3COM ATMLINK 155 PCI User Manual

A member of the 3Com family of ATMLink network interface cards
155 PCI
Part No. 09-1038-000 Published February 1997
3Com Corporation
5400 Bayfront Plaza
Santa Clara, California
© 3Com Corporation, 1997. All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative work (such as translation, transformation, or adaptation) without permission from 3Com Corporation.
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3Com Corporation provides this documentation without warranty of any kind, either implied or expressed, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. 3Com may make improvements or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this documentation at any time.
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If there is any software on removable media described in this documentation, it is furnished under a license agreement included with the product as a separate document, in the hard copy documentation, or on the removable media in a directory file named LICENSE.TXT. If you are unable to locate a copy, please contact 3Com and a copy will be provided to you.
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Guide written by Norman Lundell. Edited by Nancy Kurahashi. Technical illustration by Mary Inden. Production by Becky Whitmer.
3Com’s EtherLink®, TokenLink®, TokenLink Velocity™, Fast EtherLink, and FDDILink have a Lifetime Warranty.
To ensure the very best 3Com service and support, take the time to complete the product registration card.
network interface cards
Any defective 3Com adapter will be repaired or replaced, at 3Com’s option, for as long as the adapter resides in its original IBM® Personal Computer, Personal System/2®, or compatible computer (driver software is covered by the standard 90-day limited software warranty).
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Introduction 1 How to Use This Guide 1 Conventions 2
Product Features 1-1 Emulated LAN (ELAN) Overview 1-3 Software Descriptions 1-4
Network Driver Description 1-4 Diagnostic Utility Description 1-5 ATMLink Utility Description 1-6
Installation Overview 2-1 Installing the 3C975 ATMLink NIC 2-1
Driver Installation Overview 3-1 Driver Installation Requirements 3-2
Hardware Requirements 3-2 Memory Requirements 3-2
Software Requirements 3-3 NIC Information Requirements 3-4
Resilient Server Links Overview 3-4
Rules for Using Resilient Server Links 3-4
Memory Requirement Scenario 1 3-3
Memory Requirement Scenario 2 3-3
Driver Installation Summary for Experienced Users 3-5
Before You Begin 3-5 Part One: NIC Detection, Resilient Server Links, and
ELAN Allocation 3-6 Part Two: NIC and ELAN Configuration 3-7
Installing the Network Driver 3-8
NIC Detection, Resilient Server Links, and ELAN Allocation 3-8
NIC and ELAN Configuration 3-12 Verifying Driver Installation and Configuration 3-19 Enabling and Disabling ELANs 3-20 Removing an ELAN 3-20 Adding ELANs 3-21 Adding SNMP Support 3-24
Driver Installation Overview 4-1 Driver Installation Requirements 4-3
Hardware Requirements 4-3
Memory Requirements 4-3
Software Requirements 4-3
NIC Information Requirements 4-3 Resilient Server Links Overview 4-4
Rules for Using Resilient Links 4-4
Implementing Resilient Server Links in NetWare 4-5 Loading the Server Driver 4-6
Before You Begin 4-6
Driver Installation Procedure 4-7 Configuring LECs and Resilient Server Links 4-11 NetWare Card Numbers and Multiple Physical NICs 4-20 Verifying Driver Installation and Configuration 4-21 Editing the AUTOEXEC.NCF File 4-22 Removing an LEC from NetWare 4-26
Installing and Running the ATMLink Utility for Windows NT 5-1 ATMLink Utility Field Descriptions 5-2
Installing and Running the ATMLink Utility for Novell NetWare 5-7 ATMLink Utility Menu Options 5-9
ELAN Information 5-2 NIC Connection Statistics 5-4 NIC Information 5-5 Reset 5-6
NIC Information 5-9 VCC Statistics 5-10 ELAN Statistics 5-12 Reset NIC 5-13 Quit 5-13
Overview 6-1 When to Use the Diagnostic Utility 6-2 How to Use the Diagnostic Utility 6-3
