ZyXEL P-2024 Support Notes

Support Notes
Version 3.60
Jul. 2007
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
Application Notes ......................................................................................................... 5
General Application Notes .....................................................................................5
Internet Connection ........................................................................................ 5
Using Dynamic DNS (DDNS) ..................................................................... 12
Using syslog ................................................................................................. 14
VoIP Application Notes ........................................................................................18
SIP Account Setup ....................................................................................... 18
Advanced Phone port settings ...................................................................... 22
F AQ ............................................................................................................................. 24
ZyNOS FAQ ........................................................................................................24
What is ZyNOS? .......................................................................................... 24
How to access the embedded web configurator? ......................................... 24
What is the default LAN IP address and password? And, how do I change
it?.................................................................................................................. 24
How do I upload the firmware via the web configurator? ........................... 24
How do I upgrade/back up the firmware using an FTP client program
through the LAN? ........................................................................................ 25
How do I upload or back up the configuration file (the ROM file) via the
web configurator? ........................................................................................ 25
How do I back up/restore configurations using an FTP client program
through the LAN? ........................................................................................ 26
Why can't I telnet into P-2024 from the WAN? ........................................... 26
What should I do if I forget the system password? ...................................... 26
What is SUA? When should I use SUA? ..................................................... 26
What is the difference between NAT and SUA? .......................................... 27
How many network users does SUA/NAT support? .................................... 27
What are Device and Protocol filters? ......................................................... 27
Why can't I configure device or protocol filters? ........................................ 28
Product FAQ ........................................................................................................28
Will the P-2024 work with my Internet connection? ................................... 28
What do I need to use the P-2024? .............................................................. 28
What is PPPoE? ........................................................................................... 28
Does the P-2024 support PPPoE? ................................................................ 28
How do I know I am using PPPoE? ............................................................. 28
Why does my provider use PPPoE?............................................................. 29
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
Which Internet Applications can I use with the P-2024? ............................. 29
How can I configure the P-2024? ................................................................ 29
What network interface does the P-2024 support? ...................................... 29
What can I do with the P-2024? ................................................................... 29
Does the P-2024 support dynamic IP addressing? ....................................... 29
What is the difference between the internal IP and the real IP from my ISP?
...................................................................................................................... 29
How does e-mail work through the P-2024? ............................................... 30
What is the difference between the 'Standard' and 'RoadRunner' service? .. 30 Is it possible to access a server running behind SUA from the outside
Internet? If possible, how? ........................................................................... 30
What DHCP capability does the P-2024 support? ....................................... 30
How do I use the reset button? And which parameter will be reset by the
reset button? ................................................................................................. 31
What network interface does the new P-2024 series support? .................... 31
Does the P-2024 support TFTP? .................................................................. 31
Does the P-2024 support TFTP over WAN? ................................................ 31
How fast is the DSL connection? ................................................................. 31
My P-2024 cannot obtain a WAN IP address from the ISP to connect to the
Internet, what should I do? ........................................................................... 32
What is DDNS? ............................................................................................ 35
When do I need the DDNS service? ............................................................ 35
What DDNS servers does the P-2024 support? ........................................... 35
What is DDNS wildcard? ............................................................................. 36
Does the P-2024 support DDNS wildcard? ................................................. 36
VoIP FAQ .............................................................................................................37
What is Voice over IP? ................................................................................. 37
How does Voice over IP work? .................................................................... 37
Why use V oIP? ............................................................................................. 37
In addition, it would take a much longer time, more effort and money to implement new features using circuit switching. Since the IP technology is a standard and various applications are available, it is easier and more
cost-effective to integrate new services and applications using IP. ............. 37
What is the relationship between codec and VoIP? ..................................... 37
What advantage does Voice over IP provide? .............................................. 38
What is the difference between H.323 and SIP? .......................................... 38
Can H.323 and SIP interoperate with each other? ....................................... 38
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
What is voice quality? .................................................................................. 38
How are voice quality normally rated? ........................................................ 38
What is codec? ............................................................................................. 38
What is the relationship between codec and VoIP? ..................................... 39
What codec types does P-2024 support? ..................................................... 39
Which codec should I choose? ..................................................................... 39
What do I need in order to use SIP? ............................................................ 39
I am unable to register to a SIP server ......................................................... 40
I can register to the SIP server but cannot establish a call ........................... 40
I can make or receive a call but the voice traffic only goes one way, not
both way ....................................................................................................... 40
I have tried all the troubleshooting steps, but still cannot register to the SIP
server. What should I do next? ..................................................................... 40
What should I do if there may be a hardware problem with my P-2024? ... 41
Trouble Shooting ........................................................................................................ 41
Unable to Get WAN IP from ISP .........................................................................41
Using Embedded Packet Trace ............................................................................45
Debugging PPPoE Connection ............................................................................59
CLI Command List .................................................................................................... 70
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
Application Notes
General Application Notes
Internet Connection
The following figures show a typical Internet access application using the P-2024. Before accessing the Internet in an office environment, you must configure the P-2024 as outlined below.
