P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
Which Internet Applications can I use with the P-2024? ............................. 29
How can I configure the P-2024? ................................................................ 29
What network interface does the P-2024 support? ...................................... 29
What can I do with the P-2024? ................................................................... 29
Does the P-2024 support dynamic IP addressing? ....................................... 29
What is the difference between the internal IP and the real IP from my ISP?
...................................................................................................................... 29
How does e-mail work through the P-2024? ............................................... 30
What is the difference between the 'Standard' and 'RoadRunner' service? .. 30
Is it possible to access a server running behind SUA from the outside
Internet? If possible, how? ........................................................................... 30
What DHCP capability does the P-2024 support? ....................................... 30
How do I use the reset button? And which parameter will be reset by the
reset button? ................................................................................................. 31
What network interface does the new P-2024 series support? .................... 31
Does the P-2024 support TFTP? .................................................................. 31
Does the P-2024 support TFTP over WAN? ................................................ 31
How fast is the DSL connection? ................................................................. 31
My P-2024 cannot obtain a WAN IP address from the ISP to connect to the
Internet, what should I do? ........................................................................... 32
What is DDNS? ............................................................................................ 35
When do I need the DDNS service? ............................................................ 35
What DDNS servers does the P-2024 support? ........................................... 35
What is DDNS wildcard? ............................................................................. 36
Does the P-2024 support DDNS wildcard? ................................................. 36
VoIP FAQ .............................................................................................................37
What is Voice over IP? ................................................................................. 37
How does Voice over IP work? .................................................................... 37
Why use V oIP? ............................................................................................. 37
In addition, it would take a much longer time, more effort and money to
implement new features using circuit switching. Since the IP technology is
a standard and various applications are available, it is easier and more
cost-effective to integrate new services and applications using IP. ............. 37
What is the relationship between codec and VoIP? ..................................... 37
What advantage does Voice over IP provide? .............................................. 38
What is the difference between H.323 and SIP? .......................................... 38
Can H.323 and SIP interoperate with each other? ....................................... 38