3COM 6200 User Manual

Security Switch 6200
Hardware and Software Users Guides
10 12 14 16
(max) 9800,8,N,1
December 2003
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About this Guide
Intended Audience ........................................................................................ v
Conventions................................................................................................... v
Related Documentation ............................................................................... vi
Customer Support........................................................................................ vi
1 Introduction
System Components .................................................................................. 1-1
Chassis ................................................................................................... 1-2
Management Options ............................................................................ 1-3
First Time Startup Interview......................................................... 1-3
Configuration Tool .......................................................................... 1-3
2 Installation
Before You Start ........................................................................................ 2-1
Site Requirements ................................................................................. 2-2
Shipment Check .................................................................................... 2-2
Additional Equipment........................................................................... 2-4
Required Equipment ............................................................................. 2-4
Tools................................................................................................. 2-4
Cables .............................................................................................. 2-4
Terminal or PC................................................................................ 2-5
Chassis Rack Installation ......................................................................... 2-5
Front Rack Mounting ............................................................................ 2-5
Tabletop Mounting ................................................................................ 2-6
Interface Connections and First Time Start-Up
Making Connections .................................................................................. 3-1
Management Serial Port Connections ................................................. 3-1
Connecting a Terminal or PC to the System Front Serial
Craft Port ........................................................................................ 3-2
Connecting Remotely ...................................................................... 3-3
Power Connections ................................................................................ 3-3
Startup and Normal Operation LED Displays ........................................ 3-4
POST Error Beep Codes ............................................................................ 3-5
First Time Startup..................................................................................... 3-7
3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide
4 Configuring the Security Switch 6200 System
Configuring System Parameters............................................................... 4-2
Configuring User Accounts ....................................................................... 4-5
Configuring the Network Time Protocol (NTP) ....................................... 4-6
Configuring Domain Name Resolution..................................................... 4-6
Configuring the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) .......... 4-7
Configuring Physical Interfaces.............................................................. 4-10
Configuring Tap Interfaces ..................................................................... 4-12
Configuring Network Interfaces ............................................................. 4-13
Configuring IP Aliases ............................................................................ 4-14
Configuring Static Routes ....................................................................... 4-16
Configuring Static ARP Entries.............................................................. 4-17
Configuring the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)............. 4-18
Exiting from the Configuration Tool ...................................................... 4-21
Saving Your System Configuration ........................................................ 4-21
Restoring Your System Configuration.................................................... 4-21
Displaying Your System Configuration.................................................. 4-21
Restoring the system to Factory Default Settings ................................. 4-25
Getting Help Within the Configuration Tool ......................................... 4-25
5 Upgrading the System Software
Upgrading the System Software ............................................................... 5-1
6 Upgrading the System Software Using the Safe Upgrade and
Rollback Features
Using Multiple Versions of Software (Safe Upgrade) .............................. 6-1
Upgrading from Version 2.0 ................................................................. 6-1
Upgrading from Version 2.1 and Greater ............................................ 6-3
Upgrading from Software to a UP While an RP is
Operational (Rollback)............................................................................... 6-4
7 Technical Support
Online Technical Services ......................................................................... 7-1
World Wide Web Site ............................................................................ 7-1
3Com Knowledgebase Web Services .................................................... 7-2
3Com FTP Site....................................................................................... 7-2
Support from Your Network Supplier ...................................................... 7-2
Support from 3Com ................................................................................... 7-3
Email Support ....................................................................................... 7-3
Telephone Support ................................................................................ 7-3
Returning Products for Repair.................................................................. 7-6
A Technical Specifications
Physical Characteristics........................................................................... A-1
Environmental Characteristics................................................................ A-1
Power Characteristics .............................................................................. A-1
3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide
B Connector Pin Assignments
C Regulatory Information
Regulatory Standards Compliance .......................................................... C-1
CE marking for the EEA (European Economic Area) ........................ C-1
Safety .................................................................................................... C-1
Factory Approvals ................................................................................ C-1
EMI Compliance ....................................................................................... C-2
Radio Frequency Interference ............................................................. C-2
VCCI Statement V-3/2000.04 .............................................................. C-2
Other EMI Approvals........................................................................... C-2
Immunity Compliance .............................................................................. C-2
3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide
3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide

About this Guide

This guide describes how to install and configure the 3COM Security Switch 6200 hardware and system software. The Security Switch 6200 is based on the 3COM system software and may be referred to as the system.

Intended Audience

This guide is intended for system integrators and other qualified service personnel responsible for installing, configuring, and managing the system.

Conventions The following conventions are used throughout this guide to

emphasize certain information, such as, user input, screen options and output, and menu selections.
italics Indicates book titles and user input variables.
Courier Indicates user input and program output.
Courier italics Indicates variables in commands.
Menu => Indicates to select an Option from the menu pull-down.
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes indicate the following:
NOTES Provide helpful suggestions or reference to materials not contained in this
Warnings notify you to proceed carefully in order to avoid personal harm.
Cautions notify you to proceed carefully in order to avoid damaging
equipment or losing data.
3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide v
About this Guide

Related Documentation

Customer Support

The following guides provide additional installation and configuration information for the system.
Security Switch 6200 Product Release Notes Install Server Installation and Configuration Guide Security Switch 6200 Applications Guide
To obtain technical tips or support, refer to the Technical Support chapter of this guide.
vi 3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide


The Security Switch 6200 is a high performance, turnkey security services switch that integrates best-in-class firewall, virtual private networks, intrusion detection, and content security engines. The system offers high port density, high availability, and simplicity of management in a compact, expandable form factor.

System Components

The system is a Network Processor-based security platform that provide exceptional performance while maintaining flexibility for security application support. The system’s unique flow management and acceleration technology enables simultaneous processing of traffic by multiple services.
The system is used by medium to large enterprises to consolidate the functions of multiple appliances at a fraction of the cost.
This chapter describes the system components.
The system has a compact, expandable form factor and is either rack or table­top mountable. The system provides the following features:
Fixed 16-10/100 Ethernet and 2-fiber or copper Gigabit Ethernet (GE)
Network Interface Module (NIM) powered by the Network Processor.
Dual-processor motherboard (Application Module) with high-speed
Pentium III processors.
High-speed Ethernet backplane connecting the network and
application processing modules.
40 GB hard drive.
Two out-of-band 10/100 Ethernet management ports.
Two USB ports (may be used for modem support).
3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide 1-1
One serial console port.
Two redundant, hot-swappable power supplies.
Five expansion slots for optional VPN or other security
acceleration cards.

Chassis The chassis is front rack mountable, in a standard 19 inch rack.

Figure 1-1 displays the 6200 system’s major components.
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Figure 1-1 6200 Front View
Figure 1-2 displays the rear panel components.
NOTE: This figure is shown for reference only. The console connections should be made from the 6200 front panel, with the management connections taking place in the rear of the chassis.
PCI Slots
PCI Slots
Primary Power Supply
Secondary Power Supp
RJ45 Serial Port
Managemet Port 2
Managemet Port 1
PS/2 Mouse/Keyboard Connector
Figure 1-2 Rear Panel Component Layout
1-2 3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide

Management Options

The system provides two system management options:
First time startup interview
Configuration Tool

First Time Startup Interview

The system uses a built in, easy to configure, interview tool (cos_interview) that allows you to quickly configure your system for basic operations. For further information on the startup interview, refer to the Interface Connections and First Time Start-Up chapter of this guide.

Configuration Tool

The system uses a menu driven configuration interface (cos_config) for configuration purposes. This tool supports adding, modifying, or deleting any of the system configuration parameters. For further information on this tool, refer to the Configuring the System chapter of this guide.
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1-4 3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide


This chapter describes the system installation, covering the following topics:
Pre-installation considerations
Chassis installation
Interface connections

Before You Start

To ensure power connectivity, if you are using more than one power supply, be sure to use separate power sources.
Before installing your system, be sure that the site’s environmental and space requirements allow optimal chassis access and operation. In addition, you need to verify that you have the equipment and the tools necessary to complete this installation.
3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide 2-1

Site Requirements

The system installation site should meet the following requirements:
Requirement Description
Operating Temperature 0 to 40 degrees C
Relative Humidity 10% - 90%, non-condensing
Minimum Ventilation 6 inches (15.2 cm) to the front, back, and sides of
the chassis
Service Clearance 30 inches (76.2 cm) at the front of the chassis
Power Sources 100 to 240 VAC outlets, with grounding and power
surge protection
Rack Standard 19-inch rack with grounding

Shipment Check Using the packing slip as a reference, inspect package contents for missing or

damaged items. If parts are missing or damaged, call your 3COM Systems Support Representative (Refer to Chapter 5, for contact information.). The following items, as a minimum, are included with your system:
Mounting screws
Rubber feet
Two power cables
One serial console port cable
CDs containing the system software, product documentation, and
Warranty card
Figure 2-1 shows the standard shipping contents:
2-2 3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide
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Figure 2-1 3COM Security Switch 6200 Shipping Contents
NOTE: 3COM recommends that you save the shipping containers in the event you need to send back one or more components.
3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide 2-3

Additional Equipment

Required Equipment

PC running RedHat Linux 6.2 or greater software. This software is
used to support the Security Switch 6200 Graphical User Interface
(GUI) and for hosting the Check Point™ FireWall-1
PC running WinNT4/Win2K software. This software is used for
launching the Check Point FireWall-1 GUI and the system’s embedded
Security applications licenses to activate installed software on
the system.
To install the chassis in a standard rack you need certain hand tools, appropriate cabling, and additional hardware not included in the chassis shipment.


To install the chassis into a standard rack you need, as a minimum, a Phillips screwdriver (9” minimum, #2).


Cabling requirements are installation-specific. Prior to installation you should know:
The kind and number of cables required for each type of interface.
The distance limitations for each signal type. Table 2-1: provides the
approximate cable distance limitations.
Table 2-1: Cable Distance Limitations
Cable Description Distance Limitation
Craft port: RS-232 DB9 directly from the system
Management Link port: 10/100 Cat 5 cable, 100 meters (328 feet)
Copper Ethernet Link Port: 10/100/ 1000
Fiber Ethernet Link Port: Gigabit 62.5 micro-fiber - 275 meters
Table 2-2: shows the cables that ship with chassis.
Table 2-2: System Cables
Cable Description
Power Cabling Standard AC power cable.
Console Port Serial shielded straight-through 9-pin D-sub female to 9-
pin male cable.
15 meters maximum (50 feet maximum)
Cat 5 cable, 100 meters (328 feet)
(902 feet) 50 micro-fiber - 550 meters (1805 feet)
2-4 3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide

Terminal or PC

A VT-100 terminal or a Personal Computer (PC) is required during installation. The terminal or PC is connected to the chassis’s craft port, allowing you to monitor start-up diagnostics and to configure the unit for remote management access.

Chassis Rack Installation

Front Rack Mounting

The chassis can be installed in the front or center of a standard 19” rack.
To install the chassis in the front of your rack:
1. Remove the center brackets (one on each side) from the system.
2. Position the chassis in the rack by aligning the holes on its integrated front mounting brackets with the holes in the rack.
3. Insert the appropriate screws through the brackets and tighten. If the rack holes are not threaded, use cage-nuts over them. Figure 2-2 shows a chassis installation example.
12 14
11 13
10/100/1000 PACKET LINK
(max) 9800,8,N,1
Rear Mounting Bracket
Front Mounting Bracket
Figure 2-2 Front Rack Mounting the Chassis
3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide 2-5

Tabletop Mounting

The system can be mounted on any desk or table top. To do this you first need to attach the four rubber feet, supplied with the system, to the bottom of the box. To do this, complete the following:
1. Turn the system over onto its top with the bottom facing up.
2. Locate the indented feet locators, as shown in the following figure.
Place rubber feet here.
3. Peel backing off of the rubber feet and press them down firmly on the indents.
Once the rubber feet are installed you can mount the system on a solid flat surface.
2-6 3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide
Interface Connections and
First Time Start-Up
This chapter describes the procedure for powering up the system for the first time. Specifically covered are the following:
Connecting to the Management Console
Powering Up the System

Making Connections

Management Serial Port Connections

First time configuration
This section describes connections to the chassis interfaces, including:
Management serial port
Ethernet port
Power connections
The system provides you with multiple ways to access the Management Console. You can connect to the console by either connecting a terminal or a PC to the system’s serial (craft) connector or by Telneting into the system Management Console remotely.
For the initial configuration you can connect to the system through the craft port. Alternatively, you can connect to the system through telnet if you have the DHCP service in your network. By default, DHCP is enabled on your system, after your intital configuration you can disble the DHCP service.
3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide 3-1
Interface Connections and First Time Start-Up
To connect to the serial connector use the DB9 serial connector located on the front panel of the system.
NOTE: If you are connecting to the system Management Console using a terminal or PC, the serial port on the terminal or PC must be configured for 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, and no flow control.