Before you begin
Setting up Your Windows Computer
Setting up the P-2024
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
Before you begin
The following lists the default settings on the P-2024.
1. IP address =, subnet mask = (24 bits)
2. Default SMT menu password = 1234
Setting up your Windows computer(s)
1. Ethernet connection
Your computer(s) must have an Ethernet card installed.
If you have only one computer, connect the computer to the LAN port on the P-2024 using a
crossover Ethernet cable (red).
If you have more than one computer, you must use a hub or switch to connect the computers to the
LAN port on the P-2024 using a straight-though Ethernet cable.
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
2. TCP/IP Installation
You must first install TCP/IP software on each computer before you can use it for Internet access. If you have already installed TCP/IP, go to the next section to configure it; otherwise, follow these steps to install the software:
In the Control Panel/Network window, click Add button.
In the Select Network Component Type window, select Protocol and click Add.
In the Select Network Protocol window, select Microsoft and then select TCP/IP from the
Network Protocols field and click OK.
3. TCP/IP Configuration
Follow these steps to configure Windows TCP/IP:
In the Control Panel/Network window, select TCP/IP and click Properties.
In the TCP/IP Properties window, select obtain an IP address automatically.
Note: Do not assign arbitrary IP address and subnet mask to your computer(s). Otherwise, you will not be able to access the Internet.
Click the WINS configuration tab and select Disable WINS Resolution.
Click the Gateway tab. Select any installed gateways and click the Remove button until there is
none listed.
Click the DNS Configuration tab and select Disable DNS.
Click OK to save and close the TCP/IP properties window
Click OK to close the Network window. You will be prompted to insert your Windows CD or disk.
When the drivers are updated, you will be asked if you want to restart the computer. Make sure your P-2024 is turned on before clicking Yes. Repeat the above steps for each Windows computer on your network.
Setting up the P-2024
If you have a Single User Account (SUA), follow the procedure to configure the P-2024. You can use a web browser (such as IE) to access the embedded web server on the P-2024 for device management. Before you can log into the web management interface, make sure that there is no one logging into the P-2024 through Telnet or the console port.
1. Accessing the P-2024 Web Management Interface
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
Open your web browser (such as IE) and enter the LAN IP address of the P-2024 in the Address field. The default LAN IP of the P-2024 is Note that you can either enter or (for secure login).
2. First Login
A login screen displays. Enter the password and press Login. The default password is '1234' which is the same as the one you use to log into the SMT.
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
3. Use the WIZARD SETUP screens to configure Internet access settings on the P-2024.
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
The Internet access configuration screen varies depending on the Internet connection type you select. The following figure shows an example screen for PPPoE connection type.
In the next wizard screen, select Get dynamically from your ISP if the ISP assigns you an IP address dynamically, otherwise select Use Fixed IP address and enter the static IP address given by ISP in the MY
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
WAN IP Address field.
Using Dynamic DNS (DDNS)
1. What is DDNS?
A DNS (Domain Name Service) server stores the mappings of IP address and domain names. For example, when users enters a web site address (the domain name), the DNS server automatically maps the web site address to a public IP address and redirects the request to the intended web server.
Without DNS, users have to enter the IP address of the web server in order to access the web sites. This is very inconvenient and not user-friendly as users have to remember the IP addresses of the web sites.
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
However, if the web server is located behind the P-2024 which is using a dynamic WAN IP address, a fixed mapping cannot be stored in the DNS server database since the WAN IP address changes. Thus Dynamic DNS (DDNS) is used to solve this problem. For example, if you have hosted a web site (say www.zyxel.com) on a server behind the P-2024 which is assigned a dynamic WAN IP address from the ISP, users can still access the web site from the WAN when you have set up the DDNS settings. With DDNS, users can always access a web site regardless of the WAN IP address on the P-2024.
When the ISP assigns the P-2024 a new WAN IP address, the P-2024 sends this information to the DDNS server which updates the IP-to-DNS mapping. Once the mapping is updated, outside users can still access the web site hosted on an internal server behind the P-2024.
You must register an account with a DDNS service provider. The DDNS server saves the password-protected e-mail address with the IP addresses and host names. Queries are serviced based on the e-mail addresses. Thus you must set the same e-mail address you used for DDNS in the P-2024 SMT menu 1.
