Equipment set for additive and subtractive colour
mixing U21883
Instruction manual
11/05 ALF
1 Base plate
2 Colour filter
3 Holder
4 Mirror
5 Lens
1. Description
The equipment set is used for demonstrating
additive and subtractive colour mixing on an
overhead projector.
It consists of a base plate with three mirror/lens holders. The base plate is mounted
onto the projection surface of the overhead
projector. Depending on the projection distance, three large circles (30-80 cm in diameter) are projected onto a screen or wall.
By rotating the holders and mirrors, the colour circles may be projected either distinctly
or partially overlapping one another.
2. Scope of delivery
Projection disc with 3 mirror/lens holders
6 Colour filters: red, green, blue, magenta,
yellow and cyan

3. Technical data
Dimensions: 130 mm x 190 mm x
250 mm
Weight: 0.570 kg
Colour filter: 120 mm x 50 mm
4. Theory
Additive colour mixing is also called chromatic colour mixing. Every colour comprises
one part of the visible spectrum. By mixing
the colours, spectral bands are added. As a
result, the mixed colour is always lighter than
the respective original colours. All these colours sum up to form white.
Subtractive colour mixing is also known as
pigment mixing. Individual wavelength
ranges of the visible spectrum, i.e. colours,
are filtered from the entire spectrum of visible light. In other words, they are subtracted.
Every colour added absorbs a further part of
the visible spectrum. The mixed colours are
thus always darker than the original colours.
All these colours sum up to form black.
5. Operation
Preferably conduct the experiments in a
darkened room.
• Place the base plate upon an overhead
5.1 Additive colour mixing
• Insert the red, green and blue colour
filters into the holders.
• Create a sharp image of the boundaries of
the colour filters.
• Turn the holders in such a way that the
images overlap.
• If an image depiction of only two colours
is desired, cover the middle aperture, e.g.
with a piece of cardboard.
Filter colours Mixed
Red Blue Magenta
Blue Green Cyan
Red Green Yellow
Red Blue Green White
5.2 Subtractive colour mixing
• Place the magenta, yellow and cyan colour filters one on top of the other onto
the projection surface of the overhead
Filter colours Mixed
Magenta Yellow Red
Yellow Cyan Green
Magenta Cyan Blue
Magenta Yellow Cyan Black
3B Scientific GmbH ▪ Rudorffweg 8 ▪ 21031 Hamburg ▪ Germany ▪ www.3bscientific.com
Technical amendments are possible