Starting the Diagnostic Utility 6-3 Navigating Within the Diagnostic Utility 6-4 Running the Internal Tests 6-5 Running the External Loopback Test 6-7
Viewing Test Results 6-9
NIC Statistics 6-10 Individual Test Information 6-10
Changing the Test Setup 6-11
Enabling and Disabling Individual Tests 6-11 Changing the Number of Repetitions 6-12
Changing Action on Error 6-12 File Options 6-12 What to Do If a Test Fails 6-14 Constructing Loopback Plugs 6-16
Fiber-Optic Loopback Plug 6-16
RJ-45 Loopback Plug 6-18 Link LED 6-19
Hardware A-1 Network Connections A-2 Standards Compliance A-2 Environment A-2 RJ-45 Connector Pinouts A-3
Online Technical Services B-1
3Com Bulletin Board Service B-1
World Wide Web Site B-2 3ComForum on CompuServe B-3
3ComFacts Automated Fax Service B-3 Support from Your Network Supplier B-4 Returning Products for Repair B-5
Access by Analog Modem B-1
Access by Digital Modem B-2
1-1 3C975-F and 3C975-UTP ATMLink NICs 1-2
2-1 Removing the Expansion Slot Cover 2-2
2-2 3C975-F ATMLink NIC Installed in the Chassis 2-3
2-3 SC Duplex and RJ-45 Connectors 2-4
3-1 Network Settings Window 3-9
3-2 Add Network Adapter 3-9
3-3 Insert Disk Dialog Box 3-9
3-4 Select OEM Option Window 3-10
3-5 NIC Installation Dialog Box 3-10
3-6 NIC Mode Dialog Box 3-11
3-7 Total Number of ELANs Dialog Box 3-11
3-8 3Com ATMLink Installation Window 3-12
3-9 ELAN Configuration Window 3-16
3-10 TCP/IP Configuration Window with Sample Entries 3-17
3-11 Restart Prompt for Adapter Driver 3-19
3-12 Select OEM Option Window 3-21
3-13 NIC Installation Dialog Box 3-22
3-14 Total Number of ELANs Dialog Box 3-22
3-15 3Com ATMLink Installation Window Showing Additional
ELANs 3-23
3-16 Selecting the SNMP LEC MIB Agent 3-25
4-1 Installation Options Screen 4-7
4-2 Driver Options Screen 4-8
4-3 Additional Driver Actions Screen 4-8
4-4 Select a Driver Screen 4-9
4-5 Notes for Selecting a Drive Screen 4-9
4-6 Select a Driver to Install Screen 4-10
4-7 ELAN Configuration Screen 4-11
4-8 Configuring the TCP/IP Network Interface 4-13
4-9 Selecting the Card Number 4-14
4-10 Prompt to Add Additional LEC 4-18
4-11 Additional Driver Actions Screen (Adding an Additional
ELAN) 4-18
4-12 Select a Driver Screen 4-19
4-13 Sample of AUTOEXEC.NCF File 4-23
5-1 ATMLink Utility Windows 5-2
5-2 ELAN Information Window 5-3
5-3 Connection Statistics Window 5-4
5-4 NIC information Window 5-5
5-5 Reset Option for Windows NT 5-7
5-6 NetWare ATM Utility Select a NIC Screen 5-8
5-7 NetWare ATMLink Utility Main Menu 5-8
5-8 NetWare NIC Information Screen 5-9
5-9 VCC Statistics Screen 5-11
5-10 Currently Configured LECs Screen 5-12
5-11 LEC Statistics Screen 5-12
6-1 Diagnostic Utility Main Screen 6-4
6-2 Test Setup Screen 6-5
6-3 Run Tests Screen 6-6
6-4 External Loopback Test Screen 6-8
6-5 Run Tests Screen 6-8
6-6 Test Results Screen 6-9
6-7 NIC Statistics Screen 6-10
6-8 Test Information Screen 6-11
6-9 Sample of Diagnostic Test Report File 6-14
6-10 Unclipping the Connectors of a Double-Strand
Fiber-Optic Cable 6-17
6-11 Clipping Together the Ends of the Same Fiber Strand 6-17
6-12 UTP External Loopback Plug 6-18
1 Notice Icons 2
2 Text Conventions 2
3-1 3C975 ATMLink NIC Installation Configuration Parameters 3-13
4-1 3C975 ATMLink NIC NetWare Install Utility Configuration
Parameters 4-11
4-2 NetWare Keywords 4-24
5-1 Windows NT ELAN Information Fields 5-3
5-2 Windows NT Connection Statistics Fields 5-4
5-3 Windows NT NIC Information Fields 5-6
5-4 NetWare NIC Information Fields 5-10
5-5 NetWare VCC Statistics Screen 5-11
5-6 LEC Statistics Fields for NetWare 5-13
6-1 Accessing MS-DOS 6-3
6-2 Function Key Descriptions of the Diagnostic Utility 6-4
6-3 LED Activity 6-19
A-1 RJ-45 Connector Pinouts A-3
This user guide describes the installation and configuration
of the 3Com network Interface cards (NICs). The intended audience is the network administrator, network operator, or network hardware installer. Knowledge of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Microsoft operations is required.
