ZyXEL Communications IX280P User Manual

Chapter 15 The Firewall Screens
15.4 Technical Reference
The following section contains additional technical information about the MAX­207HW2R features described in this chapter.
15.4.1 Stateful Inspection Firewall.
Stateful inspection firewalls restrict access by screening data packets against defined access rules. They make access control decisions based on IP address and protocol. They also "inspect" the session data to assure the integrity of the connection and to adapt to dynamic protocols. These firewalls generally provide the best speed and transparency; however, they may lack the gr anular application level access control or caching that some proxies support. Firewalls, of one type or another, have become an integral part of standard security solutions for enterprises.
15.4.2 Guidelines For Enhancing Security With Your Firewall
1 Change the default password via web configurator.
2 Think about access control before you connect to the network in any w ay.
3 Limit who can access your router.
4 Don't enable any local service (such as telnet or FTP) that you don't use. Any
enabled service could present a potential security risk. A determined hack er might be able to find creative ways to misuse the enabled services to access the fi rew all or the network.
5 For local services that are enabled, protect against misuse. Protect by configuring
the services to communicate only with specific peers, and protect by configuring rules to block packets for the services at specific interfaces.
6 Protect against IP spoofing by making sure the firewall is active.
7 Keep the firewall in a secured (locked) room.
15.4.3 The “Triangle Route” Problem
A traffic route is a path for sending or receiving data packets between two Ethernet devices. You may have more than one connection to the Internet (through one or more ISPs). If an alternate gateway is on the LAN (and its IP address is in the same subnet as the MAX-207HW2R’s LAN IP address), the
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 15 The Firewall Screens
“triangle route” (also called asymmetrical route) problem may occur. The steps below describe the “triangle route” problem.
1 A computer on the LAN initiates a connection by sending out a SYN packet to a
receiving server on the WAN.
2 The MAX-207HW2R reroutes the SYN packet through Gateway A on the LAN to the
3 The reply from the WAN goes directly to the computer on the LAN without go i ng
through the MAX-207HW2R.
As a result, the MAX-207HW2R resets the connection, as the connection has not been acknowledged.
Figure 68 “Triangle Route” Problem Solving the “Triangle Route” Problem
If you have the MAX -207HW2R allow t riangle route sessions, tr affi c from the W AN can go directly to a LAN computer without passing through the MAX-207HW2R and its firewall protection.
Another solution is to use IP alias. IP alias allows you to partition your network into logical sections over the same Ethernet interface. Your MAX-207HW2R supports up to three logical LAN interfaces with the MAX-207HW2R being the gateway for each logical network.
It’s like having multiple LAN networks that actually use the same physical cables and ports. By putting your LAN and Gateway A in different subnets, all returning network traffic must pass through the MAX-207HW2R to your LAN. The following steps describe such a scenario.
1 A computer on the LAN initiates a connection by sending a SYN packet to a
receiving server on the WAN.
2 The MAX-207HW2R reroutes the packet to Gateway A, which is in Subnet 2.
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 15 The Firewall Screens
3 The reply from the WAN goes to the MAX-207HW2R.
4 The MAX-207HW2R then sends it to the computer on the LAN in Subnet 1.
Figure 69 IP Alias
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 15 The Firewall Screens
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Content Filter
16.1 Overview
Use the TOOLS > Content Filter screens to create and enforce policies that restrict access to the Internet based on content
Internet content filtering allows you to create and enforce Internet access policies tailored to their needs. Content filtering is the ability to block certain web features or specific URL keywords. The MAX-207HW2R can block web features such as ActiveX controls, Java applets, cookies and disable web proxies. The MAX­207HW2R also allows you to define time periods and days during which the MAX­207HW2R performs content filtering.
16.1.1 What You Can Do in This Chapter
•The General screen (Section 16.2 on page 156) lets you set up a trusted IP address, which web features are restricted, and which keywords are blocked when content filtering is effective.
•The Schedule screen (Section 16.3 on page 158) lets you schedule content filtering.
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 16 Content Filter
16.2 Filter
Click TOOLS > Content Filter > General to set up a trusted IP address, which web features are restricted, and which keywords are blocked when content filtering is effective.
