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Establishing Communications with the OfficeConnect Remote 8121
Local Connecti on1
IBM-PC Compatible Computers1
Macintosh Computers1
UNIX-Based Computers2
Remote Connection2
Command Structure1
Names or Strings2
Network Address Formats2
Abbrevia tion and Command Completion2
Control Characters2
Command Language Terminology3
Password Pr otection2
Which portions of the network do you want to configure?2
Quick Setup Identification information2
Quick Setup Management Information2
TELNET information3
Quick Setup IP information3
Quick Set up IP X inf or mation4
Quick Setup Bridge Information5
Sample Identification Information5
CLI QuickVC Setup Script1
Starting QuickVC Setup1
A TM Parameters1
Network Service2
PPP Parameters2
IP Configurat ion (Netwo rk Service PPP)2
IP Configuration (Network Service RFC1483)3
IPX Routing (Network Service PPP)4
IPX Routing (Network Service RFC 1483)4
Sample Identification Information4
Sample Output Display as Quick Setup Executes5
Configuration Overview1
Remote Site Management2
Managing a Remote Site2
Configuring Network Service Information3
Configuring ATM Information3
IP Routing4
Enabling IP Routing5
show ip settings6
show ip routing settings6
Configuring an IP Network over the LAN6
Configuring IP RIP on the LAN6
Configuring IP for the Remote Site Connection7
Configuring IP RIP for a Remote Site8
Configuring Static and Framed IP Routes8
IP Tools9
Address Translation9
Network Address Translatio n (NAT)9
Configuring NAT 10
Monitoring NAT11
Configuring the DHCP Mode11
Configuring the DHCP Server11
Monitoring the DHCP Server12
Configuring the DHCP Relay13
Monitoring the DHCP Relay13
Configuring DNS14
DNS Host Entries14
Managing the DNS Proxy14
IPX Routing15
Enabling IPX Routing15
Configuring IPX for the LAN15
Configuring IPX for Remote Site Connections16
Configuring IPX Static and Framed Routes16
Configuring IPX Static and Framed Services17
Configuring IPX RIP and SAP18
Configuring Bridging for the LAN20
Configuring Bridging for the Remote Site Connections20
Bridging IP Traf fi c20
Advanced Bridging Options20
MAC-Encapsulated Routing21
Configuring MAC-Encapsulated Routing21
Simultaneous Bridging and Routing22
System Administr ation23
Gener ic Fi lt e rs28
Creating Fil ters Overv ie w28
Creating Filters Using Command Line Interface28
Filter File Components in CLI28
Protocol Sections29
Protocol Rules29
Generic Filter Rule31
Applying the Rules Using CLI31
IP Source and Destination Network Filtering Using CLI31
IP Source and Destination Port Filtering Using CLI32
IP Protocol Filtering Using CLI32
IP RIP Packet Filteri n g Usi ng CLI32
IPX Source and Destination Network Filtering Using CLI33
IPX Source and Destination Host Filtering Using CLI33
IPX Source and Destination Socket Number Filtering Using CLI33
IPX RIP Packet Filtering Using CLI33
IPX SAP Packet Filtering Using CLI34
Bridge / Generic Filtering Using CLI34
Step by Step Guide to Creatin g Fi lter Files Using CLI34
Assigning Filters36
Interface Filters36
Input Filter36
Output Filters36
Input Filters vs. Output Filters36
VC/Remote Site Filters36
Applying Filters Using CLI36
Applying a Filter to an Interface Using CLI37
Configuring a Filter for a VC/Remote Site Using CLI37
Setting Fi lter Access Usin g CL I37
Managing Filters Using CLI38
Displaying the Managed Filter List Using CLI38
Adding Filters to the Managed List Using CLI38
Removing a Filter from an Interface Using CLI38
Removing a Filter from a VC/Remote Site Profile Using CLI38
Deleting a Packet Filter Using CLI39
Verifying Filter File Syntax Using CLI39
Showing Filter File Contents Using CLI39
Global ConfigurationA-2
LAN IP Network ConfigurationA-2
DHCP and DNS ConfigurationA-2
LAN IPX Network Confi g u r ationA-3
Bridge ConfigurationA-3
Remote Site: InternetA-3
Remote Site: Corporate AccessA-4
CLI CommandsB-1
add bridge network <network_name>B-1
add dns host <host_name> address <IP_address>B-1
add dns server <domain_name>B-1
add filter <filter_nam e>B-2
add framed_route vc <name>B-2
add ip defaultroute gateway <IP_address>B-2
add ip network <network_name>B-3
add ip route <ip_net_address>B-3
add ipx network <network_name>B-3
add ipx route <ipx_net_address>B-4