If the information in the release notes shipped with your product differs from the information in this guide, follow the release notes.
How to Use This Guide
The following table shows where to find specific information in this guide.
3C975-F and 3C975-UTP ATMLink™ 155 PCI
Windows NT® and Novell® NetWare® server
If you are looking for information on: Turn to:
Hardware and software overview Chapter 1
Hardware installation Chapter 2
Microsoft Windows NT driver installation Chapter 3
Novell NetWare driver installation Chapter 4
ATMLink utility Chapter 5
ATMLink diagnostic utility Chapter 6
Hardware specifications Appendix A
Technical support Appendix B
Table 1 and Table 2 list text and icon conventions that are used throughout this guide:
Table 1 Notice Icons
Icon Type Description
Information Note Information notes call attention to important
Caution Cautions alert you to personal safety risk, system
Warning Warnings alert you to the risk of severe personal
Table 2 Text Conventions
Convention Description
“Enter” vs. “Type” When the word “enter” is used in this guide, it means type
“Syntax” vs. “Command”
something, then press the Return or Enter key. Do not press the Return or Enter key when an instruction simply says “type.”
When the word “syntax” is used in this guide, it indicates that the general form of a command syntax is provided. You must evaluate the syntax and supply the appropriate port, path, value, address, or string; for example:
Enable RIPIP by using the following syntax:
SETDefault !<port> -RIPIP CONTrol = Listen
In this example, you must supply a port number for !<port>.
When the word “command” is used in this guide, it indicates that all variables in the command have been supplied and you can enter the command as shown in text; for example:
Remove the IP address by entering the following command:
SETDefault !0 -IP NETaddr =
For consistency and clarity, the full form syntax (upper- and lowercase letters) is provided. However, you can enter the abbreviated form of a command by typing only the uppercase portion and supplying the appropriate port, path, address, value, and so forth. You can enter the command in either upper- or lowercase letters at the prompt.
features or instructions.
damage, or loss of data.
Conventions 3
Table 2 Text Conventions (continued)
Convention Description
Text represented as
screen display
Text represented as
Keys When specific keys are referred to in the text, they are called out
Italics Italics are used to denote new terms or emphasis.
This typeface is used to represent displays that appear on your terminal screen, for example:
NetLogin: This typeface is used to represent commands that you
enter, for example:
SETDefault !0 -IP NETaddr =
by their labels, such as “the Return key” or “the Escape key,” or they may be shown as [Return] or [Esc].
If two or more keys are to be pressed simultaneously, the keys are linked with a plus sign (+), for example:
Press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del].
This chapter describes the hardware and software features of the 3Com card (NIC), hereafter called the 3C975 ATMLink NIC.
Product Features
The 3Com ATMLink 3C975 NIC is available in two models: the 3C975-F and the 3C975-UTP. The 3C975-F NIC has an SC duplex fiber-optic cable connector for double-strand
62.5/125 µm multimode fiber-optic cable. The 3C975-UTP NIC
has an RJ-45 connector and requires Category 5 unshielded twisted-pair cable. Both 3C975 ATMLink NICs are high­performance single-slot, bus master, half-length PCI cards that provide 155.52 megabit per second (Mbps) SONET (STS-3c) physical layer support.
