U14390 Polarization Demonstration Device
Operating instructions
3/03 ALF
1Base plate
2Angular scale
4Rotary grip with a pointer
The U14390 polarization device is designed for use on
a daylight projector as part of qualitative and quantitative experiments conducted before large audiences
at schools and universities, for example in order to
demonstrate optical activity as well as determinations
of specific angles of rotation, or concentrations if these
angles are already known.
1. Safety notes
• Do not clean the polarization demonstration device with aggressive agents.
• Do not fill the cuvette with liquids which attack
• Ensure that the filters do not get scratched.
2. Description, technical data
A yellow filter and a polarizer are set in the middle of a
black, plastic base plate. A cuvette marked at 50 mm
and 100 mm and containing a solution of the substance
to be examined is inserted into the inner holder and
subsequently covered by an analyzer mounted on an
outer holder equipped with a rotary knob and a pointer.
Turning the analyzer allows the angle of rotation to be
read on a transparent scale ranging from + 40° to
–40° and having divisions of 1°.
Dimensions: 370 mm x 330 mm x 190 mm
Illustration 1
2. Operating principle
Light (visible electromagnetic radiation) emitted by the
daylight projector is made to pass through a yellow filter, as yellow light by definition increases the measurement accuracy.
This light oscillates in a number of planes:
Illustration 1:
1Yellow filter 5Holder with rotary knob
2Polarizer and pointer
3Holder for the cuvette 6100-mm mark
450-mm mark 7Cuvette

The first polarization filter, or polarizer, preferentially
allows the passage of one of the oscillation planes, thus
polarizing the light. If a second polarization filter (analyzer) rotated by 90° with respect to the first one is connected in series, the polarized light is largely absorbed,
because the lattices formed by these mutually perpendicular filters are transverse with respect to the oscillation planes. The result is maximum extinction.
If the light path is made to pass through a substance
(comprising the solution in the cuvette) which rotates
the oscillation plane of the polarized light either to
the left or the right, i.e. an optically active substance,
the analyzer needs to be turned accordingly in order
to maximize extinction again.
The angle (in degrees) between maximum absorption
with and without the cuvette solution, or between pure
solvent and solution, is determined by turning the analyzer; this angle is a decisive parameter, in addition to
the concentration of the solution and the filling level
of the cuvette.
4. Operation
• Place the polarization demonstration device on the
daylight projector and focus the image of the scale.
• Set the pointer to zero. Rotate the analyzer so that
the extinction is maximized. No light spot from the
light path should be visible on the projection area.
• Fill the cuvette with the pure solvent and insert it
into its holder.
• Turn the pointer to the left and the right until a
light spot just becomes visible again on both these
sides of the scale. The value located exactly between
these two measurement results serves as the zeropoint or reference point for further measurements.
Ideally, it coincides with the zero mark on the scale.
Example: Measurement limits of –6° and +4° result in a reference value of –1°.
• After that place the cuvette with a solution of the
optically active substance in the light path, and note
the filling level for future calculations.
• As in the case of the pure solvent, establish the
points on either side at which maximum absorption occurs, i.e. at which the light spot just appears
again. This will allow you to determine the angle
of rotation.
For instance, limits of –21° and –11° would result
in a reference value of –16° here. If the reference
value of the pure solvent was –1°, the measured
angle of rotation a is –15°.
5. Polarimetry
Compounds which carry four different substituents or
ligands at a center (activity center) and which can be
reflected on a mirror plane are termed optically active
Mirror plane
Such compounds behave like objects and their mirror
images, and are not superimposable (enantiomeric
forms). Optically active substances rotate the oscillation plane of light. If 50% of each form is present in
the mixture (racemate), rotation is cancelled. If one of
the two forms predominates, the oscillation plane is
rotated as a whole. The angle of rotation α is a material constant which depends on the following conditions, in addition to the nature of the particles:
• Wavelength of the light: As the general convention
is to use the sodium-D line of the emitted light (Na
vapor discharge lamps) for exact measurements, the
bottom of the device is fitted with a yellow filter to
approximate this spectral range.
• Temperature: 20°C are usually specified for measurements.
• The number of rotating particles: Dependence on
the concentration of the dissolved substance and
the layer thickness of the solution (= filling level of
the cuvette); proportional relationship.
• Solvent.
Rotation expressed with respect to a particular quantity of optically active substance (right-handed = +, lefthanded = -; angle of rotation) is a material constant
termed specific rotation (specific angle of rotation).
= Spec. angle of rot. for the Na-D line at 20°C
=Measured angle of rotation (scale reading)
c =Concentration in grams/100 ml (g/0.1 dm3)
of solution
d =Layer thickness (filling level) in dm.
5.1 Examples
Examples of specific angles of rotation
tation) in degrees:
(End ro-
D-glucose:+52.7; D-fructose: –92.4; D-mannose:+14.6;
D-galactose:+80.2; D-xylulose:+33.1; D-ribose:–23.7;
Saccharose:+66.5; Maltose+130.4; Lactose+52.5
(values provided by Aebi, Einführung in die praktische
Biochemie, Karger 1982)
-D-glucose 113.0 (crystallized from water); α-D-glucose +19.0 (crystallized from pyridine); α-Hydroxybutyric acid -24.8; Protein -52.8
(values provided by Rapoport/ Raderecht,
Physiologisch-chemisches Praktikum, VEB Verlag Volk
u. Gesundheit, 1972).