Figure 70 TOOLS > Content Filter > General
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 62 TOOLS > Content Filter > General
Enable Content Filter
Trusted IP Setup Trusted
Computer IP Address
Restrict Web Features
You can allow a specific computer to access all Internet resources without the restrictions you set in these screens. Enter the IP address of the trusted computer.
Select the web features you want to disable. If a user downloads a page with a restricted feature, that part of the web page appears blank or grayed out.
ActiveX - This is a tool for building dynamic and active Web pages and distributed object applications. When you visit an ActiveX Web site, ActiveX controls are downloaded to your browser, where they remain in case you visit the site again.
Java - This is used to build downloadable Web components or Internet and intranet business applications of all kinds.
Chapter 16 Content Filter
Cookies - This is used by Web servers to track usage and to provide service based on ID.
Web Proxy - This is a server that acts as an intermediary between a user and the Internet to provide security, administrative control, and caching service. When a proxy server is located on the WAN, it is
possible for LAN users to avoid content filtering restrictions. Keyword Blocking Enable URL
Keyword Blocking
Keyword Type a keyword you want to block in this field. You can use up to 128
Keyword List This field displays the keywords that are blocked when Enable URL
Delete Click Delete to remov e the selected keyword in the Keyword List. The
Clear All Click this button to remove all of the keywords in the Keyword List. Denied Access
Message Apply Click to save your changes. Reset Click to restore your previously saved settings.
Select this if you want the MAX-207HW2R to block Web sites based on
words in the web site address. For example, if you block the keyword
bad, http://www.website.com/bad.html is blocked.
printable ASCII characters. There is no wildcard character, however.
Click this to add the specified Keyword to the Keyword List. You can
enter up to 128 keywords.
Keyword Blocking is selected. To delete a keyword, select it, click
Delete, and click Apply.
keyword disappears after you click Apply.
Enter the message that is displayed when the MAX-207HW2R’s content
filter feature blocks access to a web site.
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 16 Content Filter
16.3 Schedule
Click TOOLS > Content Filter > Schedule to schedule content filtering.
Figure 71 TOOLS > Content Filter > Schedule
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 63 TOOLS > Content Filter > Schedule
Enable Schedule
Day to Block Select which days of the week you want content filtering to be effective. Time of Day to
Apply Click to save your changes. Reset
Select this if you want to enable the schedule.
Select what time each day you want content filtering to be effective.
Enter times in 24-hour format; for example, 3:00pm should be entered
as 15:00.
Click to restore your previously saved settings.
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
The Password Setup Screen
17.1 Overview
The default administrator password is 1234. Use this screen to change it.
17.2 Password Setup
Click TOOLS > Password Setup to change the administrator password.
Figure 72 TOOLS > Password Setup
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 64 TOOLS > Password Setup
Password Setup Old Password Enter the current password you use to access the MAX-207HW2R. New Password Enter the new password for the MAX-207HW2R. You can use up to 30
Retype to Confirm
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
characters. As you type the password, the screen displays an asterisk
(*) for each character you type.
Enter the new password again.
Chapter 17 The Password Setup Scr ee n
Table 64 TOOLS > Password Setup
Apply Click to save your changes. Reset Click to restore your previously saved settings.
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
The Status Screen
18.1 Overview
Use this screen to view a complete summary of your MAX-207HW2R connection status.
18.2 Status Screen
Click the STATUS icon in the navigation bar to go to this screen, where you can view the current status of the device, system resources, and interfaces (LAN and WAN).
Figure 73 Status
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 18 The Status Screen
The following tables describe the labels in this screen.
Table 65 Status
Device Information () System Name ()This field displays the MAX-207HW2R system name. It is used for
Firmware Version ()
Hardware Version
Uptime This field displays how long the MAX-207HW2R has been running since
Memory Usage This field displays what percentage of the MAX-207HW2R’s memory is
Interface Status LAN Interface
Status This field indicates whether or not the MAX-207HW2R is using the LAN
This field displays the current version of the firmware inside the device.
It also shows the date the firmware version was created.
You can change the firmware version by uploading new firmware in
ADVANCED > System Configuration > Firmware.