The 3C975 ATMLink NICs support the following features:
3C975 ATMLink™ 155 PCI network interface
ATM Forum standard LAN Emulation Client (LEC)
ATM Forum AAL5 ATM adaptation layer
ATM Forum UNI 3.0/3.1 standard signaling for switched
virtual circuit (SVC) connections
Up to 4 NICs per system
Up to 16 emulated LANs (ELANs) per NIC
Up to 512 active connections per NIC
Up to 4,096 open and 1,024 simultaneously active virtual
channel connections per system
Resilient Server Link capability to protect against link failure
Compliance with PCI Local Bus Specification, revision 2.0
Link LED to indicate connection status
Traffic shaping (user-defined maximum peak rate per ELAN)
Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI) 3.0 service
User-selectable virtual path identifier/virtual circuit identifier
(VPI/VCI) range
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent for NICs
operating under the Windows NT
operating system
Figure 1-1 3C975-F and 3C975-UTP ATMLink NICs
Emulated LAN (ELAN) Overview 1-3
Emulated LAN (ELAN) Overview
The 3Com ATMLink network driver conforms to the ATM Forum LAN Emulation over ATM Specification 1.0 to interoperate with legacy LAN networks. LAN emulation supports the multicast, broadcast, and address resolution services characteristic of shared media LANs, within the connection-oriented ATM environment. Four devices are defined to provide these LAN emulation services:
LAN Emulation Client (LEC) found on all end stations
LAN Emulation Configuration Server (LECS)
LAN Emulation Server (LES)
Broadcast and Unknown Server (BUS)
The 3C975 ATMLink NIC network driver provides the LAN Emulation Client and supports up to 16 LECs per NIC. Each LEC configured on an ATMLink NIC is regarded by the network operating system as a separate (emulated) NIC and receives a unique MAC address. An “emulated” NIC connects to an emulated LAN (ELAN). In short, each physical ATMLink NIC can connect to up to 16 separate ELANs.
The term ELAN is often used to denote an LEC in the 3Com ATMLink utilities, installation programs, and user guide.
An ELAN is a logical grouping of end stations within an ATM network. The ATM network administrator creates ELANs when configuring the ATM switches. Membership in an ELAN is independent of the physical location of the end station within the ATM network. An end station can belong to multiple ELANs simultaneously. Mixed-media edge devices (such as the
3Com LinkSwitch
2700 switch) that are connected to ATM switches enable ATM end stations to interoperate with legacy LAN end stations, because the legacy LAN end station and the ATM end station can be members of the same ELAN. This guide includes configuration procedures that allow an LEC to join an ELAN.
For more detailed information on LAN emulation and emulated LANs, access the Networking Solutions Center on the 3Com World Wide Web site at www.3com.com. White papers on ATM are found in the Advanced Technology Solutions section.
Software Descriptions
The following software is contained on the ATMDisk™ diskettes shipped with the 3C975 ATMLink NIC.
Network driver for Microsoft
and 4.0
Network driver and NetWare
NetWare server, versions 4.x and 3.12
ATMLink diagnostic utility (DOS version)
ATMLink utility (Windows NT and NetWare versions)
Network drivers and utility programs are periodically updated and made available through 3Com online services. See Appendix B for details on how to use 3Com online services.
Windows NT, versions 3.51
Loadable Modules (NLMs) for
Network Driver Description
3Com ATMLink network drivers support the following features:
Simultaneous operation of up to four physical NICs per system
ATM Forum LEC, version 1.0 for token ring and Ethernet LANs
ATM Forum UNI 3.0 and 3.1 signaling
16 ELANs per NIC
ILMI 3.0 services
Resilient server links (RSL)
Traffic shaping
SNMP agent for NICs operating under Windows NT
Software Descriptions 1-5
The NetWare 4.x and 3.12 drivers and Windows NT network drivers support up to four physical NICs per system.
Each physical NIC can be configured to support up to 16 LECs. Each LEC operates as a virtual NIC and has a unique MAC address.
Only one LEC per NIC is supported in NetWare 3.12.
