TouchSurround underlay?.................................................



Aligning the TouchSurround underlay.................................................



Customizing touch responses in the TouchSurround area ...................



Adding TouchSurround buttons ...........................................................



Creating the button identifier ...............................................................



Defining the button’s coordinates ........................................................



Defining button activation....................................................................



Defining button action..........................................................................



Button commands.................................................................................






Saving the button definition file ...........................................................



Loading button definitions from a file .................................................



Reviewing TouchSurround button definitions .....................................


3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information


MicroTouchTM Near Field ImagingTM (NFI) Integration Guide

Editing a TouchSurround button ..........................................................


Deleting a TouchSurround button ........................................................


Changing the maximum number of TouchSurround buttons...............


Appendix A Troubleshooting............................................................


Software error messages.......................................................................


Questions & answers ............................................................................


Uninstalling and re-setting the software...............................................


Appendix B Button commands and strings for TouchSurround


underlay ........................................................................


Button commands.................................................................................




3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information



About the manual and 3M Touch


Who the manual is for

This manual is for:

Original equipment manufacturers

Value-added resellers

System integrators who are responsible for positioning, installing, or maintaining MicroTouchTM Projected Capacitive Near Field ImagingTM (NFI) touch screen systems

How the manual is organized

Here is a quick tour of the contents of each chapter:

Chapter 1: Installing and setting up

This chapter will help you to start the NFI installation and setup utility. Once you have finished performing the utility’s step-by-step on-screen instructions, you will have:

Installed and initialized the touch screen software

Aligned the touch screen


If you are satisfied with the default touch screen settings that are in effect after installing and setting up the software, you do not need to refer to Chapter 2. If your touch screen does not have a TouchSurround underlay, you do not need to refer to Chapter 3, Chapter 4, or Chapter 5.

3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information


MicroTouchTM Near Field ImagingTM (NFI) Software User’s Guide

Chapter 2: Customizing the software

After installing the software, you may want to customize it to suit your application and/or the preferences of users. This chapter explains how to set:

Touch screen responses

Communication parameters of the NFI controller

Touch emulation of right-mouse button settings

Chapters 3, 4, and 5: Configuring the TouchSurroundTM underlay and button settings

These chapters describe how to configure TouchSurround features (e.g., aligning the TouchSurround underlay and adding, defining, and deleting TouchSurround buttons).

You do not need to refer to these chapters if your touch screen does not have a

TouchSurround underlay.

Appendix A

Appendix A has troubleshooting information on:

Strategies for solving software issues.

Answers to frequently asked questions.

How to un-install the software.

How to re-set the software (baseline, linearization file, and alignment of the touch screen) without having to un-install and re-install the software.

Appendix B

Appendix B explains how to add a command or string when defining a

TouchSurround button.


Refer to this list of terms while using this manual.

This term

Refers to



Alignment tool

A stylus that is used to align the touch screen and define


TouchSurround buttons.



Display area

The part of the touch screen that is positioned over the product’s


display. Touches in the display area emulate the movements and


actions of a mouse.



Near Field

A proprietary touch screen technology that generates the profile of


a touch from changes in the electrostatic field close to the point of





Touch screen

The front surface of the NFI touch screen, comprising the display


area and the TouchSurround area (for touch screens with the


TouchSurround feature).




The area on the front of the touch screen, not including the display


area. The TouchSurround area allows you to use part of the touch


screen to define keys, such as the ones on a keyboard.



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Before You Start About the manual and 3M Touch Systems





This term

Refers to






A graphic that illustrates the TouchSurroundTM area (for touch



screens that have the TouchSurround feature). An underlay can be



fitted in your product a number of different ways, including behind



the touch screen. You must define buttons and controls for your own



underlays if you choose to use the TouchSurround feature.




About 3M Touch Systems

Contacting your regional touch specialist

To find the name of your 3M Touch Systems sales representative, refer to contact information on the website: www.3Mtouch.com.

3M Touch Systems Support Services

3M Touch Systems provides extensive support services through our website and technical support organization. Visit the 3M Touch Systems website at www.3Mtouch.com , where you can download touch screen software and drivers, obtain regularly updated technical documentation on 3M Touch Systems products, and learn more about our company.