This field displays the version of the physical device hardware.
it last started up. The MAX-207HW2R starts up when you plug it in,
when you restart it (ADVANCED > System Configuration >
Restart), or when you reset it.
currently used. The higher the memory usage, the more likely the MAX-
207HW2R is to slow down. Some memory is required just to start the
MAX-207HW2R and to run the web configurator. You can reduce the
memory usage by disabling some services (see CPU Usage); by
reducing the amount of memory allocated to NAT and firewall rules (you
may have to reduce the number of NA T rules or firewall rules to do so);
or by deleting rules in functions such as incoming call policies, speed
dial entries, and static routes.
This field displays Connected when the MAX-207HW2R is using the
LAN interface. Otherwise, it displays DISCONNECTED.
Rate This field displays the LAN connection speed (in Mbps). IP Address This field displays the current IP address of the MAX-207HW2R in the
IP Mask This field displays the current subnet mask on the LAN.
WAN Interface
Status This field indicates whether or not the MAX-207HW2R is using the WAN
This field displays OPERATIONAL when the MAX-207HW2R is using
the WAN interface. Otherwise, it displays DISCONNECTED.
IP Address This field displays the current IP address of the MAX-207HW2R in the
IP Mask This field displays the current subnet mask in the LAN. BSID This field displays the identification number of the wireless base station
to which the MAX-207HW2R is connected. Every base station transmits
a unique BSID, which identifies it across the network.
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 18 The Status Screen
Table 65 Status (continued)
Preamble Index
Frequency This field displays the radio frequency of the MAX-207HW2R’s wireless
Tx Bytes This field shows the number of data packets uploaded from the MAX-
Rx Bytes This field shows the number of data packets downloaded to the MAX-
RSSI This field shows the Received Signal Strength Indication. This value is a
Tx Power This field shows the output transmission (Tx) level of the MAX-
CINR This field shows the average Carrier to Interference plus Noise Ratio of
MAC address This field displays the Media Access Control address of the MAX-
The Preamble Index is the number of bytes used for initial
synchorinzation at the biginning of a downlink frame. See the IEEE
802.16e standard for more information.
connection to a base station.
207HW2R to the base station each second.
207HW2R from the base station each second.
measurement of overall radio signal strength. A higher RSSI level
indicates a stronger signal, and a lower RSSI level indicates a weaker
A strong signal does not necessarily indicate a good signal: a strong
signal may have a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
the current connection. This value is an indication of over all radio signal
quality. A higher value indicates a higher signal quality, and a lower
value indicates a lower signal quality.
207HW2R. Every network device has a unique MAC address which
identifies it across the network.
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 18 The Status Screen
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
This chapter offers some suggestions to solve problems you might encounter. The potential problems are divided into the following categories:
Power, Hardware Connections, and LEDs
MAX-207HW2R Access and Login
Internet Access
Phone Calls and VoIP
Reset the MAX-207HW2R to Its Factory Defaults
19.1 Power, Hardware Connections, and LEDs
The MAX-207HW2R does not turn on. None of the LEDs turn on.
1 Make sure you are using the power adapter or cord included with the MAX-
2 Make sure the power adapter or cord is connected to the MAX-207HW2R and
plugged in to an appropriate power source. Make s ure the power source is turned on.
3 Disconnect and re-connect the power adapter or cord to the MAX-207HW2R.
4 If the problem continues, contact the vendor.
One of the LEDs does not behave as expected.
1 Make sure you understand the normal behavior of the LED. See Section 1.2.1 on
page 21 for more information.
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 19 Troubleshooting
2 Check the hardware connections. See the Quick Start Guide.
3 Inspect your cables for damage. Contact the vendor to replace any damaged
4 Disconnect and re-connect the power adapter to the MAX-207HW2R.
5 If the problem continues, contact the vendor.
19.2 MAX-207HW2R Access and Login
I forgot the IP address for the MAX-207HW2R.
1 The default IP address is
2 If you changed the IP address and have forgotten it, you might get the IP address
of the MAX-207HW2R by looking up the IP address of the default gatew ay for your computer. To do this in most Windows computers, click Start > Run, enter cmd, and then enter ipconfig. The IP address of the Default Gateway might be the IP address of the MAX-207HW2R (it depends on the network), so enter this IP address in your Internet browser.
3 If this does not work, you have to reset the MAX-207HW2R to its factory defaults.
See Section 19.1 on page 165.
