Hofmann's Voltameter, S U58010
Instruction Sheet
11/08 ALF
1 Stand base with rod
2 Sockets
3 Gold leaf electrodes
4 Gas collection tube
5 Stop cock
6 Water reservoir
1. Safety instructions
The apparatus is made of glass. There is a risk of
breakage and resulting injury.
• Handle the apparatus with care when carrying it
and make sure it is stable on the desk.
• Do not subject the glass components to
mechanical stress.
Hydrogen and oxygen form an explosive mixture.
• Never re-combine the gases in a test tube.
Since the conductivity of distilled water is too low
electrolysis is carried out using dilute sulphuric acid
(c = 1 mol/l approx.). Students should always be
informed of the dangers of the chemicals needed for
the experiment.
• Carefully add the sulphuric acid to the water
while stirring. Never do this the other way round.
• Wear protective goggles when mixing the solution
and when releasing the gases.
Caution! Any acid that escapes can cause irreparable
stains and holes in clothing.

2. Description
5. Example experiments
Hofmann's voltameter is used for the electrolysis of
water (converting electrical energy into chemical
energy), quantitative determination of the resulting
gases and confirmation of Faraday’s laws.
The apparatus consists of three vertical glass tubes
connected to each other at the bottom. Taps at the
top ends of the outside tubes are closed whilst the
inner cylinder is open at the top to allow the addition
of water via a reservoir. Gold sheet electrodes are
fitted to the lower ends of the outside tubes and
connected to a low voltage DC power supply unit. The
proportion of hydrogen and oxygen produced by
electrolysis from the water can be read from the
graduations on the side tubes.
By opening the taps at the top of the tubes, gases can
be collected for analysis. Carbon electrodes (U58011)
are also available for analysis of solutions where gold
is unsuitable.
3. Technical data
Dimensions: approx. 580 x 150 mm²
Stand base, A-shaped: 115 mm leg length
Operating voltage: 4 - 12 V DC
4. Additionally required equipment
1 DC Power Supply 0 - 20 V, 0 - 5 A (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
1 DC Power Supply 0 - 20 V, 0 - 5 A (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
1 Mechanical Stopwatch, 30 min U40800
1 Digital Pocket Thermometer U11853
1 K-Type NiCr-Ni Immersion Sensor U11854
1 Barometer U10260
Distilled water
Sulphuric acid (c = 1 mol/l approx.)
5.1 Investigation of the conductivity and composition
of water
• Pour distilled water into the water reservoir with
both stopcocks open until both tubes are full.
Then close the stopcocks.
• Turn on the power supply and observe the
There is no perceptible reaction at the electrodes.
• Turn the power supply off again.
• Add a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid.
• After waiting for about 5 minutes, switch on the
power supply again.
Gas bubbles should rise from both electrodes.
• When the gas collection tube at the negative pole
(cathode) is half filled with gas, turn off the power
• Release the gases through the stopcocks and
collect them in upturned test tubes.
• Demonstrate the presence of hydrogen by the pop
test and the presence of oxygen using a glowing
5.2 Determining the Faraday constant
• Pour distilled water into the water reservoir with
both stopcocks open until both tubes are full.
Then close the stopcocks.
• Add a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid.
• Turn on the power supply and set the current so
that approximately 1 A flows. Check to see that
gas is being emitted into both tubes.
• Turn the power supply off again, open the
stopcocks and release the gas.
• Close the stopcocks. Turn on the power supply
and take the time with a stopwatch.
• When the glass collection tube at the negative
pole (cathode) is nearly full, turn off the power
supply and the stopwatch together and record the
• Determine the volume of the hydrogen.
• Measure the air pressure and water temperature
in the reservoir.
For a known current I (A), time t (s), air pressure p
), temperature T (K), volume of gas VH2 (m3) and
universal gas constant R (8.3 J mol
–1 K–1
) the Faraday
constant F is given by:
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