add ipx service [service_ na me]B-4
add ipx_rout e vc <name>B-5
add ipx_service vc <name>B-5
add nat tcp vc <user_name>B-7
add nat udp vc <vc_name>B-7
add network service <service_name> StatusB-7
Add network service example:B-8
add snmp community <community_name>B-8
add snmp trap_community <name>B-8
add syslog <ip_name_or_addr> loglevel [loglevel]B-9
add tftp client <ip_name_or_addr>B-9
add user [name] password [password]B-9
add vc [name]B-9
arp <ip_name _or_addr>B-10
delete bridge network <network_name>B-10
delete configurationB-10
delete dns host <host_name>B-10
delete dns server <domain_name>B-10
delete filter <filter_name>B-10
delete file <file_name>B-10
delete framed route vcB-10
delete ip network <network_name>B-10
delete ip route <IP_address>B-10
delete ipx network <name>B-10
delete ipx route <ipx_net_address>B-11
delete ipx service <serv ice_n am e>B-11
delete nat tcp vc <vc_name>B-11
delete nat udp vc <vc_name>B-11
delete network service <servic e_n ame>B-11
delete snmp community <name>B-11
delete snmp trap_community <name>B-11
delete syslog <ip_name_or_address>B-11
delete tftp client <ip_name_or_address>B-11
delete user <name>B-11
delete vc <name>B-11
dial <vc_name>B-12
disable bridge network <name>B-12
disable bridge spanning_treeB-12
disable icmpB -12
disable interface <interface_name>B-12
disable ip forwardingB-12
disable ip network <network_name>B-12
disable ip ripB-12
disable ip routingB-12
disable ip static_remote_routesB-12
disable ipx network <network_name>B-12
disable link_traps interface <interface_name>B-12
disable network service <service_name>B-13
disable security_option snmp user_accessB-13
disable security_option remote_user administrationB-13
disable snmp authentication trapsB-13
disable telnet escapeB-13
disable user <user_name>B-13
disable vc <user_name>B-13
do <command_inputfile> output [outputfile]B-13
enable bridge network <network_name >B-13
enable bridge spanning_treeB-13
enable interface <interfac e_n am e>B-14
enable ip forwardingB-14
enable ip network <network_name>B-14
enable ip ripB-14
enable ip routingB-14
enable ipx network <network_name>B-14
enable link_traps int erfac e <interface_name>B-14
enable network service <service _name>B-14
enable security_option remote_user administrationB-14
enable security_optio n snmp user _acc es sB-14
enable snmp authentication tr apsB-14
enable telnet escapeB-14
enable user <user name>B-15
enable vc <vc name>B-15
exit CLIB-15
hangup interface <interface_name>B-15
hangup vc <vc_name>B-15
help <command>B-15
kill <“process n a me ”>B-15
list active interfacesB-16
list bridge forwardingB-16
list call eventsB - 16
list call logB-16
list critical eventsB-16
list dns hostsB-16
list dns serversB-16
list facilitiesB-17
list filtersB-17
list filesB-17
list interfacesB-17
list ip addressesB-17
list ip arpB-17
list ip interf a ce _ blo c kB-17
list ip networksB-18
list ip routesB-18
list ipx networksB-18
list ipx routesB-18
list ipx servicesB -1 8
list lan interfacesB-19
list networksB-19
list processesB-19
list pppB-19
list servicesB-19
list snmp communities or list snmp trap_communitiesB-20
list syslogB-20
list tcp connectionsB-20
list tftp clientsB-20
list udp listenersB-20
list usersB-20
list vcB-20
ping <ip_name_or_addr>B-21
rename file <input_file> <output_file>B-21
resolve name <IP_host_name>B-22
save allB- 22
set adsl resetB-22
set adsl wire [pair]B-22
set bridgeB-22
set bridge firewall [firewall_mode]B-22
set commandB-22
set date <date>B-23
set dhcp mode <mode>B-23
set dhcp relay server1B-23
set dhcp relay server2B-23
set dhcp serverB-24
set dnsB-24
set facility <facili ty_name> loglevel [level]B-25
set ilmi vpi <number> vci <number>B-25
set interface <interface_name>B-25
set ip network <name>B-26
set ip routingB-27
set ipx network <network_name>B-28
set ipx systemB-29
set network service <admin_name>B-29
set ppp receiv e_au t h ent ication [NONE | PAP | CHAP | EITHER]B-30
set ppp echo_retries <number>B-30
set snmp community <community_name>B-30
set systemB-30
set syslog <IP_address> loglevel [level ]B-31
set time <time>B-31
set user <user_name>B-31
set vc <vc_ n a me>B-31
set vc <vc_name> atmB-34
show atm statusB-35
show adsl statisticsB-35
show adsl performanceB-35