I forgot the password.
1 The default password is 1234.
2 If this does not work, you have to reset the MAX-207HW2R to its factory defaults.
See Section 9.4 on page 93.
I cannot see or access the Login screen in the web configurator.
1 Make sure you are using the correct IP address.
• The default IP address is
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 19 Troubleshooting
• If you changed the IP address (Section 3.2 on page 32), use the new IP address.
• If you changed the IP address and have forgotten it, see the troubleshooting suggestions for I forgot the IP address for the MAX-207HW2R.
2 Check the hardware connections, and make sure the LEDs are behaving as
expected. See the Quick Start Guide and Section 1.2.1 on page 21.
3 Make sure your Internet bro w ser does not block pop-up windows and has
JavaScript and Java enabled . See Appendix C on page 215.
4 If there is a DHCP server on your network, make sure your computer is using a
dynamic IP address. Your MAX-207HW2R is a DHCP server by default. If there is no DHCP server on your network, make sure your computer’s IP
address is in the same subnet as the MAX-207HW2R . See Appendix D on page
5 Reset the MAX-207HW2R to its factory defaults, and try to access the MAX-
207HW2R with the default IP address. See Section 9.5 on page 95.
6 If the problem continues, contact the network administrator or vendor, or try one
of the advanced suggestions.
Advanced Suggestions
• Try to access the MAX-207HW2R using another service, such as Telnet. If you can access the MAX-207HW2R, check the remote management settings and firewall rules to find out why the MAX-207HW2R does not respond to HTTP.
• I f y our comput er is connected wirelessl y, use a computer that is connected to a LAN/ETHERNET port.
I can see the Login screen, but I cannot log in to the MAX-207HW2R.
1 Make sure you have entered the user name and password correctly. The default
user name is admin, and the default password is 1234. These fiel ds are case­sensitive, so make sure [Caps Lock] is not on.
2 You cannot log in to the web configurator while someone is using Telnet to access
the MAX-207HW2R. Log out of the MAX-207HW2R in the other session, or ask the person who is logged in to log out.
3 Disconnect and re-connect the power adapter or cord to the MAX-207HW2R.
4 If this does not work, you have to reset the MAX-207HW2R to its factory defaults.
See Section 9.4 on page 93.
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 19 Troubleshooting
I cannot Telnet to the MAX-207HW2R.
See the troubleshooting suggestions for I cannot see or access the Login screen in
the web configurator. Ignore the suggestions about your browser.
19.3 Internet Access
I cannot access the Internet.
1 Check the hardware connections, and make sure the LEDs are behaving as
expected. See the Quick Start Guide and Section 1.2.1 on page 21.
2 Make sure you entered your ISP account information correctly in the wizard. These
fields are case-sensitive, so make sure [Caps Lock] is not on.
3 Check your security settings. In the web configurator, go to the Status screen.
Click the WiMAX Profile link in the Summary box and make sure that you are using the correct security settings fo r your Internet account.
4 Check your WiMAX settings. The MAX-207HW2R may have been set to search the
wrong frequencies for a wireless connection. In the web configurator, go to the Status screen. Click the WiMAX Site Information link in the Summary box and ensure that the values are correct. If the values are incorrect, enter the correct frequency settings in the ADVANCED > WAN Configuration > WiMAX Configuration screen. If you are unsure of the correct values, contact your service provider.
5 If you are trying to access the Internet wirelessly, make sure the wireless settings
in the wireless client are the same as the settings in the AP.
6 Disconnect all the cables from your MAX-207HW2R, and follow the directions in
the Quick Start Guide again.
7 If the problem continues, contact your ISP.
I cannot access the Internet any more. I had access to the Internet (with the MAX­207HW2R), but my Internet connection is not available any more.
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 19 Troubleshooting
1 Check the hardware connections, and make sure the LEDs are behaving as
expected. See the Quick Start Guide and Section 1.2.1 on page 21.
2 Disconnect and re-connect the power adapter to the MAX-207HW2R.
3 If the problem continues, contact your ISP.
The Internet connection is slow or intermittent.
1 The quality of the MAX-207HW2R’ s wireless connection t o the base station may be
poor. Poor signal reception may be improved by moving the MAX-207HW2R away from thick walls and other obstructions, or to a higher floor in your building.