The ATMLink NIC network driver uses switched virtual circuits (SVCs) to establish network connections with up to 4,096 open virtual channel connections (VCCs) supported per system. Each LEC requires a minimum of four VCCs in addition to those needed for its data requirements. These four VCCs are used by the LAN Emulation Server (LES) and the Broadcast and Unknown Server (BUS).
Resilient server links allow the network administrator to designate up to three of the installed 3C975 ATMLink NICs as standby NICs. In the event of link failure, the standby NIC assumes the configuration profile and network traffic of a failed active ATMLink NIC. Resilient server links are discussed in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4.
The ATMLink network drivers let the ATM network administrator set a maximum peak cell rate value for each LEC. This form of bandwidth allocation is useful in mitigating congestion and ensuring optimum usage of bandwidth.
Diagnostic Utility Description
The ATMLink diagnostic utility is a DOS program that tests the internal integrity of the 3C975 ATMLink NIC and its ability to send and receive packets. The diagnostic utility also identifies the MAC address, the PCI slot number, and manufacturer’s information for each installed 3Com ATMLink NIC. It is recommended that you run the diagnostic utility after installing the ATMLink NIC and before installing the network drivers. For information on how to use the diagnostic utility, see Chapter 6, “Diagnostics and Troubleshooting.”
ATMLink Utility Description
An ATMLink utility for Microsoft Windows NT and for Novell NetWare is shipped on the ATMDisk diskettes. Use the ATMLink utility to display configuration and operating status of all installed ATMLink NICs and ELANs, as well as to reset a NIC. Chapter 5 describes how to use the ATMLink utility.
This chapter describes the procedure for installing the 3C975 ATMLink NIC in your PCI-bus computer system. Follow all applicable instructions included with your system documentation on PCI-bus installations.
Installation Overview
Hardware installation consists of the following major steps:
Unpacking the 3C975 ATMLink NIC
Installing the 3C975 ATMLink NIC in an available PCI slot
Connecting the appropriate cables
Please observe all special notes and precautions.
For technical specifications on the 3C975 ATMLink NIC, see Appendix A.
Installing the 3C975 ATMLink NIC
To install the 3C975 ATMLink NIC in your computer, perform these steps.
Keep the 3C975 ATMLink NIC in the protective antistatic bag until you are ready to install it. To prevent damage to the NIC due to electrostatic discharge, wear a grounding strap and handle the NIC by its edges only. If you do not have a grounding strap, touch the chassis or the power supply just before handling the NIC. Do not touch the components or any metal parts on the NIC, except for the backplate.
1 Unpack and inspect the 3C975 ATMLink NIC for damage.
2 Exit all open applications and user processes.
3 Turn off the power to the computer system and any
attached devices.
4 Unplug the power cables from the power supply.
WARNING: Your computer operates with voltages that can be lethal. Before you remove the computer cover, carefully review the steps in this procedure and observe all cautions and warnings to protect yourself and to prevent damage to the computer.
5 Remove the cover from your computer.
6 Locate an empty bus master PCI-bus expansion slot.
7 Remove the metal expansion slot cover from the
computer chassis, as shown in Figure 2-1.
Save the screw for step 11 later in this section.
slot cover
Expansion slots
Figure 2-1 Removing the Expansion Slot Cover
32-bit PCI slots
Installing the 3C975 ATMLink NIC 2-3
8 Insert the 3C975 ATMLink NIC in the selected slot, as
shown in Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2 3C975-F ATMLink NIC Installed in the Chassis
9 Write down the MAC address of the NIC and note which
slot you used.
This information is helpful when installing the network drivers and connecting the cables to the ATM switch.
The MAC address is the 12-digit hexadecimal number printed on the small bar code label on the component side of the NIC.
10 Press down gently and firmly on the NIC to seat it properly.
11 Use the screw removed in step 7 to secure the
3C975 ATMLink NIC bracket to the system chassis.
12 Replace the system cover.
13 Connect the power cables and turn on the power to the
14 Connect the 3C975 ATMLink NIC to the network.
The 3C975-F NIC uses 62.5/125 µm multimode fiber-optic
cable with SC duplex connectors. The 3C975-UTP NIC uses Category 5 unshielded twisted-pair cable with an RJ-45 connector. Both models are shown in Figure 2-3.