show adsl transceiver_statusB-35
show adsl versionB-36
show bridge network <name>B-36
show bridge settingsB-36
show call_logB-36
show commandB-37
show configurationB-37
show critical_event settingsB-37
show dateB-37
show dhcp relayB-37
show dhcp server countersB-38
show dhcp server settingsB-38
show dns countersB-39
show dns settingsB-39
show filter <filter_name>B-39
show icmp countersB-40
show interface <interface_name> countersB-41
show interface <interface_name> settingsB-41
show ip countersB-41
show ip settingsB-42
show ip network <network_name> settingsB-42
show ipx countersB-43
show ipx network <network_name> countersB-43
show ipx network <network_name> settingsB-44
show ipx ripB-44
show ipx sapB-45
show ipx settingsB-45
show memoryB-45
show network <name> settingsB -45
show network <name> countersB-45
show ppp on vc <vc_name> countersB-45
show ppp on vc <vc_name> settingsB-45
show ppp on interface <name> countersB-46
show ppp on interface <name> settingsB-46
Operational Status - Opened or Not OpenedB-47
show ppp settingsB-48
show security_option settingsB-48
show snmp countersB-48
show snmp settingsB-49
show systemB-49
show telnetB-50
show tcp countersB-50
show tcp settingsB-50
show udpB-50
show user <name> settingsB-5 1
show vc <vc_name> settingsB-51
tel net <ip_name_ or_addr>B-51
telnet <ip_name_or_addr> TCP_port <number>B-51
verify filter <filter_name>B-51
This chapter explains how to attach to the configuration interface locally via the
console port or remotely via a Telnet session. This chapter also int roduces you to
the capabilities and conventions associated with management of your
OfficeConnect Remote 812.
with the
Remote 812
Local ConnectionIf you want to attach locally to the OfficeConnect Remote 812 via the console
(serial) port, you will need to connect the supplied serial cable to the Console Port
located on th e un it and the Ser ial Po rt on yo ur c omputer. In addition, you wi ll a l so
need a terminal emulation program appropriate for your computer. See the
following subsections for various emulation options.
No matter which emulator you use, configure your settings to:
9600 baud
8 data bits
no parity
1 stop bit
direct connect
IBM-PC Compatible Computers
Windows Terminal (included with Microsoft Windows) and ProComm Plus are
popular communications packages which support VT100 terminal emulation for
IBM-PC compatible computers. Hyp erTerm, bundled with Windows 95, also
provides terminal emulation.
Macintosh Computers
ProComm, M icroPhone, White Knight, Kermit, Red Ryder, VersaTerm and ZTerm
(a shareware application available on the Internet and many online services) are
popular communications programs which carry vt100 terminal emulation service
for Macintosh computers. If you don’t have a communications package or your
program doesn’t support vt100 emulation, ZTerm will function just as well.
Kermit, minicom and tip are typical terminal emulation programs for UNIX-based
computers. Depending on the pla tform you’re using, you may need to modify a
configuration file for vt100 settings.
Remote ConnectionIf you want to attach to the OfficeConnect Remote 812 via the LA N or WAN
interface of the unit, you will need to establish a Telnet connection to the unit.
The OfficeConnect Remote 812 must have an IP address and an administrative
login profile (username and password) in order to connect to it with Telnet. The IP
address and administrati ve lo gin profile are au tom aticall y cr eated when the u nit is
initially configured using the IP Wizard or in DHCP Smar t Mode. The default
username is 'r oot' and the def au lt pas swo rd is '! root '. R efe r to th e Of fic eCon ne ct
Remote 812 ADSL Router Install Guide for information on the IP Wizard or DHCP
Smart Mode initialization. Alternatively, the IP address and administrative login
profile can be created with CLI using the QuickSetup program or using individual
From W indows 95, you can go to the DOS Window and run:
telnet <ip_address>
This will bring up the login prompt for the unit. Once you have successfully
logged in, the Command Line Interface presentation is the same as if you were
locally attached.
When you want to terminate your Telnet session, type quit at the CLI prompt.
This chapter describes the command syntax, conventions and terminology used
within the Command Line Interface. Reviewing and understanding this chapter is
essential for you to understand subsequent chapters.
FormatCommands can be followed by values and/or parameters and values. For example:
add ip network <network_name>
address [ip_addr]
{ interface [eth:1 ] }
add ip network is the command
<network_name> is the (required) value for the command
address is a required parameter
[ip_addr] is the value for the IP address parameter which you must provide
interface is only required if you want to override the default value, which is
are order independent
{…} parameters enclosed by curly braces are required, and are provided with
default values. You do not need to specify these param eter s unless you wish to
override t he default.
< … > required values for a command or parameter are enclosed by arrows.
[…] range of values following parameters are enclosed in brackets. Inside the
brackets, if you see a:
| (vertical bar) you may select only one of the displayed choices:
, (comma) you can select one or more of the displayed choices:
The type of value you enter must match the type requested. Numbers are
either decimal or hexadecimal. Text can be either a string that you create, or it
may be a list of options you must choose from. When choosing an option, type
the text of the option exactly.
Names or Strings
“Double quotation marks” set off user-defin ed st rin gs. If yo u want wh it e spac e
or special characters in a string, it must be enclosed by “double quotation
Network Address Formats
Many commands require a network address, to define a link to a remote host,
workstation or netwo rk. Net work ad dr esses ar e sho wn in th is d ocument using t he
syntax described in the following table:
Commands ca n be abbreviated if arguments you write are unique.
For example, you can type se vc jay pa bird, short for: set vc jay password bird is acceptable, but se vc jay i isn’t unique because i can
stan d for ip , ip_rou ting , or ip_source_validation.
As a convention, some commands illustrated in this manual are abbreviated
and annotated as such (abbr.) for brevity.
Also, some parameters are omitted in examples because they default to
standard values and do not require entry, or are unnecessary for common
configuration. See the CLI Reference section for more details.
Commandcompletion finishes spelling a unique, abbreviated parameter for
you just by pressing the key. It’s handy when you’re in a hurry or uncertain
about a command. For example, if you type add ip n[ESC], it will spell out the
keyword network without losing your place in the command syntax.
Commands ca n be retrieved by typing <ctrl>p [^p] (for previous) and <ctrl>n
[^n] (for next). Command retrieval consults the history of previous f ully enter e d
commands, defaulting at the last ten commands. If an error occurs while a
command is processing, any partial command (up to and including the field in
error) is added to the history list.
The current command can be killed by pressing <ctrl>c [^ c].
A partially completed command line can be reprinted - a useful function if, due
to interrupted output, you’re unsure wh at OfficeConnect Remote 812 has
“seen” up to now - by pressing <ctrl>l [^ l] (for last).
Help is general or positional. Type help <any command> to get a cursory list
of associated commands and its syntax. Type <any command> ? to get more
extensive, positional help for a particu lar field. Help is most useful during
configuration: query the list of possible parameters by typing ? and, when you
find the value you need, type it without losing your place in the argument. Just
be sure to leave a space between the keyword and the question mark.
Command Structure2-3
Command Language
Most commands are not cas e sens iti ve. As a rule, onl y <name> and [password]
values require typing the correct case.
Configuration changes occur immediately but are l os t on r ebo ot un les s y ou
save them. The save all command places configuration changes in FLASH
ROM (permanent memory) . Th e change s ar e l ost if not sa ved to FLASH ROM or
if power is lost before you can save them.
Commands to delete a network user, interface, route, TCP connection,
community name, network service and others cannot take place unless the
process or function has first been disabled.
Wherever an IP a ddr e ss value is required, you can en t er a host name prov ide d
you have configured a DNS server or put the name and address into the DNS
Local Host table.
The CLI command language creates, manages, displays and removes system
entities. These entities describe system and network connections and processes.
Most of the managed entities in the system are slotted in tables. Some common
examples are:
Network - defines local and remote networks, network connections, hosts
and routers
VC - A table of parameters that describes connection parameters associated
with a remote site. These parameters are used when establishing a network
connection over the WAN.
User - A table of parameters that describes connec tion parameters associated
with Telnet users that wish to attach and remotely manage the unit.
Filter - can be applied to interfaces, connections, and users to control access
through the system
Interface - describes phy sical device s; for exampl e, ports
Syslog Host - receives system messages
DNS Server - translates IP addresses to and from host names
Route - describes a path through the network to anothe r system or network
Table entries are created with an add command, and removed with a delete
command. The add command specifies the most important parameters of the
entry. Ad diti onal p ar ameter s ar e u sual ly s peci fie d with the set command, which is
also used to change configured parameters.