2 There may be radio interfer ence caused by nearby electrical devices such as
microwave ovens and r a dio tr ansmitters. Mo ve the MAX-207HW2R away or switch the other devices off. Weather conditions may also affect signal quality.
3 As well as having an external antenna connector, the MAX-210HW2 is equipped
with an internal directional antenna. If you k now t he l oc a ti on of the base station, orient the front of the MAX-207HW2R (the side with the LEDs) towards the base station. If you do not know the location of the base station, experiment by moving the MAX-207HW2R while observing the Strength Indicator LEDs for an increase in received signal strength. The MAX-200HW2 and MAX-230HW2 do not have internal antennas.
4 There might be a lot of traffic on the network. Look at the LEDs, and check Section
1.2.1 on page 21. If the MAX-207HW2R is sending or receiving a lot of
information, try closing some programs that use the Internet, especially peer-to­peer applications.
5 Disconnect and re-connect the power adapter to the MAX-207HW2R.
6 If the problem continues, contact the network administrator or vendor, or try one
of the advanced suggestions.
The Internet connection disconnects.
1 Check your WiMAX link and signal strength using the WiMAX Link and Strength
Indicator LEDs on the device.
2 Contact your ISP if the problem persists.
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 19 Troubleshooting
19.4 Phone Calls and VoIP
The telephone port won’t work or the telephone lacks a dial tone.
1 Check the telephone connections and telephone wire.
2 Make sure you have the VOICE > Service Configuration > SIP Settings screen
properly configured (Chapter 10 on page 97).
I can access the Internet, but cannot make VoIP calls.
1 Make sure you have the VOICE > Service Configuration > SIP Settings screen
properly configured (Chapter 10 on page 97).
2 The VoIP LED should come on. Make sure that your telephone is connected to the
VoIP port (see the Quick Start Guide for information on connecting telephone
cables to the these ports).
3 You can also check the VoIP status in the Status screen.
4 If the VoIP settings are correct, use speed dial to make peer-to-peer calls. If you
cannot make a call using speed dial, there may be something wrong with the SIP server. Contact your VoIP service provider.
Problems With Multiple SIP Accounts
You can set up two SIP accounts on your MAX-207HW2R. By default your MAX­207HW2R uses SIP account 1 for outgoing calls, and it uses SIP accounts 1 and 2 for incoming calls. With this setting, you always use SIP account 1 for your outgoing calls and you cannot distinguish which SIP account the calls are coming in through. If you want to control the use of different dialing plans for accounting purposes or other reasons, you need to configure your phone port in order to control which SIP account you are using when placing or receiving calls.
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 19 Troubleshooting
19.5 Reset the MAX-207HW2R to Its Factory Defaults
If you reset the MAX-207HW2R, you lose all of the changes you have made. The MAX-207HW2R re-loads its default settings, and the password resets to 1234. You have to make all of your changes again.
You will lose all of your changes when you push the Reset button.
To reset the MAX-207HW2R,
1 Make sure the Power LED is on and not blinking.
2 Press and hold the Reset button for fiv e to ten seconds. Release the Reset butt on
when the Power LED begins to blink. The default settings have been restored.
If the MAX-207HW2R restarts automatically, wait for the MAX-207HW2R to finish restarting, and log in to the web configurator. The password is “284wj/6”.
If the MAX-207HW2R does not restart automatically, disconnect and reconnect the MAX-207HW2R’s power. Then, follow the directions above again.
19.5.1 Pop-up Windows, JavaScripts and Java Permissions
Please see Appendix C on page 215.
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 19 Troubleshooting
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Product Specifications
This chapter gives details about your MAX-207HW2R’s hardware and firmware features.
