3Com S26x, S27x, S24x User Manual

PathBuilder™ S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch
Installation Manual
1998 3Com Corporation 5400 Bayfront Plaza Santa Clara, CA 95052-8145 (408) 326-5000 All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Portions reprinted with the permission of Motorola, Inc.

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Notice (continued)

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This document is for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice.
Part No. T0004, Rev. F First Printing October 1998
Manual is current for Release 5.2M.


Chapter 1. About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch
Applications .................................................................................................. 1-3
Features and Protocols .................................................................................. 1-7
Hardware Components ................................................................................. 1-8
Enclosure .................................................................................................. 1-11
Motherboard ............................................................................................. 1-12
Back Panel ................................................................................................ 1-16
TI Dual Port Digital PBX Interface Card ................................................. 1-17
E1 Dual Port Digital PBX Interface Card ................................................ 1-20
DSPM/SM Card ....................................................................................... 1-23
DSPM Card with Analog E&M Interface ................................................ 1-26
Setting Jumpers for DSPM Card with Analog E&M Interface ................ 1-29
DSPM Card with FXS Analog Interface .................................................. 1-32
DSPM Host Card with FXO Analog Interface ........................................ 1-35
-48V Ringer/Power Supply Card and Enclosure ..................................... 1-38
10BaseT Transceiver ................................................................................ 1-41
Radio Frequency Interference Regulations .................................................. 1-42
Telecommunications Regulations ................................................................. 1-43
FCC and Telephone Company Procedures and Requirements ..................... 1-45
FCC Information .......................................................................................... 1-46
Chapter 2. Preparation and Unpacking
Before Installing Your PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch .................. 2-2
Unpacking ..................................................................................................... 2-4
The PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Rackmount Kit ...................... 2-5
Installing the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch in an Equipment Rack 2-8
Chapter 3. PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Hardware Installation
Setting DIP Switches .................................................................................... 3-3
Installing the DSU DIM ............................................................................... 3-4
Configuring the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch for DSU Operation 3-7
DSU Input and Output Signaling ................................................................. 3-8
Troubleshooting DSU Installation ................................................................ 3-11
Installing DIMs ............................................................................................. 3-12
Installing SIMMs .......................................................................................... 3-14
Installing I/O Cards ...................................................................................... 3-16
Installing a T1 or E1 Dual Port Digital PBX Interface Card ........................ 3-17
Installing the T1/CSU Daughter Card ...................................................... 3-19
Cabling the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch ................................... 3-22
Installing the Transceiver ............................................................................. 3-23
Power-Up Diagnostics/Verification .............................................................. 3-24
Installing Software Options .......................................................................... 3-26
Full Mesh Cluster Cabling ............................................................................ 3-27
Contents (continued)
Chapter 4. Maintenance
Removing/Replacing Top Cover .................................................................. 4-3
Removing/Replacing Front Panel Cover ...................................................... 4-5
Removing/Replacing Power Supply ............................................................. 4-7
Removing/Replacing PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Cards .......... 4-9
Replacing PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Motherboard ................ 4-12
Removing/Replacing the Lithium Battery .................................................... 4-14
Chapter 5. Channelized Data
Application Example .................................................................................... 5-2
Configuring Channelized Data ..................................................................... 5-3
Configuring T1 and E1 Physical Ports ..................................................... 5-5
T1 Port Parameters .......................................................................... ......... 5-7
E1 Port Parameters .......................................................................... ......... 5-13
Configuring Virtual Ports on the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch 5-18
Configuring Virtual Port Mapping Table ................................................. 5-20
Appendix A. Cables
Ethernet Cable Pinouts ................................................................................. A-6
Appendix B. PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Specifications
Appendix C. PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Error Codes
Appendix D. Technical Support
About This Manual
Introduction This manual describes features, hardware, specifications, and applications for the
3Com PathBuilder S24x, 26x and 27x switch.
Audience This manual is intended for operators of the 3Com PathBuilder S24x, 26x and 27x
How to Use This Manual
The following table describes the contents of this manual.
This Chapter... Describes:
Chapter 1 PathBuilder S24x, 26x and 27x switch hardware and
software features, and FCC and Telephone Company procedures and requirements.
Chapter 2 Setting up a PathBuilder S24x, 26x and 27x switch,
including site preparation, how to unpack the unit, and installation procedures.
Chapter 3 Installing the hardware on the PathBuilder S24x, 26x
and 27x switch, powerup and verification, and installa­tion of software options.
Chapter 4 Maintaining the PathBuilder S24x, 26x and 27x switch
including replacement of cards and motherboa rd.
Chapter 5 Channelized Data option for the PathBuilder S24x, 26x
and 27x switch. Appendix A Cable pinouts for Ethernet. Appendix B Product specifications. Appendix C Error Codes Appendix D Technical Support
Special Notices The following notices emphasize certain information in the manual. Each serves a
special purpose and is displayed in the format shown:
Caution provides you with information that, if not followed, can result in damage to software, hardware, or data.
Mise en Garde
Une mise en garde vous fournit des informations qui, si elles ne sont pas observées, peuvent se traduire par des dommages pour le logiciel, le matériel ou les données.
About This Manual (continued)
Ein Vorsichtshinweis macht Sie darauf aufmerksam, daß Nichtbefolgung zu Software-, Hardware- oder Datenschäden führen kann.
Warning is the most serious notice, indicating that you can be physically hurt.
Un avertissement constitue le message le plus sérieux, indiquant que vous pouvez subir des blessures corporelles.
Eine Warnung ist der ernsthafteste Hinweis auf Körperverletzungsgefahr.
Trademarks PathBuilder is a trademark of 3Com Corporation.
Chapter 1
About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch
What is the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch?
The PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch is a multi-protocol LAN/WAN PathBuilder S200 series switch featuring a high-speed processor and coprocessor coupled with 12 Mbytes of on-board memory (standard). Designed to address the needs of large branch offices with higher throughput needs and regional concentration sites, the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch is available in rack­mount configurations.
The PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch’s high performance capabilities are
uniquely matched to branch applications with high traffic requirements. As a regional concentr ator , the PathBuild er S24x, 26x, a nd 27x switch accepts t raffi c
from many branch loc ation s into a single site and tran sfers t he traf fic to ot her devi ces at the regional or central site.
The PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch supports both Frame Relay and X.25.
About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch 1-1
Meshed Cluster Application Support
A unique feature of the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch is its ability to support full meshed cluster applications. This functionality provides host site resiliency, port count extension, and multiple LAN connectivity.
Examples of how the featu res of th e PathBuild er S24x, 26x, a nd 27x swi tch f uncti on
in specific applications can be found the “Applications” section on page 1-3. Figure 1-1 shows a PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch.
Figure 1-1. PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch
1-2 About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch


Introduction This section br iefly describe s severa l appl icatio n examples for th e PathBuil der S24x,
26x, and 27x switch.
Performance Branch Nodes
Because of its high performance capabilities, the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch can be employed in a variety of branch node applications. For example, the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch can support a mix of voice and data types, traditional legacy (SDLC, X.25, Bisync, Async, etc.), and LAN. Because of its high throughput, the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch can be used in situations where large file transfers, fast response time, and high numbers of users are the norm. Figure 1-2 is an example of a typical branch node application.
Furthermore, the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch is designed to meet the needs of an expanding network. With its large RAM capacity and high-speed processor, the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch can easily adapt to a growing network with little or no additional hardware.
PB S200
or Private
Figure 1-2. Performance Branch Node Example
About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch 1-3
Regional Concentrator
In Figure 1-3, the public network (Frame Relay/X.25) is performing the branch concentration function with the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch routing the traffic to the appropriate end point. In Figure 1-4, the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch acts as the regio nal conc ent rator s, rece iving t raf fi c from do zens and even thousands of remote sites, and concentrating the traffic before forwarding it to the correct location. In this case, the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch is the regional site.
In both examples, the PathBuil der S24x, 26x, and 27x swi tch could be eith er a single node or a group of nodes net worked togethe r as a cluste r . The PathBui lder S24x, 26x,
and 27x switch’s cluster feature is described below.
Central Site
Branch 1
PB S200
Frame Relay
or X.25
Branch XX
PB S200
PB S200
(Single Node or Cluster)
Figure 1-3. Regional Concentrator With Public Network Example
1-4 About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch
High-Speed Link
Central Site
Branch 1
PB S200
Branch XX
PB S200
PB S200
(Single Node or Cluster)
Figure 1-4. Regional Concentrator Example
Cluster Application An important new feature available with the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch
is its use in a cluster. This allows as many as four PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switches to act a s ing le unit for the pu rpo ses of c onne ct ivi t y. Though configured and managed as individu al nodes, when t he Pat hBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x swi tches are clustered toget her , devi ces at tached t o access po rts on one n ode can h ave calls routed out the network port of one of the other nodes.
The three high-speed ports on the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch motherboard provide networking channels between the nodes to pass traffic from network ports to access ports. The PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch cluster allows for high port count and throughput primarily in support of the regional concentrator applications.
The example in Figure 1-5 is a full mesh cluster which means that any access link can reach any host connection. If a PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch node within the cluster fails, only those links and host connections directly connected to that node go down. Placement of host equipment, and use of redundant host equipment can minimize the impact of any individual node failure. Furthermore, Link Back Up features in the remotes can limit the degree of remote isolation if part of the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch cluster fails.
About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch 1-5
16 Access Ports
PB S200
16 Access Ports 16 Access Ports 16 Access Ports
PB S200
High-Speed Network Links to other Sites
or Backbone LAN Connectors
PB S200
PB S200
Figure 1-5. PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Cluster Example
1-6 About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch

Features and Protocols

Features and Protocols
Description For a complete listing of the features and protocols supported by your PathBuilder
S24x, 26x, and 27x switch, refer to the Software Release Notice that came with the operating software.
About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch 1-7

Hardware Components

Hardware Components
PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Hardware Configuration
Front View
The PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch comes in a rack-mountable configuration.
The switch contains a motherboard/CPU board, a built-in power supply, and an ISA bus for up to eight additional interface cards. The PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch has three available serial ports, an Ethernet port, and a CTP port, FLASH memory, and battery-powere d conf iguration backup. It is eas ily expanded by adding option cards to the industry standard ISA bus.
Figure 1-6 shows a rack-mountable PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch.
Status LEDs
S200 Series
Rear View
Expansion Card Ports
Slots 1 through 8
Figure 1-6. PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch
Product ID
AUI Port 4
(Ethernet Routing)
I/O Ports 1, 2, 3, 6
ID Label
115/230 VAC
Optional -48V
Power Supply
1-8 About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch
Hardware Components
Hardware Components
This table lists and briefly describes the hardware components that make up the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch. More detailed descriptions of these components follow.
Component Description
Enclosure A rack-mount unit that contains all the PathBuilder S24x,
26x, and 27x switch processor cards.
Back Panel Contains power outlets, power switch, communication ports,
and slots for I/O cards.
Motherboard Contains five data ports:
• Ports 1 and 2 are DIM ports
• Port 3 is a high-speed/V.36 DTE port
• Port 4 is the Ethernet AUI port (see below for limitations)
• Port 6 is reserved for the control terminal port
Contains eight full-size expansion slots.
Integral DSU DIM (Optional)
An option used in installations requiring connection to a DDS interface conforming to AT&T 62310 or ANSI T1E1.4/91-006, and running at 56 kbps.
10Base2 Transceiver for AUI ports (optional)
Lets you accommodate different network configurations through th e user-selectable Signal Quality Error (SQE) function.
T1 Dual Port Digital PBX Interface Card PathBuilder S24x,
The T1 dual port digital PBX interface card supports digital voice communication s, pro viding integrated net w or k a cce ss. The T1 digital interfaces are used for both voice and data traffic.
26x, and 27x E1 Dual Port
Digital PBX Interface Card
The E1 dual port digital PBX interface card supports digital voice communications, providing integrated network access (see Figure 1- 12) .
The E1 interface card is used to support both voice and data traffic.
DSPM/SM The DSPM/SM card, used at nodes with digital PBX
interfaces, compresses four digital voice channels. It has no external I/O capabilities.
DSPM with FXS Analog Inte rface
The analog DSPM/FXS card allows the PathBuilder S24x switch to support up to t wo voice/fax c hannels per c ard. Each DSPM/FXS card occupies one ISA slot in the PathBuilder S24x switch.
DSPM with FXO Analog Inte rface
The analog FXO daughtercard (when mounted on the DSPM/HC) allows the PathBuilder S244 and S254 swi tch to support one voice/fax channel per card. Each DSPM/HX with FXO daughtercard combination occupies one ISA slot in the PathBuilder S244 and S254 switch.
About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch 1-9
Hardware Components
Component Description (continued)
Ethernet Port 4 Limitations
DSPM with E&M Interface
The PathBuilder S26x switch Analog DSPM/E&M card allows the PathBuilder S26x switch to support up to two (2) voice/fax channels per card. Each E&M card occupies one ISA slot in the PathBuilder S26x switch. The Path Builder S26x switch E&M card supports both two- and four-wire interfaces.
Consider these limitations when using the Ethernet Port 4:
• The port does not support Bridging (refer to the Bridging Option, Part No. T0008-16). When configuring this port, you are not prompted for the bridge link number.
• The port does not support SLAC.
• When configuring the Ethe rnet Port 4, you are not prompted for the connector type. Ethernet Port 4 only supports AUI.
1-10 About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch
Hardware Components


Introduction This section provides detailed information about the parts of the PathBuilder S24x,
26x, and 27x switch enclosure.
Front Panel The PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch front panel (see Figure 1-6) has:
• Three status LEDs
• A 2-character numeric LED display
• A RESET switch
Status LEDs The three status LEDs are:
• Power (green) — When on, indi cates that p ower is on an d all DC vol tages ar e within specifications.
• Status (green) — When on, indicates that t he Pat hBui lde r S24x, 26x, and 27x switch node is executin g either a p ower-up d iagnostic o r a software downl oad. This LED is normally off.
• Service (yellow) — When on, indicates a hardware failure. This LED is normally off.
Numeric LED Display
Reset Switch The RESET switch resets the node. Pre ssing the RESET swit ch is the equi valent of a
Power Supply The power supply is mounte d at the top rear of the chassis. The AC switchable powe r
The 2-character numeric LED display provides system diagnostic codes. When the Service LED is on, a 2-digit code on the numeric LED display corresponds to a certain event.
power-up operation which clears all existing calls and brings down all links.
supply can operate at a nominal 110 or a nominal 230 Volts. For information about maintaining and replacing the power supply, refer to Chapter 4, Maintenance.
For this unit, the -48VDC Power Option is also available.
About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch 1-11
Hardware Components