Whenever you contact Technical Support, please provide the following information:

Part number and serial number

Current driver version

Operating system used

Information on peripherals

Technical Support is available Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. US Eastern Standard Time – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. throughout Europe. Limited call back service Saturdays and Sundays.

You can contact 3M Touch Systems Technical Support (US only -- Eastern

Standard Time) by calling the hot line or sending a fax.

Technical Support Hot Line: 978-659-9200

Technical Support Fax: 978-659-9400

Toll Free: 1-866-407-6666

Email: US-TS-techsupport@mmm.com

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MicroTouchTM Near Field ImagingTM (NFI) Software User’s Guide

3M Touch Systems Worldwide Offices

All offices can be reached through the website: www.3Mtouch.com.


Telephone number





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61-395-82 4799












45 13 90 30











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+822 552 3198










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3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information



Installing and setting up the software

About this chapter

To install the NFI touch screen software on your system, follow the instructions in this chapter that match your operating system. The instructions in this chapter pertain to the following operating systems:

Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, and Windows 95

Windows 3.1


If you are running your NFI touch screen with an operating system other than one of these, check for other software instructions on www.3Mtouch.com.


If you change the orientation of the NFI components (touch screen, controller or tail) the baseline will need to be retaken following the instructions provided in this chapter.

Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, Windows 95

To install and set up the touch screen software for Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, or Windows 95 operating systems, follow these steps:

1.From www.3Mtouch.com, download the NFI original equipment manufacturer (OEM) drivers for 4.0/9X/3.1/MS-DOS to a folder you create on your hard drive (e.g., c:\NFI).

2.Close all open Windows programs.

3.Unzip the downloaded file into a folder. Find SETUP.EXE in the folder, and then run (double-click) SETUP.EXE.

4.Follow the on-screen instructions to install the software.

5.When installation is finished, restart the computer.

6.After restart, the NFI Setup dialog box appears. Follow the on-screen prompts to initialize the touch screen and set the baseline.

After initializing the touch screen, a baseline dialog box will prompt you to set the baseline. Select continue in this dialogue box. Ensure nothing is touching the touch screen or bezel assembly when the baseline is set.

3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information


MicroTouchTM Near Field ImagingTM (NFI) Software User’s Guide

7.The setup dialog box will prompt you to download your touch screen’s linearization file

Note: If you cannot find the floppy disk with the linearization file, you can download the linearization file from www.3Mtouch.com. You will need to enter the serial number for the NFI touch screen which appears on the touch screen tail.

8.To align the touch screen open the NFI Setup and Diagnostic Utility dialog box, select Configuration » Alignment. In the Alignment dialog box, select Alignment.

9.Be sure you are directly in front of the touch screen. Use a finger or alignment tool to align the touch screen. An alignment tool produces a more accurate alignment.

10.Test the alignment by moving the pointer around the screen with your finger. If it is satisfactory, select OK. Otherwise select Alignment and complete the procedure again.

11.The touch screen is set up. If you do not need to customize the software or set up TouchSurroundTM buttons, then you should not need to consult any other chapters in this manual.

Windows 3.1

To install and set up the touch screen software for the Windows 3.1 operating system, follow these steps:

1.From www.3Mtouch.com, download the NFI original equipment manufacturer (OEM) drivers for Windows NT 4.0/9X/3.1/MS-DOS to a folder you create on your hard drive (e.g., c:\NFI).

2.Close all open Windows programs.

Note: To install the Windows 3.1 driver, MS-DOS must be the operating system. Do not run the software from an MS-DOS session with Windows 3.1.

3.Unzip the downloaded file, find the \Win31 folder in the folder you created, locate INSTALL.EXE in the \Win31 folder, and then run (double-click) INSTALL.EXE.

3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information


Chapter 1: Installing and setting up the software

4.When installation is finished, restart the computer.

5.After restart, follow the on-screen instructions to install the linearization file and set the baseline.