Table 66 Environmental and Hardware Specifications
Operating Temperature 0°C to 45°C Storage Temperature -25°C to 55°C Operating Humidity 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing) Storage Humidity 10% to 95% (non-condensing) Power Supply 12V DC, 2A Power consumption 18W Ethernet Interface Four auto-negotiating, auto-MDI/MDI-X NW ay 10/100 Mbps
RJ-45 Ethernet ports
Telephony Interface Two analog ATA interfaces for standard telephones through
RJ-11 FXS (Foreign Exchange Subscriber) analog connector Antennas Two internal omnidirectional 5dBi WiMAX antennas Weight 400 g Dimensions 165 mm (W) x 25 mm (D) x 260 mm (H) Certification Safety:
Table 67 Radio Specifications
Media Access Protocol IEEE 802.16e WiMAX Bandwidth 2.5 GHz
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
UL 60950-1
EMI and EMS:
FCC & WiMAX Forum Wave II compliance
Chapter 20 Product Specifications
Table 67 Radio Specifications (continued)
Data Rate Download:
Modulation QPSK (uplink and downlink)
Output Power Typically 26 dBm with internal antennas Duplex mode Time Division Duplex (TDD) Security PKMv2
Table 68 Firmware Specifications
Web-based Configuration and Management Tool
High Speed Wireless Internet Access
Maximum 20 Mbps Average 6 Mbps
Maximum 4 Mbps Average 3 Mbps
16-QAM (uplink and downlink)
64-QAM (downlink only)
CCMP, 128-bit AES
Also known as “the web configurator”, this is a firmware-
based management solution for the MAX-207HW2R. You
must connect using a compatible web browser in order to use
The MAX-207HW2R is ideal for high-speed wireless Internet
WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperabilit y for Microwave Access) is a
wireless networking standard providing high-bandwidth,
wide-range secured wireless service. The MAX-207HW2R is a
WiMAX mobile station (MS) compatible with the IEEE 802.16e
standard. Firewall The MAX-207HW2R is a stateful inspection firewall with DoS
(Denial of Service) protection. By default, when the firewall is
activated, all incoming traffic from the WAN to the LAN is
blocked unless it is initiated from the LAN. The MAX-
207HW2R’s firewall supports TCP/UDP inspection, DoS
detection and prevention, real time alerts, reports and logs. Content Filtering The MAX-207HW2R can block access to web sites containing
specified keywords. You can define time periods and days
during which content filtering is enabled and include or
exclude a range of users on the LAN from content filtering. Network Address
Translation (NAT)
Network Address Translation (NAT) allows the translation of
an Internet protocol address used within one ne twork (for
example a private IP address used in a local network) to a
different IP address known within another network (for
example a public IP address used on the Internet).
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 20 Product Specifications
Table 68 Firmware Specifications (continued)
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)
Dynamic DNS Support With Dynamic DNS support, you can have a static hostname
DHCP DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) allows the
IP Alias IP alias allows you to partition a physical network into logical
Multiple SIP Accounts You can configure multiple voice (SIP) accounts. SIP ALG Your device is a SIP Application Layer Gateway (ALG). It
Dynamic Jitter Buffer The built-in adaptive buffer helps to smooth out the
Voice Activity Detection/ Silence Suppression
Comfort Noise Generation Your device generates background noise to fill moments of
Echo Cancellation You device supports G.168 of at least 24 ms.
Your device and other UPnP enabled devices can use the
standard TCP/IP protocol to dynamically join a network,
obtain an IP address and convey their capabilities to each
alias for a dynamic IP address, allowing the host to be more
easily accessible from various locations on the Internet. You
must register for this service with a Dynamic DNS service
individual clients (computers) to obtain the TCP/IP
configuration at start-up from a centr alized DHCP server. Your
device has built-in DHCP server capability enabled by default.
It can assign IP addresses, an IP default gateway and DNS
servers to DHCP clients. Your device can also act as a
surrogate DHCP server (DHCP Relay) where it relays IP
address assignment from the actual real DHCP server to the
networks over the same Ethernet interface. Your device
supports three logical LAN interfaces via its single physical
Ethernet interface with the your device itself as the gateway
for each LAN network.
allows VoIP calls to pass through NAT for devices behind it
(such as a SIP-based VoIP software application on a
variations in delay (jitter) for voice traffic (up to 60 ms). This
helps ensure good voice quality for your conversations.
Voice Activity Detection (VAD) reduces the bandwidth that a
call uses by not transmitting when you are not speaking.
silence when the other device in a call stops transmitting
because the other party is not speaking (as total silence
could easily be mistaken for a lost connection).
Time and Date Get the current time and date from an external server when
Logging Use the MAX-207HW2R’s logging feature to view connection
Codecs Enhanced Variable Rate Codec (EVRC), G.711 (PCM
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
This an ITU-T standard for eliminating the echo caused by the
sound of your voice reverbera ting in the telephone receiver
while you talk.
you turn on your MAX-207HW2R. You can also set the time
history, surveillance logs, and error messages.
a-law), G.729a, and G.723.1
Chapter 20 Product Specifications
Table 68 Firmware Specifications (continued)
Fax Support T.38 FAX relay (FAX over UDP).
Ring Tones Supports different distinctive ring tones on each line. Call Prioritization Prioritize VoIP traffic originating from the RJ-11 ports over
Table 69 Standards Supported
RFC 768 User Datagram Protocol RFC 791 Internet Protocol v4 RFC 792 Internet Control Message Protocol RFC 792 Transmission Control Protocol RFC 826 Address Resolution Protocol RFC 854 Telnet Protocol RFC 1349 Type of Service Protocol RFC 1706 DNS NSAP Resource Records RFC 1889 Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) RFC 1890 Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP) RFC 2030 Simple Network Time Protocol RFC 2104 HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication RFC 2131 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol RFC 2401 Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol RFC 2409 Internet Key Exchange RFC 2475 Architecture for Differentiated Services (Diffserv) RFC 2617 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Authentication: Basic and
RFC 2782 A DNS RR for specifying the location of services (DNS SRV) RFC 2833 Real-time Transport Protocol P ayload for DTMF Digits, Telephony
RFC 2976 The SIP INFO Method RFC 3261 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP version 2) RFC 3262 Reliability of Provisional Responses in the Session Initiation
RFC 3263 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): Locating SIP Servers RFC 3264 An Offer/Answer Model with the Session Description Protocol
RFC 3265 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)-Specific Event Notification RFC 3323 A Privacy Mechanism for SIP RFC 3325 Private Extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for
G.711 fax relay for fax calls and be able to renegotiate codec
to G.711 if a fax call is detected.
any other traffic.
Digest Access Authentication
Tones and Telephony Signals
Protocol (SIP).
Asserted Identity within Trusted Networks
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 20 Product Specifications
Table 69 Standards Supported (continued)
RFC 3550 RTP - A Real Time Protocol for Real-Time Applications RFC 3581 An Extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for
Symmetric Response Routing RFC 3611 RTP Control Protocol Extended Reports (RTCP XR)-XR RFC 3715 IP Sec/NAT Compatibility RFC 3842 A Message Summary and Message Waiting Indication Event
Package for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) IEEE 802.3 10BASE5 10 Mbit/s (1.25 MB/s) IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX, 100BASE-T4, 100BASE-FX Fast Ethernet at 100
Mbit/s (12.5 MB/s) with auto-negotiation
Table 70 Voice Features
Call Park and Pickup
Call park and pickup lets you put a call on hold (park) and then continue the call (pickup). The caller must still pay while the call is parked.
When you park the call, you enter a number of your choice (up to eight digits), which you must enter again when you pick up the call. If you do not enter the correct number, you cannot pickup the call. This means that only someone who knows the number you have chosen can pick up the call.
You can have more than one call on hold at the same time, but you must give each call a different number.
Call Return With call return, you can place a call to the last number that called
you (either answered or missed). The last incoming call can be through either SIP or PSTN.
Country Code Phone standards and settings differ from one country to another, so
the settings on your MAX-207HW2R must be configured to match those of the country you are in. The country code feature allows you to do this by selecting the country from a list rather than changing each setting manually. Configure the country code feature when you move the MAX-2 0 7HW 2R from one c ountry to another.
Do not Disturb (DnD)
Auto Dial You can set the MAX-207HW2R to automatically dial a specified
Phone config The phone configuration table allows you to customize the phone
This feature allows you to set your phone not to ring when someone calls you. You can set each phone independently using its keypad, or configure global settings for all phones using the command line interpreter.
number immediately whenever you lift a phone off the hook. Use the Web Configurator to set the specified number. Use the command line interpreter to have the MAX-207HW2R wait a specified length of time before dialing the number.
keypad combinations you use to access certain features on the MAX­207HW2R, such as call waiting, call return, call forward, etc. The phone configuration table is configurable in command interpreter mode.