Currently, the P-2024 supports WWW.DYNDNS.ORG for the DDNS service. The following describes the setup procedure.
Register an access with WWW.DYNDNS.ORG DDNS service provider. You will be provided
with a hostname for the internal server and a password for the IP address update on the DDNS server.
Configure the DDNS settings on the P-2024. Log into the WEB GUI on the P-2024 and click
Maintenance > System > Dynamic DNS to display the configuration screen as shown.
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
Field Settings for DDNS:
Option Description
Service Provider
Enter the DDNS server in this field. Currently the P-2024 supports
Enter the hostname given by the DDNS service provider. For example, zyxel.com.tw.
Enter the user name that the DDNS service provider gives to your.
Enter the password that the DDNS service provider gives to you.
Enable Wildcard
Enter the hostname for the wildcard function that the WWW.DYNDNS.ORG supports. Note that the Wildcard option is available from the
WWW.DYNDNS.ORG DDNS service provider.
Using syslog
4. P-2024 Setup
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
1. Active: Select this check box to enable syslog logging.
2. Syslog IP Address: Enter the IP address of the syslog server that you wish to send the syslog.
3. Log Facility: Select a log location (numbered 1 to 7).
UNIX Setup
1. Make sure that you start syslogd with the -r argument.
allows the syslog facility to receive messages from the network using an Internet domain socket with the
syslog services. The default setting is NOT enabled.
2.Add the following commands at the end of the /etc/syslog.conf file.
local1.* /var/log/zyxel.log
Where /var/log/zyxel.log is the full path of the log file.
3. Restart syslogd.
CDR log(call messages)
sdcmdSyslogSend( SYSLOG_CDR, SYSLOG_INFO, String ); String = board xx line xx channel xx, call xx, str board = the hardware board ID line = the WAN ID in a board channel = channel ID within the WAN call = the call reference number which starts from 1 and increments by 1 for each new call str = C01 Outgoing Call dev xx ch xx (dev:device No. ch:channel No.) C01 Incoming Call xxxxBps xxxxx (L2TP,xxxxx is the Remote Call ID) C01 Incoming Call xxxx (the connected speed) xxxxx (the Remote Call ID)
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
L02 Tunnel Connected(L2TP) C02 OutCall Connected xxxx (the connected speed) xxxxx (the Remote Call ID) C02 CLID call refused L02 Call Terminated C02 Call Terminated
Feb 14 16:57:17 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: board 0 line 0 channel 0, call 18, C01 Incomin
Call OK
Feb 14 17:07:18 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: board 0 line 0 channel 0, call 18, C02 Call Terminated
Packet triggered log
sdcmdSyslogSend( SYSLOG_PKTTRI, SYSLOG_NOTICE, String ); String = Packet trigger: Protocol=xx Data=xxxxxxxxxx Protocol: (1:IP 2:IPX 3:IPXHC 4:BPDU 5:ATALK 6:IPNG) Data: We will send48 hexadecimal characters to the server
Jul 19 11:28:39 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: Packet Trigger: Protocol=1,
Jul 19 11:28:56 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: Packet Trigger: Protocol=1,
Filter log
This message is available when the 'Log' is enabled in the filter rule setting. The message consists of the packet header and the filter rules log contents.
sdcmdSyslogSend(SYSLOG_FILLOG, SYSLOG_NOTICE, String ); String = IP[Src=xx.xx.xx.xx Dst=xx.xx.xx.xx prot spo=xxxx dpo=xxxx]S04>R01mD
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
IP[...] is the packet header and S04>R01mD means filter set 4 (S) and rule 1 (R), match (m) drop (D). Src: Source Address Dst: Destination Address prot: Protocol (TCP,UDP,ICMP) spo: Source port dpo: Destination port
Jul 19 14:44:09 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: IP[Src= Dst= UDP
spo=0035 dpo=05d4]}S03>R01mF
Jul 19 14:44:13 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: IP[Src= Dst=
sdcmdSyslogSend( SYSLOG_PPPLOG, SYSLOG_NOTICE, String ); String = ppp:Proto Starting / ppp:Proto Opening / ppp:Proto Closing / ppp:Proto Shutdown Proto = LCP / ATCP / BACP / BCP / CBCP / CCP / CHAP/ PAP / IPCP /IPXCP
Jul 19 11:43:25 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: ppp:LCP Starting
Jul 19 11:43:29 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: ppp:IPCP Starting
Jul 19 11:43:34 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: ppp:CCP Starting
Jul 19 11:43:38 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: ppp:BACP Starting
Jul 19 11:43:43 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: ppp:IPCP Opening
Jul 19 11:43:51 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: ppp:CCP Opening
Jul 19 11:43:55 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: ppp:BACP Opening
Jul 19 11:44:00 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: ppp:LCP Closing
Jul 19 11:44:05 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: ppp:IPCP Closing
Jul 19 11:44:09 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: ppp:CCP Closing
Jul 19 11:44:14 ZyXEL Communications Corp.: ppp:BACP Closing
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
VoIP Application Notes
SIP Account Setup
VoIP is the sending of voice signals over the Internet Protocol. This allows you to make phone calls and send faxes over the Internet at a fraction of the cost of using the traditional circuit-switched telephone network.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an application-layer control (signaling) protocol that handles the setting up, altering and tearing down of voice and multimedia sessions over the Internet. SIP signaling is separate from the media for which it handles sessions. The media that is exchanged during the session can use a different path from that of the signaling. SIP handles telephone calls and can interface with traditional circuit-switched telephone networks.