6.Enter the path name to the linearization file that shipped with your touch screen on floppy disk. When the name of your linearization file is requested, make sure that the floppy disk that came with your touch screen is in your floppy drive and than type A:\<filename> and then press Enter, where <filename> is the name of the linearization file on the disk.

Note: If you cannot find the floppy disk with the linearization file, you can download the linearization file from www.3Mtouch.com. You will need to enter the serial number for the NFI touch screen which appears on the touch screen tail.

7.Follow the remaining on-screen instructions to set the baseline and download the linearization file. Ensure nothing is touching the touch screen or bezel assembly when the baseline is set.

8.To align the touch screen open the Windows Program Manager » Main group » Control Panel » Touch Screen. Make sure you are directly in front of the touch screen before starting alignment.

9.In the Touch Screen dialog box, select the Calibration button.

Note: Use a finger or alignment tool to align the touch screen. An alignment tool produces a more accurate alignment. Follow the remaining on-screen instructions to finish aligning the touch screen.

10.Test the alignment by moving the pointer around the screen with your finger. If satisfactory, select OK. Otherwise, complete the procedure again.


To install and set up the touch screen software for the MS-DOS operating system, follow these steps:

1.From www.3Mtouch.com, download the NFI original equipment manufacturer (OEM) drivers for Windows NT 4.0/9X/3.1/MS-DOS to a folder you create on your hard drive (e.g., c:\NFI).

2.Unzip the downloaded file, find the \DOS folder in the folder you created, locate INSTALL.EXE in the \DOS folder, and then run INSTALL.EXE.

3.Follow the on-screen instructions. When installation is finished, an Install Successful window appears.

4.After restart, follow the on-screen instructions to install the linearization file and set the baseline.

5.Enter the path name to the linearization file that shipped with your touch screen on floppy disk. When the name of your linearization file is requested, make sure that the floppy disk that came with your touch screen is in your floppy drive and than type A:\<filename> and then press Enter, where <filename> is the name of the linearization file on the disk.

Note: If you cannot find the floppy disk with the linearization file, you can download the linearization file from www.3Mtouch.com. You will need to enter the serial number for the NFI touch screen which appears on the touch screen tail.

3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information


MicroTouchTM Near Field ImagingTM (NFI) Software User’s Guide

6.Follow the remaining on-screen instructions to finish setting the baseline and loading the linearization file. Ensure nothing is touching the touch screen or bezel assembly when the baseline is set.

7.To align the touch screen, make sure you are directly in front of the touch screen before starting alignment.

8.Follow the on-screen instructions to align the touch screen. Use a finger or alignment tool to align the touch screen. An alignment tool produces a more accurate alignment.

9.If you wish to re-align the touch screen, make sure you are directly in front of the touch screen before starting alignment. At the MS-DOS prompt, type ECAL and then press Enter.

3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information



Customizing the software

About this chapter

During set up of the touch screen (Chapter 1), the performance of the touch screen was optimized. If you are satisfied with these default settings, you can skip this chapter.

This chapter explains how to:

Start the NFI touch screen software.

Customize touch responses.

Customize communication parameters of the NFI controller.

Achieve right-mouse button emulation by touching the screen (Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, and Windows 95 only).

Operate a mouse and the touch screen at the same time.

The instructions in this chapter pertain to the following operating systems:

Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, and Windows 95

Windows 3.1


If you are running your NFI touch screen with an operating system other than one of these, check for other software instructions on www.3Mtouch.com.

Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, and Windows 95 operating systems

Starting the software

To start the software, do one of the following:

From the Windows operating system desktop, select Start » Programs » Touch Screen Utilities » Configuration.

In the NFI Setup and Diagnostic Utility dialog box, select Configuration.

The Configuration Utilities dialog box appears.

3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information


3M Dynapro 355 Guide

MicroTouchTM Near Field ImagingTM (NFI) Software User’s Guide

Align the touch screen before using it. See Chapter 1.

Customize touch responses.

Configure the

TouchSurroundTM area and define the TouchSurround buttons. See Chapter 3, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5.

Change controller communication

parameters or sensitivity.