The list command displays table entries. For example, list users displays all
defined administrative login profiles.
The show command displays detai led info rmati on ab out a s peci fic ta ble en try. For
example, show user root displays detailed information for the administrative
login profile root.
OfficeConnect Remote 812 CLI offers three setup choices, all of whic h are
described in this section: the automated, Quick Setup method, the QuickVC Setup
method, and the manual method. Review the capabilities of each below and
decide which configuration method best suits your needs, then proceed to the
appropriate chapter for detailed configuration guidelines for each method.
Quick Setup
QuickVC Setup
The Quick Setup program for the CLI is designed to get your OfficeConnect
Remote 812 up and running fast. To ensure that you have all the information you
need on hand before you engage Quick Setup, we have supplied a script to jot
down system, management, and LAN configuration information. We recommend
that you fill out either script completely to get the full benefit of the program.
Used in combination with the QuickVC Setup program, Quick Setup allows
virtually complete console-based configuration of your OfficeConnect Remote 812
without requiring any knowledge of CLI command syntax.
The questions beginning in the next chapter represent nearly the full text of what
Quick Setup would query if you were to use every service available as configured
on the CLI. If you are using partial service - just IP configuration, for example Quick Setup will skip the Bridging section. Default values are enclosed in brackets
[ ].
If at any time you decide to quit Quick Setup, you can type <ctrl>c (^c)
throughout the program.
The QuickVC Setup program for the CLI is designed to get virtual circuits for your
OfficeConnect Remote 812 configured quickly. To ensure that you have all the
information you need on hand before you enga ge QuickVC Setup, we have
supplied a script to jot down information for VC connections. We recommend that
you fill out either script completely to get the full benefit of the program.
Used in combination with the Quick Setup program, QuickVC Setup allows
virtually complete console-based configuration of your OfficeConnect Remote 812
without requiring any knowledge of CLI command syntax.
The questions beginning in Chapter 5 represent nearly the full text of what
QuickVC Setup would query if you were to use every service available as
configured on the CLI. If you are using partial service Quic kVC Setup will skip
some sections. Default values are enclosed in brackets [ ].
Manual S etup
Once you become familiar with the CLI interface, you might find it more efficient
to manage the OfficeConnect Remote 812 manually. Manual configuration is
most versatile in that you only enter commands that need to effectively change
from the current configuration. Also, many of the advanced features can only be
accessed through manual configuration (such as filtering).
CLI Quick Setup
IntroductionThe CLI Quick Setup pr ogr am all ows you to quic kly c onfi gure LAN- side, global and
This chapter will describe in detail the operations of the Quick Setup program. It
will identify the required information, steps involved, and sample output scripts
from the execution of this program.
management settings for your OfficeConnect Remote 812. Instead of using
cryptic commands, you will simply respond to a series of questions regarding
different aspects of your configuration. The program will convert your responses
into the appropriate CLI commands and execute them.
The CLI Quick Setup program automatically executes when the OfficeConnect
Remote 812 is powered on with no configuration and all DIP switches in the back
of the unit are in the OFF position. This boot mo de is called Unconfigured Mode.
An OfficeConnect Remote 812 unit can be restored to an unconfigured state by
ensuring that all DIP switches are in the OFF position and by deleting the
configuration by performing one of the following:
1 Press the Configuration reset button on the back of the unit while powering on.
2 Issue the delete configuration command from the CLI.
3 Use the browser-based OfficeConnect Remote 812 Manager to delete the
For more information on the Of ficeConnect Re mote 812 boot modes see Chapter
2: Getting Started in the OfficeConnectRemote 812 A DSL Router Install Guide.
InstructionsThe following sections contain the CLI Quick Setup script. You will be required to
enter information concerning your network configuration. Questions in the script
are presented here in tables. Write the appropriate information for your desired
configura tion in the following tables.
Setup ScriptThe OfficeConnect Remote 812 Quick Setup will let you set up LAN-side and
global configuration for your system.To configure wide-area profiles you should
run the OfficeConnect Remote 812 VC Wizard using the QUI CKVC command.
Do you want to continue with OfficeConne ct Remote 812 Quick Setup?
The OfficeConnect Remote 812 Quick Setup allows you to setup a simple
configura tion for IP, IPX, and bridging.