The physical installation of the ATMLink NIC is now complete.
SC connector port
Figure 2-3 SC Duplex and RJ-45 Connectors
RJ-45 port
It is strongly recommended that you run the ATMLink diagnostic utility before attempting to install the network drivers. The diagnostic utility verifies that the on-board components of each NIC function correctly. This utility also correlates the MAC address of the NIC with its PCI slot number. You must know the PCI slot number to load, configure, or reconfigure the Microsoft Windows NT network drivers.
The next step is to install the network software driver. For server driver installation procedures, refer to Chapter 3 for Windows NT, or to Chapter 4 for Novell NetWare.
The 3C975 ATMLink NIC driver for file servers running Windows NT provides standards-based ATM LAN emulation connectivity to an ATM network. This permits legacy LAN networking technologies and protocols (such as Ethernet and token ring) to run over an ATM network.
This chapter includes procedures to install and remove the 3C975 ATMLink Windows NT network driver, as well as information about ELAN configuration and resilient links. A basic knowledge of Windows NT server operations and ATM concepts is required.
The term ELAN is often used to denote an LEC in the graphical user interface and in the following procedures.
Driver Installation Overview
The Windows NT driver installation program consists of two parts:
NIC detection, creation of resilient server links, and ELAN
NIC and ELAN configuration
During NIC detection the user designates each detected 3Com 3C975 ATMLink NIC as either an active or a standby NIC (see the section “Resilient Server Links Overview” later in this chapter) and specifies the number of ELANs supported by each active NIC. In the NIC/ELAN configuration portion of the driver installation, the user sets the ATM parameters for all active NICs and ELANs as well as configuration information for standby NICs.
There can be up to four 3Com 3C975 ATMLink NICs installed in a single computer system, with each NIC supporting up to 16 ELANs.
Driver Installation Requirements
Please confirm that the following requirements are met before you install and configure the 3Com ATMLink NIC Windows NT network driver.
Hardware Requirements
Computer with Intel®-based CPU and bus master PCI bus,
running Microsoft Windows NT version 3.51 or 4.x
3.5-inch floppy disk drive
At least one 3Com ATMLink NIC installed in the system
Memory Requirements
Use the following formula to determine the Windows NT memory requirements in megabytes of RAM:
(16 x Frame_Size) + [(No. of NICs –1) x (No. of ELANS)]
Frame_size = 1 When the maximum frame size is 1514 bytes
Frame_size = 2 When the maximum frame size is 4542 bytes
Frame_size = 4 When the maximum frame size is 9232 bytes
No. of NICs = The number of ATMLink NICs installed in the
No. of ELANs = The number of ELANs on the NIC with the
most ELANs
When NICs with different maximum frame sizes are installed in the same computer, use the larger Frame_Size value.
Round up the result to the first integral multiple of 8.
Most Ethernet ELANs use a maximum frame size of 1514 bytes. Token ring ELANs typically use a maximum frame size of 4542 or 9232 bytes. See Table 3-1 for more information on the Maximum Frame Size configuration parameter.
Driver Installation Requirements 3-3
Memory Requirement Scenario 1
There are two NICs installed. One has a maximum frame size of 1514 bytes and four ELANs, and the other is a standby NIC. The memory requirement is 24 megabytes of RAM.
Frame_Size = 1 (1514 bytes maximum frame size) No. of NICs = 2 (two NICs are installed in the computer) No. of ELANs = 4 (only one NIC has ELANs configured)
(16 × 1) + [(2 – 1) × (4)] = 20
The closest integral multiple of 8 greater than 20 is 24.
Memory Requirement Scenario 2
There are three NICs installed. One is a token ring LAN type with a maximum frame size of 4542 and four ELANs, one is a token ring LAN type with a maximum frame size of 9232 and two ELANs, and one is an Ethernet LAN type with a maximum frame size of 1514 and six ELANs. The memory requirement is 80 megabytes of RAM.