Parts of the Motherboard
Port 1
Port 2
Port 3
Port 4
Port 6
This section describes some of the components that make up the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch motherboard. In addition, this section describes some of the daughtercards that can be found on the motherboard, shown in Figure 1-7.
Power Supply
Ringer Status
Slots 1 and 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Flash SIMM Slot Optional Flash
Data Compression SIMM Slot
Global DRAM SIMM Slot
LED Connector
Port 1
Port 2
Switch 2
Switch 1
Figure 1-7. Motherboard
RAM The PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x swit ch comes standard with 16 Mbytes of loc al
DRAM for image execution and 8 Mbytes of global memory for buffer storage.
Ports There are four serial data port DB-25 connectors for network or access functions
(2.048 Mbps):
• Ports 1 and 2 (DB 25) are Data Interface Module (DIM) ports
• Port 3 (DB 25) is a V.36 DTE port
• Port 4 (DB 15) is an Ethernet AUI port
• Port 6 (DB25 ) is the Control Terminal Port (EIA232)
1-12 About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch
Hardware Components
FLASH SIMM The FLASH Single In-line Memory Module (SIMM) holds a compressed image of
the operating software. This module is electrically erasable and reprogrammable. An optional FLASH SIMM can be i ns tal l ed f or bac kup. T hese modules are instal le d in one of the SIMM slots (1 or 2). Figure 1-8 shows the SIMM.
Figure 1-8. FLASH SIMM
The chips on your SIMM may vary from the one shown inFigure 1-8.
CMEM SIMM The Configuration Memory Module ( CMEM) SIMM has 512 Kbytes o f memory and
provides the real time clock function. The CMEM is backed up by a lithium battery in case of a power disruption.
Each PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch has a Software Serial Number (SSN) burned into a PROM located on the CMEM card. This SSN is used to verify the software options that are enabled for that node. It is on the CMEM SIMM card for easy removal and replacement in case of a motherboard failure.
The CMEM is installed in the SIMM slo t (see Figure 1-7 for slot lo cation). Figure 1-9 shows the CMEM.
Only qualified service personnel should perform the procedure described in this section. If the battery is installed incorrectly, it could explode after the PathBuilder S200 series switch product is powered up, damaging the unit.
Seules des personnes qualifiées peuvent mettre en pratique les procédures décrites dans cette section. Si la batterie n’est pas correctement installée, elle risque d’exploser après la mise en marche du produit PathBuilder S200 series switch et d’endommager l’unité.
Die in diesem Abschnitt aufgeführten Vorgänge sollten ausschließlich von qualifiziertem Servicepersonal durchgeführt werden. Wenn die Batterie unsachgemäß installiert wird, kann sie nach dem Einschalten des PathBuilder S200 series switch-Produkts explodieren
About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch 1-13
Hardware Components
Lithium Battery
Figure 1-9. CMEM SIMM
Expansion Port I/O Slots
Slot Number and Port Numbers
The PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch motherboard has eight full-size expansion card slots (see Figure 1-6). Expansion I/O cards have I/O connectors that extend through the rear panel.
Port numbers for the ports o n the I/O cards h ave a fixed relationship to th e chassis expansion slot number. Six port numbers are reserved for each slot. If a slot contains an I/O card that does not support the full port count reserved for that slot, or the slot is empty, the extra port numbers remain unused.
This table shows the port numbers associated with each card type.
Slot Number Port Number Associated Card
Motherboard I/O 1-6 Motherboard 1 7-12 Voice cards (E & M, FXS, 2 13-18 3 19-24
Server Module, T1, E1). The T1/E1 is restricted to Slot 8.
4 25-30 5 31-36 6 37-42 7 43-48 8 49-54
Description of Serial/Network Ports
Ports 1 through 3 are con nect ed to t he mothe rboard with ri bbon cab les. Por ts 1 an d 2 are DIM ports and are functional only if a DIM is present. Port 3 is a dedicated V.36 DTE port.
Ports 1, 2, 3, and 6 on the r ear panel of the chassis are DB-25 femal e connect ors. Port 4, (the Ethernet AUI port) uses a DB-15 connector. Ports 1 and 2 may require adapters, depending on the DIM used. An adapter cable is available for Port 3.
1-14 About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch
Hardware Components
How Ports Are Used
DIMs without a Cable Adapter
DIMs with a Cable Adapter
The following table describes how the ports are used.
Port Number Use
1, 2, and 3 Recommended for network port connection or cluster
connectivity. Ports 1 and 2 have variable interfaces, depending
on the DIMs. 4 Ethernet AUI port for routing applications. 6 Control Terminal Port (CTP). When operating as an
asynchronous interface, it can support data rates up to 115.2
kbps. Default CTP configuration parameters are 9600 baud,
8-bit characters, 1 stop bit, no parity. This is an EIA 232-D
DCE port using a DB-25 connector.
Ports 1 and 2 support a DSU DIM without the use of cable adapters.
If cable adapters are used, Ports 1 and 2 can support the following DIMs:
• High Speed (V.36)
• V.35
• V.11/ISO-4903
Each DIM port can be configured independently of the other port. For example, you can install: two V.35 DIMs; one V.35 DIM and one V.11 DIM; or two V.11 DIMs.
The cable adapter pinouts are described in Appendix A, Cables.
About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch 1-15
Hardware Components

Back Panel

Back Panel Components
The components of the back panel are:
Serial/Network I/O Ports. Ports 1, 2, 3, and 6 are DB-25 connectors. Port 4
is a DB 15 connector.
AC Power Supply. The rear of the Power Supply has two (male and female)
power source connector s (one i s fo r connec tion to an AC sour ce and the othe r is an AC outlet) along with a selectable 115 VAC or 230 VAC switch. For most international usage, the switch must be set for 230 VAC.
DC Power Supply. The uni t can be shi ppe d with the -4 8VDC Power Opti on.
The terminal block of the -48VDC has 5 screws. The two outermost screws are for attachment. The negative wire terminal is second from the left; the positive wire terminal is in the middle; the ground is second from the right.
Expansion Card Ports. The expansion card ports differ depending on what
card is installed in that slot.
Figure 1-10 shows the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch back panel.
Optional -48V
Power Supply
115/230 VAC Voltage Select
AUI Port 4
(Ethernet Routing)
ID Label
Serial/Network I/O Ports 1,2, 3, 6
Expansion Card Ports Slots 1 through 8
Figure 1-10. PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x Switch Back Panel
1-16 About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch
Hardware Components

TI Dual Port Digital PBX Interface Card

Introduction The T1 dual port digital PBX interface card supports digital voice communications,
providing integrated network access. The T1 interface card is installed primarily in North America and Japan. A 2-megabyte T1 card is required for passing data and voice traffic.
SW1 DIP Switch Bank
MVIP Bus Interface Conn ector
ISA Bus Interface
Port 49 LED
Port 49 Interface
Port 50 Interface
Serial Diagnostic Port (Not Supporte d)
Pin 8
Port 50 LED SysFail LED
Pin 1
Figure 1-11. T1 Dual Port Digital PBX Interface Card
Description Each T1 dual port digit al PBX i nt erf ace card uses an Indust ry Standard Architec ture
(ISA) bus interface and a Multi-Vendor Integration Protocol (MVIP) bus interface. The MVIP bus interface provides multiplexed digital access within the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch chassis.
Function T1 dual port digital PBX interface ca r ds provide the digital interfaces for
connections to a PBX. The T1 dual port di gital PBX interfac e cards bring PCM voice and channel signaling into the node. The PCM voice data and voice signaling is routed to a DSPM/SM card over the MVIP bus for compression and transmission to the remote end.
About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch 1-17
Hardware Components
Slot Restriction The T1 dual port digital PBX interface card occ upie s s lot 8 i n the Pat hBui lde r S2 4x,
26x, and 27x switch chassis.
DIP Switch Location
DIP Switch Settings
T1/CSU Daughter Card
The T1 dual port digital PBX in terface card contains a single DIP switch bank (SW1)
used to assign the card’s I/O base address.
Set the DIP switches on the T1 dual port digital PBX interface card as shown in Figure 1-11.
The T1/CSU Daughtercard provides a 1.544 MHz point-to-point interface for North American service that conforms to AT&T 62411/62421 standard. The card is FCC Part 68 Registered and uses eternal clocking derived from the telephone network.
One or two T1/CSU Daughter Car ds can be ins talled onto t he T1 Dual Por t card. T he top card supports port 49 and the bottom supports port 50.
For instructions for installing the T1/CSU card, refer to “Installing th e T1/CSU Daughter Card” section in Chapter 3.
Required Cables These cables ship with the T1 dual port digital PBX inter face card and ar e required to
cable the T1 dual port digital PBX interface card to the DSPM/SM cards in the node.
Cable Description Function
One 4-position 40-pin MVIP ribbon cable
Connects up to 3 DSPM/SM cards to interconnect digital voice traffic between individual cards in the same PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch node.
One 8-position 40-pin MVIP ribbon cable
Connects 4 or more DSPM/SM car ds to in terconnec t digital voice traffic between individual cards in the same PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch node.
Two 8-pin modular to DB15 cables
3-ft adapter converter cables used to convert the 8-pin modular connector on the front of the T1/E1 card to a DB15 connector (Product Code 17269).
1-18 About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch
Hardware Components
LED Status Indicators
The T1 dual port digital PBX interface card contains four LEDs that can be viewed through the rear bracket.
LED Color LED is... ...Indicating
Port 49
Port 50
Normal operation Carrier failure on Port 49span
Normal operation Carrier failure on Port 50 span
Card failure Card Active
Normal operation Card failure
About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch 1-19
Hardware Components

E1 Dual Port Digital PBX Interface Card

Introduction The E1 dual port digital PBX interface card supports digital voice communications,
providing integrated network access (see Figure 1-12). The E1 interface card is installed primarily in Europe and South America. A 2-megabyte E1 card is required for passing data traf f ic and voice tra ffic.
Description Each E1 dual port digit al PBX i nt erf ace card uses an Indust ry Standard Architec ture
(ISA) bus interface and a Multi-Vendor Integration Protocol (MVIP) bus interface. The MVIP bus inter face pro vides a multipl exed digit al acce ss within the Pa thBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch chassis.
The E1 dual port digital PBX interface card has two E1 ports (CAS signaling only), handles E1 lines with or without CRC4, and supports 120 and 75 (with the addition of an optional cable). The interface type is 8-pin modular.
Function E1 dual port digital PBX interface ca r ds provide the digital interfaces for
connections to a PBX. The dual port digital PBX interface cards bring PCM voice and channel signaling into the node. The PCM voice data and voice signaling is routed to a DSPM/SM card over the MVIP bus for compression and transmission to the motherboard.
Slot Restriction The E1 dual port digital PBX interface card can only occ upy slot 8 in the PathBui lder
S24x, 26x, and 27x switch chassis.
1-20 About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch
Hardware Components
E1 Dual Port Digital PBX Interface Card Illustration
Figure 1-12 shows an example of the E1 dual port digital PBX interface card.
SW1 DIP Switch Bank
MVIP Bus Interface Conn ector
Port 49
Alarm LED
Port 49 Interface
Port 50 Interface
Port 50 Alarm LED
SysFail LED
DIP Switch Location
DIP Switch Settings
ISA Bus Interface
Serial Diagnostic Port
Pin 6 Pin 1
Figure 1-12. E1 Digital PBX Interface Card
The E1 dual port digital PBX in terface card contains a single DIP switch bank (SW1)
used to assign the card’s I/O base address.
Set the switches as shown in Figure 1-12.
About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch 1-21
Hardware Components
Required cables The following cables, includi ng two pi gt ai l cables, ship with the E1 dual port digi t al
PBX interface card and are required to cable the E1 card to the DSPM/SM cards in the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch node.
Cable Description Function
One 4-position 40-pin MVIP ribbon cable
Connects up to three DSPM/SM cards to interconnect digital voice traffic between individual cards in the same PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch node.
LED Status Indicators
One 8-position, 40-pin MVIP ribbon cable
Connects four or more DSPM/SM cards to interconnect digital voice traffic between individual cards in the same PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch node.
T wo 8-pin modular to DB15
For 120 connection.
cables T w o 8-p in modul ar to BNC
For 75 connection.
The E1 dual port digital PBX interface card contains four LEDs that can be viewed through the rear bracket:
LED Color LED is... ...Indicating
Port 49 Ye llow OFF
Port 50 Ye llow OFF
Normal operation Carrier failure on Port 49 span
Normal operation Carrier failure on Port 50 span
Card failure Microprocessor Activity
Normal operation Card failure
1-22 About the PathBuilder S24x, 26x, and 27x switch
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