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 20 Product Specifications
Table 70 Voice Features
Firmware update enable / disable
Call waiting This feature allows you to hear an alert when you are already using
Call forwarding With this feature, you can set the MAX-207HW2R to forward calls to a
Caller ID The MAX-207HW2R supports caller ID, which allows you to see the
REN A Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) is used to determine the number
QoS (Quality of Service)
SIP ALG Your device is a SIP Application Layer Gateway (ALG). It allows VoIP
Other Voice Features
If your service provider uses this feature, you hear a recorded message when you pick up the phone when new firmware is available for your MAX-207HW2R. Enter *99# in your phone’s keypad to have the MAX-207HW2R upg rade the firmware, or enter #99# to not upgrade. If your service provider gave you different numbers to use, enter them instead. If you enter the code to not upgrade, you can make a call as normal. You will hear the recording again each time you pick up the phone, until you upgrade.
the phone and another person calls you. You can then either reject the new incoming call, put your current call on hold and receive the new incoming call, or end the current call and receive the new incoming call.
specified number, either unconditionally (always), when your number is busy, or when you do not answer. You can also forward incoming calls from one specified number to another.
originating number of an incoming call (on a phone with a suitable display).
of devices (like telephones or fax machines) that may be connected to the telephone line. Your device has a REN of three, so it can support three devices per telephone port.
Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms help to provide better service on a per-flow basis. Your device supports Type of Service (ToS) tagging and Differentiated Services (DiffServ) tagging. This allows the device to tag voice frames so they can be prioritized over the network.
calls to pass through NAT for devices behind it (such as a SIP-based VoIP software application on a computer).
SIP version 2 (Session Initiating Protocol RFC 3261) SDP (Session Description Protocol RFC 2327)
RTP (RFC 1889) RTCP (RFC 1890) Voice codecs (coder/decoders) G.711, G.726, G.729 Fax and data modem discrimination DTMF Detection and Generation DTMF: In-band and Out-band traffic (RFC 2833),(PCM), (SIP INFO) Point-to-point call establishment between two IADs Quick dialing through predefined phone book, which maps the phone
dialing number and destination URL. Flexible Dial Plan (RFC3525 section 7.1.14)
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 20 Product Specifications
Table 71 Star (*) and Pound (#) Code Support
*0 Wireless Operator Services *2 Customer Care Access *66 Repeat Dialing *67 Plus the 10 digit phone number to block Caller ID on a single call
basis *69 Return last call received *70 Followed by the 10 digit phone number to cancel Call Waiting on a
single call basis *72 Activ ate Call Forwarding (*72 followed by the 10 digit phone number
that is requesting call forwarding service) *720 Activate Call Forwarding (*720 followed by the 10 digit phone number
that is requesting deactivation of call forwarding service) *73 Plus the forward to phone number to activate Call Forwarding No
Answer (no VM service plan) *730 Deactivate Call Forwarding No Answer *740 Plus the forward to phone number to activate Call Forwarding Busy
(no VM service plan) *911/911 Emergency phone number (same as dialing 911) *411/411 Wireless Information Services
Note: To take full advantage of the supplementary phone services available through
the MAX-207HW2R's phone port, you may need to subscribe to the services from your voice account service provider.
Not all features are supported by all service providers. Consult your service provider for more information.
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
Chapter 20 Product Specifications
20.1 Wall-Mounting
This section shows you how to mount your MAX-207HW2R on a wall using the ZyXEL Wall-Mounting kit (not included).
20.1.1 The Wall-Mounting Kit
The wall-mounting kit contains the following parts:
12 3
1 Two Mortar Plugs (M4*L30 mm)
2 Two Screws (M4*L30 mm)
3 Wall-Mounting Chassis
If any parts are missing, contact your vendor.
20.1.2 Instructions
To mount the MAX-207HW2R on a wall:
1 Select a position free of obstructions on a sturdy wall.
2 Drill two holes in the wall exactly 70 mm apart. The holes should be 6 mm wide
and at least 30 mm deep.
Be careful to avoid damaging pipes or cables located inside the wall when drilling holes for the screws.
MAX-207HW2R User’s Guide
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