Customizing touch responses

Use the Display Area Configuration dialog box to adjust the touch responses of the touch screen. This step is necessary only if you want to change the default settings for the touch screen.

1.In the Configuration Utilities dialog box, select Display.

Select the Test Box after adjusting the Double Touch Speed or Timed Double Touch sliders. The Test Box changes color when you successfully touch it.

2.Configure the options below.

3.After you’ve configured the settings, select OK to save them or touch Cancel to discard the changes and revert to the previous settings.

3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information


Chapter 2: Customizing the software

Double Touch Speed and Timed Double Touch

The NFI touch screen can detect a double touch, which is the same as doubleclicking the mouse. To generate two separate touches, touch the screen twice slowly.

To use the double touch feature do one of the following:

Touch the touch screen twice quickly as if you were double-clicking the mouse. This is the default option.

Use the Double Touch Speed slider to increase or decrease the time the touch screen allows between touches.

If you increase the speed too much, it may become difficult to generate a double touch; the touches will instead be recognized as two separate touches.

If you decrease the speed too much, what you intend to be two separate touches might instead be recognized as a double touch.

Touch the touch screen and hold it. To use this option, adjust the Timed Double Touch slider.

Use the Timed Double Touch slider to increase or decrease the time the touch screen waits before acknowledging a double touch.

If you increase the slider to Long, it takes about two seconds to generate a double touch.

If you decrease the slider to just off None, it takes about 0.2 seconds.

A timed double touch is generated on the initial touch only, not after dragging.

Beep on Touch

Select this option to have the computer beep on each first touch.

Drag and Drop

Check this box if you want the pointer to follow your finger around the screen until you release it. This allows you to select an object on the screen, drag it across the screen to a new location, and then drop it in its new position by releasing the touch.


For optimal performance, do not choose drag and drop unless your application requires it.

3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information


MicroTouchTM Near Field ImagingTM (NFI) Software User’s Guide

Changing the controller communications parameters

Use the Interface Configuration Options dialog box to change the communications parameters needed to communicate with the NFI touch screen controller.

This step is necessary only if you want to change the communication settings you selected during installation.

1.In the Configuration Utilities dialog box, select Interface.

Change the sensitivity of the touch screen.

2.Configure the options below.

3.After you’ve configured the settings, select OK to save them or select Cancel to discard the changes and revert to the previous settings.

COM Port

Sets the serial communication port. Selecting a port automatically fills the Interrupt and Address boxes with the default values for the port. To use custom combinations, select the Interrupt and Address individually.


Sets the interrupt request number used by the NFI touch screen controller to interrupt the operating system. If you are using a standard COM port, you should need to use only the default values in the Interrupt box.


Sets the I/O base address used by the touch screen controller. If you are using a standard COM port, you should need to use only the default values in the Address box.


Use the Sensitivity Configuration dialog box to change the touch sensitivity of the NFI touch screen.

This step is necessary only if you want to change the default sensitivity settings of the touch screen to allow for the way you’re touching the screen (finger, gloves, alignment tool), the mounting of the touch screen, and the surrounding environment.

3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information


Chapter 2: Customizing the software

Use the Sensitivity slider to increase or decrease the sensitivity of the touch screen.

If you increase the sensitivity to High, the touch screen is very sensitive and touches may be detected before the finger actually touches the screen. This setting is useful when wearing heavy or thick gloves.

If you decrease the sensitivity to Low, the touch screen is not as responsive but it’s also less likely to detect false touches. This setting is useful when using an alignment tool or a finger without gloves.

To adjust the Sensitivity slider:

1.In the Interface Configuration Options dialog box, select Sensitivity.

2.In the Sensitivity Configuration dialog box, adjust the slider to the desired setting (Table A).

After you adjust the Sensitivity

slider, select the Test button.

3.Select Test to confirm the settings for the Sensitivity slider.

4.Follow the on-screen instructions.

5.After you’ve configured the setting, select OK to save it or select Cancel to discard the change and revert to the previous setting.

Table A: Recommended sensitivity settings

Method of touching the screen

Recommended setting



Bare finger/latex glove

1 or higher



Alignment tool

2 or higher



Cloth glove

3 or higher



Leather glove

3 or higher



Rubber glove

4 or higher



3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information


MicroTouchTM Near Field ImagingTM (NFI) Software User’s Guide

Using right-mouse button support

You can open the same menu that would appear if you clicked an object with the right-mouse button.

To open an object’s menu:

1.Touch an object to select it. Leave your finger there.

2.Using another finger, touch the screen briefly diagonally opposite the first touch, to open the right-mouse menu.

While holding your index finger on the screen, use your middle finger to touch the screen diagonally opposite the first touch.

Note: The second touch won’t register if it is in the same horizontal or vertical plane as the first touch.

Operating a mouse and touch screen at the same time

The touch screen driver supports concurrent mouse and touch screen operation.

This allows you to use both a mouse and the touch screen.

Windows NT 4.0

Windows 98, Windows 95

To use a mouse and touch screen at the same time, install the mouse driver and then the touch screen driver. Windows NT 4.0 leaves the previous mouse driver active when the new one is installed. The next time you start Windows NT 4.0, both touch screen and mouse should operate.

Disabling the mouse driver

When you install the mouse driver, it will always be active, even if you install a different type of mouse driver later. If you unplug the mouse from your computer and restart Windows NT 4.0, the mouse driver will fail to load, resulting in an error message.

To disable the mouse driver:

1.Open the Device dialog box in the Control Panel.

2.Highlight the entry for the mouse driver.

3.Choose Startup to change its startup state to disabled.

The touch screen driver supports concurrent mouse and touch screen operation in Windows 95 and Windows 98.

To install a mouse driver:

1.Connect a mouse to your computer.

2.Select the Windows Start button » Settings » Control Panel.

3.Select Add New Hardware.

4.Select Yes, to have the Wizard detect new hardware for you. Do not select No to install a mouse driver manually.

5.Follow the on-screen instructions to install the mouse.

Once the mouse has been detected and the appropriate mouse driver installed, the mouse will operate at the same time as the touch screen.

If the Wizard does not detect your mouse, you cannot use it at the same time as the touch screen. You must use a mouse that Windows 98 or Windows 95 detects automatically, such as one by Microsoft or Logitech.

3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information


Chapter 2: Customizing the software

Windows 3.1 operating system

Starting the software

To start the software, do the following:

In the Windows Program Manager, select Main Group » Control Panel » Touch


The Touch Screen dialog box appears.

Define TouchSurroundTM buttons (see, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5).

Align the touch screen (using Calibration button) before using the touch screen (see Chapter 2).

Customizing touch responses

Use the Touch Screen dialog box to change the touch screen characteristics.

1.Complete the options as described below.

2.After you have configured the following options, select OK to save the settings.

To return all parameters to their last configured values, select the Cancel button.

The Cancel button does not undo any alignment that was performed from the

Alignment button.

Double Touch Sensitivity

The NFI touch screen can detect a double touch, which is the same as doubleclicking the mouse. To generate two separate touches, touch the screen twice slowly.

Touch the touch screen twice quickly as if you were double-clicking the mouse.

This is the default option.

Use the Double Touch Sensitivity slider to increase or decrease the time the touch screen allows between touches.

If you increase the speed too much, it may become difficult to generate a double touch; the touches will instead be recognized as two separate touches.

If you decrease the speed too much, what you intend to be two separate touches might instead be recognized as a double touch.

3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information


MicroTouchTM Near Field ImagingTM (NFI) Software User’s Guide

Autorepeat Rate

This setting is only for the TouchSurroundTM underlay.

Use the slider to set the autorepeat rate for buttons on the touch screen. If you set the rate to Fast, holding a touch will produce rapid repeat events. If you set the rate to Slow, the same touch will generate fewer repeat events in the same length of time.

Autorepeat affects only events generated by button presses. It does not affect events generated by button releases.

Autorepeat Delay

This setting is only for the TouchSurround underlay.

Use the slider to set the time required for a touch to be held before autorepeat mode begins. A Short delay means you don’t need to hold a touch very long before autorepeat touches are generated. A Long delay means that you must hold a touch longer to begin generating autorepeat touches.

Enable Surround Alignment

Select this check box to align the TouchSurround underlay (see “Aligning the

TouchSurround underlay” on page 33).

Enable Drag and Drop

Check this box if you want the pointer to follow your finger around the screen until you release it. This allows you to select an object on the screen, drag it across the screen to a new location, and then drop it in its new position by releasing the touch.


For optimal performance, do not choose dragand drop unless your application requires it.

Enable Touch Beeps

Select this option to have the computer beep on each first touch.

Button Selector Window

Use the Button Selector Window to select either rightor left-mouse button click emulation in response to a touch. When enabled, this window appears displaying the picture of a mouse. The active button, left or right, is highlighted in black.

When you select this window, the pointer does not appear inside the window, but remains in its last position. This reminds you where you were last touching. The Button Selector window appears on top of other windows.

To enable this window, select the Enabled box. The Position (Pos) and Size fields display the current position and size of the Button Selector window.

Changing the communications parameters

To change the installation settings, including sensitivity, see “Changing the communications parameters” on page 20.

3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information


Chapter 2: Customizing the software

Operating a mouse and touch screen at the same time

The touch screen driver supports concurrent mouse and touch screen operation in

Windows 3.1, windowed MS-DOS sessions, and full-screen MS-DOS sessions.

To use the touch screen and mouse at the same time:

1.From Program Manager, select the Notepad icon.

2.On the file menu, select Open.

3.Open autoexec.bat.

4.Move the line containing the mouse driver before the line containing emouse.com.

5.On the File menu, select Save.

6.Restart your computer.

Be sure to connect the mouse before starting your computer, so the driver can detect the mouse when it loads.

MS-DOS operating system

Aligning the touch screen

Before you can use the touch screen, you must use the NFI Setup and Diagnostic Utility dialog box to initialize and align the screen. Alignment orients and aligns the touch screen with the video display (see “MS-DOS” on page 7).

Customizing the touch screen

For most applications the default touch screen configuration is appropriate. To change the configuration, use the options in the emouse utility.

The emouse utility (emouse.com) allows the touch screen’s display area to react to finger touches as if they were the movements of a pointer driven by a singlebutton mouse. This means you can use off-the-shelf programs that require a Microsoft-compatible mouse.

To view the options, at the MS-DOS prompt, type EMOUSE /?, and then press

Enter. For details about the TouchSurround underlay, see Chapter 5 “Configuring

TouchSurround features: MS-DOS”.

You can configure the

to support this feature



Display area




TouchSurround area





Autorepeat Holdoff (Delay)




Autorepeat Interval



Display area and the TouchSurround area





Touch event processing



3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information


MicroTouchTM Near Field ImagingTM (NFI) Software User’s Guide

During installation of the touch screen drivers and utilities, the autoexec.bat file is modified to include the following line:


This line loads the emouse.com program into memory, where it stays resident.


Do not remove this line from the autoexec.bat file, or you will not be able to use the touch screen with your MS-DOS applications

If you start applications from the autoexec.bat file, ensure that the emouse.com appears before you start any applications.

To configure the TouchSurroundTM area or display area for all sessions:

1.Use a text editor (such as edit.exe) to open the autoexec.bat file.

2.Add one or more of the parameters shown in Table B to the emouse.com command.

3.Save the changes.

4.Restart your computer so the changes will take effect.

Example of an autoexec.bat file


Include spaces as shown in this example.

In this example, emouse.com:

turns off touch event beeps ( /BEEP=OFF)

sets the touch event interval to 3 ( /INT=3)

sets the sensitivity of the touch screen to 4 ( /SENS=4)

uses button definitions from C:\TOUCH\DOS\MYFILE.DEF ( /DEFINE=C:\TOUCH\DOS\MYFILE.DEF)

To change the TouchSurround area or display area settings for the current MS-

DOS session only:

1.At the MS-DOS prompt, type EMOUSE <options>

where <options> is one or more of the configuration options shown in Table B.

2. Press Enter

3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information


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