Please answer the following questions with "yes" or "no" to indicate which
portions of the system you want to configure.
When Quick Setup di splays a question it will display a default answer in square
brackets, like "[yes]". If you simply press enter, this is the answer that will be used
for you.
Password Protection
QuestionDefaultYour System
Do you want the CLI to be password
What is the console login password (no
more th a n 8 ch aract er s)?
[no ]
[ ]
Which portions of the network do you want to configure?
QuestionDefaultYour System
Network management ?[yes]
IP ?[yes]
IPX ?[no]
Bridging ?[no]
Quick Setup Identification information
QuestionDefaultYour System
Enter the name of your system: [ ]
Who is the system contact person?[ ]
Where is thi s system located?[ ]
Quick Setup Management Information
QuestionDefaultYour System
Do you want to be able to manage the system via
An SNMP community names a group of systems that can manage yo ur system via
SNMP. It is a rudimentary form of security.
QuestionDefaultYour System
What SNMP community will manage this system?[public]
CLI Quick Setup Script4-3
Along with a community name, you can limit access to a specific management
station. "" means any station.
QuestionDefaultYour System
What is the IP address of the station for this
You also need to specify if this community can only read information, or read and
write information.
QuestionDefaultYour System
Can this community change management
This completes the section on SNMP management configuration.
TELNET information
QuestionDefaultYour System
Do you want to allow command line management via
For TELNET management of the system, you need to create a user name and
password to control access.
QuestionDefault Your System
What user name wil l be allowed to manage th is system?[root]
What password will be used for this user ?[ ]
Quick Setup IP inf ormation
The OfficeConnect Remote 812 uses a network name to identify the network for
future managment commands.
QuestionDefaultYour System
Enter the network name of your IP network: [ip]
Enter the IP add ress for the Office Connect Remote
The IP mask can be specified either as a class ("A", "B", or "C"), the number of
one bits in the mask, or as an address in the format 255.x.x.x.
QuestionDefaultYour System
What should the the mask be set to?[C]
You need to specify the frami ng for the IP network. It should be either
"ethernet_ii" or "snap".
QuestionDefaultYour System
What is the framing for the IP network?[ethernet_ii]
You can use the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) to exchange routing
information with other routers on the network.
QuestionDefaultYour System
Do you want to run RIP?[yes]
Choose the versi on of RIP to run: [v2]
The OfficeConnect Remote 812 can act as a DHCP server , pr oviding IP addr esses to
other stations on the local lan.
QuestionDefaultYour System
Do you want the OfficeConnect Remote 812 to act
as a DHCP server?
Enter the start address for the DHCP IP address
Enter the end address for the DHCP IP address
[ ]
[ ]
It is possible to restrict access to the TFTP server to a specific system or a list of
systems. Quick Setup will allow you to enter one system that is allowed or allow
access to all systems.
QuestionDefaultYour System
Do you want to allow all systems to access the TFTP
IP setup is completed.
Quick Setup IPX information
The network name is used by the OfficeConnect Remote 812 to ide ntify your IPX
CLI Quick Setup Script4-5
QuestionDefaultYour System
Enter the name of your network: [ipx]
The network number is a non-zero hexadecimal number of up to 8 digits.
Enter the ipx network number: [ ]
You need to specify the framing for the IPX network. It should be one of the
following: “ethernet_ii”, “snap”, “dsap”, “novell_8023.”
What is the fram ing for the IPX netw ork ? [ethernet_ii]
Quick Setup Bridge Informat ion
The network name is used by the OfficeConnect Remote 812 to identify your
bridging setup.
QuestionDefaultYour System
Enter the network n a m e : [bridge]
The spanning tree algorithm is used to eliminate loops in a network that is linked
together with bridges. You should run the spanning tree algorithm in the
OfficeConnect Remote 812 if you have multipl e 812s linking your network to
another network; or if you think that there might be loops in your network.
Do you want to run the spanning tree algorithm?[no]
Would you like to review your current settings before executing [yes]?
Sample Identific ation Information
This section contains a sampl e of possible settings.
Management Information:
Console Login Required:yes
Console Logi n Password:password
SNMP Management:
SNMP Community:public
SNMP IP Address:
SNMP Read&Write:yes
TELNET Management:
TELNET User:root
TELNET Password:!root
IP Information:
IP Network Name:ip
IP Network Address:
IP Mask:C
IP Frame Type:ethernet_ii
DHCP Server:Enabled
DHCP Pool Start IP Address:
DHCP Pool End IP Address: