3B Scientific Hysteresis Curve User Manual

Equipment set - coil for measuring hysteresis 8496112
Instruction sheet
1 Base plate 2 Retainer for Hall probe 3 Coil 4 4-mm sockets
5 Iron samples
1. Safety instructions
• To avoid damaging the coil by overheating, do not exceed the maximum allowable current of 3 A DC.
2. Description
The for measuring hysteresis equipment set coil is for recording hysteresis curves (magnetic flux den­sity B as a function of magnetic field strength H) for various ferromagnetic core materials.
The cylindrical coil consists of 600 compact turns in several layers mounted on a base plate. Three different iron samples can be interchanged to form the core of the coil. A retainer on the base plate accommodates the field probe.
3. Technical data
Wire diameter: 1 mm Number of turns: 600
Internal impedance: 1.5 Inductance without core: 3.5 mH Dimensions: 200 x145 x 65 mm Iron samples: 140 mm x 10 mm Ø Material: Construction steel,
carbide metal, iron (stainless)
Total weight: 950 g approx.
4. Operation
To record hysteresis curves, the following appara­tus is additional required: 1 AC/DC power supply 8521131 1 Teslameter 8533981 1 Axial/tangential field probe 8533997 1 Escola 10 multimeter 8531160 Experiment leads
• Connect the power supply, coil and ammeter in series (see Fig. 1).
• Place a core inside the coil.
• Secure the field probe in its retainer so that the tangential probe is against the coil core.
• Turn on the power supply and increase the current to the coil until the magnetic flux den­sity B approaches saturation. Make sure the current to the coil does not exceed its 3-amp limit.
• Determine the magnetic field strength H from the current to the coil I, the number of turns n, and the length of the coil s.
• Read the magnetic flux density B from a teslameter.
• Set the current back to zero, reverse the polar­ity to the coil and conduct measurements in the negative current range.
• Plot the magnetic flux density as a function of the magnetic field strength.
• Repeat the experiment with various iron sam­ples.
Fig.1 Obtaining a hysteresis curve
Fig. 2 Example of a hysteresis curve
max. 3 A
Elwe Didactic GmbH Steinfelsstr. 6 08248 Klingenthal Germany www.elwedidactic.com
3B Scientific GmbH Rudorffweg 8 21031 Hamburg ▪ Germany ▪ www.3bscientific.com
Subject to technical amendments