17. What do the ATM QoS Types (CBR, UBR, VBR-nRT, VBR-RT)
mean? .................................................................................................... 17
18. What is content filter? .................................................................... 18
19. What is HomePlug AV? .................................................................. 18
20. What is TR069? ............................................................................... 18
ADSL FAQ ................................................................................................. 19
1. How does ADSL compare to Cable modems? ............................... 19
2. What is the expected throughput? .................................................. 19
3. What is the microfilter used for? ..................................................... 19
4. How do I know the ADSL line is up? ............................................... 19
5. How does the P-660HWP-Dx work on a noisy ADSL? ................... 19
6. Does the VC-based multiplexing perform better than the
LLC-based multiplexing? ..................................................................... 20
7. How do I know the details of my ADSL line statistics? ................. 20
8. What are the signaling pins of the ADSL connector? ................... 20
9. What is triple play? ........................................................................... 20
HPAV FAQ ................................................................................................. 22
1. Can I deploy P-660HWP-Dx in both 100V region like Japan or 230V
region like UK?. .................................................................................... 22
2. Will P-660HWP-Dx damage or influence any home appliances and
other electronics devices?................................................................... 22
3. What is the maximum speed of P-660HWP-Dx? ............................ 22
4. ZyXEL P-660HWP-Dx can use the existing electrical wiring as
media to transfer data. So does it work even power is out? ............. 22
5. Why sometimes the performance of P-660HWP-Dx is not so good?
................................................................................................................ 22
6. Is the ZyXEL P-660HWP-Dx communication secured? ................. 22
7. How can I achieve the best performance of my PowerLine devices?
................................................................................................................ 22
8. As to ZyXEL P-660HWP-Dx, will the powerline signal pass between
houses? ................................................................................................. 23
9. What is the maximum area that P-660HWP-Dx can cover? ........... 23
General ...................................................................................................... 24
1. What is a network firewall? .............................................................. 24
2. What makes P-660HWP-Dx secure? ............................................... 24
3. What are the basic types of firewalls? ............................................ 24
4. What kind of firewall is the P-660HWP-Dx? .................................... 25
5. Why do you need a firewall when your router has packet filtering
and NAT built-in? .................................................................................. 25
6. What is Denials of Service (DoS) attack? ....................................... 26
7. What is Ping of Death attack? ......................................................... 26
8. What is Teardrop attack? ................................................................. 26
9. What is SYN Flood attack? .............................................................. 26
10. What is LAND attack?..................................................................... 27