3B Scientific Digital Counter with Interface User Manual

Digital Counter with Interface (115 V, 50/60 Hz) 1003122 Digital Counter with Interface (230 V, 50/60 Hz) 1003123
09/12 ALF
1. Safety instructions
The counter conforms to safety regulations for electrical measuring instruments and control and laboratory equipment as per DIN EN 61010, part
1. It is intended for operation in a dry environment, suitable for the operation of electrical equipment and systems.
Safe operation of the counter is guaranteed, provided it is used correctly. However, there is no guarantee of safety if the counter is used in an improper or careless manner.
If it may be assumed for any reason that non­hazardous operation will not be possible (e.g. visi­ble damage), the counter should be switched off immediately and secured against any unintended use.
Before using the counter for the first time,
confirm that the specifications printed on the rear side of the housing are compatible with the local mains voltage.
Replace a faulty fuse only with one matching
the specifications stated at the rear of the housing.
Disconnect the counter from the mains be-
fore replacing a fuse.
Never short the fuse or the fuse holder.
2. Description
The digital counter with interface is a microproces­sor based counter. It was specially designed for the education in Physics.
The instrument has the following functions and measuring modes:
Frequency counting Period measurement Impulse counting Start A - Stop B Pass times Run + Pass times
The digital counter with interface can be used as a stand-alone instrument or together with a Per­sonal Computer. A Windows programme for operation and data logging from the instrument is supplied with the instrument. Also a cable for connecting the counter and the PC serial port (COM-1 or COM-2) is supplied.
The Geiger-Müller amplifier module is as stan­dard supplied with the counter.
The counter with the order number 1003123 is for mains supplies of 230 V (±10%) while the one with order no. 1003122 is for 115 V (±10%) sys­tems.
3. Operating controls and connections
Front panel
POWER On / Off contact
FUNCTION Push button for selec­tion of function. Push to select next.
SELECT Push button for selec­tion of measuring method, and for use with display of results
START/STOP Push button to start and stop of measure­ment
Hz LED for indication of measurement in Hz
kHz LED for indication of measurement in kHz
s LED for indication of measurement in sec­onds
ms LED for indication of measurement in milli seconds
4-digit LED-display for results
2x16-character LCD­display for function, selection, setup etc.
A LED indicator for input A
B LED indicator for input B
IMPULSE Electrical impulse input A
IMPULSE Electrical impulse input B
SWITCH Electro/mechanical switch input A
SWITCH Electro/mechanical switch input B
PHOTO/MIC mini-DIN8 socket for connection of photo gates or microphone
PHOTO/MIC mini-DIN8 socket for connection of photo gates or microphone
Rear panel
Mains connection 230 V or 115 V AC 50/60 Hz Mains fuse (0.5 AT)
RS232 interface to PC für PC
GM BNC-connector for Geiger-Müller tube
GM VOLTAGE Voltage regulation potmeter for the Gei­ger-Müller tube.
4. Technical data
Input A and B
Input impedance: 500 k Sensitivity: 200 mV Trigger polarity: positive going or
negative going, indi­vidually selectable in each function if rele­vant
Range: 0.01 Hz – 99,9 kHz
Hint: Voltage can be measured with a 10 M multimeter, and multiplied by 2.
General data
Mains connection: 1003122: 115 V (±10 %), 50/60 Hz
1003123: 230 V (±10 %), 50/60 Hz Power consumption: 20 VA approx. Dimensions: 95x245x185 mm Weight: 5 kg approx.
Resolution: 0.01 Hz - 10 Hz Method: continuous / single
Range: 0.01 Hz – 99.9 kHz Resolution: 0.01 ms - 10 ms Method: continuous / single
Impulse count
Range: 0 - 9999 impulses per s Resolution: 1 impulse Method: continuous;
counting for 1 s; 6 s; 10 s and 60 s; counting for 10 s fol­lowed by 5 s pause; counting for 10 s con­tinuous
Start A - Stop B
Range: 0.01 ms - 100 s Resolution: 0.01 ms
Pass time
Range: 0.01 m - 100 s Resolution: 0.01 ms Method: simultaneous on both
Memory: up to 9 times per
The instrument is powered by activating the
switch marked ‘POWER’.
Immediately on power-on the instrument dis­plays the version number (i.e. ‘r 1 1.00 .00 .00’ for approx. 2 secs.).
The counter is now ready for use. The selected function and method of measure-
ment are shown in the LCD-display. To change language turn off the power, hold the
‘SELECT’ and simultaneous switch on the power. Use the ‘SELECT’ button to change the lan-
guage, press ‘FUNCTION’ to store the selection
in memory.
Select a function with the push-button ‘FUNC- TION’ and then the measuring method with the pushbutton ‘SELECT’.
If the selected function has the option to select the trigger polarity, then a simultaneous push on
‘FUNCTION’ and ‘SELECT’ displays the trigger
polarity in the LCD-display for each input.
Pushing the ‘SELECT’ changes the trigger po­larity. Push the ‘START/STOP’ to store the se-
lection in memory.
List of the functions and measurement me­thods:
Function Select Description
Pass / Run time
Range: 0.01 ms - 100 s
Resolution: 0.01 ms Method: first pass time on A,
then pass time on B
Memory: one set of measure-
ments (run time A to B, pass time A and pass time B)
Geiger-Müller amplifi er module
Anode resistor: 10 M (Ri) GM voltage range: 325 – 650 V DC con-
tinuously adjustable
5. Operation
Single measu­rement
Pendulum continu­ous
When button
pressed, frequency is continuously measured
When button
pressed, a single measurement is started
When button
pressed, a pendu­lum’s freq. is con­tinuously measured
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