Frame_Size = 4 (use the largest value of all present) No. of NICs = 3 (three NICs are installed in the computer) No. of ELANs = 6 (the maximum number of ELANs on any one NIC)
(16 × 4) + [(3 – 1) × (6)] = 76
The closest integral multiple of 8 greater than 76 is 80.
Software Requirements
ATMDisk diskette for Windows NT
3Com strongly recommends that your Windows NT operating system be updated with the most recent service packs available from Microsoft technical support (www.microsoft.com).
NIC Information Requirements
Names of the ELANs to be configured on each ATMLink NIC
IP address and subnet mask of each ELAN using TCP/IP if a
DHCP server is not being used
ATM address of the LES or LECS (other than the ATM Forum
Well-known Address) if ILMI services are not used
PCI slot number of each installed ATMLink NIC
The MAC address and PCI slot numbers of installed 3Com ATMLink NICs are used in the Windows NT driver installation. They can be obtained by using the diagnostic utility (see Chapter 6 for details).
Resilient Server Links Overview
Resilient server links add redundant function to your server to protect against network disruption and data loss.
To use resilient links, you must install two or more 3Com ATMLink NICs in your system. During the network driver configuration procedure, at least one NIC must be designated an active NIC. The standby NIC takes over when the link on a designated active NIC port is lost.
Rules for Using Resilient Server Links
Resilient server links are established only among ATMLink NICs
installed in the same computer.
To make a resilient server link, at least two ATMLink NICs must
be installed in the same computer, and one of the NICs must be an active NIC.
Active NICs and their standby NICs must be connected to
switches on the same ATM network.
Up to three standby NICs can be assigned to a single active NIC.
A single standby NIC can be assigned to as many as three
active NICs.
Driver Installation Summary for Experienced Users 3-5
In a two-NIC scenario, when NIC 1 is active and NIC 2 is standby,
and if the link on the NIC 1 port fails, NIC 2 assumes the configuration profile of NIC 1 and becomes the active NIC.
NIC 1 now becomes a standby NIC for NIC 2.
When a standby NIC assigned to multiple active NICs becomes
active, it can no longer be a standby NIC for its other designated active NICs.
When an active NIC with multiple standby NICs fails, the first
eligible standby NIC (in driver load order) assumes the configuration profile of the active NIC. If this NIC in turn fails, the next designated standby NIC (in driver load order) takes over, and so on.
A NIC cannot be configured as a standby NIC for another
standby NIC.
A resilient server link is established only if the active NIC is
operational after Windows NT is booted.
The standby NIC cannot assume the configuration profile of an active NIC that has never been operational.
Driver Installation Summary for Experienced Users
Experienced Windows NT users knowledgeable in ATM configuration can use the following summary to install the 3C975 ATMLink network driver for Windows NT. Other users should proceed to the section “Installing the Network Driver” later in this chapter.
Before You Begin
Verify that all system and memory requirements are met.
When multiple ATMLink NICs are installed, run the
ATMLink diagnostic utility.
Write down the MAC address, the bus number, and the slot number of each installed ATMLink NIC. See Chapter 6 for information on the ATMLink diagnostic utility.
Obtain the names of the ELANs you wish to join from your
ATM system administrator.
Obtain an IP address for each ELAN you intend to install, if the
ELANs are to be used on an IP network without a DHCP server.
Part One: NIC Detection, Resilient Server Links, and ELAN Allocation
1 From the Network Settings window in the Control Panel,
click Add Adapter and copy the 3C975 NIC driver from the 3Com ATMDisk diskette.
The NIC Installation dialog box appears, identifying the first 3Com ATMLink NIC found on the PCI bus.
2 Click Yes to install the ATMLink NIC network driver on the
identified NIC, or click No to bypass the NIC.
You may wish to bypass a previously installed NIC in the system.
The NIC Mode dialog box appears.
3 Make the identified NIC an active or a standby NIC.
If you select Stand-by, the NIC Installation dialog box
reappears when there are multiple NICs installed.
If you select Active, the Total Number of ELANs dialog box
4 Enter the number of ELANs to be supported by the
identified NIC.
If more than one 3Com ATMLink NIC is installed, the installation program returns to step 2 and the NIC Installation dialog box.
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