Cost-effective High-Speed Wireless
ADSL2+ Gateway for SOHO Networks
ADSL2/ADSL2+ High-speed Internet Access
Wireless g+ SuperSpeed Offers the Optimal 802.11g
Wireless Range and Performance of Data Rates up to
125 Mbps
Zero Configuration Technology Automatically Connects
to Your Internet Services
Firewall with Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) and
Denial of Service (DoS) Prevention
Higher Speed Internet Access and Wider-range Wireless
LAN Connectivity
ZyXEL P-660HW Series is an all-in-one affordable router, compatible with
high-speed ADSL, ADSL2 and ADSL2+ interfaces over existing copper lines.
With speed up to 12 Mbps (ADSL2) or 24 Mbps (ADSL2+), the P-660HW
Series offers higher data transfer rates and better bandwidth than traditional
ADSL gateways. With ZyXEL’s Wireless g+ SuperSpeed technology,
the P-660HW Series delivers unbeatable wireless transmission speeds at up
to 125 Mbps*. This makes the P-660HW Series your first choice in expanding
your network reach.
Zero Configuration Technology
With Zero Configuration technology, the P-660HW Series installation is quick
and simple, allowing users to hook up a DSL connection without hassle.
802.11g Wireless ADSL2+
4-port Gateway
p-660hw series
Media Bandwidth Management (MBM™) Quality of
Service (QoS)
The P-660HW Series enables network administrators to allocate network
resources and to guarantee Quality of Service (QoS). The Media Bandwidth
Management (MBM) function prioritizes media services, and increases
productivity and efficiency in daily operations by tailoring a system to
specific demands such as VoIP, video streaming, video-conferencing or MP3
Easy Setup with Multimedia Auto Provisioner Express
(MAP Express)
The MAP Express mechanism offers the P-660HW Series a friendly and quick
installation GUI. With ZyXEL’s “MAP Express Install 1-2-3” installation guide,
the configuration can be done in a snap, and its rich audio and visual aids
are even fun to use.
*125 Mbps, as opposed to the standard 54 Mbps speed of 802.11g and 11 Mbps of 802.11b, actual performance may vary
depends on real environment.

802.11g Wireless ADSL2+ 4-port Gateway
ADSL Compliance
ANSI T1.413 I
ITU G.992.1 G.dmt
ITU G.992.2 G.lit
e 2
1 G
ATM Support
AM Cell
Firewall Security
Routing Support
IP Policy Rout
Application Diagram
IP Management
UA/Multi-NAT Internet Sharin
Multimedia Suppor
VPN (IPSec, PPTP) Pass-throu
DHCP Server/Relay/Clien
DNS Prox
Dynamic DNS
UPnP Support
Network Management
Web-based Configuratio
Telnet Remote Managemen
FTP/TFTP for Firmware Upgrade and Romfile
up and Restore
NMP Suppor
Built-in Diagnostic Too
WLAN Features
02.11g Compliance Speed Up to 54 Mbp
omply with 802.11b
64/128/256 Bits WEP Encryption
Dynamic WEP Key
1x Port-
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), WPA
External RADIUS Server Support
MAC Address Filterin
WMM (Wi-Fi Media Management) Support
Advanced Features
ero Configuration
Traffic Redirec
Media Bandwidth Management (MBM)
ne Touch Intelligent Security Technology
Multimedia Auto Provisioner (MAP
Hardware Specifications
• ADSL: One RJ-11 or RJ-45 Port
• LAN: 4-port Switch, 10/100M Auto MDI/MDIX
• Reset Button
• Status LEDs Indicator
• Power: 12 V AC 1 A
• Fixed Antenna
Physical Specifications
• Dimensions: 180 (W ) x 128 (D) x 36 (H) mm
• Weight: 325 g
Environmental Specifications
Operation Environment
• Temperature: 0°C ~ 40°C
• Humidity: 20% ~ 85% (non-condensing)
Storage Environment
• Temperature: -20°C ~ 60°C
• Humidity: 20% ~ 90% (non-condensing)
Product Description
Gateway over POTS
P-660HW-T3 802.11g Wireless ADSL2+ 4-port
Gateway over ISDN/U-R2
P-660HW-T1 v2 802.11g Wireless ADSL2+ 4-port
Gateway over POTS
P-660HW-T3 v2 802.11g Wireless ADSL2+ 4-port
Gateway over ISDN/U-R2
P-660HW-D1** 802.11g Wireless ADSL2+ 4-port
Gateway over POTS
P-660HW-D3** 802.11g Wireless ADSL2+ 4-port
Gateway over ISDN/U-R2
P-660HW-D1 v2 802.11g Wireless ADSL2+ 4-port
Gateway over POTS
P-660HW-D3 v2 802.11g Wireless ADSL2+ 4-port
Gateway over ISDN/U-R2
** When the Wireless g+ SuperSpeed technology is enabled, the theoretical
data rate can reach up to 125 Mbps among Wireless g+ SuperSpeedenabled access points and clients. Actual performance may vary
depending on different operating environments.
802.11g Wireless ADSL2+ 4-port
For more product information, visit us on the web www.ZyXEL.com
nternet Gamin
TP Traffi
Mission Critical Traffic
Normal Traffic
HW Serie
Low Priority Traffic
ireless Car
Wireless PCI Adapter
Copyright © 2007 ZyXEL Communications Corp. All rights reserved. ZyXEL, ZyXEL logo are registered trademarks of ZyXEL Communications Corp. All other brands,
product names, or trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Wireless USB Adapter
2 Mbps
1 Mbps
0.5 Mbps
65-100-006606G 03/07