The P-2024 supports up to two SIP accounts simultaneously. Follow the procedure below to configure SIP accounts on the device.
Note: You should have a voice account already set up and have VoIP information from your VoIP service
provider prior to configuring a SIP account on the P-2024.
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
After you have obtained the account information your ITSP provider provided, you can start configuring the SIP account.
Step 1. Log into the web configurator on the P-2024. Open a web browser and enter the management IP address (the default is as the URL.
Step 2. A login screen displays. Enter the administrative login password (the default is 1234).
Step 3. In the main menu, click VoIP > SIP to display the SIP Settings screen. In the SIP Account drop-down list box, select a SIP account you want to configure.
Step 4. Select Activate SIP Account to enable this account and set the account information (such as SIP number, SIP local port, SIP server address, SIP server port, Register server port, Register server address, SIP service domain) in the fields below. Your ISP should provide you with the account information.
Step 5. Under Authentication, enter the account user name and password exactly as given by your ISP.
Step 6. Under SIP Settings, select Send Caller ID if you want to send the caller ID. Otherwise, clear the check box.
Step 7. You associate the SIP account to a specified phone port on the ZyXEL device. This allows you to set which phone(s) to use (ring) when an incoming call is received. In the WEB GUI, click VoIP > Phone to display the Analog Phone screen. Select a phone index number in the Phone Port Settings field and select which SIP account to use in the Outgoing Call Use section.
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
Step 8. Click on Apply to save the changes and make the settings take effect. If you want to configure the second SIP account, select SIP2 in the SIP Account field and follow steps 1 – 7.
Note: If you associate both phone ports are associated with both SIP accounts, you cannot identify which
account's incoming call is received.
The following table describes the screen labels.
Label Description
SIP Account
You can configure the P-2024 to use multiple SIP accounts. Select one to configure its settings on the P-2024.
SIP Number
A SIP account's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) identifies the SIP account in a way similar to the way an e-mail address identifies an e-mail account. It is also known as a SIP identity or address. The format of a SIP identity is SIP-Number@SIP-Srevice-Domain.
SIP number is the part of the SIP URI that comes before the "@" symbol. Enter your SIP number in this field. You can use up to 31 ASCII characters.
SIP Local Port
Use this field to configure the P-2024’s listening port for SIP. Leave this field set to the default if you were not given a local port number for SIP.
P-2024 Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
SIP Server Address
Type the IP address of the SIP server in this field.
SIP Server Port
Enter the SIP server’s listening port for SIP in this field. Leave this field set to the default if your VoIP service provider did not give you a local port number for SIP.
REGISTER Server Address
A SIP register server maintains a database of SIP identity-to-IP address (or domain name) mapping. The register server checks your user name and password when you register.
Enter the SIP register server’s address in this field.
If you were not given a register server address, then enter the address from the SIP Server Address field again here.
REGISTER Server Port
Enter the SIP register server’s listening port for SIP in this field.
If you were not given a register server port, then enter the port from the SIP Server Port field again here.
SIP Service Domain
SIP service domain is the domain name that comes after the @ symbol in a full SIP URI.
Enter the SIP service domain name in this field. You can use up to 127 ASCII Extended set characters.
Authentication User ID
This is the user name for registering this SIP account with the SIP register server. Type the user name exactly as it was given to you. Use
Authentication Password
Type the password associated with the user name above. Use ASCII Extended set characters.
Block Caller ID
Select this check box to not show identification information when you make VoIP calls. Clear this check box to show identification information when you make VoIP calls.
Apply to
Phone 1 and Phone 2 correspond to the P-2024’s physical PHONE 1 and 2 ports, respectively. Select whether you want to receive calls for this SIP
account on Phone 1, Phone 2 or both. If you select both, you will not know which SIP account a call is coming in on.
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