Connecting a Terminal or PC to the System Front Serial Craft Port

To connect a terminal or PC to the system front serial craft port:
1. Connect one end of a DB9-to-DB9 cable into the terminal or PC.
2. Connect the other end into the system serial craft port. Figure 3-1 shows the system connected to a laptop computer.
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Personal Computer
Figure 3-1 Connecting a Laptop Computer to the system Front Serial
Craft Port
3. Set to VT-100 terminal emulation mode.
3-2 3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide
Interface Connections and First Time Start-Up

Connecting Remotely

To access the system remotely:
1. Connect one end of an RJ45-to-RJ45 cable into a remote access device.
2. Connect the other end into the Management port. Figure 3-2 shows the Management port module connected to a hub.
Figure 3-2 Connecting to the System Remotely
3. Telnet to configure IP.
Power Connections
CAUTION: To ensure power connectivity, if you are using more than one power supply, be sure to use separate power sources.
To connect power cabling:
1. Place the female end of the power cable into the power supply connector located on the back of the chassis. Refer to Figure 3-3 for the exact location.
Power Supply Audible Alarm Reset Button
Primary Power Supply Connection
Figure 3-3 System Rear View Power Connections
NOTE: Before applying power to the system, be sure you have connected a terminal or PC to the craft port. This allows you enter commands needed at startup.
Secondary Power Supply Connection
3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide 3-3
Interface Connections and First Time Start-Up
2. Attach the male end of the power cable into an AC power source. The system is powered up when power is applied to the power supplies.
NOTE: If the system is powered up with one power supply or if one of the power supplies experiences a loss of power, an audible alarm sounds. To silence this sound, press the red button located on the left side of the primary power supply.
Startup and Normal Operation
During power up and normal operation, you can observe start-up activity by checking LED activity on the system front panel.
Table 3-1 describes the various front panel LEDs and their function.
LED Displays
Table 3-1 Front Panel LED Descriptions
LED Color/Label State Description
10/100 Fast Ethernet Green On Ethernet connectivity present.
Yellow Flashing Traffic is present.
10/100/100 Fast Ethernet/Gigabit Ethernet
Power/Sleep(PWR) Green On Power on.
MGMT1/MGMT2 Green Random Flash NIC activity present.
System Status (SYS) Green On Running with normal operation.
Disk Activity (HDD) Green Random Flash Disk activity present.
Fiber/Green On Fiber connectivity present.
Activity/Green Flashing Traffic is present.
Link/Green On Ethernet connectivity present.
In sleep state.
Off Off Power is off.
Amber On Critical or non-recoverable condition.
Non-critical condition.
Off Off Post/system stop.
Off Off
No hard disk activity detected.
1. The PWR LED sleep indication is maintained on standby by the system. If the system is powered down without going through BIOS, the LED state in effect at the time of power off, is restored when the system is powered on until cleared by the BIOS. If the system is not powered down normally, the PWR LED may blink even though the SYS LED may be off due to a failure or configuration change that prevents the BIOS from running.
2. The Amber status takes precedence over the Green status. When the Amber LED is on or flashing, the Green LED is off.
3. This LED is also off when the system is powered off or in a sleep state.
3-4 3COM Security Switch 6200 Hardware and Software Users Guide
Interface Connections and First Time Start-Up

POST Error Beep Codes

The following tables list POST error beep codes. Before system video initialization, the BIOS and BMC use these beep codes to inform users on error conditions.
BMC Generated POST Beep Codes
Code Description
1-5-1-1 FRB failure (processor failure)
1-5-2-1 Empty Processor
1-5-2-2 No Processor
1-5-4-2 Power fault: DC power unexpectedly lost (power
control failures)
1-5-4-3 Chipset control failure
1-5-4-4 Power control failure
BIOS Generated POST Error Beep Codes
Beeps Error message Description
1 Refresh timer failure The memory refresh circuitry on the
motherboard is faulty.
2 Parity error Parity can not be reset.
3 Base memory failure Base memory test failure. See Table 53.
POST Memory Error 3-Beep Codes for additional error details.
4 System timer System timer is not operational.
5 Processor failure Processor failure detected.
6 Keyboard controller Gate
A20 failure
7 Processor exception
interrupt error
8 Display memory read/write
9 ROM checksum error System BIOS ROM checksum error.
10 Shutdown register error Shutdown CMOS register read/write
11 Invalid BIOS General BIOS ROM error.
The keyboard controller may be bad. The BIOS cannot switch to protected mode.
The CPU generated an exception interrupt.
The system video adapter is either missing or its memory is faulty. This is not a fatal error.
error detected.
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Interface Connections and First Time Start-Up
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