Copyright © 2012 ZTE CORPORATION.
All rights reserved.
No part of this publicat ion may b e quoted, re produced,
translated or used in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanic al, inc l udi ng p hot oc op yi ng and m ic rof i lm, with o ut the
prior written permission of ZTE Corporation.
ZTE Corporation reserves the right to make modifications on print
errors or update specifications in this guide without prior notice.
The Bluetooth
SIG, Inc. and any use o f s uch tradem arks by ZTE Corporatio n is
under license. Other trademarks and trade names are the
property of their respective owners.
This product supports expandable memory up to 32GB
microSD(HC) card as an optional accessory. External memory
card is not included in the box.
The microSD logo is a tra demark of th e SD Card
V1.4 April 2013
This pro duct is user -upgradeable. Please check for updates
zte.com.au or call the service hotline for more technical
trademark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth