a 3M company
DuoFLO Filter Systems
Filter Cartridge Benefits...
...Filter Bag Economy
Easily retrofits standard
bag filter housings
Provides up to 4 times or
more life than conventional
bag filters
Eliminates filter media rupture,
contaminant by-pass and
Simplifies filter installation,
removal,and disposal
Reduces hold-up volume by
up to 67% or more

The CUNO DuoFLO filter system is an advanced proven alternative to the use of standard bag filters. Developed
using CUNO's extensive depth filtration experience, the DuoFLO filter features a true graded-porosity media
structure and a 62 % increase in filter surface area. Compared to conventional felt filter bags, DuoFLO filters
up to 4 times or more the service life
superior contaminant removal efficiency
enhanced flow per filter element
reduced loses associated with frequent filter change-outs (production
downtime, disposal, and labor costs)
The DuoFLO filter will easily retrofit most existing bag filter housings. To
take advantage of the DuoFLO system in applications where bag filter
housings are currently in use, simply remove the existing bag support
basket, replace it with a DuoFLO support basket, and insert the DuoFLO
filter. For new installations, CUNO offers a full line of DuoFLO filter
housings (page 5).
The DuoFLO element is comprised of two cylinders bonded to a top plate and a
lower seal plate. As shown in Figure 1, the fluid enters the top of the filter
through flow channels located in the DuoFLO filter top plate. The fluid flows
between the inner and outer media cylinders, and then passes through the media
and support basket into the clean chamber of the filter housing.
Top P lat e
Flow Channels
The DuoFLO design incorporates an innovative new geometry of both filter
element and restrainer basket which provides 100% 3 dimensional support of
the DuoFLO media. This eliminates the potential for filter element rupture and
the resulting gross contamination of the downstream effluent with previously
Inner Media
Outer Media
removed particles. The design of the DuoFLO element also reduces filter
element hold-up fluid volume by 67% compared to conventional bags,
minimizing worker exposure to process fluids.
Filter design combining a
graded-porosity media with 62%
greater filter surface area
Hold-up volume reduced by
67% compared to conventional
bag filters.
100%, downstream support of
the filter element
Superior flow characteristics
Longer Service Life – up to 4 times or more that of conventional felt filter bags
Reduced Filter Usage - minimizes product loss, labor, disposal costs, and operator exposure
Increased productivity - less down time for filter change-out
Reduced product loss & related disposal costs
Used element retains less fluid, making it lighter weight for easier removal
Eliminates displacement balloons and associated spillage during change-out
Eliminates filter rupture, contaminant bypass and unloading
Allows operation to higher differential pressures before filter change-out
Maximizes utilization of filter surface area and maintains low operating pressure drop
Reduces flow per unit area (flux) for improved effluent quality
Lower Seal
CUNO utilizes state-of-the-art technology to produce the DuoFLO filter element optimizing both performance and
filtrate quality to ensure customer satisfaction. DuoFLO filter elements are sized to replace conventional # 1and # 2
bag filters and are available in both polypropylene and polyester materials (including 21 CFR listed materials) with
nominal ratings from 1 to 200 micron.

The DuoFLO filter design provides an increase in filter
surface area of 62% when compared to commonly used
#1 and #2 bag filters. This additional surface area
provides the following benefits
Lower flux (flow rate per unit area): Since filter
life is inversely proportional to flux, reducing the
flux by 50% can achieve up to a three-fold
increase in filter life. Additionally, lower flux
improves the retention efficiency of the element.
Lower initial pressure drop: This increases the
time before the recommended change-out
pressure is reached
DuoFLO filters are offered in a graded porosity filter
media where two media layers of different porosities are
combined. The result is superior contaminant holding
capacity. The added capacity is achieved by removing
the larger contaminants in the first layer and the finer
contaminants in the tighter, downstream layer (see
Figure 2). The configurations of each nominally rated
filter media have been optimized to achieve the longest
service life. Media Migration is eliminated by thermally
bonding the exterior surface of the downstream media
Extensive testing, supported by field results,
has demonstrated the superior life advantage
achieved by DuoFLO elements while obtaining
superior efficiencies. As shown in Graph 1,
DuoFLO elements provide for up to 4 times the
throughput compared to equivalently rated
conventional bag filters (the life of the filters
were measured to the same terminal differential
Throughput (Percent)
1 micron 5 micron 10 micron 25 micron
CUNO DuoFLO Elements
Competitor F
* Polypropylene media
Competitor FEX
Competitor H
Competitor HEX

DuoFLO Filter Elements
Simple Filter Removal - Simply
insert the CUNO removal tool
into the top plate and lift the
filter from the housing.
Easy Filter Installation -.The
DuoFLO filter element is a rigid
cylinder that easily slides into
the support basket
Graded Porosity Media DuoFLO media consists of
2 layers. The first layer or
upstream zone is “open” to
remove the larger contaminant
while the downstream zone is
“tighter” to remove the smaller
contaminant. This design
provides greater contaminant
holding capacity and longer life
than conventional single layer
Reduced Hold-Up Volume A 67% reduction in hold-up
volume significantly decreases
lost product and disposal costs.
Superior Sealing Collar Constructed from molded
polypropylene or polyester
with an advanced sealing
lip that provides a dynamic
spring-like seal, the DuoFLO
design eliminates
contaminant bypass.
Size Hold-Up Volume (gallons)
#2 DuoFLO 1.4
#2 Standard bag
Support Basket - Full Support
of the filter element ensures
filter integrity even under the
most demanding conditions by
eliminating the potential for
media stretching which can
open the pore structure and
allow larger particles to pass.
Increased Surface Area -The
unique design provides 62%
more area than typical bag filters
for longer life and fewer filter
Size Filter Area (ft )
#2 DuoFLO 6.7
#2 Standard Bags 4.1
Singed Media Surface - Many
filter bags release fibers that end
up in the filtered product. The
DuoFLO filter media is thermally
treated to eliminate loose fibers.
The unique DuoFLO element design - 62% greater area and a unique
graded-porosity media structure - provides a service life advantage of up to
4 times greater than conventional filter bags. Other features
media treatment, thermal seaming, ultrasonic bonding
ensure that the
DuoFLO filter is unsurpassed in quality and performance.
Thermal Side Seam - Using
advanced thermal sealing
processes, the DuoFLO seam
eliminates the problem of
contaminants passing through
large needle holes.
Integral Media to Plate Seal an integral seal between the
plastic components and the
filter media is ensured by using
state-of-the-art ultrasonic welding
(sealing collar
of plastic parts to media)