P-660R-Tx v2 Series Support Notes
ZyNOS FAQ.................................................................................................4
1. What is ZyNOS?...................................................................................4
2. How do I access the P-660R-Tx v2 Command Line Interface (CLI)? ...4
3. How do I update the firmware and configuration file?...........................4
4. How do I upgrade/backup the ZyNOS firmware by using TFTP client
program via LAN?.....................................................................................4
5. How do I restore P-660R-Tx v2 configurations by using TFTP client
program via LAN?.....................................................................................4
6. What should I do if I forget the system password? ...............................5
7. How to use the
Reset button?...............................................................5
8. What is SUA? When should I use SUA? ..............................................5
9. What is the difference between SUA and Multi-NAT? ..........................6
10. Is it possible to access a server running behind SUA from the outside
Internet? If possible, how?........................................................................6
11. When do I need Multi-NAT?................................................................6
12. What IP/Port mapping does Multi-NAT support ?...............................6
13. How many network users can the SUA/NAT support? .......................7
14. What are Device filters and Protocol filters?.......................................8
15. How can I protect against IP spoofing attacks?..................................8
General FAQ .............................................................................................10
1. How can I manage P-660R-Tx v2?.....................................................10
2. What is the default password to loging web configurator?..................10
3. How do I know the P-660R-Tx v2's WAN IP address assigned by the
4. What is the micro filter or splitter used for?.........................................10
5. The P-660R-Tx v2 supports Bridge and Router mode, what's the
difference between them? ......................................................................10
6. How do I know I am using PPPoE?....................................................11
7. Why does my provider use PPPoE?...................................................11
8. What is DDNS?...................................................................................11
9. When do I need DDNS service?......................................................... 11
10. What is DDNS wildcard? Does the P-660R-Tx v2 support DDNS
wildcard? ................................................................................................12
11. Can the P-660R-Tx v2's SUA handle IPSec packets sent by the IPSec
gateway? ................................................................................................12
12. How do I setup my P-660R-Tx v2 for routing IPSec packets over SUA?
13. What is Traffic Shaping?...................................................................13
14. What do the parameters (PCR, SCR, MBS) mean?.........................13
15.Why do we perform traffic shaping in the P-660R-Tx v2 ?.................13
ADSL FAQ.................................................................................................14
1. How does ADSL compare to Cable modems?....................................14
2. What is the expected throughput?......................................................14
All contents copyright © 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.